by Canadagal



Johnny and Roy had a very steady morning.  They had run after run of simple calls, none of them were too serious, they were just steady enough to keep them away from the station for a long time.


Hank Stanley was in the office going over the weekly reports, shaking his head in frustration.  “I’m so sick of looking at paper work,” he cursed out loud. 


Mike Stoker was polishing the engine, his pride and joy.  He liked Big Red to reflect the pride he felt towards it, so he took great care to keep her in pristine condition.


Chet and Marco were out back hanging hose.  The engine had only been called  out once that morning, for a simple trash fire.


Idle hands were not a good thing around Chet.  He was in his glory, slipping away often to set up a few well timed water bombs and an assortment of other simple, but equally annoying pranks.


The door of the station opened and a visitor broke the monotony of the day for Hank.


“Good Morning Captain,” Laurie Gage said pleasantly as she walked into the station.


“Good Morning Laurie.  What brings you by today?” he asked warmly.


“I forgot to get Johnny’s insurance card from him this morning, and I need it for my registration papers at the hospital today.  The doctor said on my next visit I have to complete the paper work because the baby could come any time in the next three weeks,” she said smiling.


“Well John usually keeps his wallet in his locker, you are welcome to check and see if its in there.  What time is your appointment today?”  Hank asked.


“My appointment is at 1:15,” Laurie said, looking at her watch.


“Would you like to join me for a cup of tea or something  before you head off, ” Hank asked, looking for an excuse to get out from under the paperwork avalanche.


“Sure Captain, that would be nice.  Let me grab that card out of Johnny’s locker and I will join you in just a minute,” she said heading off to the locker room.


Hank smiled, as he watched Johnny’s wife walk to the locker room.  I remember Elaine when she was that far along with our girls,  was a great time. He thought to himself.


Laurie went into the locker room and grabbed the handle to Johnny’s locker.  As she opened it she was startled to see a firing mechanism shoot some unknown powder in her face.


She gasped as the powdery substance suddenly took her breath away.   She struggled to catch her breath for a few moments as she stumbled back.  Her eyes focused on the Smokey the bear poster that her husband had hung on the inside of his locker. She slid to the floor and soon her world went black.


Hank was in the kitchen waiting for Laurie to come in.  He had put the kettle on for the tea.  He sat down to read the paper.  She probably stopped to use the washroom.  Goodness knows pregnant women use that room a lot, Hank chuckled to himself.


He waited a couple more minutes and then headed to the locker room, thinking she was having trouble remembering which locker was Johnny’s.


As he opened the door to the locker room, he was shocked to find Laurie lying motionless on the floor.


“Mike get in here,” he yelled quickly.


In less than 30 seconds Mike Stoker had jumped down from the engine and bound through the locker room door.


“Oh my god what happened Cap?” he said kneeling down beside Laurie.  He put his hand on her chest to feel for her respiration.


“She is barely breathing,” he said quickly.


“I’m going to call it in.  Be right back,” Cap said running from the room.


Mike started to perform Mouth to Mouth on Laurie, trying to force air into her oxygen deprived body.


Hank ran to the mic and called into dispatch, “This is Station 51, we have a Silent Alarm, dispatch a squad and an ambulance at this location,” he said, quickly as he turned to grab the oxygen off the engine.


“Marco, Chet get in here,” he yelled out the back apparatus door, as he jogged back to the locker room.


Johnny and Roy had just finished up their last run and were on their way back to the station.  The radio beeped on them.

 “Squad 51,  Silent Alarm at Station 51. repeat Silent Alarm at Station 51, time out 12:30


“10-4” Squad 51,”  Johnny replied anxiously,  as they headed back to the station, lights and sirens blaring.


Johnny and Roy just looked at each other, not sure what could have happened at the station to call them back Code R.


At the station, Hank had returned to the locker room with the small respirator from the engine.  They had placed it on Laurie’s face, trying to get some air into her.


“What the hell happened?” Hank asked, looking around.  “She was fine 10 minutes ago when she walked in”


Chet and Marco ran into the room, just after they heard their captain call to them.


“What’s up Cap?”  Marco asked, but quickly stopped his question, as he saw Laurie lying on the ground with the oxygen mask on her face.


“Oh Dear God, what happened?” Marco asked.


“Not sure.  She came in here to grab something out of Johnny’s locker and a few minutes later I found her like this,” Cap explained.


Mike was still bent over Laurie, trying to force air into her lungs.  She was wheezing loudly.  It was obvious to everyone that she was having a great deal of difficulty breathing.


“What did you say she was doing in here?” Chet rasped out


Just then the sound of the siren from the squad could be heard approaching. 


“Chet, get out there and bring Roy and John in here.  Tell them to bring their gear with them.  Hurry,” Cap snapped.


Chet spun on his heels and ran back out the locker  room door to the apparatus bay.  Roy had just driven straight into the bay, not bothering to back in.  Chet reached them as they were jumping out of the squad.


“Who’s hurt?” Roy asked quickly.


“You two better grab your gear and get into the locker room,” was all Chet said.


“Chet who is it?” Johnny demanded to know as he threw open the squad compartments quickly.


Chet caught Roy’s eyes as he said, “it’s Laurie”


“What?” Johnny exclaimed as he pushed past Chet and barreled into the locker room.  He saw Mike bent down beside his wife, holding the respirator from the engine on her face.


Johnny paled. He took over from Mike and was forcing air into her lungs.  He could hear the wheezing over the sound of the respirator. Roy had followed right behind him and dropped to his knees quickly, beside Laurie’s still body. 


“What happened?” Roy asked, as he started to assess her.


“I have no idea,” Cap said, shaking his head. “She was grabbing John’s insurance card out of his locker.   Nothing more,” he explained. “It seemed to be taking her a long time so I came in here, and this is how I found her.  She was lying still on the ground, having a lot of trouble breathing, ” Cap finished.


Roy had, by this time, taken her vitals and was looking for an apparent cause of the breathing problem.


He noticed a powdery residue on her blouse.  “What is this stuff?” he asked, running it though his fingers.  He held it up to his face, and immediately started to sneeze.  The realization of what it was became very apparent.


All eyes whirled to face Chet who had suddenly turned ashen.


“We can’t worry about it right now,” Roy snapped.  “We need to take care of Laurie first”


“Rampart this is Squad 51,” Roy called over the biophone.


“Come in 51,” came the steady,  calm voice of Dr. Brackett.


“Rampart we have a female, age 26.  She is unconscious..  She has been unconscious for approximately, 5-7 minutes.  She has aspirated on sneezing powder.  She has rales on both sides.  The vitals are BP 90/50, pulse is 130 and weak, respiration is 6.  We have her on 10 liters oxygen,.” Roy relayed.


“51 start an IV- D5W-TKO.  Administer 1mg epinephrine and repeat vitals in 3 minutes,”   Dr. Brackett said.


“Rampart, delay in those orders, the patient is 8 months pregnant, ” Roy said back quickly.


Kel looked at Dixie. “Damn,” he swore. “This is going to complicate things immensely,” he said.


“51 we need to get that air way open.  Start an esophageal airway.  See if you can get any air moving that way.  We will stand by.”


Roy quickly grabbed the necessary equipment.  He looked into his partners eyes, seeing the fear that was engulfing them. 


He struggled to get the air way in but finally it was in place.   He checked the placement of the tube and found it to be in the correct place.


Johnny kept whispering to his wife, “come on sweetie, breathe, that baby and I need you to breathe”


“Rampart patient is still barely passing air,” Roy said, worriedly. 


“10-4 , 51.  The decision of whether to administer the Epi has to be made by the nearest  relative.  Is there a relative standing by that I can explain this to?” Brackett asked quickly.


Roy handed the biophone to Johnny.


“Doc, Johnny here.  Explain it to me,” he said, trying to keep his voice from cracking. 


“Johnny it’s better if I explain it to the relative directly,” Brackett said.


Johnny paused for a second, “You are doc.  The patient’s my wife,” he said quietly.


Brackett was thrown for a moment by Johnny’s revelation, but realized there was no time for personal feelings at this moment.


“Johnny it’s simple as this.  The Epi will open Laurie’s breathing passages, and help her breathe better, if we don’t get it into her, she is going to go into respiratory arrest any minute” he began  “but the baby can be harmed by epi.  The risks are great for the drug harming the child,” Brackett concluded. “I can’t make this decision, you are going to have to,” he said.


Johnny looked at Roy, “What do I do?” he asked, looking around, and then down at his wife’s still body.  Mike,  she’s your sister, what should I do?”  he asked.



Mike shook his head, not knowing what to say.  “Johnny you have to make this decision.  That’s your baby she’s carrying, and she’s your wife.” Mike replied softly.


Johnny put his hand on his wife’s very pregnant stomach and caught his breath. 


“What would Laurie want you to do?”  Roy asked quietly.


Johnny only paused for a minute then grabbed the biophone.


“No epi doc, let’s get her to you as fast as we can.” Johnny said, as tears ran down his cheek.  “Son of a bitch, Laurie would say, baby first,” He continued to watch his wife struggle to breathe, hoping he had made the right decision.


“Johnny we’ll be standing by.  Ob is waiting.  We’ll  get the baby out and do our best.  Get her in here as quick as you can. “ Brackett said.


Just a minute later, Mike was leading the ambulance into the locker room.  They quickly loaded Laurie onto the stretcher.  Both Johnny and Roy were going to ride in the ambulance with her.


Cap turned to Chet and said, “Chet you bring in the squad.”


Johnny heard his captain’s words and turned around .  “If he shows up at the hospital I will kill the son of a bitch,” Johnny said seething, as he ran out the door with the stretcher.


Mike spoke up, “I’ll take in the squad.   I need to be at the hospital too” he said, running through the doors.


The ambulance ride to the hospital was pure hell for Johnny. 


Laurie continued to struggled to breathe as Johnny kept up a running dialogue with her.  He didn’t know if she could hear her or not but he had to keep trying.


Finally the ambulance arrived at the hospital.


Johnny’s wife was whisked into the waiting treatment room.  He followed along with her.  The room was a buzz with activity. 


“Johnny we are going to do a C-Section to take the baby,” Kel explained.


Johnny just nodded his head,  “Save them both doc, please, ” He pleaded.



“We are going to do our best, Johnny,” Kel said sympathetically as he turned his attention back to his patient.


Within a matter of 3 minutes the Obstetrician had the baby out and the sound of a feeble little cry could be heard in the room.


The minute the baby was taken from Laurie’s body the much needed, and long delayed epi was administered.


Johnny had remained in the room with his wife the whole time the procedure was going on.   He barely acknowledged the cry of the baby, as he was focusing all his attention on his wife.


“Congratulations Johnny, you have a son,” Dixie said softly.


“Thanks Dix, ” Johnny said, never moving his eyes off the still form of his wife.


After the epi was administered the wait began to see if it was used in time.


“Check her vitals again,” Brackett called out.


“BP 80/50, pulse is 120 and the respiration is 6, ”   Dixie replied back.


“We are going to have to intubate her.  Her lungs are full and she is not moving air, ” Brackett said, despondently


Dixie waved Roy over.  “I think perhaps you two should go get a cup of coffee while we get your wife settled.  We’ll come and see you in a little bit,” she said gently.


Roy understood what Dixie was trying to do and he went over to Johnny. “Come on Junior, let’s go grab a cup of coffee.  They need some space to work for a bit here,” he said caringly, as he put his arm around Johnny’s shoulder.


Johnny shrugged him off.” I’m not leaving my wife.  She needs me to be here for her,” he said, emotionally.


“Come on Johnny, you know they’ll come and talk to you as soon as they know something.  We have to let them work,” Roy said a little more firmly as he started to pull Johnny out of the room. 


Johnny knew he was right but he was reluctant to leave.  He took one last look at his wife and then allowed himself to be pulled out the door.



Roy and Johnny slowly made their way to the Doctor’s lounge.  They found Mike Stoker waiting there for them.


“How is she doing?” Mike asked, very worried.


“The baby is out, but Laurie is still having trouble breathing,” Roy explained.  They’re going to come and tell us more as soon as they know anything”


“Did I do the right thing?” Johnny mumbled to himself   He looked at both Mike and Roy for input.  “Did I?” he asked.


“Johnny you did what she would have wanted you to do.  I know my sister well enough to know that.  She would want you to save the baby first,” Mike said, his voice wracked with emotion.


“I just don’t know” Johnny wept.  The room was so quiet.  None of the men knew what to say to each other as they waited for the news. 


A little while later, Marco and Captain Stanley walked into the lounge. “How is she doing?” Captain Stanley asked.


“Don’t know yet, Cap,” Roy said.  “We’re still waiting for news.”


“Where is Chet?” Roy asked quietly.


“We decided it was best if he remain at the station,” Cap said evenly.


“Good thing.  I wouldn’t be responsible for my actions if he showed up here,” Johnny said.


“Gage you just leave that alone for now.  We’ll deal with Chet later” Cap said, trying to calm his obviously emotionally distraught paramedic.


“The son of a bitch tried to kill my wife, and I’m just supposed to leave it alone.  Chet and his damn pranks finally might kill someone and I’m supposed to what Cap, just say, oh that’s okay Chet, I know you didn’t mean it” Johnny said, as he was consumed with anger.


“Cap, I know that if I saw him right now I would probably lay him flat myself.  My god, that’s my sister in there, fighting to breathe, damn it, all because of a stupid, childish prank.  How many times have you told Chet to lay off the pranks?” Mike roared.


The intensity of his anger was startling to everyone, as the usually mild mannered engineer was not known for showing his feelings.



The Captain just nodded his head.  He knew Mike was right. 


A couple of hours later, Chief McConikee appeared.  “Any news on your wife, Gage?” he asked turning to Johnny.


“Nothing sir,” Johnny mumbled.   Johnny had been pacing the room, trying to keep from flying apart.


“The whole department is pulling for you Gage, wishing you the best,” he said, supportively.


“Thank you sir,” Johnny replied sadly.


The quiet vigil continued until finally, Dr. Brackett appeared in the door.


Johnny looked into the doctor’s face, trying to read his eyes. “Doc?” Johnny began.


“We have your son in the Nursery.  He is a little small but he is doing very well.  We see no signs of distress caused by the health crisis that Laurie suffered, ” he began. “Laurie is now in the ICU.  She is on a respirator.  Her lungs aren’t responding yet to all the drugs we have administered.  She is holding her own, but beyond that we just don’t know.” He informed the anxious and emotionally on edge paramedic.


“Is she going to make it?” Johnny gasped out.


“We just don’t know, Johnny,” Kel admitted.  “We really don’t” 


“Can I see her?” Johnny asked, his eyes pleading with the doctor.


“Yes,  you and Mike can see her right away.  Everyone else is going to have to wait a bit,” Kel said.


Johnny and Mike headed out of the room.  Johnny turned and grabbed Roy by the arm.  “You come too, ” he said, pulling his best friend along with him.


Roy nodded and followed the three men out of the room.


They made their way to the ICU.  Dr. Brackett showed them to the room that Johnny’s wife was in .  They all went in quietly.  She was hooked up to the ventilator and breathing very shallow.  Her face was pale and her lips had a slight blue tinge to them.



Johnny sat down in the stool next to the bed.  He grabbed her hand and started to talk to her quietly. “Come on honey.  We need you to get better.  The baby is counting on you.  So am I” Johnny paused to collect himself before he continued his one sided conversation. “Mike is here. We are all here for you.  Please get better,” Johnny pleaded quietly.


Mike looked down at the still body of his baby sister.  He wiped away tears that had been threatening to fall since the whole ordeal had begun.  He spoke to his sister, “Hey little bud, its time for you to get better,” he said softly. “I know how excited you were about this baby.  Heck didn’t I let you marry Gage, even though I told you he was the biggest flirt in the department,” Mike said, smirking slightly at Johnny. “You have to getter better.  Please, I need you, ” Mike said, finally giving into the tears.


Roy stood beside the two men, putting a hand on each of their shoulders, to support them in any way that he could.


Soon the nurse came and told them they had to go for a bit.  She promised she would send word if there was any change.  The three reluctantly left the room.


When they returned to the doctor’s lounge they found Marco there alone. 


“How is she doing?” he asked.


“Not so good.  Her lungs aren’t responding to the treatments yet.  They just said it’s a wait and see thing, ” Mike said, shaking his head.


“Where did Cap go?” Roy asked.


“He went back to the station to talk to Chet, ” Marco explained.


The Chief and Captain Stanley were going to talk to him together,”  Marco continued .  “I’m really worried that they might fire him.  That would be horrible for Chet.”


“I really don’t have a lot of sympathy for Chet Kelly right now,” Johnny said, trying not to yell at Marco.  He kept thinking to himself, don’t shoot the messenger as he fought to control his emotions.


The tension in the room was so thick it could have been cut with a knife as Marco, Mike, Roy and Johnny went and sat back down.




Back at the station, Chet remained in a silent vigil himself.  He was berating himself for the foolish prank he pulled that caused all this.  He didn’t know what he was going to do to fix this problem.




Hank walked back into the station.  Chet heard the door and rushed out to see who it was.


“Any news Cap?” he asked, his eyes full of fear.


“Come and sit down.  I’ll tell you what’s going on, ” Hank said, guiding Chet to his office.


As the two men went to sit down, Chief McConikee walked in.


“Hank any news on Mrs. Gage?” he asked.


I was about to fill Chet in on what’s happening.  Why don’t you grab a chair and I’ll tell you both all I know,” Hank said sitting back down.


After everyone was settled, Hank started.


“Well the baby was delivered about 4 hours ago.  The baby is doing fine.  There are no apparent complications from the premature birth so far.  As for Mrs. Gage,  she is on a ventilator.  Her lungs aren’t responding to the treatments so far. Apparently the sneezing powder she aspirated completed paralyzed her breathing passages.  They’re afraid she might develop pneumonia on top of every thing else that is going on.  The prognosis is very grave at this time,” Hank said.


Chet couldn’t find his voice to say anything.  He just hung his head in despair. 


“I have put John Gage on emergency medical leave with pay until further notice.  We’ll leave the length of the leave open until things settle down and we have more news,”  Chief McConikee  began.


“Now I need to know exactly what caused this incident and I need to hear it from you, Fireman Kelly,”  he said, turning his focus to Chet.


Chet squirmed in his chair. “Well Chief, it was supposed to be a harmless prank.  Sneezing powder in Gage’s locker. When he opened it he was supposed to sneeze a few times and that would have been it.  I never would have expected this kind of problem to happen.  You have to believe me, ” Chet pleaded.


“I really think it was a harmless prank that just ended up going badly,” Hank explained, trying to show some support for Chet.


“Regardless of whether it was a prank or not, this kind of behaviour is not acceptable in a fire station. I don’t know what kind of suspension this will entail.  It will depend on John Gage and his decision to pursue action within the department.  Right now, you’re on unpaid leave until further notice, ” The chief said to Chet.  “You’ll be notified what the decision will be on this at a later date.  I need your badge and ID before you leave, ” Chief McConikee said, firmly. 


Chet reached down on his shirt and removed his badge.  He went into his wallet and handed the chief his fire department ID. 


“I really didn’t mean for this to happen,” Chet said again as he left the office.  He went to his locker to grab his jacket.  As he walked in the locker room he saw Laurie Gage’s purse sitting on the ground.  He brushed away the tears that were falling as he left the room and walked out of the station.





Back at the hospital, Beth Stoker and Joanne DeSoto had joined their husbands as they waited for news about Johnny’s wife.  Beth and Laurie had been friends for years, even before she and Mike were married.


Kel Brackett came back to see the group again with the latest news.  “Johnny we think you should come and be with your wife” he said softly. “She not responding well at all.   I think you might want to be with her now,” Kel said sadly.


Johnny ran from the room.  He didn’t even wait for the elevator, taking the stairs 2 at a time all the way up to the ICU.   When he got there he saw all the activity around his wife’s bed.  The nurses were suctioning her lungs out.  The respirator was turned way up.  It was obvious to him that she was fading.


He went to the side of the bed, grabbing her hand. “Come on Laurie, don’t do this to me.  Please don’t leave me.  I need you,” he pleaded.


The nurses kept their voices in hushed tones as they went about their duties.  Dr. Brackett had started Mrs. Gage on a different type of medication, hoping this one might finally help her lungs start to clear.


Mike,  Roy and the others had followed behind Johnny, waiting out in the hall outside the ICU room that Laurie Gage was in.  Mike sank down into a chair and covered his hands.  He sobbed quietly, “Beth I can’t lose her.  Damn she is my baby sister.  We have always been there for each other.  I’m the one with the dangerous job, not her.  Its not supposed to be her in there.  It’s not,” he cried, as he leaned his head on his wife’s shoulder for support.






Chet had left the station and drove around for hours.  He didn’t know what to do with himself.  He felt so guilty about what happened.  He never intended to hurt anyone with his pranks.  They were just for fun.  What was he going to do.  He thought long and hard and came up with his decision.




Meanwhile, the vigil at Rampart continued through the night.  The whole A-Shift crew had been replaced for this shift.  Chief McConikee felt they weren’t really in the right frame of mind to work.


Everyone waited at the hospital, praying that somehow Johnny’s wife would be okay.  Johnny had stayed at his wife’s side the whole time.  Continuing to talk to her, encourage her and  show his love for her.  He was at a loss at what else to do.


Dr. Brackett had left orders that he could stay with her as much as he liked.  Occasionally Mike, Roy, Joanne or Beth joined him, but he never left her side.


About 5 in the morning, Mike looked up from his chair and saw Chet walking down the hall towards them. Mike started to get up, but Beth put her hand on his shoulder and held him in his place.


Chet reached them after a few long strides down the hall. “I had to come.  I have to know how she is doing,” he said, his voice raspy from crying.


“How do you think she is doing? She took two lungs full of that shit you put in John’s locker yesterday.  The doctors aren’t very optimistic that she is going to pull through.  They have told us she isn’t responding to any treatments.  So Chet, did you enjoy your prank? Mike spat out.  He was totally livid.


I didn’t mean to . . .,” Chet started, “It was just supposed to be a harmless prank,” Chet said barely above a whisper.


Johnny had heard the commotion in the hall and came outside.  “A harmless prank, huh, Chet, ” Johnny spewed out .  “Gee I don’t think Laurie enjoyed your prank much.  The respirator might give you a clue as to how well your prank went.  I have never hated a man before in my life, but right now Chet I hate you” Johnny said, his voice tight as he tried to control his complete hate for the man he was confronting. “You may have cost me the love of my life, and for what, a stupid, childish prank.  I hope you enjoyed it, because the cost to me was too high, ” Johnny said, as he left to go back to his wife’s bedside.



Chet never said a word as Johnny spoke to him.  What was there to say. He knew Johnny was right.  He had crossed the line from harmless antics to someone actually possibly being gravely injured because of his handiwork.   


Chet just walked back down the hall and headed back down the elevator.  He left the hospital and drove off. 




The rest of the night was uneventful for Johnny and his wife.  Johnny fell asleep beside his wife, holding her hand.  He had rested his head on her arm as he slept.  He awoke to the touch of someone stroking his cheek.  He looked up and saw Laurie’s eyes open.  He chocked back a tear as he looked at her. “Laurie, ” he said.


She was blinking her eyes, trying to focus on where she was.  She tried to speak but the vent tube in her mouth stopped her.  She started to choke on it.


“Shh easy sweetie, that tube is helping you breathe.  Don’t fight it,” Johnny said soothingly.  “You’re going to be just fine,” he said, holding her hand gently.  Johnny watched his wife stop struggling with the vent tube as he words were being heard.


Johnny pushed the call button and a minute later Dr. Brackett, Mike and Roy rushed in. 


“She’s awake, ” Johnny said, his face beaming with joy.


“Welcome back, Mrs. Gage,” Dr. Brackett said, smiling down at his patient.  “Let’s see how you are doing?” he said.


“Give me a few minutes okay, everyone .  I want to give her a quick check and then I will let you come back in, ” he said, turning back to his patient.


Everyone, but Johnny left.  He wasn’t going anywhere.  Kel gave her a once over, surprised that her lungs sounded much clearer than the day before.  He grinned, happily.


“Well I think that Gage good luck charm must be something passed on when you get married. Your lungs sound clearer and your breathing much better.  I think you’re going to be okay, ” He said satisfied.


“Really Doc?” Johnny said, hopefully. 


“Really Johnny, I’m amazed how fast she has bounced back. Last night was pretty intense but today she sounds and looks much better, ” He said, smiling. 


“Oh and by the way, congratulations on the new baby.  He is the star of the nursery, ” he said joyfully.


Johnny and Laurie smiled at each other.  “yes honey, we had a boy, ” He said, reading what she was trying to say in her eyes.  Johnny leaned down and kissed his wife gently on the cheek.  The relief very evident in his eyes.    “I am going let you rest for a while longer and if you continue to respond as well we can remove that vent tube in a few hours, okay?” Kel said looking at Laurie.


She nodded that she understood.   “Thanks Doc for everything,” Johnny said as he felt such a weight off his shoulders.     He settled back to stay with his wife as she fell back asleep.    A few hours later Kel returned to check her progress again.  He was pleased by what he found.


“What say we get rid of that breathing tube?” Kel asked.


Within a few minutes the respirator was turned off and the vent tube removed.  Johnny was contently sitting beside his wife as everyone made their way back in.


Mike hurried back to his sister’s bedside.  “Laurie, how are you doing?” Mike asked.


“I’m okay,” she whispered.  Her voice was very raspy from the breathing tube.


Everyone spent a few minutes in the room, visiting and making small talk.  After a few minutes the door opened again and Dixie walked in carrying a small bundle in her arms.


“Thought there was room for one more at this party, ” She said, her face beaming with joy.


She walked over and handed the baby to Johnny. 


“Here is your son, Johnny, ” Dixie said, happily


Johnny looked down at the little bundle in his arms and his face lit up like a Christmas tree.  He leaned down to his wife’s side and held the blanket open so she could see the baby as well. 


“He’s beautiful, ” Johnny gushed, beaming proudly. 


Laurie nodded and smiled at the little bundle.  “He looks like his daddy, ” she said softly,  grinning at Johnny.


“What’s his name?” Dixie asked, curiously.


Johnny looked at Laurie and she whispered, “You pick it.  He’s your son”



“Well let’s see.  I think the perfect name for this little guy is, John Roy Michael Gage,” Johnny decided.


“I like that, ” Laurie whispered.


The room took on a more celebratory tone as they all welcomed the new Little Gage into the fold.


Within a few hours, Laurie Gage’s condition had settled to the point where she was moved to a normal ward with a little more privacy and space for her constant flow of visitors.




After Chet had left the hospital, he didn’t know where to go.  He drove around for hours, lost in thought.  He had no where to go.  He couldn’t go home.  He couldn’t go to the station. The guys from work hated him now.  He had nothing.  He was completely alone.  For the first time in his life Chet felt completely cut off from the world.   His life as he knew it would never be the same.  He parked his VW at the side of the road and got out. He just started to walk.  He didn’t know where he was walking to, he just had to keep moving.  Trying to stay ahead of the ache in his heart.


Eventually Chet found himself down at the beach.  It was sunset by this time.  The beach was only sparsely populated at this time of the day.  Chet watched the waves with fascination.  He felt himself drifting away with the water.  The symbol of washing away his problems was not lost on him.  He wanted to clean up the mess he created.  He knew he couldn’t.   He knew what he did was not forgivable.  Ever.


Chet stared at the water as he started to walk towards the waves. He never broke stride as he walked into the waves.  He kept his focus on the horizon, looking for the ache to end.  He continued to walk until the water was up to his waist, then he looked around one last time and said,  “I hope they can forgive me one day, because God knows I can never forgive myself” and then he dove into the water.  He fought against his body’s own desire to come up for air.  He didn’t want to breathe in the fresh air that was only mere inches from him. He didn’t want to feel anything anymore.  The ache inside of him hurt too much.  He swam as hard as he could away from the shore.  Gasping as he pushed his body beyond its limit in its effort to get as far away from safety as he could.  He could feel his lungs burning with the demands he was putting on them.


He knew he was reaching the limit of his stamina.  His limbs were trembling from the harsh demands he was putting on them.  Finally he knew he had reached the end.  He couldn’t stroke anymore.  He just allowed his arms to hang at his side and let the water take over.  He could feel his lungs filling with water as he started to gasp for air.  He could feel the blackness approaching.  Then he felt nothing.


Unknown to Chet his last desperate actions were not completely unnoticed.  The lifeguard on duty was just closing up his station when he spotted Chet’s blue uniform shirt. He dove out in the water and made his way quickly to him.  It took him a minute to reach the unconscious fireman’s location and another couple of minutes to find him in the water. 


By the time he was brought to the surface Chet had been under the water for over 3 minutes.  The lifeguard started rescue breathing as soon as he got Chet back to shore.  Chet was unresponsive.  The guard flagged down another guard and the two of them continued to work on the dying man.  They called a rescue squad from the fire department to assist them.


Ironically enough, the squad that was dispatched was from Station 51.  Charlie Dyer and Bob Bellingham were the two paramedics that showed up on the scene.


They immediately went to work assessing Chet’s condition, not allowing themselves to wonder what happened and why Chet was in the water fully dressed. 


“Rampart this is Squad 51”


“Go ahead 51”


“Rampart we have a male, age 30 he was pulled from the water approximately 10 minutes ago.  It is unknown how long he was under the water.  Victim was not breathing upon our arrival but is now breathing laboured with assistance.  Vitals are  BP 90/40, pulse 140 and shallow, respiration is 4 assisted.  Patient is non responsive to painful stimuli.  Pupils are unequal and not responsive. “


“10-4, 51.  Insert airway and try to suction out any water.  Start IV D5W-TKO, continue to monitor vitals and transport as soon as possible.”


“10-4 Rampart”.  Bob closed off transmission and prepared to transport Chet to the hospital.


When the ambulance arrived at the hospital, Dr. Brackett was shocked to find out who the patient was.  He put aside his own reservations about Chet and went straight to work treating him.


They quickly intubated Chet and put him on a respirator.  He was completely non responsive.   Brackett was deeply concerned because no one knew how long Chet’s brain was without oxygen and how much water was in his lungs.   He had no idea if Chet was going to make it or not.


Dr. Brackett stabilized Chet as well as he could and then he headed off towards Laurie Gage’s room.  He wanted to find Captain Stanley.  He felt he needed to be told as soon as possible about one of his men.




When Dr. Brackett went to Laurie Gage’s room he found it still full of visitors.  He stepped into the room and saw everyone gathered around, admiring the new baby.  The room was very subdued, but the tone was upbeat.


“Hi Doc,” Johnny said


“Hi Johnny,” Kel said evenly, keeping his emotions in check.


“Hank could I speak to you outside for a minute?” Kel asked, looking at the captain.


“Sure Dr. Brackett,” Captain Stanley said, a little puzzled.


The two men went out in the hall to speak.


“Hank I don’t know how to tell you this other than just straight out, but we have Chet Kelly in the Emergency Department.  He almost drowned tonight.  We don’t know the details about the incident,” Kel began.


“He’s where?” Hank shouted, his voice rising with concern.


“How is he doing?” The Captain continued peppering the doctor with questions.


“He is in serious condition.  He is on a ventilator.  We don’t know how long he was under the water without oxygen. Right now he is completely non-responsive.  We just don’t know if he’s going to make it at this point.”


“Oh my god.  How could this happen?  Chet is a good swimmer, ” Hank rambled on, then all of a sudden the realization about what happened came to him.  “Damn Chet, why? Hank muttered under his breath.


Can I see him?” he asked.


“We’re going to be moving him up to the ICU shortly.  Once he is settled in you can see him for a couple of minutes, ” Kel said.  “I’m going to go and phone his mother.  She needs to get down here as soon as she can.”


“I can call her if you like.  I know Mrs. Kelly, ” Hank offered.


“That’s okay.  I think she might have some questions that you probably couldn’t answer very well, ”  The doctor replied.


Hank nodded his head.   “Can you send a nurse to come and get me when he is settled up here?”


I’ll do that and again I’m sorry.  I wish the news was more encouraging, ” Kel said, heading back down the hall.


Hank stayed outside for a few more minutes to gather his thoughts before he went back into Laurie Gage’s room.


When he went back in the room the distress was very evident on his face.


‘Everything okay Cap?” Mike Stoker asked, noting the concerned look on his captain’s face.


Hank shook his head, “No Mike it isn’t,” he said slowly.


“What’s wrong?” Roy asked, concerned.


“It’s Chet, ” Hank began.


“What did he do this time?” asked Johnny, his voice showing his disdain for the man.


“He tried to kill himself Johnny, ” Hank said, quietly.


“What?” came the gasps around the room.


“Why would he do that?” asked Laurie Gage, not fully aware of the background to her accident.


“He obviously was racked with guilt over what happened to you Laurie, ” Hank said, addressing her.


“You were hurt because of his stupid prank, ” Marco said.  “He put sneezing powder in Johnny’s locker and when you opened it you got it full force in the face, ” Marco explained.


Johnny tightened his grip around Laurie’s hand as he listened to Marco’s brief account of his wife’s accident.


“He could have killed you, ” Johnny spat out angrily.


“But he didn’t, did he honey.  I’m going to be fine, ” she said gently.


“What happened to Chet? Mike asked.


“Apparently he almost drowned tonight.  Dr. Brackett is going to let me see him after he is settled in his room in the ICU, ” Hank explained.


Johnny was having a great deal of difficulty with his emotions.  He had always considered Chet to be a good friend, but the actions of his “friend” over the last couple of days had really put his feelings into a turmoil.


The room took on a uneasy tone.  Everyone was waiting for Dr. Brackett to come in and let them know how Chet was doing.  No one spoke as they waited.


The nurse came in and took the baby back to the nursery. 




About 90 minutes later, Kel returned to the room.


“He’s settled in his room now.   If you want to see him for a few minutes you can. Captain, ” Kel said.


“How is he doing?” Roy asked.


“Not good Roy.  He has been completely unresponsive since he was brought in.  We aren’t sure how long he was under the water.  He is barely hanging on right now, ” Kel said sadly.


“Damn,” Marco cursed as he started to say a silent prayer.


Hank left the room to see his crew mate.  He couldn’t believe how pale and still Chet was.  He sat down beside him to keep him company.  Despite the stupid prank that Chet pulled, he knew Chet really was a good hearted decent man.  He was also a friend.  Hank just hoped that Chet would recover and things could be righted again.


The rest of the crew made their way to Chet’s room and watched his struggle through the glass windows.  They all felt terrible about what happened to him. They knew that their anger contributed to Chet’s desperate act and hoped he would be able to come back from it.




Johnny never left Laurie’s room.  He stayed put in the chair beside the bed.  He couldn’t face Chet yet.  He was still too angry.   Laurie could see the conflict in her husband’s eyes.  She could tell he was fighting his feelings and didn’t know which way to turn.   She held his hand gently and said, “Johnny I can’t tell you how to feel about Chet and what happened. I can tell you that I’m not angry at him.  I know he didn’t mean for this to happen,.” she began.


“How can you just let it go?” he asked surprised at the lack of anger in her voice.


“I have to let it go because I won’t let hate or anger consume me. .  Johnny, I want you to do something for me?” she asked.


“Anything, honey, ” came his quick reply.


“I want you to think about what your grandfather would say about this situation. I want you to think about the words he would share with you.  The answer to your struggle will lie in those words,”  She concluded.   She squeezed her husband’s hand gently and settled off to sleep.


Johnny sat back in his chair to think.  He closed his eyes and searched within himself for the answer. 


“Grandfather, what do I do?” he asked out loud.  How do I find it in myself to forgive a man who almost took everything I hold so dear.  How do I go beyond the anger.  I don’t know how to do that Grandfather.”


Johnny kept his eyes closed as he allowed his mind to wander.   He could feel the warmth wash over him as he Grandfather’s spirit spoke to him


“Forgiveness cleanses the soul, my son.  To live with hate is to live with the spirit of evil and despair.  Reach into your heart and shed the anger.  Give it up to the wind.  Let it float away.  It will set you free.  Reach out to your friend. He needs you now.  His heart is full of pain.  He will not come back if you don’t show him the way. Be there for him my son.  Lead him home.  Allow his pain to float away in the wind.  Forgiveness my son.  Remember, ” came his grandfather’s wise insightful words.


Johnny opened his eyes.  For the first time in two days he felt at peace.  He no longer felt the hate and anger.  He felt his heart was lighter.




He made his way to Chet’s room in the ICU.  When he entered the room, his presence startled the Captain.  “John, you are the last person I expected to find here, ” Captain Stanley said.


“I need to be here, Cap. I can’t explain it. I think Chet needs me to be here, ” Johnny said, trying to explain.  Captain Stanley looked at the determination in John’s eyes and nodded his understanding.  He got up from the chair and left the two men alone. Johnny sat down beside Chet.  He took a deep breath and began to speak.


“Chet, its time we had a chat.  I have been pretty angry at you for the last couple of days.  I was so mad at what happened to Laurie that I had to blame it all on you,” Johnny began. “It wasn’t all your fault.  You didn’t cause her to be hurt deliberately.  I know it was the prank that caused it, but if it had been me that opened the locker the results would have been far different” Johnny stopped to think.  ”I know you never meant to hurt her.  That you would rather die than see anything happen to my wife.  I’m sorry man.  I really never meant to say I hated you.  I was just scared and I was talking without thinking” the whole time Johnny was talking he hadn’t taken his eyes off the monitors registering Chet’s vital signs and heart rate. 


“My grandfather told me that forgiveness cleanses the soul.  Well I forgive you.  I don’t hate you Chet.  I consider you to be a good friend.  I want you to come back” Johnny paused to consider his next words. “My son needs all the uncles he can get,  and he needs to know how to tell a good joke, well in your case maybe not good ones but definitely repeated ones” Johnny chuckled slightly. “Chet you have always been there for me when I needed you to watch my back.  I consider you to be a good friend.  I guess I just forgot that for a while.  Come on you stubborn Irishman, come back,” Johnny pleaded as he held tight to his friend’s hand.


Johnny remained with Chet for the rest of the night. Talking with him.  He would periodically return to Laurie’s room to check on his wife also.  She slept soundly thought the night.  Chet breathing had stabilized enough in the night that the ventilator was removed and he was placed on an oxygen mask for breathing support.


In the morning Johnny noticed Chet’s eyes starting to move slightly.  “That’s right buddy, come on back.  The station would be way too quiet without you there.  Come on Chet, fight,”  Johnny continued to encourage his friend.


Chet slowly started to respond to Johnny’s voice.  He couldn’t believe that he was hearing him call to him.  Didn’t Johnny hate him.  Wasn’t he the cause of all the pain.  Chet’s subconscious mind was in a whirl.  He couldn’t come back.  He didn’t deserve to live.


“Come on Chet..  Come back.  I really want you in our life.  I forgive you buddy.  Please come back, ” Johnny kept repeating.


Chet blinked his eyes.  He slowly opened them and saw the face of his friend staring down at him. 


“Welcome back buddy, ” Johnny said, smiling warmly.


“Johnny, ” Chet mumbled. 


“Yeah its me. You take it easy .  You had a pretty tough night, ” Johnny said gently.



He went out to the hall and let everyone know that Chet was awake.  There was a hustle of activity as the rest of the 51 crew along with Dr. Early came into the room.


“Welcome back pal,” Hank said putting a gentle hand on Chet’s shoulder.


“Thanks Cap,” Chet replied quietly.


“You had us pretty worried Chet,.” Dr. Early said,. as he quickly did a neuro check on him.  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Dr. Early smiled and said, “looks like everything is back to normal here”


“Is normal possible when you are describing Chet?” Johnny joked lightly.


The laughter in the room broke the tension.


A few minutes later, Laurie joined the group.  She was pushed into the room by Dixie as she was holding the baby.  Johnny quickly went to her side and greeted her warmly with a kiss.


“Is everything ok now?” she asked him softly.


“I think so, ” he said quietly.


He pushed her over to the side of Chet’s bed.  Chet couldn’t look at her without choking up.  “Laurie I’m so sorry,” he choked out.


“Shh Chet its okay. Everything is fine, ” she said smiling warmly.


“I don’t know how you two can forgive me.  What I almost did is unforgivable,” he said, fighting back his emotions.


“You know something Chet, despite how mad we were at you, you are and have always been our friend.  Don’t ever forget that, ” Mike said, speaking for everyone.


“Thanks Mike. I appreciate that, ” Chet said.


“I just can’t forgive myself, ” he finished.


“Well you have to buddy.  My grandfather says forgiveness cleanses the soul.  It is time to forgive yourself.  Send your guilt and pain into the wind.  Let it float away.  Let your heart be free again, ” Johnny said, sharing his grandfather’s insight with everyone.



Chet looked around the room.  He didn’t see hate.  He didn’t see anger.  He didn’t see disgust.  What he saw was caring, concerned friends.  He saw the friendship in their eyes.


He saw Johnny and Laurie sitting together, Johnny holding the baby gently in his arms.  He saw Mike, Roy, Marco and the Captain looking down at him with genuine concern in their eyes.  


“Hey Chet, there is someone I would like you to meet, ” Johnny called over, as he stood up from the chair he was sitting in.  He walked over with his son in his arms and reached down to show the baby to Chet.  “Chet this here is John Roy Michael Gage.   And JR this here is your Uncle Chet.  Watch out for him.  He likes water bombs and shaving cream tricks, but I will tell you JR, he’s one of the best friends I guy can have.  You are going to get along great, ” Johnny said, smiling down at both his son and his friend.  He handed the baby to Chet and allowed Chet a moment to bond with his son.  The act of allowing Chet to hold the baby was not lost on everyone as they took it as a symbol that Johnny had begun to trust Chet again.


As Chet admired the new Gage arrival,  the tension and apprehension in the room slipped away replaced with the comradery and family like atmosphere  really defined the A Shift at Station 51. 


Chet and Johnny caught each others eyes briefly and with unspoken words they knew things would be okay again between them again.



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