Disclaimer: I am not the author of the article below, and the link that the author originally had no longer works. But this is a very well written piece that I think is worth sharing, so I wanted to post it. This is not to ask for feedback, nor is it to tell you that you should always send feedback to authors. It's more directed at those few who seem to feel a need to criticize others in flames and to help those that are flamed deal with it easier. But overall, it's just a very insightful article that is interesting to read.
- Audrey -
Feed Me!
Feedback and the Art of Zen
If an author writes a story and doesn't receive any feedback, does the story
actually exist?
Well, yes, it just feels like it doesn't. Feedback is the fanfiction writers'
pay cheque and there are very few of us who like to work for free.
Feedback is part of the process of taking part in the fanfiction community. You
write a story, you post it to lists, archives etc, you receive feedback
(you hope). As it would seem most readers only feel inclined to send feedback to
stories they like, feedback is sometimes used by the author as a
measurement of the success of a story.
How you want to view feedback is up to you. While I recommend listening to the
words of those around you, I think it's important to trust your inner-judge that
tells you when you've done a good job. I also think it's important to write what
you want to write and not be affected by the demands
of the readership.
But it's a fine line. Who wants to write something no one will read? Even now as
I'm writing stories for a fandom that doesn't exist, I'm hoping that
someone, somehow will find it, read it, like it, and perhaps send me feedback.
We don't post on the Internet for privacy. We want to know what you think.
Bearing this in mind I've compiled a few notes on some feedback issues
concerning writers and readers alike. You might find the guide handy. If you
don't, send me some feedback.
To critique or not to critique - Flames
I'm a little suspicious of anyone who actually gets to the end of fanfic they
don't like, let alone takes the time to write a disparaging note afterwards. I usually can't get past the title. And yes, I'm a little suspicious of those
sites that cite bad fanfic as well. I mean, what the hell do you care if a
twelve-year-old can't spell Mulder and Scully?
Here's the thing: it's petty and it shows. Bad fanfic is a fact of fanficland. Get over it. If your ego is in such a state that it gets a boost by espousing the alleged superiority of your taste, you could use a session or two on the beach away from people, OK? Just remember a flame says more about you than the person you're flaming. Just what is your problem?
Receiving a Flame
The general consensus around the fanfic community is that a flame just lets you
know you've arrived. Just so you know: THE BEST FANFIC AUTHORS AMONG US HAVE
Now that that's out of the way, what should you do about it? Should you reply?
Well, I'd suggest the adage "just ignore them" is probably good advice but if
you feel you've had a dull week and you want to shoot back a quick rejoinder,
hell, why not? You are of course, leaving yourself open to more criticism and
perhaps an all out war but if you're in the mood, it could certainly kill a few
hours. And if it's public criticism such as on a BB, why not react
good-humouredly? Post a message saying "Mom! Is that you? I told you never to
contact me here!" or "I'm sorry, as much as I would love to respond to your
thoughtful and obviously well considered opinions that you no doubt spent all
night laboring over, but I'm afraid my tolerance for morons is at its
utmost minimum at the moment. Would you consider contacting me again in a week
or two?" You get the idea.
Constructive Criticism
Constructive criticism - addressing the shortfalls of the work in a manner that
will assist the author's future writing endeavors.
Constructive criticism is not flames and the two are not easily confused. If
you're on the receiving end of constructive criticism, try to remember that
whatever they say about your work, they obviously think you're worth saving, so
don't be discouraged and have a bit of a think about the advice. You
don't have to agree with it and you don't have to take it to heart.
The better you get to know an author the more likely you are to know how they
will take criticism. For this reason I think constructive criticism is
perhaps best left to betas or good friends.
Of course, if you're an author who genuinely wants people to come down hard on
your story (think about it now) then I see no harm in putting a little
note above your story saying "hit me baby one more time" or words to that
effect. Just remember, you asked for it.
However if you're thinking of sending a critique to a complete stranger, I
recommend caution.
I think it's a good idea to take a good hard look at your motivation for writing
constructive criticism. If you really think you can help someone then it's best
to remember that we learn better when praised than when discouraged. And if
you're not doing it to help, then why are you doing it?
But if you've got something to say and you think you think it's relevant, go for
it. And perhaps bear the following advice in mind:
Say, "I think it is." rather than "It is..." Emphasize that it's only your
humble opinion. This way you are inviting the writer to say, "well, thanks, I'll
take that on board" instead of "what the hell would you know, you talentless
hack who makes Barbara Cartland look eloquent."
Zendom list members suggest a positive to negative ratio of 3:1 Still, this
ratio tends to apply better when you know the person you are critiquing.
Considering the anonymity of fanfiction on the Internet, you might want to step
up that ratio a little to 5:1. But if these numbers confuse you, just
remember encouragement is the key. They tell us that kids tune out when the
negativity builds up and we are just big kids. It's like hiding the cat's
pills in the Dine seafood platter - you have to surround it with something
they'll like in order to get them to swallow it. And even then, it doesn't
hurt to remember that puss is darn good at searching through the cat food for
that elusive pill! Hide it well.
Offer to beta their next story. If you really care, why not put your money where
your mouth is? If they say "fantastic! I'll send you my next story!"
then it's still worth bearing the above advice in mind.
Replying to Feedback
Is a really good idea. Someone has gone to the trouble of sending you a note
about your story. Remember your manners and say "thank you."
Laying it on Thick
I really don't think you can mess up here. Gushing about someone's story is
usually flattering and most authors will take it in the spirit within which
it is intended.
However, most authors will fondly remember feedback that was particularly
insightful. In addition, knowing what works about a story is just as
important to a writer's development as knowing what doesn't work. If you really,
really, truly, looooved a story, why not take some time to say why
you loved it. You don't have to go on about the poetics or the metaphors, there
is no right or wrong reason to like a story, but if you thought the
sex was particularly hot, say so. If you thought it was funny, if it reminded
you of an episode of the show you particularly liked, if you could
hear the character's voices in your head, if it reminded you of a song you
thought was pretty deep, if it made you cry, if it made you think, if you
read it three times in one sitting, FOR GOD'S SAKE, SAY SO!
Begging For It.
Begging makes you look cheap. Don't do it. Saying "Feedback is welcome" is fine.
In fact, it's more than fine. Telling your readers you welcome
feedback encourages them to get over any apprehension they might feel in
contacting someone they don't know. Saying, "pleez pleez send feedback or
I'll never write again" tempts the reader to take you up on the threat.
More Please!
To quote a Zendom koan, "when it says 'the end' and the end, that's the end."*
Begging for a sequel is mildly flattering, but it also suggests that you were
somehow unsatisfied with the ending. Ask yourself why you want more. Do
you just want the author to write more stories? Say so if you do. If you think
you will only be satisfied when the characters are happily married or
in boxes in the ground, then try to understand that a lot of authors just want
to show you a small section of the lives of their characters and leave
the bigger story up to your imagination. Some people like epics, some people
like small details. Try to respect an author's wish to keep it simple.
Spread the Love
And lastly, what goes around comes around, according to Lenny Kravitz, so if you
value feedback, make sure you're the kind of person who sends it.