He opened the door and peered inside.





Outside the Box  By Ross 

*This is a five minute challenge gone into overtime! By about 40 minutes. lol

But I sure didn't mind! :o)






Like Glue

By Sharon

He opened the door and peered inside not knowing what to expect. The thought that someone may jump out at him crossed his mind but realised that was a ridiculous thought. Why would anyone do that in a hospital of all places? Wouldn’t that be dangerous? Sure it would. When his opening the door hadn’t produced an unwanted response he walked through the doorway and into the treatment room.

He knew he was being silly with his paranoid tendencies, but Dixie had promised to get him back after all. He only wished she had given some kind of indication as to when and where. The small prank he had played on her had been weeks ago. He figured she’d forgotten or given up, but the smile she’d bestowed on him this morning in the break room told him otherwise.

As he sat down on a stool he decided he needed to think like her. That was going to prove difficult he realised. After all, Dixie was one of a kind. No body on the face of the earth could get into her head. So, what to do? Stick to her like glue? No




By Captain Jack


Intro: This could be a missing scene from the episode where the boy died after eating ant poison and his mother had not believed him.  The Phantom had gotten Johnny several times in this episode before finally getting caught at the end with his own prank.  ;o)


~E!~  ~E!~  ~E!~  


He opened the door and peered inside. Looking around, he noticed his partner was missing.  Chet Kelly was watching television and Mike Stoker was reading the paper.  Captain Hank Stanley and Marco Lopez were having a quiet conversation at the table, each with a cup of fresh coffee. 


Walking through the bay, he half expected to see the object of his search sitting in the squad or checking supplies.  He continued towards the dorm hoping his friend was all right.  He opened the door and peered inside.


Roy DeSoto hadn't really expected to see his partner just sitting there, cross-legged on his bunk.  It wasn't normal behavior for him but he knew just how much the Phantom could get under his skin.  If it hadn't been for the fact that the kid from their last rescue had not survived, he knew he'd be listening to one gigantic rant about the Phantom and how he'd get even...one day.  Instead he was just sitting there quietly contemplating something. 


"Penny for your thoughts," he said quietly. 


Johnny Gage hesitated.  He wasn't quite sure how to phrase his reply.  "Well, just when you think you have someone figured out, something unexpected happens and it just all goes out the window.  I mean - I'm really surprised Chet let me off the hook.  You know, kept me from getting soaked again.  It just makes me wonder why he does it in the first place. The water bomb was already there and he could have just let me get hit."


"Well, he feels bad about the kid.  We all do.  It's really sad because if the mother had called sooner or just let us get to him right away it might have been avoided."


"I know.  It's one of those things you can't predict or fix.  But who'd have thought?  Chet Kelly has feelings," he smiled.


"Better not spread that around.  It'd ruin his reputation and the Phantom might never give you a break again."


Johnny laughed softly, "Yeah that would be awful."





New! 10/05/09


By Audrey W.


He opened the door and peered inside. Sure enough, there was the mustached fireman he’d been in search of. Chet Kelly was leaning inside Gage’s locker, only part of his backside visible from behind its open door. John Gage cracked a grin as he quietly stepped inside the locker room and silently closed the door behind him.

Chet didn’t react, so he was sure he’d gone unnoticed. John slowly and methodically stepped forward, careful not to give away his presence. Soon he was directly behind the fireman.

John stood there with his hands on his hips and waited for the waterbomb-setting prankster to complete his task. Still not letting on he was behind him, he watched as Chet straightened and took one step back. . .and into the waiting paramedic.

Kelly whirled around, the expression on his face priceless as he startled and stumbled back, causing Gage to burst into giggles.

“Somethin’ wrong, Chet?”

“Gage!” He shouted, his hand on his chest to mock having a heart attack.

John would have the fireman remove the can of water and its launching pad soon enough. For now, he was still snickering at the reaction he’d gotten. It was always rewarding to one-up Chester B.



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