If you could change one thing about any of the characters
Emergency!, what would it be?
Or would you change anything?
Hank - his paranoia tendencies
Roy - I wouldn't change Roy either.
Mike - I'd like to see him smile more
Johnny - more confidence with women who were right for him
Marco - more scenes with Roy, I think they had good chemistry
Chet - I'd like to see more of the compassion he shows when Johnny is hurt
Dixie - nothing
Joe - I'm not sure
Brackett - his clothing
Morton - a little more of that sense of humor that shows up every once in a
CAP: Maybe make him a little less paranoid
MIKE: Have him be a bit more talkative
ROY: Nothing comes to mind, he's great just like he is
JOHNNY: He's great too. Maybe make him a bit less insecure around the ladies.
CHET: Tone down his "sense of humor" which at times can be kinda cruel.
MARCO: Just fine as he is.
DIXIE: She's just fine as she is.
JOE : I'd like to see him more outgoing.
KEL : Not quite so gruff
MORTON: Make him not so obstinate and short with people.
I'd try to have Mike Stoker develop more and Marco as well. I realize Mike
Stoker also had a full-time job as a firefighter but it would have been nice to
know more about him. Marco was on screen more but of the 5 "regular"
firefighters he got the least amount of time on screen. I don't know if I'd call
that a change but I would've loved to see the writers do more with both of them.
Mike's would interact with the others more.
Johnny has two, he wouldn't act so silly when around women and he'd get a hair
Marco and his momma and sisters would own a small family restaurant he'd be an
off duty cook, his specialty is CHILI
Roy would decide on what color he wants his hair to be... blond or brown...
<BEG> Ok, ok I know I got a hair thing happening here..hehehe
Cap I like as is.
Chet, oh where to begin..<G> You said only one hmmm...
Brice needs to be even more perfect than he already thinks he is..
Johnny would chew with his mouth closed.
Chet would never shave his moustache off.
Marco would do all the cooking.
Cap would smile more.
Roy would not change, except I'd have some scenes with his family.
Mike would have more fun, and more personality.
Johnny--no talking with his mouth full
Mike--more interaction with the others
Hank--a little less paranoid about superiors (though not McConnikee,
that's just too classic!)
Chet--a little more tactful
Marco--cooks more
Roy--Roy's pretty cool as he is
Morton--less cocky
Dwyer(moustached)--on the show more!
Henry--it would have been interesting to see him off the couch
I agree with what others have suggested about Johnny -- I wish he wasn't
quite so silly around women and he should chew with his mouth closed. He also
could be a little less shallow.
Roy? I don't know. I can't think of any annoying habits to change.
Cap? I really like Captain Stanley the way he is. Authoritative, but funny too.
Although he could be less of a hypochondriac. VBG
Mike? Definitely would make him more talkative.
Marco? Make him more talkative too. Also, give him more of a social life.
Chet? Well, I wish he was a little less annoying sometimes. The Phantom reminds
me too much of the kids who picked on and laughed at me in school.
Let's see, Brice would be a little more human instead of a walking
Morton would have a better bedside manner.
Brackett would loosen up some.
Stoker would actually talk and have a little fun.
Johnny would try to eat without everyone wondering why their having seefood.
Chet would be a little more understanding of others.
Marco's fine as he is.
Cap's fine as he is.
Roy would try to understand his mother-in-law. <BEG>
Johnny - I'd keep his hair shorter, more like in the second or third season..
Roy - I'd keep the cowboy hat out of his hands in Santa Rosa County
Mike - I'd give him more personality
Marco - I'd give him more chances to talk about his relatives...judging by his
naming them off in Quartet, he has many and could probably have a lot of
humorous stories to tell.
Chet - I don't think I'd change anything, as he adds to the show with how he is
Captain Stanley - I think I'd keep him as is.
Johnny - Should chew with his mouth closed or at least not talk with food in it
Mike - Should speak more (I have a feeling he has a lot to say)
Chet - Barbed wire???
Marco - I wouldn't change a thing.
Hank - Should have told us why he burned McConnikee's hat
Roy - Should have named his daughter - poor kid!
First off, I wouldn't change too much cuz they wouldn't be the same guys we
know and love. (Isn't that a cop out? LOL)
But, yeah... Johnny's need a bit more common sense about women... at least about
the kind of women he goes after.
But his hair... uh-uh... don't touch that mop. <VBG>
Roy did all the changing I would have asked for after the first few shows when
he was kinda pushy and very "Senior". Once he mellowed a bit, I love him the way
he is.
Chet? Awwww.... what are ya gonna do with Chet? LOL
Mike needs to learn how to open his mouth more.
Marco just needed more screen time. He was great when he was on.
Cap - Oh you can't change one little thing about that guy. He's great just the
way he is... insanity an all. :>
So see? I really wouldn't change much. <G>
I think the one thing I would've changed was how needy Johnny was regarding
women. I mean, the boy is a sweetheart, if a little annoying at times. But he
looks sooooo hard for love in all the wrong places and is attracted to women who
put him down or only want to use him. Being eager doesn't mean you have to be a
doormat to get a relationship.
Mike would talk more
Chet wouldn't be such a jerk to Johnny
Johnny would have better luck with nicer women
Brackett would have fashion sense!