"Ah, the Injustice of it all…"
by Di ;)

‘Okay, maybe we took things too far…’

‘Maybe we got carried away…’

‘But, he had it coming!’

‘It’s not like he’s some innocent bystander…’

‘A person can only take so much, you know…’

‘It wasn’t MY fault it backfired!’

‘Who knew he’d be last in?’

‘Nope not my fault…’

‘Well, okay, I set it UP…’

‘Still, not my fault someone else got caught in it!’

"GAGE!" Captain Stanley bellowed. "You done YET?"

"Uh, almost Cap!" Johnny yelled back, dumping the umpteenth bucket of water from scrubbing the bay, penance for a prank gone awry.

‘If only it hadn’t been CAP!’


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