"Summer Inferno"

by DiAnne Bay;)

The midday heat of summer made the fire seem even more intense. Sweat dripped from his brow as he took a deep breath. Wiping the growing perspiration from his face with the back of his hand, he sighed heavily. It had been only a few minutes, but he knew this break was almost over. No sooner had that thought crossed his mind when his Captain called out to him.

Dragging himself to his feet, he straightened up and took one final sip of the tepid water from the cup he was holding. He closed his eyes before dousing the rest of it over his soot-covered face. Shaking water droplets from his face, he repositioned his air mask, pulled on the heavy protective gloves, and hustled back to the inferno.

Reaching his place in line, he tapped the firefighter he was replacing on the shoulder to announce his arrival. Weary eyes met his with an unspoken thanks as the other firefighter retreated. 

Grasped tightly between gloved hands, the hose grew heavier as the seconds ticked off. The flow of water streamed towards the building in an attempt to arrest the flames. His muscles strained to their limit. His eyes watered from the density of the smoke, despite the snug fit of his airmask. His mind focused on nothing but the task at hand.

An unexpected tap on his shoulder caused him to jump slightly. Turning, he recognized the face of his partner beneath the airmask. The muffled voice told him there was a victim somewhere in the midst of this burning structure. It was time for the two paramedics to perform their duties. 

The two-man team worked their way around the outside of the building, quickly but cautiously, skirting around debris, stepping over the charged lines that snaked along the grounds. Following the back of his partner’s turnout coat, one continuing thought kept running through his mind: a victim.

Too much time had passed since they had arrived. He knew the chance of finding any victim alive at this point was remote. The two partners would need to work fast... efficiently... together. 

On the other side of the building, another engine crew worked feverishly to douse the flames. The captain of that crew spotted the two men rounding the corner of the building and motioned them closer. 

Shouting over the roar of the fire, the captain informed the two men of the victim’s last reported position. Ordering two men from his own crew to assist the paramedics, the captain watched as the brave group disappeared into the fiery holocaust. A silent prayer passed through the fire captain's mind for their safe return.

Inside the burning structure, flames shot out on either side of the party of rescuers. The firefighters manning the hose directed a heavy spray over the fingers of flame that threatened to halt their advance.

Progress was slow. Frustration among the firefighters grew. Finally, through the smoke, the small office loomed into sight. With a renewed sense of purpose, the small assembly of men worked their way towards the last known location of the possible victim. 

Reaching the door, he pulled off a glove to feel for heat on the other side. Feeling none, he tried the door handle. The knob turned, but the door was jammed. No time to waste, he took a step back to gain momentum. He mustered as much energy as he could and let loose with a forcible kick to jolt the door open. 

Ignoring the pain that exploded in his knee upon contact with the door, he entered the office. His partner followed closely on his heels. A quick scan of the area revealed nothing. Not until he made his way to the far side of the room did he see the human bundle curled tightly into a ball beneath the desk. He shouted to his partner. 

Tossing the desk chair to one side, he knelt next to the unmoving man. Grabbing hold of the victim’s shoulders, he pulled the man out from under the desk. No time for even a quick assessment, he scooped the victim up with assistance from his partner. 

The dead weight over his shoulders threatened to buckle his aching knee. Escorted by the continuous stream of water, he moved quickly, intent on maintaining his balance. 

The journey back proved easier than their entry into the building, as firefighters around them were winning their battle. 

The bright sunlight hit his eyes, assaulting his pupils, as he burst through the door. He blinked rapidly to adjust to the abrupt change. Quickly, he scanned the area, searching for the best place to deposit his cargo. Before his tired mind could decide, he felt a firm hand on his arm. Turning his head in the direction of the touch, he spotted a new team of paramedics already on the scene, set up and ready to take over the care of his patient.

Reaching their location, he accepted help in placing the unmoving form onto the yellow blanket. He plopped himself down on the hard ground, loosened his helmet and flipped off his airmask. Taking a welcome gulp of fresh air, he settled in as he watched the flurry of activity just inches away.

Transmissions flew back and forth between the fresh team of paramedics and the hospital as vitals were established and instructions were given. Oxygen was applied. IV’s were set up. Medication was administered. All this he watched with breathless expectation. 

In the midst of the scene unfolding before him, he became aware of helping hands as he felt his airtank lift off his back. Someone spoke his name, but he didn’t respond. His focus remained intent on the rescue attempt played out in front of his eyes. 

Someone offered a glass of water. He accepted it with gratitude and washed the cool liquid down his parched throat. He watched as many hands loaded the victim into the ambulance, listened as the sirens wailed their song, dropped his head to his chest as the vision of the near-lifeless man clouded his brain. 

The sound of his name broke his reverie. He looked up into the worried eyes of his partner. He attempted to stand; his knee protested. Brown eyes met blue, as the partners met each other’s gaze. 

Familiar hands guided him to the ground as he gave into exhaustion. Those same hands smoothed themselves over his leg. He winced when their touch reached the pain radiating from his knee. Lifting his head, he offered a weak grin in answer to his partner’s frown. 

He knew a lecture would be forthcoming; it didn’t matter. They had gotten their victim out. As he lay his head back once again, he prayed they had been in time....

<*><*><*><*><*> E! <*><*><*><*><*>



                                                  Guest Dispatchers              Stories by Dianne Bay