Thanks, Terri, for the idea. . .it was mentioned to me that it would be nice to have a place for writers to access the basic facts mentioned in the show Emergency! for the purpose of reference if they wanted it. So my thanks to all those who helped compile what we have thus far. Look for further updates as we get them and for now these are pretty much in order, but The Boat, I wasn't sure of.
Thank you Jill H., Vanessa, Wanda H., Ziggy, Jane L., Linda2, Wanda C., Terribv, Lorraine, Peggy B. and Pam for your help. :o) Added thanks to Jen, Purry, Sharon and Heidi B.! And also Liz T. and Linda T.! (No, they aren't related <G>) Thanks to Cap for the added inputs! And to Debbie for some info. :o) Many thanks to Nancy for sending me some facts and getting me on this again. :o) Have to add a huge thanks to Anne for offering to help gather facts and pass them along. An added thanks to Sue M and Eileen for a couple of tidbits, and to E!lf. :o) I cannot say enough thanks for the teamwork I've gotten to update this page at times. And I cannot thank Anne enough for the effort she put in to get it so every episode (except for one group of facts I lost) is covered now. The page would still be sitting pretty empty without her! :o)
Just The Facts of E!
For reference purposes
(Last updated 1/14/12)
Once again, I have to thank Anne! She's been a tremendous help! :o)
Map of Carson with Rampart and station locations for Emergency!
This is a great reference for fan fiction use in determining locations. However, keep in mind that in the series, Station 39 was mentioned as being pretty far from Station 51. In the episode 'Not Available', Johnny and Roy complained about having to go so far to cover a run in 39's territory and it took them quite awhile to get there. Going by the map it looks close.
*Click on the image to see it larger
Current overhead view of Station 127 now (aka Station 51):
This will give you a good idea of the station's location in relation to the 405 Freeway and direct surroundings. Just remember all these buildings around it may not be exactly how they were then. For anyone who isn't familiar with the station's appearance, the larger view has a red mark in the center of the roof for easy recognition.
*Click on the picture to see it larger
Just a note about something I learned about the station
The locker room/sink area is small. There is a partition off to the left of the sinks, and on the end of the room opposite the shower we always see, is another shower. I don't know if it was there in the 1970s or not. There aren't any toilets or urinals in the room unless one was hiding. But there is a door between the sink and first shower, so maybe the those facilities are in another room. We didn't ask. :o) You don't have to use this in writing fan fic. I just thought it was an interesting tidbit, because I always wondered, myself. lol NOTE: Anne pointed out to me that there is a video of a tour of the station that shows that there is a room with a toilet paper roll on the wall behind the door between the first shower and sinks. So that closed door I wondered about is indeed where the toilet is. Looking at it on the video, to me it seems like it would be only one commode, it looks like that style of bathroom, but maybe there's a toilet and a urinal? I don't know for sure, just that you can see a toilet paper roll on the wall and it doesn't look like it would be a very big room at all.
Just an info: The film set of the apparatus bay is shorter than the one in the actual station. There are extra doors at the back on either side at the real station, one behind the kitchen and one behind the locker room. I learned this with my visit to the station, but never thought to put it here. Anne recently sent me an email which reminded me. Plus she could pin point the episodes in which we see the longer apparatus bay when they filmed at the station. 'The Old Engine', 'It's How You Play The Game', 'Breakdown' and 'The Boat' are some. As she suggested, one may just be a storage closet, the other could perhaps be laundry appliances. I'd say since the apparatus bay appears both ways in the show, you are okay to have the extra doors/rooms when describing stuff at the station, but you are also okay not to when it comes to fan fic.
Also, Station 36 is just a couple of miles away in real life, however going by the show, it's a good distance away. So you'd want to stick to that scenario in writing fan fic.
Info collected by Anne from the 51 in Quarters event:
- the station did not
have air conditioning during the 1970's, they used fans when it was hot.
- as you face the front of the station there is an extra brick wall on the left
side that was not there during the show. That is their fuel station. In the
1970's, they would have gone to Station 10 (or another large fire station) that
has both diesel and gasoline tanks to refuel the squad and the engine.
- the station has its own washer and dryer for doing sheets and things, but that
is done in a back room off the apparatus bay that is not there in the set. You
only see the door for it when they actually filmed at the station.
*The door next to the captain's desk in the office
leads to a sort of inner office. There are no desk and chairs, but it has
overhead florescent lights and is nicer than just storage.
*Note: When I was there in 2008, the room she describes was the captain's
sleeping quarters.
Just a fact: Johnny has white Land Rover in seasons 2-5, but in season 6 he has a green one (two-tone, green and white). Also during season 6, in one episode, Johnny drives into the station lot in a red and white pickup truck. In season 1, Johnny has a VW bus/camper - (my thanks to Sue M for reminding me of this, Tammy B for a correction and reminder about the camper)
It's been below awhile, but in 'Frequency' it's mentioned that Johnny has a motorcycle, and in 'Drivers' that he drives a roadster, which can be a motorcycle or a car. It's a class of vehicle, not a model. But I don't think a Land Rover fits that class. (my thanks to E!lf for bringing the roadster reference to my attention)
The Three Dwyers (possibly four): I received an email asking me if I could clear up the reason why writers have different Dwyer characters in their stories and which is right/wrong, etc. I'm certainly not an expert on Emergency! facts, but I did some looking into it in hopes I could clear it up. Thanks to Nexie's great site and Google, I kind of did, except for one minor issue. :o)
Larry Manetti played Bert Dwyer in 3 episodes from 1973-79, the one in particular I found mentioned on his credits is 'Rules of Order'. However, when I went to get a picture, the only other paramedic mentioned by name from Station 51 (besides Johnny and Roy) is Charlie (I don't know who plays him for sure, ADDED: but it appears this is Larry Manetti, so he's Charlie Dwyer in this episode):
He ends up on the advisory committee with the others, so I know he's a paramedic. But I don't know his last name. I suppose it could be whatever a writer chooses to give him (but see above). It didn't clear up the Bert Dwyer issue. So if anyone can provide an episode name where he is mentioned or shown, I'd appreciate the help. I know the character was in the show for sure. :o)
Update on Bert Dwyer: I thought he existed because we always used to talk about there being a Bert and a Tom Dwyer on a Station 51 group I belong to, probably about 11 years ago it was the topic of discussion. But I found another episode Larry Manetti (who is credited as him on the net) was in and he's just a paramedic from Station 59 in 'Frequency', no name is given. That's him on the right in the picture below, his partner on the left. :
He's not even listed in the credits at all at the end of the ep. So Maybe there wasn't a Bert Dwyer? Wow. I could have sworn there was. If anyone knows differently, please let me know what ep so I can get this all straightened out. Boy, wouldn't it have just made it easier if they'd stuck to one Dwyer? :o)
Cutler played Tom Dwyer in 3 episodes from 1974-75, I remembered him in 'Daisy's
Pick' and his picture is from Nexies's site in her episodes guide.
McGillin played Dwyer in 2 episodes from 1976-77, however his first name isn't
given. He appears in 'Fire House Quintet' and 'Nuisance'. They don't say his name
in 'Fire House', but they do his last in 'Nuisance'. I found it
listed in the credits for the show when I googled.
Watched 'Fire House Quintet' and found I had missed something earlier. When Squad 51 arrives at the gym, as in Dwyer and his partner, it sounds like Johnny says, "Hey, Matt." I had to play it over and over and turn up the sound to check it out. I had thought he said "Hey, man", but seems I was incorrect on that assumption. So we have a Matt Dwyer, too? I'm not 100% clear on what Johnny says, it just sounds like 'Matt' to me.
Link to list of Emergency! credits:
The best advice I can give readers and writers, based on experience, is to remember that Emergency! wasn't always consistent throughout its run and we just have to accept that there are going to be inconsistencies among writers for that reason. Probably the most noticeable character change was when Brice went from Caucasian to African American by the time he graduated as a captain. So if someone wrote him as that way, would they be wrong? It would probably throw ME a little off in a story I was reading since I picture him like he is in 'Limelight', 'Nuisance' or 'Rules of Order', but that doesn't mean they'd be incorrect with how they described him. That's just one example of many.
Pilot Ep:
-Roy's paramedic training class was
out of Harbor General and had 6 guys in it. Johnny's class was the first at
-Dr Early said he was in private practice and he donated his time to Rampart's
ER. (Guess they kind of let that idea drop). Of course, they also said he
was one of Dr. Brackett's students
-The bill to be passed was PM11307 and it had to be approved by the California State Legislature.
- Johnny didn't get to drive the
squad at Station 10
- Johnny's squad partner at Station 10 was Tony Freeman.
- Station 10 was part of Battalion 14, under the direction of Battalion Chief
- Ron Pinkard's character was named Dr. Tom Gray rather than Dr. Mike Morton.
-Johnny's date at his birthday party was Delores.
-Different firemen other than seen in
later eps were on duty with Johnny and Roy. There is only a brief glimpse of
them in one scene.
-Officer Pete Malloy was interested in Dixie and flirted with her.
-A newspaper announces the passing of the bill and credits Dr. Brackett's speech in Sacramento as the key factor in it happening.
-Kel Brackett and Dixie are shown together in Dixie's apartment on a date
Captain Hammer
1. Mascot
2. Brushfire
3. Dealer's Wild
4. Nurses Wild
5. Cook's Tour
6. Publicity Hound
7. Botulism
8. Weird Wednesday
9. Dilemma
Fun Fact:
Every time Roy calls Rampart, he says
"Rampart, this is Squad 51 (Rescue 51, County 51), how do you read?
Johnny just about always says "Rampart, this is Squad 51 (Rescue 51,County 51),
how do you read ME? He almost always says me.
This is what the name badges for Johnny and Roy say: (Thanks Vanessa and Jen B. for the information!)
Mobile Intensive Care Unit.
Mobile Intensive Care Unit
An MICU form is what is signed when victim refuses treatment at the scene.
An MICU conference was mentioned at least once in the series. (Thanks Jill H. for the info!)
Badge numbers for Johnny and Roy: (thanks, Heidi, for the info!)
#174 Firefighter/Paramedic Roy DeSoto ( I have been made aware that Roy's badge number may actually have been #141. I have a picture of the badges that was sent to me and in them Roy's is #174. And it's listed on a TV Show badge number site as that. However, apparently someone tied in with the show had an obsession with things adding up to the number 6 (ie:Johnny's badge number), and that the listing of #174 was in error. So I'd say although it's probably #141, use your own discretion if you are using the badge number in a story. (Thanks to farrahbo for this latest tidbit of info.)
#330 Firefighter/Paramedic John Gage
(thanks again to Heidi for the info)
Station 51 (127) address: 2049 E. 223rd St., Carson 90810-1610. The station faces south and is a short distance from the San Diego Freeway. It's located amidst oil refineries and chemical plants.
New 01/14/12
License Plate number of Squad 51 was 999007
Mascot and The Promise:
- Roy mentions he has a dog (can't
remember which ep or both??)
-In Mascot, Alley Cat (maybe) and The Promise, it's mentioned that Johnny's
landlady doesn't allow pets in his apartment.
Mascot only:
- Paula Slaton promises to give Johnny a pup from her dog Bonnie's next litter.
-Chet says Johnny really makes it with the chicks and Roy says Johnny can't turn off the charm.
-Johnny goes out to a camper at the station to sleep with the dog and later states that he's been staying in it at the station, pulling extra duty
- Johnny is wearing long johns in this ep
-Johnny has a book '1000 Practical Jokes'.
-There's a practical joker in the station and he's been picking on Johnny.
-Jokes done to Johnny are syrup in his boots, a cupcake taped inside of his helmet, his bed was floured so when he rolled out he looked like the White Knight.
-Dixie and Kel Brackett mention a dinner date that he walked out on that she spent two hours preparing. Dixie is upset the doc came down on one of her nurses and that sparked an argument on the date.
-Botulism is found in a few people who had a meal together at a Yacht Club Luncheon . It's traced to Beef Stroganoff
-Roy mentions there are 60 paramedics now.
-There are 60 trained paramedics for
7.5 million people at this point in the 70's.
-Dixie is sporting a bob haircut.
-Stoker is going to handle a girl scout tour that day
-Johnny's revenge on the prankster- garlic injected chocolates.
- Johnny accidentally eats one of the
tainted chocolates when he sees them on the table and forgets he put them there.
By his first comment of "Mmm, chocolates", it's obvious he's a fan of the candy.
-this ep is where the practical jokes at the station started
Cooks Tour:
-Roy says Johnny is younger than him
-Johnny delivers his first baby on a rescue
-Roy has or is just getting over a cold
- Roy is planning a dinner of Beef Bourgignon, a French dish
-Charlie Wilson is on C-shift and moonlights as a chef.
-Roy has delivered 3 babies by this time.
-Sharon Walters is a student nurse
-Dixie says she'll fix dinner for Kel and he is as leery as Johnny about the beef bourguignon
Brush Fire:
-5 months paramedic training (I think
in the pilot ep, it was said to be 3 months).
-Johnny's first brush fire, Roy's third
-Dixie and Brackett hint at a date planned at the beach that the fire spoils due
to 'business' liable to pick up at the hospital
-Winifred is first victim 79 years old, sister Emma is 80 and the paramedics
find out the sisters hate each other
-With no ambulance available, the paramedics take the victim on the back of the
squad in a stokes, Johnny riding with her.
-Gary Crosby's character is Conway and he is the fireman trapped under a tree
-Roy says, "Rule #1, never get emotionally involved with the victim"
-Roy delivered his third baby (again<G>)
-Conway sings a verse of "Wabash
Cannonball' after he gets the pain shot.
Dealer's Wild:
-Roy actually says he was almost a pilot. He said he had like 14 or
15 hours flying time.
-Johnny's apron says Genius at Work
-Roy's played all poker games. Johnny asks if he's played '13 card poker' (lol)
-Morton refers to Johnny and Roy as 'the boys'
-Johnny keeps getting the silent treatment from a nurse he had a date with
-Johnny drives the squad to a rescue
-Dispatch is KNG 541
-Johnny loses the card games at the station and keeps ending up with dish duty
-Johnny tries to make up his own card game
-The name of Johnny's card game is 13 Card -my thanks to Eileen for this
Nurses Wild
- Roy and Johnny demonstrate their paramedic equipment to a group of nurses at Rampart. Johnny brags a bit about their work and one nurse is mean to him about it. He is chastised, but later is interested in dating her.
- He gets a date with the nurse
(Ellen) but she breaks it because she has applied to be a nurse on a cruise ship
and will be at sea for 6 months. Roy asks him why he goes for the hostile ones.
- Johnny tells Roy paramedic rule #1 to not get hung up on a patient.
- Johnny does not want to eat Chet's hash for lunch.
- Roy takes his kid to Indian Guides on Friday nights.
- Johnny has been on the job for 4 years for his first year of being a
- Johnny has counted all the nurses at Rampart: According to Johnny:
- There are 320 nurses at Rampart.
- 120 of them are over 25 years old, and therefore not desirable
for dating.
- Of the remaining 210, 12 are over six feet tall and not
desirable for dating.
- 7 more of the remaining nurses are over 150 lbs and not
desirable for dating.
- Half of all the nurses are married and ineligible for dating.
- Most of the other half of the nurses want to be married but are
not, and if they're not married there must be something undesirable about them
for dating.
- The remaining nurses who aren't married and don't want to be
married must be weird to not want to be married and are probably undesirable for
- Johnny complains about the lack of dating opportunities among the nurse
population at Rampart.
- Roy thinks that Johnny should get married and stop feeding his neurosis.
- Johnny isn't that great at math because 320 nurses minus 120 nurses is actually 200 nurses, not 210 like he says.
Publicity Hound:
-Johnny gets seasick . He also gets seasick in the movie Most
Dangerous Passage when they went to Seattle.
-Marco spoke Spanish assisting Johnny and Roy with an injured woman in a car
- Johnny is jealous of the publicity that Tom Wheeler, a paramedic with squad 110, gets.
- Wheeler was in the newspaper three times in one month.
- A reporter named Carl Evans seems
to write most of the newspaper articles about Wheeler.
- Wheeler's partner's name is Kirk. He is not interested in publicity.
Weird Wednesday
- At the beginning of the shift, Johnny is convinced that strange things will happen that day.
- They get multiple unusual calls that day, so does Rampart.
- Officer Howard is also having a
strange day.
- Johnny and Roy also respond to a call for a woman bitten by a rattlesnake on a
golf course. She is bitten in nearly the same place as Johnny in 'Snakebite'
(left calf) and the progression of her symptoms are about the same as for Johnny
where she loses consciousness in about 15-20 minutes. However, Doctor Brackett
does not wait for a test to see if she is sensitive to the anti-venom before
giving it to her.
-Mike mentions he owns a dune buggy.
-Johnny thinks it's strange for a single woman to chase after a guy
-Kirk is a fireman on B-Shift
-Johnny pulls overtime by filling in for Kirk
-Kirk fills in for Chet on another shift, so I don't know if Kirk is a paramedic or engine crew
-a new word was introduced at Rampart...."Brackettitus", referring to the student nurse that couldn't get anything done right when she was around Doc Brackett because he intimidated her so much
Hang Up:
-Roy mentions his son, Chris. But never mentions another kid. Then later in another ep, he mentions a daughter, but no name for her.
-Johnny likes Adam-12 tv series
-Captain Smith appeared in this ep, but was listed as playing Captain Hammer
- Johnny is mopping the floor while
everyone else is watching the Adam-12 episode.
- Both Johnny and Roy have complained to Dixie about getting called out on a run
just when they get interested in a TV show.
- It's 1972: the only way to find out what happened in a TV show that you miss
is find someone who saw it to tell you, or wait until the network re-runs it in
the summer, or call the TV station.
- Johnny is hung up about what happened at the end of the show while Roy is not
bothered by it and is certain that they got out of their problem. But after
finding out more about the show from his wife (who also missed the end) he gets
hung up on it, too.
- Dr. Brackett takes great pride in his skill in stitching up cuts.
- Roy is working on studying for a test with Johnny helping him at the kitchen
- Roy and Johnny go over their time in a radioactive room to get a patient out;
Johnny has to spend the night at Rampart
- Captain Smith appeared in this one
- Roy mentions his two children (no
names) to Dixie after they have a run involving a kid in a football accident.
- While they were on a double date, Chet told Johnny that Roy told him that his
partner was some kind of a nut. Johnny takes offense. Roy freely admits it and
is surprised that Johnny is so upset about it. Roy apologies.
- Paramedic Wheeler (from Publicity Hound) participates in a rescue with squad
- After rescuing a family in a plane crashed into a tree, Roy compliments Johnny
on doing a good job and finds that Johnny is no longer mad at him and doesn't
know why Roy would think he is mad at him.
-Captain Hank Stanley debuts
-Roy considers giving up being a paramedic after a victim dies
- Roy talks to Joanne about quitting
the paramedics and transferring to a brushfire station.
- Johnny talks to Dixie about Roy wanting to quit and she talks to Brackett to
talk him out of it.
- Dixie gets upset - her eyes are tearing up - at a doctor who chewed out Roy
and got him thinking about quitting.
- Marco speaks Spanish when he stops a parent from trying to go into a burning
building to get his son.
- Roy decides to stay with the paramedics after rescuing a child from a fire.
Fun fact: Johnny seems to mop the floor more often than the others. He does it in quite a few eps
Show Biz
- Models come to Station 51 for an advertising shoot.
- Johnny is excited about the models even before he is selected to sit with them for the photo shoot.
- The client for the advertisement thinks that Roy (who was in the background of the pictures) looks more like a fireman than Johnny.
- The models think Chet is cuter than
- Johnny becomes hyper-sensitive about his appearance, especially his hair, when
he expects the models to be around.
- Roy tells people at Rampart that Johnny will be in the photo shoot and one of
the nurses makes fun of him about it. Roy makes a little fun of Johnny.
- Dr. Early says that he will visit every place he marked on the map during
medical school when he retires. 109 countries, seven mountains, both poles, the
five longest rivers. And the moon if it's available.
- Dr. Brackett says that when he retires he would like to comb the beaches of a
south sea island.
-The virus was named after the monkey
that carried it, the Koki fever virus.
-Symptoms: sudden onset of extreme flu-like symptoms, head and chest pains,
chills, sweating, fainting, vomiting, nausea, very high fever (102-105) similar
to Asian flu.
-Johnny's temperature went up to 105.
-Tim Duntley, with Engine company 60, catches the virus and dies.
-Duntley's wife's name is Maddie; she knows Roy on a first name basis.
-This is a rare episode where Roy
takes out a thermometer and takes a victim's temperature.
-Both Roy and Johnny knew about a victim's inner ear disease on one rescue.
Johnny seemed particularly pleased that he had been studying up on it though Roy
ribbed him about not knowing some things about it. Presumably both of them study
up on possible victim conditions.
-Doctor Bracket gets the virus too, though he doesn't directly touch the monkey
-Jenny was the owner of the monkey
-Jenny's boyfriend Roger had the virus and got over it on his own
-Johnny seems popular with the nurses
-Brackett refers to Johnny as 'young Romeo'
-some school kids were to come to Station 51 for a tour just prior to the station being toned out
-Bob is a police officer who responds to some of the calls with the paramedics. He assists them with relaying information to and from Rampart during a rescue
-Roy gets a temporary partner while Johnny is sick, but we never find out who it was.
- Johnny said he used to watch the fire engines as a kid and wanted to be a *tillerman*
- Boot shows up at Station 51 for the first time
-Boot tends to shun Johnny which annoys him. Boot also won't take food from him and messes up his bed.
-Boot leaves with Tiller Truck 43 at
the end of the episode.
- Johnny seems to be first choice on the crew for going into narrow places and
caves to rescue a victim.
Peace Pipe:
-Johnny said the anthropologists would come out every summer to the reservation,
but he never said WHAT kind of reservation.
-Chet said his grandmother was part Indian and a Princess, but it looked like he
was just saying that to irk Johnny.
-Chet is part Irish. Roy also mentions being Irish.
- Johnny knows how to ride horses and
can rope calves.
-Johnny is best at the "rope, hitches and knots" drill the captain has them do
- According to Johnny, there are at least a dozen rodeos in the LA county area
and expects that he could win $10,000 in prize money a year.
- Johnny was raised on a ranch; he says that he was taught to rope calves by 'my
people', implying that this was during the time his family was living on a
- Johnny has a friend who has a horse to lend him to practice on.
- Roy is not Catholic nor very religious.
- Johnny has not been riding in a long time when he has his first practice
session and although the practice went fine he is so saddle sore afterwards that
he gives up on the rodeo idea.
Fuzz Lady:
-Chet was in the army and that he operated a crane at some point.
-Johnny seems uncomfortable holding a handgun
- Sheila (the female cop) turns Johnny down the first time he asks her out, but he is undeterred even though Roy tells him he shouldn't try to go out with her.
-Johnny's failed with the last three
women he tried to go out with before Sheila.
- Johnny gets a date with Sheila when she's working undercover at Rampart. She
arrests a purse snatcher during their date at a fancy restaurant; Johnny got a
$30 bill, waits 2 hours at the police station while she does her paperwork and
gets a sore shoulder
- Boot returns in this episode, but he still shuns Johnny.
- Roy tells Johnny that he's too sensitive. Johnny denies it.
- Roy looks uncomfortable with seeing Johnny with a gun
-Roy is polite to a thief when handcuffing him for Sheila
-Johnny's blue jacket is stolen at Rampart
-Roy worked with Ed Marlow at Station 41 and said Ed was a mature, heads-up fireman then
- Roy has misgivings about Ed Marlow
being over-trained because he was a surgical corpsman in Vietnam.
- For morning line-up everyone wears their uniform hats, including Captain
Stanley whose hat is white.
- Stanley assigns them to test and hang 800 ft of hose before lunch.
- Squad 51 has averaged about 9 runs a shift for the past few weeks which Johnny
considers quite a workout for their trainee.
-Christy Todd is a reporter who rides along with the paramedics to get story material for an article
-Johnny and Christy don't seem to get along, but he dates her in the end
-Roy uses an old fashioned shaving cream mug and brush. AND he also uses a straight razor to shave. (thanks, Ness, for this)
-Montgomery Bodine (Monty) is a man who has set off four bombings in the area for the past year (I think of just old condemned buildings)
Dinner Date
-Roy invites Johnny over to dinner to meet Joanne's cousin
-Johnny talks about a previous set-up of the same kind where the girl just had a *great personality*
-Johnny refers to girls he thinks are not attractive as *dogs* (I remember this being very much in use back then. I even used it and I'm sure I was called it by some. lol)
- Roy considers asking Charlie Hagan
on B-shift to dinner for a date with Joanne's cousin.
- Joanne's cousin is a professional model. This convinces Johnny to go to Roy's
house for dinner.
- Joanne's cousin turns out to be 'a real doll', but she doesn't 'dig' Johnny,
who is mad at Roy about it, but doesn't know why.
Musical Mania:
-Johnny played the guitar (though not real well). Then he gave it to Chet in
-Johnny does talk about his parents once. He and Roy are talking about kids and
drugs and how can a parent not know their kid is using.
-Chet is studying for the engineer's exam
Fun fact: In a couple of second season episodes, Chet is studying for the engineer's exam.
Another fun fact: have you noticed the few times there have been fires at the
station . . . Tee Vee, Inventions, and the one where Chet set skis on fire . . .
it's been Roy who's quick with the fire extinguisher.
- Johnny notices that something is bothering Roy because he mumbles to himself and punches his pillow a lot.
- Johnny thinks Roy will feel better
if he talks about his problem
Roy thinks Johnny's dumb because he told Joanne that Mike Stoker's spaghetti is
better than hers and they have a fight over it, though Roy says that there were
other things, too.
- Johnny tries to give Roy advice; he tells Roy that he's his best friend.
- Roy strategy is to hope that the fight will blow over if he doesn't say anything.
- Johnny doesn't want Roy to call Joanne talk about it, but he does try to help by calling Joanne and giving her Mike Stoker's spaghetti recipe.
- Joanne is polite to Johnny on the phone, but she an Roy have another fight after that.
-It's mentioned that Johnny drives a roadster, which can be a motorcycle or a car. It's a class of vehicle, not a model.
- After an incident where the squad is
almost hit by a driver who doesn't yield to the squad's siren, Johnny is upset
with civilian drivers.
One of Roy and Johnny's' instructors in paramedic training was a Dr. Parsons, who
dies after choking on a piece of meat at a restaurant where no one there knows
what to do about it.
Dixie used to work with Dr. Parsons in pediatrics.
Roy and Johnny give CPR demonstrations to community groups when requests are
sent in to the paramedic office.
Johnny writes a letter to the chief about drivers not pulling over for their
siren. He types his letter up (two fingered) in the office.
Johnny absolutely would NOT like to be a cop.
When off duty, Johnny sees a squad responding to a call and tries to follow to
see if he can help and is stopped and ticketed by the police officer, Charlie,
who was assigned to catch drivers who don't stop for the squad's siren. Johnny
agrees that Charlie was right to stop him, but he is still mad about it.
(Possible error? The police officer, Charlie, calls Johnny's car a hot rod, not
a roadster.)
School Days:
-Billy is the name of the new trainee Johnny and Roy take on
- Johnny drives the squad in this ep even though Roy is fine (thanks, Sue)
The Professor
- Station 110 has at least an engine
and a boat; in season 1 it also has a squad.
During a shift when Johnny calls in sick, Roy and Chuck (filling in for Johnny)
rescue a woman, Susan St. John, from her car after a traffic accident.
- Roy used the Jaws of Life to rescue Susan.
- Susan develops a crush on Roy and wants to date him even though
he's married. Chet has seen her and says she is beautiful. Susan also calls Roy
at Rampart.
Johnny finds out about it when she starts calling Roy at the station.
- Roy is flattered that a woman would find him attractive, even if he isn't interested, but Johnny thinks that he is crazy.
- Roy also enjoys the fact that a new nurse at
Rampart seems to like him better than Johnny.
Susan calls the Station and politely ends her interest in Roy, who presumes that
she cared enough to not cause problems for him and his family.
Chet kept a jumper talking for two hours once.
-Roy has a sore throat
-Johnny looks at Roy's throat and says it's tonsillitis
-Roy had his tonsils out as a kid, when he was 5 years old
-Roy's tonsils have grown back
-Dixie dated a young actor twelve
years ago, but they broke it off because of their careers and hadn't seen each
other until Roy and Johnny bring Ray into Rampart.
-Chet annoys Roy with non-stop talking when they share a hospital room after Roy
has his tonsils out and Chet broke his shoulder on a run.
-Kelly used to work at Station 8 in West Hollywood.
- Air date: February 17, 1973
- Roy and Johnny disagree about honesty. Johnny thinks that lying is wrong,
where as Roy thinks that sugar coating things and 'little white lies' are
sometimes a necessity.
- Johnny dates a nurse named Jeannette.
- Jeannette calls Johnny at the
station and Chet has talked to her when he answers the phone.
- Chet enjoys teasing Johnny about how Jeannette tells him what she really
thinks of Johnny when she calls the station, but he shows he has a tendency to
make things up.
-the Jaws of Life were used
underwater in a rescue to get a man out of his car.
-Roy doesn't believe in ghosts
-Johnny comes across like he can be persuaded to believe, but jokes about it.
-Chet bowls; he tells the guys about
two girls he met while he was bowling.
-Dixie owns a couple of goldfish and Dr. Early owns a dog.
- Johnny asks Roy if his dog acts
like Boot; sometimes Roy's dog get finicky.
- Dr. Early is the man that Dr. Brackett goes to for a theatric display for
lifting a patient's curse.
- Rampart Hospital is at Rampart and Freemont Streets.
Rip Off
-Barney Olsen was the name of the lawyer Johnny and Roy went to see.
-Johnny gets a letter from the IRS requesting an audit
-Roy was audited three years prior and he said it went smoothly
- This episode has a rescue that
really dates the show in the 1970's: a woman stops Roy and Johnny to complain
about a child that has been locked in a car for over an hour. They use a coat
hanger to open it, but the baby is fine and the crowd of onlookers leaves. The
mother has been in the beauty parlor and is very angry with them for breaking
into their car. Roy and Johnny go away embarrassed.
- The day after his audit, Johnny denies that he was worried at all.
-The IRS owed Johnny $4.72.
- Marco is beginning to grow his mustache.
-Johnny struggles at first to open the locked car with the hanger
- Four paramedic units work out of Rampart and have to share the same frequency
for their transmissions to the hospital.
- Drew Burke, a close friend of Johnny, dies after being hit by a car and
sustaining severe internal injuries.
- Johnny owns a motorcycle.
- The guys are working B-shift
- Rescue squads assigned to Rampart
are Squads 51, 36, 59, 18 (but when they get their new base station at Rampart
in the next episode, the squad numbers on the board there are 51, 45, 24, 14,
- Drew Burke's wife's name is Pam and they have a baby.
- Johnny helps Pam with the funeral and talks with her on the phone later; Pam
later leaves town to stay with her parents in San Diego for a few weeks. Johnny
visits her before she goes.
The Old Engine:
-The engine Roy and Johnny buy is a 1932 Dennis and it cost $80.00
-The station gets the new Ward LaFrance Engine
-Rampart gets a new look to the base station. The cassette tape recorder is set up and they have the radio set up so they can hear transmissions by the fire dept dispatcher.
- Johnny asks if *A-shift* is still out on a run when the squad isn't back yet for them to take over.
Alley Cat:
-Marco has 2 cats
-Chet is allergic to cats
-Roy has a dog
-Johnny's landlady doesn't like pets
-Johnny's got a soft spot for animals
-Mike has a *no pet* clause in his lease
- Chet's mother is sensitive.
- Roy once dated a girl who gave her cat's kittens away to the host of any
dinner party she went to.
An English Visitor
- An fire fighter/rescue man from England named Jason Channing comes to the station to ride with John and Roy
- There is friction between Jason Channing and Johnny.
- When Channing asks if Johnny has
traveled much, Johnny says that he's read a lot.
- When Channing expresses an interest in a nurse in orthopedics (Kathy Green
(blond, 5'6", pretty), Johnny says he's 'working' on getting a date with her.
- Channing saves Johnny from falling,
so he steps aside from pursuing Kathy and pays for the dinner date between her
and Jason.
-The phone number to Rampart bay station is: 555-4667.
-Johnny hurts his right shoulder lifting things on the first run of the show, an apartment fire. Morton lifts his right arm to the side and tell him that he pulled the deltoid muscle. Morton says he has to immobilize it for a day or so.
-Johnny's schedule is off the next day, on the next day, off the next two days
-Johnny is reading a book, written by a top nutritional expert at the station kitchen table on his next shift.
-Roy tells Dixie that she's breaking rule number one, don't get emotionally involved with a patient.
-Kelly makes lasagna for lunch with a recipe he got from the chef of a restaurant that Station 51 saved a few weeks ago. But Kelly specially prepares rutabaga delight with soy bean gravy from Johnny's nutrition book.
-Johnny decides that it's okay to be
a 'skinny out of condition type' when he has to rescue a man injured in a
hang-glider accident from a tree.
-Johnny is eating an enormous sandwich at the end of the episode. He tell's
Chet that it was made with secret ingredients. The recipe was given to him by
an old Winandago Indian, an ancient tribal secret handed down father to son and
they used to eat it all winter long time so they would be in fantastic shape so
they could outrun deer and run around in the snow half naked. And they also
lived to be very old. The man who gave him the recipe lived to be 114 years
old, only dying after being hit by a bus coming home from his girlfriend's house
at 3 AM. And he had the hospital analyze the ingredients to his sandwich and
was supposedly a breakthrough in the care and feeding of old people all over the
- when Morton is examining Johnny, his shirt is off, with an exceptional view of his bare back. Johnny had no visible or significant birthmarks or moles
Snake Bite
- when Roy & Chet go to the hospital to visit Johnny, Dixie tells them that he
is in room 205. When they open the door, the room number on the door is "230".
(thanks to Nancy for this!)
- Johnny, Chet and Roy were on a fishing trip together
- Johnny has a rack on top of his Land Rover, where gear or other supplies are kept under a tarp
- Doc Frick is a hippie looking doctor that works out of an office in a small town
-Mrs. Peterson is an older lady who works for Doc Frick
-Chet makes a comment to a victim that Roy and Johnny are two of the best paramedics in the fire department
-Johnny gives himself an IV out in the field when bitten by a rattlesnake
The Promotion
-Roy came in 9th in the Engineer's test scores. Chet came in 74th.
-Roy is not happy with the idea of leaving the paramedics to be an engineer, which would pay more.
-Joanne always says that since he's making the living, it's up to him to decide what he does.
-For a major pileup on the San Diego Freeway, Station 51 was called to the north end of it, a quarter mile south of Century. Station 45 was called to the south end of it somewhere above Western a half mile from Station 51. For this incident squads 51 and 45 gave age, height and weight for the victims. Chet Kelly revives a 2 year-old girl with CPR and mouth to mouth.
-When Roy calls Johnny on the HT to relay information he starts with, "Fireman Gage, this is Fireman DeSoto."
-In the third season, paramedics are at the lowest rank of the fire department and according to civil service rules unless all paramedics can be engineers none of them can be.
-In the break room at Rampart, they have a wall above the counter of small shelves with a large collection of unmatched coffee cups.
-Brackett and Early think it would be a shame to lose paramedics because they can't be promoted. (One might assume that this rule is changed in later seasons)
-Johnny flippantly talks about Roy
making more money as an engineer and getting a better partner, but confides to
Dixie that Roy is really upset about the possibility of leaving.
-In the squad, Johnny calls Roy "Junior" and Roy calls Johnny "Pally" while they
go on an attempted suicide that turns out to be a false alarm and Roy gets
dumped in a pool. For this run they take biophone, drug box, trauma box and
oxygen tank.
-The drug and trauma boxes float.
-Roy admits to Johnny that he was thinking of them as 'male Florence Nightingales'.
-Roy tells Johnny that he'll take the promotion and the higher pay, but after rescuing an injured Johnny and a victim at a fire, he changes his mind.
- Johnny has trouble falling asleep
- Johnny thinks hot cocoa will help him relax and fall asleep.
- The guys rig a stokes in the dorm to be a hammock/cradle to tease Johnny. (How did they hang it from the ceiling?)
- Johnny finds that he can't sleep because he pulled a duty overtime where they didn't get a run once during the night, same when he's back at Station 51, and that's unusual on any shift.
- Roy doesn't report the squad as out of service although his partner goes on a run with the engine crew, leaving him alone
- The Late Late Late Show on TV is
over at 04:15.
- 'Terror At The Library' is one of Chet's favorite films.
- Chet is surprised that Johnny was up early, cleaned up and made coffee, but
it's only because he never went to bed - presumably Johnny doesn't often do
- A big station typically has 2, 3, 4 runs a night.
Inheritance Tax
-Roy and Johnny helped rescue an older woman (Mrs. Rosenthal) whose fire at her house about a year and a half ago (from mid-third season)
-She dies and leaves money for Johnny and Roy in her will.
-Johnny and Roy receive a letter from lawyer named Marshall
-When Johnny and Roy speculate about what they would do with the money, Johnny would get a sailboat, and a car, small but long, maybe a larger apartment. Otherwise he doesn't know what he'd really like.
-Roy thinks about going anywhere in a sailboat, he thinks about going alone. Johnny would go with a couple of girls.
-The only three heirs are Roy, Johnny and Mrs. Rosenthal's cat.
-The estate is worth $ 1,211,000. Deductions cut it to almost nothing:
Large funeral: -$27,000
Debts on house -$137,000
Inheritance tax (Federal, 40%) - $484,200
Inheritance tax (State, 24%) - $296,640
claims on the estate with unnamed cost: medical bills, defaulted loan that Mrs
Rosenthal was guarantor on, judgment against her as the negligent party in car
accident, attorney's fees, court fees.
Roy and Johnny - $37.50
Cat - $15,000
-The guys get another call to a rich neighborhood
-Johnny is nervous in front of TV Cameras, sometimes speechless
-the paramedic program had only been around for 4 years when this takes place
-Johnny likes donuts
-Johnny said he'd wanted to be a paramedic since he was a little kid, but clarified he meant he wanted to be a fire fighter to help people (Not the direct quote used)
-Roy handles himself well in front of a TV camera
-Paula Slaton returns
-Paula gives Johnny a puppy from her dog's litter
-Johnny names the dog Samantha, Sam for short
-Johnny can't have pets in his apartment
-Boot is still the mascot at the station
- Roy knows a nurse named Anne at
Rampart; he had her over for dinner with Joanne and the kids. When Johnny finds
out he's upset because Roy didn't invite him.
- Johnny is hypersensitive to Roy being friendly to any single woman for any
Body Language
-Barbara is the name of the girl Johnny is dating
-Johnny was at a movie with a wedding in it and Barbara said someday she'd like that and he squeezed her hand, she took it as a proposal
-Chet is all in favor of weddings as
long as they are not his.
-First mention of Captain Stanley being married; he says he likes being married,
- Barbara has second thoughts about getting married and tells Johnny that they
should think about it.
- Johnny says he played his guitar until his fingers fell off but never got the hang of it.
-Gage wants to sell his guitar, but Chet only offers $25 for it.
-Johnny got his guitar for $65, he thinks the store he got it from would give him more than that if he took it back.
-Johnny gives his guitar to Chet
-Johnny sees a pretty nurse
-Dixie tells Johnny the nurse's name is Amy, works in Orthopedics, is single and not going out with anyone.
-Johnny waits for just the right time to ask Amy out, spends a half hour with her and then tells Roy that she told him that she didn't like him after two minutes. Johnny liked her and just kept talking with her to figure out why she didn't like him so he could learn from it.
-Roy says he thinks thinks Johnny is
from another planet.
- Johnny carries a large pocket knife in his right pants pocket.
- Johnny talks two bank robbers into giving themselves up while he and Roy are
being held hostage.
-Johnny says that breathing deep helps him relax.
-After they are set free, Johnny goes through the whole thought process to Roy about how they would rob a bank and finally concludes that robbing banks is a bad idea.
Computer Error
-Johnny gets a credit card bill for $842
-He remembers he spent $8.42
-Johnny took out a nurse named Evelyn Collins
-Chet knows who Evelyn Collins is
-Gloria Truelove is the name of the customer service rep Johnny contacts, but different women answer the phone as her
-Roy makes eggs lupin (with sage); it looks like scrambled eggs.
-Marco likes chili with eggs
-Johnny does not like the sound of chili with eggs
-Roy ends up not liking the eggs lupin, but Johnny says he does.
-Roy got the recipe for eggs lupin from Joanne's sister
-Roy and Johnny (and Chet) know another paramedic named Deek (no last name given)
-Deek is injured in the Harvest Hills Fire
-Deek's wife, Susan is Joanne's best friend.
-Deek and Susan had just bought a house when he was injured
-Roy and Johnny and presumably the engine crew also know a fireman named Don (106 on his helmet) who they rescue when his small fire department vehicle overturns while they work on the Harvest Hills Fire. The Engine 51 crew rescue the three men.
Messin Around:
-Johnny has an aunt mentioned
-Johnny had just broken up with a girl named Betty
-flippantly says that he was a better cook than she was.
-the only thing more predictable than a Chet Kelly joke is John Gage breaking up with a girl.
-Chet Kelly is the phantom bomber who sets water bomb traps for Johnny, at doorways, in closets, in Johnny's locker, in a cupboard.
-the phantom does not strike after bad runs, such as when a child dies
-Johnny rescues a little girl, Cindy, from a treehouse fire and her mother (name never given) later has a date with Johnny.
-Captain Stanley makes Johnny latrine officer of the day.
-Old Bill hangs around the Rampart hospital waiting room and entertains the children
-Everyone knows and likes Old Bill, but most people don't realize that he is really sick (including Bill) until Station 51 has to rescue him after he collapses at his house.
-generally, the firemen/paramedics use their helmets for breaking windows to gain entry when necessary
- Station 51 has timed drills for putting on SCBA gear and Chet Kelly always comes in last.
-46 seconds was Chet's time, which is
the slowest for the drill in this episode.
- Marco translates Spanish for Roy for an old man when asking about on an
address on a run.
- Arriving at a fire, Roy and Johnny attached the hoses to the hydrant while the
engine moved on to the fire.
How Green was my
-Chet mentions he grows alfalfa sprouts
-Marco says he grew up across the street from 1000 acres of beans
-Mike says his uncle manufactures fertilizer.
-Mike acts single when Mrs. Johnson comes to the station (so maybe he is. . .?)
-Roy was working overtime for a guy named Karlson
-the elevator in Rampart shows the hospital with 8 floors.
-Station 95 has paramedics (Randy's real brother Donald played one from there in this ep)
-Roy reads a book called Plant Pathology and finds it fascinating
-Squad 41 arrives at a winery fire to help
-the hospital chaplain is Chuck Miller
-Mrs. Johnson gives Roy a 'baby' weeping wisteria plant
-Fun fact: Johnny has a tendency to
pat people on the back or shoulder. He does it fairly often. He also will place
hand on Roy's back or arm at times. (Thanks to Liz T. and Jen B. for bringing
this up)
The Hard Hours:
-Dr. Early is diagnosed with a heart condition and undergoes a bypass.
-Dr. Early seems to know his way around under the hood of a vehicle
-Dr. Early likes Clam Chowder
-Fred and Tom are the names of the heart surgeons
-The guys call a former football lineman they treat by his old nickname 'The Animal' (Chet says they should call hin 'Mr. Animal)
-Clyde is a young kid that the guys encounter on a rescue and he's very intellectual.
-Captain Stanley remarks that the station has become like family
-The heart procedure will take 3 to 4 hours.
The Floor Brigade:
-John and Roy think about going into the floor cleaning business on the side.
-A hermit is trapped in his cave home. He later calls himself 'John L. Smith'
-the cleaning machine the paramedics want to buy is $350
-Mr. Anderson is a guy who apparently works at or owns a rental shop of some kind (floor cleaning stuff for one at least)
-Gas price at one station they passed was 41.9 cents (thanks Liz T!)
-Jerry is the stock boy who works at the store that gives food to the hermit
-Joe is the name of the grocery store owner
-Johnny knows that pressing his thumb on the lower part a dog's jaw prevents the animal from biting. He seems to know a lot about handling dogs
-Celia Kenyon is the diabetic singer.
-Mr. DiGorgio is the man selling the cleaning machine
-Johnny's foot slips while he's
climbing a tower and he falls, catching himself under his arm on the metal
supports, slamming his ribs against them.
-The guys miss out on buying the cleaning machine they wanted.
-Johnny is into photography
-Morton knows something about music since he recognized the singer
-Joanne is a penny pincher.
-Roy and Joanne are late night snackers
-Johnny has an armchair/bed that has never been slept in till Roy tries it. Roy claims that it snapped at him.
-Roy stays at Johnny's apartment for the first time
-Roy's house is fumigated for termites
-Joanne and the kids stay with her mom while the house is fumigated
-Johnny's leg gets burned slightly at a rescue
-The ambulance with Roy has a wreck. The ambulance driver's name is Hal. George is the other ambulance attendant
-Roy leaves Johnny's place for a hotel.
-Laverne is a neighbor of Johnny's who sometimes comes to visit and cry
-Edgar is Laverne's boyfriend (and his sister has come around also)
-Johnny and Roy agree one out of three days together is enough.
-Chet drives a Volkswagen van.
-2 oil drums sitting in the backyard of the station have signs on them reading
"Toys for Kids"
-despite the fact that he's a real fireman, Mike can't put out a fire .
-Johnny and Roy discuss doing a
canvas spanner sleeve for their first idea
-Johnny later suggests a foam bomb
-Johnny changes his mind again and wants to invent a contraption with a net in a
tennis ball can that shoots out.
-Chet invents Human Fly shoes that get stuck to the ground when wet and he can't
move his feet while in them.
-Mike and Marco invent a contraption that blows the fire all over the place so
it fails. (I'll have to double check what they call it)
-the prize for the fire department invention contest is $250
-Chet is seen shooting basketball hoops in the rear lot
-a guy from Station 84 wins the contest by inventing a canvas spanner sleeve
-at the end of the ep, Johnny barely has a voice left
The Screenwriter:
-Roy grew up in Norwalk.
-Art Fromish, is a screenwriter researching for a movie about paramedics. Dick Friend introduces him to Johnny and Roy
-Art wrote 'The Thing That Ate the World'
-the typewriter in the captain's office is an old, dented Smith Corona
-the paramedics' log book is as confidential as a doctor-patient transaction.
-Roy was a junior at Norwalk High School when he first got interested in being a fireman. There was a station just down the street from where he lived.
-Roy asks Chet, why is it he's always making chili and Marco is always making corned beef and cabbage?
-Renee is Art's girlfriend and is also Miss October from the back of Gage's locker
-Station 43 is just down a ways from Station 51, and averages 10 calls a day, according to Johnny
-Johnny has a scrap book
- Art changes his paramedic movie idea to yet another horror flick, The Dolls That Ate the World.
(provided by Jen B.)
Fun fact
-Johnny straddles victims often when he has to insert an airway or if they are
I'll Fix It:
- Johnny says he once owned a motorbike of some sort
- The crew bought a child sized motorbike for a 12-year old boy who got
his sister out of a burning building.
-Tommy Hilton is the name of the little boy the guys by the motorbike for
-Johnny also says that he used to take his motorbike apart all the time (Liz made a good point with this comment, in that Johnny never said he put it back together. lol)
-Danny Freeman is a kid who is a bookworm and tries to diagnose his own aches and pains
-Dixie drives a station wagon
just a fun fact. When Johnny's reading the manual, he's saying, number A, number
B, number C. I don't know about you, but I was always taught ABC are letters lol.
-Johnny ran the 440 and mile relay in High School and was called the Galloping
-Roy was on the HS swim team.
-Johnny is seen mopping the floor again
- A nurse named Anne spreads the rumor that Dr. Morton is having financial problems.
- There is an Engine 17 mentioned and 123
- Chet puts up papers on the bulletin board, stations open for bids and captains' exams
- Johnny's time in the 440 was 48.3.
- Johnny tells Roy that the 440 is the worst event in track, like the one hundred yard dash, only four times as bad.
- a light switch in the bathroom is just to the right of the sink.
- Johnny showed Roy a clipping from his high school newspaper about his running track where he is called 'the galloping greyhound'. (In 'All Night Long' Johnny tells Chet that he was editor of his high school newspaper.)
Nagging Suspicion:
- Roy picks winning horses from the newspaper
- Marco and Mike are cleaning off the refrigerator while Johnny mops as usual.
- Hank Aaron was on the Atlanta Braves team at this time, one of the worst teams in the league with one of the best players.
- Roy doesn't bet, he just likes to pick the winning horses. He's never even been to the track.
- Cap dusts the engine
- Cap asks about how the Dodgers are doing
- Johnny goes to the horse track on occasion and can pick a couple of winners once in a while.
- Johnny falls off a skateboard into some cactus
- The guys put in $10 each to bet on a horse at the track.
- After being on the scene with a sniper loose, Johnny doesn't want to see another gun as long as he lives. He'd rather have fires, etc.
Communication Gaffe:
- Roy and Joanne go on a TV quiz show.
- One of Chet's eyes looks like it has been popped one, there's a bloodburst in it.
- Chet had an interview on the 11 o'clock news at a bad fire. Maybe was working OT
- Johnny and Roy each saw the 11 o'clock news the night before they reported for duty
- Lieutenant Crockett is introduced as a character and starts off on a bad note with the paramedics
-Roy's mom's name is Mom (a funny Cap
line) Also that Roy's favorite veggie is artichokes, but he doesn't ask for them
-Roy's mom's name is Harriet
- Johnny nudges Roy's hand while he's eating soup, spilling it on Roy's arm, trying to get him to agree that they know each other pretty well, asking twice. Roy thinks he and Johnny don't know each other well enough to know when to leave each other alone. (too funny to not mention)
- Chet is planning a poker game on Friday night.
- Johnny called Joanne with a few pointers for the game show. She told Roy about it and it doesn't seem to have gone over well..
- There is an Engine 69 with the guys at a scene
- The Battalion 5 Chief arrives at a scene with the guys also
- Copter 10 and 14 are both used on a rescue (10 for a water drop, 14 in case of rescue needed)
- Johnny got some dirt in his eye but seems okay.
- Dwyer fills in for Roy. Johnny drives the squad then. :o)
- Roy and Joanne win a consolation prize of a dinner at a local restaurant.
-Roy says he's been married 7 years. (That one aired in 74, so Roy and Joanne
got married in 67. That makes Roy 28 or 29 in season 4,
but only if you CHOOSE to go by each season as a year and have the eps happen in
the year they aired. No one HAS to stick to that in fan fic. . .keep that in
mind. It's fiction, so have fun with it.)
-Dixie's birthday takes place in this ep
-Dixie breaks her ankle and gets a mild concussion kicking a shopping cart
-the ER doesn't run smoothly without Dixie there.
-Betty fills in for Dixie
-the guys have Joanne buy Dixie a hairdryer as a gift
-Dixie says she'd rather just skip birthdays
-Johnny is thrown down a flight of steps in a gas explosion
Squads mentioned participating in
surprise party (more are implied, but not mentioned) for Dixie (there are
probably others):
- 51: present
- 36: cold cuts, potato salad, bread, butter
- 14: cake
- 103: decorations, signs
Engine 95 assists Station 51 on a rescue.
Daisy's Pick:
-Roy mentions that he's taking his son mountain climbing.
-Tom Dwyer is a paramedic on another shift
-Johnny is just back from vacation
-there's a new nurse at Rampart named Daisy. The guys are in a contest to date her
-a victim rescued from an icehouse is given a shot by Kel and it instantly stops the man's shivering movements. He tells Johnny that it is a form of curare, a poison used by the headhunters. It will paralyze the man to give them time to intubate him and warm him up. (Thanks, Liz T., for pointing this out!)
Quicker Than The Eye:
-the guys play a practical joke on Chet by acting like they can see things he can't and don't see things he does
-Chet goes to a movie
-MAYBE playing that he's leaving the fire dept, Chet says he's leaving his fav possession to Johnny (a pin-up) because Chet thinks he and Johnny are tight friends.
-Johnny says he doesn't like Chet enough to protect his feelings
- Chet does magic tricks with
quarters; he says that Houdini taught him.
- Other squads on the board at Rampart are 24, 45, 14
- Tricks the guy at the station play on Chet are: Flicking the lights off and on
and denying it happened, Roy swatting imaginary flies, an eye chart with tiny
letters that everyone has cheat notes for except Chet.
- Marco calls the tricks they play on Chet, 'a fantastic cram'.
- Chet has a pinup picture in his locker.
- Johnny asks Chet if that's his five dollar bill on the floor just to get him
to look.
- Johnny is unsympathetic to a victim's husband because he kept a loaded gun in
his house and his pregnant wife was injured with it.
Foreign Trade:
-Cap's wife drives an Edsel
-Johnny and Roy switch vehicles
-Johnny's sale sign for his Land
Rover says: FOR SALE 80,000 MILES NEVER BEEN WRECKED CALL 321-1321 or 748-1----
(unreadable) (Thanks again to Liz T!)
-another call number started with 34
-Johnny doesn't think the Rover fits his image, he prefers a sports car
-Johnny has the back seat out of his Rover and a bed made up in it
-Roy drives a cream colored sports car and has been for 10 years
-Mr. O'Brien is the new hospital administrator and he wants to cut the nursing staff during their busiest shift, 3 to 11 on Saturday.
-Dixie is determined to stand up to the administrator
-the engine to the sports car is in the rear. Roy had the car overhauled a couple of thousand miles back
-Doctor Early gets the hiccups and a glass of soda cures them
-Dixie is offered the job of Nursing Supervisor, doesn't take it
-Roy and Johnny admit they're attached to their own cars and trade back
Camera Bug:
- a patient bit Dixie and then complains to the hospital about being treated
- Vince mentions he has kids
-Dixie's pay is short $30.00 for the third straight pay
-Chet's picture is purchased by the newspaper for $25.00
-Johnny likes his chili hot.
-Jerry Slater is the officer who took pictures for the news article that inspired Johnny
-Squad 51 responds to a call at Station 68
-Bob Seaborg is a fireman at Station 68, his wife's name is Janet.
-Station 68 is located in Calabasas, about 40 miles from Carson (thanks Liz T. for all this info!)
-A cardiac patient is in a room on the 6th floor of Rampart
-Johnny reveals one of his hobbies is photography. He has a 35mm camera.
-A scorpion brought back from Acapulco bites a stewardess
-Dixie and Kel go to lunch at the Velvet Slipper, an upscale restaurant
-Dixie and Kel deliver a baby at the restaurant
-Cap uses the term Twit for the first time
Fire House Four
-the Fireman's Picnic has a Barbershop Quartet competition
-Johnny wants the guys to enter it
-Roy is opposed to the quartet idea
-Captain Stanley sang in a church choir
-Mike sang in a glee club once
-Marco loves to sing
-Roy sang barbershop in High School
-Johnny says he always wanted to be singer, but didn't know until now
-Fred Gibson is the man trying to lose weight who keeps getting into messes and needs to be rescued each time
-Dixie says she knows a little about singing
-none of the guys (except Roy) can read music
-Lolita, Pepita, Rosita, and Juan are names of Marco's relatives (his mom called them on the phone)
-Roy missed the firemen's picnic due to a cold
-the guys win a trophy for First Prize Best Comedy Act. They give the trophy to Marco's mom
- Johnny says Roy knows how to read music
-Roy said he and Joanne knew each other since the 4th grade.
-Johnny had dinner at Roy's the night before. They had stuffed rolled flank steak.
-Johnny says he'll be 30 years old in a few years
-Valerie is a lady who is hit by a car while darting across the street and the guys from station 51 witness it.
-Johnny and Roy stay to treat Valerie, who is 23 years old (with just a bruise on her hip, she goes to Rampart without them)
-Engine 36 and Squad 45 are to help Engine 51 on the fire call.
-Squad 45 is still 10 minutes away by the time Squad 51 is free to respond again.
-Barnes is the last name of the burn victims
-Valerie keeps forgetting Roy's name. She gives Johnny her phone number.
-Chet saw a vampire movie on his night off
-Chet mentions that usually Johnny goes on and on about what he did on his day off.
-Marco says Johnny being quiet is a sign he got dumped.
-Chet mentions Johnny dating Barbara the stewardess
-Johnny is thinking of getting married to Valerie
-A man named Mr. Dando watches too many medical shows and thinks he is dying. He has an ear infection.
-Big Red is a belly dancer who takes a shine to Chet on a run
-Johnny's only known Valerie for three days when he wants to get engaged
-Roy and Joanne knew each other 12 years before they got married
-Ginger is the name of a sick belly dancer who used to be a stripper
-Tammy is the name o f the dog who bites a kid, but the boy also bit the dog. The boy belongs to Valerie
-Valerie has three kids and all three seem like brats. Jackie is her son, Sharon is her daughter and she has a toddler.
-A neighbor says Valerie is seldom around the kids
-After the kid thing, Johnny hasn't slept for a couple of days (A-shift had a couple off - seems this ep, they had one on, two off, one on and two off again).
-Johnny and Roy have to jump to a lifenet at a fire. Johnny jumps first.
-Captain Stanley has been in the fire dept for 13 years. This is the first time he's used a lifenet.
-Valerie ends up engaged to Peterson, a lawyer
-Johnny tucks her picture behind his Smokey Bear poster
-There's a daycare center at Rampart
The Parade
-Roy and Johnny restore their old fire engine to ride in the California Fire Fighters Parade.
-Captain Stanley and Johnny both show good skills in dealing with children
-The parade is on a Saturday
-Intensive care is filled and a patient has to be treated in Emergency only (this seemed strange to me. lol)
-There are several junk yards in Carson, as Johnny mentions if he and Roy check every junk yard between the station and Rampart, they may get an engine part they need.
-Knock out drops were used by a guy on his date with a new girlfriend, only he got himself instead.
-The restored engine gets damaged badly and we don't see it fixed up again.
The Bash
-Johnny and Roy rescue an actor named Vic Webster from a bear at a film studio
-The bear's name is Charlene
-Johnny and Roy get invited to a Hollywood bash
-This isn't a fact, just too funny not to mention: Roy decides he would like to have Vic's autograph...for Joanne and the kids. Johnny doesn't approve because it isn't cool to ask. When they go into the treatment room to see Vic, he calls them the greatest, wants to know what he can do for them. Johnny begins to tell him it's just their job, when Roy jumps in and asks for Vic's autograph...for Johnny. He then tells Vic that Johnny was too shy to ask. Just an example of the interaction between these two friends. lol (Thank Liz for pointing this funny interaction out)
-the guys have chili for lunch
-a man comes in with Trichinellosis from eating uncooked meat. He has a rash, discolorization under his fingernails, and is sensitive to light.
-Squad 14 is on a scene with Station 51 guys
-Saint David is another hospital in the area.
-bear meat caused the Trichinellosis
-Monique Lawrence is an actress at the party and the guys seem to have heard of her before. She seems less the Hollywood type.
-And here's something that could be apocyphal, but I always figured Johnny
attended at least some HS in the LA area or he couldn't have known that trainee
who ran track with him. ***It's been brought to my
attention that Gil Robinson and Johnny Gage could have attended high school
together on a reservation. In my opinion the odds of this are very unlikely. But
if you want to take a story in that direction, go for it. :o)
-The station Gil is assigned to just got incorporated into the county
-Gil was a state pole vault champion
-a man used hydrogen sulfide to clean out the garbage disposal and it blew up
-Johnny sort of indicates he has gone out on a blind date set up by Chet before
-Roy gets cobra venom in his eyes
-Larry is a little boy in Rampart with a kidney transplant who we see get released
-Gil shows lack of confidence in what he's doing.
-Gil overcomes his lack of confidence and is hooked on being a paramedic
The Smoke Eater
-Captain Stanley is on vacation
-Captain Bob Roberson from Station 10, a two man station, subs for Hank (this does not work with the Premiere ep. Johnny was at Station 10 then and it was HUGE! Many trucks lined up in a lower bay and lots of firemen sleeping upstairs. So either would work in fan fic for Station 10)
-Roberson is a hero from 7 or 8 years earlier
-Roberson doesn't believe in the use of SCBA's. He believes in charging in without it
-Joe Early doesn't like oranges
-Johnny and Roy do like oranges
-the vending machine at Rampart is giving the wrong items for the buttons pushed
-Dixie gets the right item by nudging the machine with her hip
-Roberson doesn't approve of paramedics (thinks they are competing with doctors)
-Chet defends Johnny and Roy and the job they do
-Roberson eventually comes around to give the paramedics more credit for what they do
Interesting point made by Marty P.: vending machines appear in the lounge at Rampart only when they are part of the storyline. There's this ep and the one where Dixie gets her hand stuck in the coffee machine.
-the Director of Paramedic Services runs the tour Johnny has to give.
-Johnny has to conduct a tour of Rampart for a group of 10-year-olds.
-a short order cook wants to build a hamburger stand on the corner near the station where there is an empty lot
-a hamburger would cost 55 cents, including a pickle and potato chips.
-Squad 45 takes 51's calls while the squad is out of service for a few hours.
-Johnny says he wasn't very smart at the age of 10
-the short order cook decides to build the hamburger stand
-Johnny gets the kids balloons, gum and lemonade
-the guys rescue Maxwell Hart, a novelist who tried to commit suicide (He hasn't written since his wife died)
-Dixie has read all of Max's books.
Johnny's only seen the movie version of one
-the kids on the tour have written essays in the past titled 'Medicine Today'
-none of Max's books are still in print, but they are in libraries
-Air date: January 25, 1975
-Dr. Brackett likes to fish.
-Roy appears to be very good at solving puzzles, while Johnny stinks at it.
-Dr. Brackett's father tried to talk him into becoming a lawyer when he was
-Dr. Kelly Brackett was a stubborn kid.
-Kel states his father has a history of peptic ulcer with a serious hemorrhage
about a year ago. A doctor wanted to operate and his dad wouldn't let them.
-Dr. Crowler (sp?) is a cardiovascular specialist at Rampart.
-Dr. Johnson is the best vascular surgeon they have at Rampart.
-Brackett's father thinks his son has a great bedside manner.
-Dr. Brackett's father undergoes major surgery to remove a large blood clot from
the vein of his right leg. Doctor's Crowler and Johnson suspect some of it has
already broken off and traveled to his lung, if more breaks loose it could be
fatal. The operation was a success.
-Dr. Brackett’s father is treated at the hospital for phlebitis
-Lorenzo the Magnificent is the magician Johnny and Roy encounter
-people fish off the pier in a warehouse district
-Eldridge is a friend of Lorenzo's who has magic props in his suit jacket
-Lorenzo gives the paramedics a wooden puzzle ball he says holds the secret of the universe.
-Johnny seems to sniff things he's unsure about (like the wooden puzzle ball)
-Johnny is seen with books on magic
-Engine 38 responds on a call with Station 51
It's How You Play
the Game
-Johnny makes an agreement on his own that the losing baseball team
at the fireman's picnic will pay for the picnic.
-Chet is Station 51's only hope when their pitcher breaks his arm before the
-Mike is kind of wild with pitching
-vehicles in the back lot include a yellow and white pickup with a camper style top on it, a white car with a black roof, a dark blue Chevy pickup (Liz thinks it is the same one in "Foreign Trade" and is driven by Roy in "Parade"), and a faux wood paneled blue station wagon.
-there is a concrete shed in the back lot with an unpainted wood roof and a dumpster is inside it.
-Dwyer broke his arm by falling off a roof
-Chet doesn't play baseball
-The station usually splits the cost of the picnic with Station 36
-Dixie ruptured a blood vessel in her hand at a party when she punched someone
-Johnny gets punched in the nose by a victim at a car accident
-Chet says he doesn't like it when people expect too much from him
-Trader Jack is a car dealer
-someone is running a still using a car radiator or lead pipes and is causing lead poisoning in some drinkers.
-Chet gets carried away with his pitching status
-Station 51 loses the game 17 to 3
-they each have to pay $9 (back then that was a lot.)
-Chet froze under pressure and blew the game
The Mouse
- Marco names the mouse "Herbert".
- After the crash of a jet into an apartment complex, Johnny's knocked
unconscious in an explosion while doing S & R and is carried out by a
Pasadena fireman. He's later seen being patched up by Roy.
- The guys are working B-shift
- Roy and Johnny train/re-train the
Engine crew on first aid.
- The crew draws matches to see who will kill the mouse and Chet loses.
-Chet is extremely squeamish about setting a trap for the mouse which ends up leaving the station on its own anyway.
-Everyone else at the station thinks
Chet's being a big baby about it.
Back Up
-Chet is sick and Phil replaces him for the shift
-Johnny is almost late to roll call
-the previous shift had 17 calls for the squad
-Marcos horoscope said it'll be an uneventful day
-the squad accompanies Engine 10 in place of Squad 10
-Wild Bill is an old guy who frequently calls for help when it's not really needed
-Sam is another paramedic the guys run into at Rampart and they know him
-Squad 28 is another unit (Sam and his partner were covering for them)
-a group of hospital administrators is coming to Rampart for a tour
-Chet gave Phil a recipe for stew with cherries in it
-Squad 36 is dispatched with Engine 51, it'll take the squad 15 minutes to get there
-Johnny and Roy ride in the ambulance with a heart attack victim, Marco drives the sqaud
-the ambulance is in an accident with both paramedics and their patient inside
-Johnny and Roy end up taking in the heart attack victim on the top of the engine in back
-Johnny and Roy get hamburgers and french fries and milk at the hospital cafeteria
-. Johnny has the idea that the department needs to have a priority system, rather than first-come first-serve basis: put a doctor in dispatch to evaluate the priority.
-Johnny and Roy had 18 responses during their shift
-Roy invites Johnny over for breakfast and Johnny comments that Joanne is a good cook
905 - Wild
-Johnny finds a Bengal Tiger in the back of a store after the owner of the store was attacked. The tiger is eating meat
-there is a service in the city with animal control guys that take on everything from trapped kittens in a home to rescuing animals in forest fires
-the animal control guys work closely with one of the best animal clinics in the area
-Johnny and Roy treat a pigmy goat that belongs to a little girl and was trapped in a fire
-the goat ends up at Rampart and Brackett performs surgery on it with the assistance from the vet over the phone
The Stewardess
-Johnny and Roy went to
Sacramento for a safety seminar and gave a demonstration
-Sue Hickman is a stewardess Johnny takes interest in on their flight
-Roy invites Johnny over for dinner
-Johnny's car is at the airport for them to go home in
-Johnny declines on the invite, sure he'll have a date
-Johnny and Roy treat a heart attack victim on the plane
-Dwyer and Carlson are the paramedics who meet the airplane at LAX (Squad 51 has a WIDE range in the show, huh?)
-Roy rides in the ambulance with Dwyer, Johnny in the squad with Carlson
-this is where the newer ambulances started on the show (with a side and back door to where the patient is) and the newer base station at Rampart
-the stewardess asked for Johnny's number
-Roy says no girl ever asked for his number, including Joanne
-Johnny says he and Sue a lot in common. She has an uncle in the department in San Mateo, they read the same last four books, their albums are about the same and she bowls
-Chet says he was asked for his number by a little old lady who he backed into with his car.
-Johnny gets a call in the middle of the night from Sue
-flights going to LAX can be diverted to Burbank
-Captain Stanley hurts his knee at a response
-Sue is a 220 bowler
-Johnny calls her bossy and says she complained about his driving and eating habits and gave him tips on bowling
-Johnny dumps Sue kind of but she calls him again
The Old Engine Cram:
- Chet has a sister (who, in this
episode, had been helping Chet with his pranks by making phony telephone calls
to the guys over at 116's).
- Dr. Mike Morton made a blunder. He diagnoses a five year old boy with the flu
and sends him home, never asking the mother if he had his Polio vaccine. The boy
never had the vaccine and is later diagnosed with Polio by doctor's Early and
Brackett. However, this mistake that Dr. Morton made would not have made any
difference in the outcome for the boy.
- Chet owns a 1953 Ford.
-Someone supposedly named George S. Green places an ad in the newspaper looking
to buy a 1925 Page Fire Truck. Will pay $25,000 if in mint condition.
-Johnny and Roy own a 1925 Page Fire Truck. They bought it for $80 at a junkyard
and restored it. At present, it's in mint condition. (in The Old Engine
episode they actually buy a 1932 Dennis and it cost $80.00. So the engine type
changed after several episodes aired. ).
-Chet works overtime at 116
-Joe Bailey is one of the men assigned to 116.
-Someone named Kurner (Sp?) shows up unexpectedly at the station. He says he saw the paramedic's ad in the paper and wants to buy the engine; he says he'll pay top dollar. Johnny and Roy think it's another con. Turns out later it's not and they have to try to find him.
-the guys and other stations do some training on chemical fires. Sulfur trioxide is a chemical the Chief says he doesn't know much about.
-Johnny gets the idea that he and Roy should go in the business of buying and selling old fire engines. Roy isn't enthused.
-Mike assists with CPR
-Chet comments to John and Roy that they're all friends and Roy comes back with "Sometimes". :o)
-the paramedics respond with the coast guard to the cliffs off Catalina
-A battalion delegate position is open and Johnny and Roy both run for it
-Roy calls Joanne about it. She doesn't seem to be quite so enthusiastic about the idea.
-Johnny is eating English muffins, dunking them in coffee while drinking milk.
-Chet suggests Johnny but says he can't think of anyone who'd vote for him
-a man at a rescue named Clyde swallows a pull tab he dropped inside a beer can
-Reyes Syndrome is suspected in the case of a little boy named Tommy Lawson
-Johnny says that he believes he has more free time for the job than Roy does. Roy takes offense. Johnny mentions that Roy has a wife and family. Roy retorts that Johnny is always busy hustling dates. Johnny doesn't believe that this interferes with his job and Roy believes the same is true of him. (thanks, Liz T., for the details)
-Roy and Johnny don't want anything to ruin their friendship.
-Peterson at 116 won the election by a landslide.
-Johnny does overtime at Station 8 as one of the engine crew
-Stoney is the captain Johnny knows at Station 8.
-Stoney used to be a paramedic but can't practice as one as a captain. But he is keeping his certification.
-Captain Stanley washes the dishes at the station
-Johnny suggests a welcome back dinner for Chet after he's out for an injury, Roy suggests a cake, which they go with
-Marco admits he misses Chet, though he didn't expect to. :o)
-Captain Stanley calls Marco 'Marc'
-Johnny gives Roy Chet's welcome back cake after Roy is in Rampart for an injury
The Lighter Than Air Man
-En route to a rescue, Roy and John supposedly sideswipe an elderly crossing guard
-the guys use Green Savings Stamps
-Johnny delivers a premie baby
-Chet eats pickles
-Johnny and Chet light up cigars
-Lt. Crockett investigates the hit-and-run
-Roy has Johnny drive the squad after the news about the crossing guard
-Medford is the name of the crossing guard
-Medford was an acrobat known as The Lighter-Than-Air Man
-Johnny is enamored with the little preemie he delivered, using every visit to the hospital as an excuse to visit the baby (I guess he likes kids! lol).
-the guys are saving stamps to get a grill for a barbeque
-Medford's real name is Ben Meduzi, a circus acrobat who has become a professional patient. In 1963 in New York City, he was hit by a bus, complaining of a dislocated shoulder and vague back problems, receiving a large settlement. In 1970, he fell off an amusement park ride, similar injuries and another settlement. In 1971, he was hit by a cab in San Francisco, same complaints, still another settlement. Now in 1975 he's hit again, this time by a rescue squad. (Liz T. did super at pulling all this out of the ep!)
-Johnny says the reputation of a firefighter is generosity
-Johnny buys a baby layette instead of a grill
-the paramedics are cleared of the hit-and-run
- Roy is once again handy with a fire extinguisher when a burning trailer pulls up to the station (thanks to Nancy for this!)
The Inspection:
-Mike takes a blood pressure reading on the last rescue.
-the guys have to order in supplies like wax to clean the trucks
-Johnny jokes with Chet that it's an age old custom of his *people* to give car wax at Thanksgiving
-Battalion Chief Houts and the County Supervisor of the Fire Department will inspect the station
-Boot is still the station mascot
-Johnny thinks they did something wrong to get the inspection
-Johnny claims he knows Chief Houts from the paramedic graduation, that he can tell a lot about a man on how he says "Congratulations, son."
-the squad is toned out with Engine 18
-The captain has Chet stash Boot in his (Chet's) car
-KJV is a radio station
-Chet's uniform shirts are ironed and hanging 1 1/2 inches apart in his locker
-Captain Stanley has a joke clock with Houts' picture on it in his office.
-Captain Stanley tells Chet to stash the clock in his (Chet's) car
-the station is toned out for a car accident in the L.A. Riverbed, which is like a concrete canal
-the paramedics use the antishock suit on the scene
-the Chief made his visit while the guys were out. His only comment was that the clock (with his picture on it) was three minutes off.
The Indirect Method
- Roy and Johnny get their first female trainee, Karen Overstreet
from Redding, California.
- All the men at the fire station are disturbed by having a female working
around the station.
- Chet fakes a seizure when Karen first comes in. Marco and Mike play along
with him.
-Johnny tells Karen all the trainees
they get don't get an initiation like Karen did from Chet
- Roy is having an exceptionally bad hair day for this episode.
- Roy is electrocuted on some outside wires at a house fire and Karen
defibrillates him.
- Dixie knows and is sympathetic to Karen from training at the hospital.
Pressure 165
- Chet went out on a date with a
woman who was 6 ft 5 in tall and wore platform shoes and she offers to help him
with his 'little coat'; it was not a successful date.
- Johnny cooks two things for lunch, hotdogs or hamburgers.
- Marco thinks that Johnny's hotdogs are boring.
- Roy doesn't want to get into the argument when Johnny complains to him that
the others are making fun of his cooking.
- Rampart and Station 51 answer to scuba diving accidents off of Catalina
Island. Roy and Johnny fly out there on a coast guard helicopter.
- Johnny and Roy know about treating diving accident victims and the effects of
high pressure on people.
- While checking new fire hydrants, Roy and Johnny put out a fire in a TV Chef's
(Chef Michele; name is Michael Turner) kitchen and he gives them a copy of his
French cookbook. Johnny decides to make something from it for the station.
- Johnny tries to make some very complicated dishes for the station; Roy only
reluctantly helps. They are interrupted by the alarm and the cooking gets away
from Johnny. They try to get rid of everything by pouring it all in the same
pot, but the engine crew comes in, eats the green stew and loves it. Johnny and
Roy are too nervous to eat any.
One of Those Days
- When Johnny has to say on the phone that he thinks a victim is
faking symptoms but he doesn't want to say it out loud, he says it's a 'family
matter' and Brackett understands what he means.
- Roy complains to Dixie about having to climb up and down five flights of
stairs twice for a victim who first refused treatment.
- Even Roy is visibly frustrated when too many things go wrong and is
superstitious that he knew the whole day would be bad when he broke two
shoelaces after both he and Joanne get up late when the alarm did not go off.
Johnny starts to tell him that he's being superstitious before he breaks a
Simple Adjustment:
-Marco mentions his sister took a home electronics course.
-the paramedics have 7 or 8 responses between 8:15 and 13:00 and are gone from the station that whole period of time.
-Chet fixes 'Fireman's Stew' for lunch
-Chet refers to Johnny and Roy as The Marx Brothers
-Captain Stanley tells the paramedics to try to think of an improved way to log their calls
-Roy tells Johnny it scares him that he likes Johnny's idea to hook the mic up to a recorder
-Station 7 is mentioned, as they don't think the recorder idea will work
-Sparks fly while Johnny is hooking up the recorder and the cab fills with smoke
-Roy checks Johnny for singed hair on his head
-Johnny crossed wires and blew a fuse that he replaces
-Ruthie is a beautician who has a bad reaction to taking four amphetamines
-Ruthie and the owner ( Miss Bernadette) think Johnny is cute
-a woman refers to Rampart as a charity hospital, but the paramedics explain it's a public hospital
-Century Pavilion is another hospital
-Century Pavilion is 45 minutes away from their location (with rush hour) and Rampart is 10 minutes away
-Roy mentions there are 25,000 people in the district they cover
-Johnny wires the mic directly to the radio
-Roy says Joanne (his wife) is impressed with the tape recorder idea, but said an inventor could be too far ahead of their time.
-Johnny refers to Joanne as a civilian
-the guys use a 2 1/2 size hose
-the recorder records every dispatch call
Tee Vee :
-Dixie once fixed her own t.v.
-Brackett's office at Rampart is room #127 (coincidence that they also used
Station 127 for Station 51?)
-Johnny mentions he has a friend named Art Briggs
-The guys accidentally destroy the station TV by catching it on fire
-Johnny gives the station his own TV
-Captain Stanley has problems with his own tv set at home and has to whack it at times to get the horizontal to work
-the guys are at a call at the 1400 block of 6th Street where there is a manhole in the street
-Engine 73 responds after Station 51
-Treatment Room 6 is mentioned at Rampart
-Kel Brackett has milk with a bag lunch in his office
-an aquarium is mistakenly set up in Kel's office
-O'Brian is head of the hospital
-Chet and Johnny try to fix the TV
-Brackett is stung by a small catfish from the aquarium
-Johnny contacts Uncle Ernie's for a tv, that's where Ernie's nephew Art works
On Camera:
-Marco skies and belongs to a semi-pro soccer team
-Johnny's hobby is photography
-Chet's hobby is collecting barbed wire
-Marco says his mother thinks firefighters are "mucho macho."
-Marco works tin and Roy does clay pots.
-Marco learned to do tinwork from his grandfather.
-Chet goes deep sea fishing for
sharks with his brother
-Johnny once wrote some poetry for a victim with a broken leg. (victim was a 21
year old female of course.)
-Johnny loves rock climbing and
-According to Roy and Johnny, Dixie knows everything.
-Paula Hughes of KMMX Channel 8 News is the reporter who follows the guys around
-George is Paula's camera man
-Roy says they have a good physical fitness program at the station
-Paula reminds Johnny of a P.E. teacher he once had
-Paula won three gold medals for swimming in the Olympics and is hung up on strength and muscles
-The firemen have regular tests for their job
-The news crew can't film on private property or of victims being treated.
-Johnny nearly has another close encounter with a snake
-A member of B-shift goes bow and arrow hunting
-Phil at Station 15 is a mountain climber. Phil climbed El Capitan, got stuck for three days and had to sleep in a sling.
-Paula promises the guys tickets to the USC / UCLA football game for their help
-Captain Stanley has his wedding band on
-Roy shows his dislike of heights
-Johnny tends to clench IV bags in his teeth to free up his hands when moving victims
-The paramedics need t parental consent for medical treatment of a minor
-a paramedic directs little theater on his off time.
-a guy on C-shift built a model helicopter, which has won a lot of awards
-Roy built his own kiln and wheel for pottery
- a guy at Station 18 did a pen and ink drawing of an engine. Some of his drawings are hanging in the Museum of Industry
-Rampart has a good burn ward
-they have 11 o'clock news
-Paula gives the guys tickets to the opera and no one likes the idea
-Chet buys a pair of skis that were used only once for $80. He sets them on fire by accident. The original owner crashed in them and believed they were jinxed.
-Roy jokes he'd buy a ferris wheel for the right price
-Kel and Dixie travel to where Station 51 is on a rescue because a victim may need his arm amputated
-A radio glitch with two different squads on the same frequency while Squad 51 was far from home on a run backing up Squad 34's territory caused Roy to not medicate a victim as he didn't hear the orders given.
-There is a squad 49 who works out of a different hospital than 51
-Squad 18 and 34 are far from 51's and 49's territories in a hilly area with valleys
-Kel makes a policy change that a unit will acknowledge with "10-4, 51" or whatever their unit number is.
-Chet uses an exercise bike at the station
-Johnny uses the bike, imagines his home town and gets 'lost'
-Squad 51 assists Engine 62
-Chet was using his friend Fred
Well's secret formula on the skis when he set them on fire
-Roy seems to be the best at putting out fires at the station. He's the one who
always grabs a fire extinguisher while everyone else kind of panics. lol
-Chet says he's going to throw out his skis, he's tired of 'skiing'
To Buy Or Not To Buy:
-Chet's grandfather used to operate a NY subway
-Chet's grandfather taught him that putting eggshells in the coffee in a saucepan keeps the grounds from floating to the top
-Roy considers purchasing a house
-Roy's favorable points to the new
home are: friendly neighbors, workshop, pool, garage. trees. Bad points:
unfriendly neighbors, chores. fungus, weeds, leaves
-Johnny says he's been waiting since 8th grade for someone to ask him to spell
-interest rates are down on loans
-Roy is eligible for a VA loan
-Johnny finds a listing for a house: : rustic, ranch, 1/2 acre, 3 bedrooms, lots of trees
-Roy hurts his leg in a fire when a ceiling falls
-Dixie notes that Roy has a glazed
look around his eyes, Johnny says he always has that look, and Roy adds it's
ever since he's worked with Johnny (just added this for a
-Morton says interest rates aren't going down much (in contrast to the comment
Johnny made earlier)
-Dixie mentions she's a tenant, she rents
-Joanne is a penny pincher, she believes in saving all the time
-Chet has a realtor at the station by the name of Alexander Wolcott Smith
-Vince says he thinks the city is for the birds every morning on his way to work.
-Chet puts eggshells in coffee he's
making because they make coffee grounds sink to the bottom. He says his
granddaddy taught him that.
-Chet makes coffee in a cooking pot, not a coffee pot.
-Chet's grandfather was a New York subway operator
-Johnny buys the house Roy wanted, claims he can't sell it to Roy for the price he paid due to 'points'
- a thought: Why does Roy have to go over pros and cons on buying a house? Even if he was renting a house already, wouldn't he know what to look for? Things that make you go 'hmmmm'
Right At Home:
-Roy talks about his 2 kids and his dog
- Dr. Brackett rides along with a fire department helicopter crew.
- Roy takes custody of a little boy (Eddie - who is a brat) who was in an accident with his dad and the paramedics rescued them. His dad is in the hospital.
- Roy's neighbors had goldfish, but Eddie puts them in the toilet
- Roy buys his neighbors new goldfish
- Eddie is a biter and bites Chet
- Roy apparently physically disciplined Eddie once, when Eddie was chasing Roy's dog around the house with the fire tongs trying to pinch him. Roy lunged for the fire tongs and they went flying through the plate glass window. The neighbors called the cops because the kid was screaming bloody murder.
- Roy demonstrates he has tremendous patience
- Roy's dog is small enough to fit under a bed, and hides there when Roy looks at him after Eddie leaves (either is a pup at the time if it's a larger breed or a small dog). Roy eventually gets the dog calmed down to not do it
- Dixie gets Eddie to be polite and comically replies that she treated the boy exactly the way she treats Kel and Joe.
The Girl on the Balance Beam
- Johnny wonders if he could walk on
a balance beam.
- Johnny commented about talking to the guys with Squad 12 when making a joke
about getting trading stamps with their supplies.
- Johnny thinks that a person may have to take chances if they want to be a
champion. Dr. Morton disagrees that a girl too young can make that choice and
parents and coaches can make it worse.
- The Jaws of Life and chains are stored in the middle compartment on the back
of the squad in this episode - other equipment has been there in other episodes.
- Roy says you cannot get emotionally involved with a patient and Johnny replies
that he never gets emotionally involved with anything.
- After missing lunch, Roy says he can only take so much of Kelly's Mexican food
and Johnny agrees.
- When Captain Stanley needs someone to drive a train, he asks Kelly to do it
since he has moved heavy equipment before.
-Millie Eastman, a retired head nurse
at Rampart, tried to kill herself by taking 12 grams of an antidepressant that
Dr. Early gave her a prescription for a few months before her attempted
suicide. She traveled after retiring, had a cat and a parakeet.
-Millie becomes friends with an angry paraplegic girl, Jeanne, she shares a room
with at Rampart and works as a volunteer with a suicide hotline.
-Roy has not given much thought to retirement. Johnny thinks that Roy's family
is his best retirement plan.
-Compared with getting a wife, Johnny
would rather have the money.
-Near miss for Johnny. The entire back of his turnout coat is burned black from
a hydrogen fire from a tanker truck with a car smashed under it. But his
uniform shirt is completely unmarked when you see him without the turnout coat
-Millie had been retired for four years
- there is a favorite trend in spas, which is to wrap up in plastic wrap to push cellulite and fat back into the body. A woman tries ot with her own home version (maybe saran wrap)
Above And Beyond . . . Nearly
-There is a dental clinic on the third floor of Rampart
-Roy and Johnny are mistakenly given an award and they don't know what it was for.
-The chief tells Johnny to get a haircut
- Marco fixes a meal, spaghetti and chili together
- Chief Engineer Richard A Houts drives a green car
- the men's dress uniform hats are in the storage locker in the apparatus bay
- Roy doesn't like the idea of a rough climb to rescue victims
- copter 14 assists with the night rescue, the crew using night goggles
- Captain Stanley orders a light truck, as in one that can provide light for the rescuers
- Roy implies Stoker's cooking is bad
- Johnny says Stoker's food is a little hard to take
- Squad 15 was the crew who was supposed to get the award
- Chief Houts says he has a strong stomach from years in the fire dept
- Johnny and Roy know how to free climb, and attempt it up the rock face of a hillside
-Station 51 rescue a couple from under a car, Carter and Amy Merkle. In gratitude, they attach themselves to the station
-on A-shift's days off, Amy and
Carter go to Rampart, where they were treated.
-Carter and Amy insist on cooking meals for Station 51 and the guys are too nice
to come out and say that Amy is a lousy cook - their first meal is a severely
overcooked salmon. Johnny had a second helping anyway even though he thought
it was terrible.
-Captain Stanley has ambitions to be chief engineer, but Roy and Johnny don't
think he'll make it based on how timid he is with trying to tell Carter and Amy
to not cook for them and not follow them on calls.
-Copter 10 and Engine 149 assist Roy and Johnny in a rescue on a lake (they jump
from the copter into the water).
-Kelly makes Irish stew for dinner after Amy and Carter attach themselves to
Station 116 who rescue them from a minor traffic accident that they got into
when they were following Engine 51 on a call.
-Johnny gets stumped by Chet's brain teaser. Roy and Marco figure out the
answer right away. Q: two coins add up to 55 cents. One of them is not a
nickel. What are the two coins?
A: A fifty-cent piece and a nickel. One of them was not a nickel: the OTHER one
-Johnny and Roy are peeling carrots onto the kitchen table while getting ready
for dinner.
The Great Crash
-Marco mentions that his grandfather is 85 years old (when he's referring to
what kind of food he's used to eating).
-Roy said Hank was 37 years old.
-Chet went to a party where he was
served a 14 course dinner that took 4 hours that included couscous, lamb,
multiple salads, baklava, stuffed grape leaves, sherbet, six different kind of
-Roy and Johnny both know how to use SCUBA gear for an underwater rescue.
-Doctor Morton does a diet and nutrition study on fire department personnel for
the county health department.
-Chet gets over enthusiastic about the diet experimentation part of the study and tried to force feed health food to everyone else at Station 51.
-Chet claims that he eats fruit, nuts, plain toast and an occasional pumpernickel roll.
-Chet serves the crew a meal of dry
toast and figs.
-Chet complains about jumping out of bed because he thought he heard the alarm
when he was home.
-Mike Stoker makes the best fried chicken that Johnny has ever tasted.
(note: in some episodes, Mike's cooking is said to be bad)
-Roy made calves liver for lunch which Captain Stanley really liked.
-After everyone exercises in the apparatus bay, Chet tries to lead everyone in a
meditation exercise to relax. No one takes him seriously.
-Chet meditates on his bunk.
The Tycoons
-Johnny talks the guys into buying a hot dog stand, but Roy
holds out
-When Roy finally agrees, it's in the log book that the hot dog stand had burned down the shift before theirs. Cap brings it to their attention.
- Both Roy and Johnny agree that it
would not be hard to make Captain Stanley feel insecure after the Engine company
is upstaged at a dumpster fire by a lady with a fire extinguisher.
- Roy and Johnny are sometimes assigned to do routine fire prevention
inspections of businesses in their area.
- They will issue 410 citation for any fire code violations.
- Chet eats chili dogs for breakfast at Davey's Dogs hot dog stand, before it
burns down.
- When Johnny asks Roy if he wants to be a fireman for all his life, without
hesitation Roy says, 'Yes.'
- At the very end of the episode, after they find out that the hot dog stand
burned down Chet, Roy and Johnny are stilling at the table, Chet with his hands
over his ears, Roy with his hands over his mouth, Johnny with his hands over his
The Nuisance
-Johnny is hit by a car while at a rescue
-Johnny has to have his spleen removed
-Joe Early and Mike Morton treat Johnny and do the surgery on him
-Dixie had the weekend off
-Craig Brice fills in for Johnny
- Brice is a control fanatic
-Brice likes using last names only and likes to keep the squad compartments locked
The Game
- Chet lives in a 'dumpy apartment'
- All the Station crew and the hospital staff seem to be football fans,
including Chet who just got really interested in it that season.
- Chet, Marco, Mike and Hank get together for a football barbecue (Marco
barbecues the hamburgers) while Johnny and Roy are volunteering at the football
- Johnny carries a big pocket knife on duty that appears to be his own; it has
been seen in other episodes.
- A bag of peanuts only costs a quarter at the football game.
- At the game, Roy and Johnny carry the biophone, drug box, oxygen and
Not Available
-There are 31 L.A. County Squads at this point
-paramedics receive 5 months training
-the squads respond to 60 000 call per year
-the number of runs the squads are responding to are going up by 40% a year
-Johnny gets to drive the squad :-)
- One of the guys on A-shift Squad 39
is named Frank.
- Roy has a hairy chest.
The Unlikely Heirs
- While sitting at the station
kitchen table with a big cooking pot the men are peeling carrots and potatoes
right on the table.
- Chet practiced for an arm wrestling competition in Petaluma by doing 40 lb
one-arm curls, three sets of ten, for two months, but he lost anyway.
- Johnny drives a white and red pickup truck into work.
That Time Of Year:
-The tidbit about Joanne's growing up on a farm was in this ep.
-Roy mentions Chris's name, but just indicates he has a daughter.
- Roy actually says that Joanne was
born on a farm - he doesn't mention that she grew up there.
- On Roy's vacation on a farm, Roy's car breaks down twice, his daughter got the
measles, the cow stepped on his wife's foot and his son got poison ivy.
- Doctor Brackett had a great two-week vacation in New Orleans the year before.
Fair Fight:
-Henry adopts Station 51 and Captain Stanley orders, "I'd better never hear anyone calling him Hank."
-John and Roy claim to not know much about troubleshooting dogs' health
-The Hubbards are a couple who are into 'fair fighting', but are repeatedly hurting each other physically
-Johnny is caught in a tunnel collapse during a rescue
-Hookrater is first mentioned when Captain Stanley talks about asking the other captains if their new dog was in the station before their shift.
Rules of Order
- The chief sets up a paramedic advisory committee.
-Johnny is upset he and Roy aren't on
it, but then claims that he doesn't want to be on the committee after all.
- Johnny says he has been working hard to send his suggestions to the brass.
- Other paramedics mentioned on the committee are Burton and Lincoln.
- Brice and his partner re-stock their supplies at Rampart.
- Brice calls his partner by his first name, 'Bob' (in Nuisance he said that he
preferred to go by last names only.
- Roy had to work with Brice for two weeks while Johnny was sick.
- Johnny is upset that Brice is on the committee, until he hears that he and Roy
are on the committee
-Johnny stays up half the night
working on what he's going to say at their first meeting.
- Johnny talked too much at an MICU class (and Roy couldn't shut him up) when he
thought that someone speaking to the paramedics had his facts wrong
- Mike calls the Engine 116 engineer 'Tom'.
- Roy and Johnny talk to one of Station 51 paramedics going off work and call
him 'Charlie' but he is listed as Bert Dwyer in the credits.
(see near the top of the page for more on Dwyer)
- Brice's partner in this episode is Bob Belliveau, uncredited, but he is real
LA County paramedic using his real name in the part.
The Exam:
-Roy's birthday is November 7.
-Johnny's birthday is August 28
- Paramedics who failed their
re-certification exam are: Ernie Brown, Tim Williams
- Molly is the widow of a firefighter (Dick, who presumably who served at
Station 51) who died. Her address is 11165 Beechwood Drive.
- Captain Stanley makes chili for dinner.
- Doctor Brackett helped write the re-certification exam.
- Johnny confesses to Roy that he always gets a knot in his stomach whenever he
gets a run with a child involved; Roy agrees.
- Roy and Johnny were sure that they passed the exam
- Roy and Johnny have only one day off (when they take the test) between shifts
in this episode.
- The computer eats up the test forms and they have to take the test again;
presumably they passed.
Captain Hook
-Dixie once worked under a nursing supervisor named Vera Englethorpe
-Captain Hookrater worked for the department for twenty-six years.
-Hookrater tells the Station 51 crew that he has three years before he has to
retire (for a mandatory retirement age of 55, that would make him 52 years old)
-A-shift only gets Hookrater 6 or 7 times a year.
-Hookrater is first mentioned in 'Fair Fight' when Stanley talks about asking
the other captains if their new dog was in the station before their shift.
-C-shift hosts a 'retirement' party for Captain Hookrater that is really a
celebration for any man who served under him that he is retiring. Chet writes
and delivers a complementary speech about Hookrater's
service. Joanne also goes to the party. But the party backfires when Hookrater
is so touched by his men's appreciation that he decides not to retire. He had
been planning early retirement because he thought everyone hated him.
Computer Terror:
-Johnny's check was supposed to be for $596 for two weeks
-it took Roy 5 months to get a problem with his pension deductions straightened
-it took Johnny 3 months to straighten out a problem with his uniform allowance
-Roy offers to lend Johnny a little (if he needs it)
Welcome to Santa
Rosa County:
-Hank hates fish
-Johnny doesn't seem to be bothered
if he doesn't catch any fish; he is satisfied if the scenery is pretty.
-Roy and Johnny free climb up a rock face to help two injured climbers.
-Roy and Johnny each have a glass of milk and a coffee with their chili for
-Roy says 'Chili today, hot tamale.' and Johnny doesn't think it's funny. Roy
also says this joke at the beginning of 'The Game' as well.
-When the local sheriff asks how he can start a paramedic program in Santa Rosa
county Roy suggests that he can train twelve EMT-1s for the same cost as one
-Roy and Johnny bring back rainbow trout from their trip
-When asked Johnny says that he and Roy have been paramedics for about five
-Hank says, "Don't pose logical questions to me about this." To Chet
-Randy looked terrible in this eppy. He looked extremely tired.
-Marco takes inventory of the
refrigerator at the station in Spanish at the beginning of the episode.
Loose Ends:
-Johnny's lucky number is 51
- Chet was working overtime at Station 60 when he saw a group of
mimes after they put out a fire.
- Dixie visits Station 51 to see their dog, Henry.
-Johnny is selling tickets to the fireman's picnic to win second place in a
contest, a waterbed.
-First prize is a trip to Las Vegas.
-The other guy who was near first place is named Harper.
-The tickets are $2 apiece.
- Johnny gets first prize when Dr. Brackett buys two tickets at the last
minute. He asks Roy to go to Las Vegas with him.
- Dr. Brackett feels responsible for the death of another driver who broadsided
his car.
- Roy and Johnny know how to fix the fan belt on the squad.
-They normally carry enough tools in
the squad for minor repairs.
-When Dr. Brackett was a boy, he made friends with another boy who had a horse
just so he could ride and the other boy became his best friend.
An Ounce of
-Hank turns his back on the television while Johnny and Roy are on the Tom
Jensen show and says, "I can't watch this."
- Johnny convinces headquarters to
have Roy and him appear on a local talk show, 'The Tom Jensen Show', about fire
prevention, because people don't think that paramedics are real firemen. Roy is
not pleased.
- Dr. Early has done a half a dozen local talk shows.
- Johnny and Roy stumble through the interview and demonstration on camera only
saved when a man is electrocuted and a fire starts. Their demonstration is real
and the show wants them back.
-Neither Roy nor Johnny want to face another TV camera again.
Insanity Epidemic:
-McConnikee made battalion chief while Hank was still an engineer and Hank is a
man with a "past."
-McConikee becomes the station's new
Battalion Chief (season 6)
-Rampart gets a new administrator named Eljin (sp)
-Johnny reads Wheels and Gears magazine
-We get to see Mike Stoker in action. During the scene at the gas station when
Marco is injured, he picks up a hose and helps Chet battle the fire
- Captain Stanley warns Roy and
Johnny to not cross the mechanic when they try to fix a mysterious electrical
problem on the squad. He learned this when he was an engineer and everyone else
in the station has already heard him say it.
- Captain Stanley sends Roy and Johnny to do a weed abatement inspection; they
issue a citation.
- Chet calls John 'babe' when they're in the kitchen while Charlie is working on
the squad.
- Charlie the mechanic is dismissive and complains about all firemen abusing
their vehicles.
Family Ties:
- Hank said he had introduced his mother-in-law to a friend, they got
married and they now both hate him so much, either will talk to him.
- Joanne has a sister Eileen
- Eileen has children and her mother
delayed or canceled her annual trip to visit Roy and Joanne to babysit for her.
- Hank calls Chet Babe when he helps him out of a tree.
- John has met Roy's mother-in-law and tells Chet about her, including an
impression of her, 'How come you're not a doctor? If you've got the brains to
be a paramedic, you should have the brains to be a doctor.'
- While the Station 51 crew is making sandwiches for lunch at the kitchen table
John steals tomato slices from Chet's sandwich.
- Roy tries to get in shape by doing sit-ups; says he has gotten a bit of a pot
- Roy talks about getting in better shape and growing a mustache like Clark
Gable to possibly get his mother-in-law to like him a little better.
Bottom Line
- The paramedics are complaining that
Doctor Morton is very strict about precautionary IVs in the field, even for
minor cases, but this requires that the paramedics accompany the victim to the
hospital, making them unavailable for any other calls for that time.
- Captain Stanley objects to John putting his feet up on the kitchen table.
- Henry the dog likes to eat Marco's chili.
- It takes the squad an extra 20-30 minutes on a run for an IV follow up to the
- Officer Vince Howard called Captain Stanley 'Hank'.
- Roy examines Vince after an auto accident, thinks he's OK, but he has an
episode where he thinks that Johnny is helping his prisoner escape and points
his gun at him. The whole engine crew wrestles him to the ground and take the
gun away. Roy is upset that he missed Vince's injury.
- John does not like guns.
Firehouse Quintet
-Station 51 plays Station 16's B shift in the basketball game semi-finals
-Mike Horton played for the hospital basketball team which is currently
-Johnny's Rover is light green with a white roof
-Cap plays center, Johnny and Marco play guard, Mike and Roy play forwards.
-Mike Stoker can pass the ball behind his back
-Chet uses his station wagon in this eppy
-Chet calls Roy, Babe
-Station 51 wins 42-40
- Johnny calls Chet Babe when he
comes in the next shift after the game.
- One of the paramedics on the shift after Roy and Johnny's is named Matt.
- Chet calls the Station 16 second string player Babe.
The Boat:
- Charlie the mechanic has had 50 pro fights. Cap told this to Johnny.
- Captain Stanley's wife only
pretended to like water-skiing to make him happy before they got married.
- Chet tells them about the creative dream process, getting what you want through
positive dreaming.
- Captain Stanley has children. (When Johnny and Chet are first trying to
convince Stanley to join them in buying the boat they talk about him taking his
wife and kids out on it. And at the end, when they won't get the boat, Stanley
moans about not being able to go water skiing without the kids.)
- Charlie the mechanic is married.
- John has a date with Debbie, the blond maintenance clerk, to go sailing.
- Johnny is borrowing Jim Roberts' boat (someone both Chet and John know).
- Because Johnny gets stuck at
Station 86, Marco and Chet take Debbie out and it goes so badly that Debbie
never wants to go out with another firefighter again in her life.
- Johnny and Roy get stuck at Station 86 at Oakdale when they are on a run
filling in for Station 86's squad, which is somewhere else when a bridge washes
- Johnny says that if he were to ever buy a house he would buy one up in
Oakdale. Presumably this means that he surrendered the house to Roy in 'To Buy
or Not To Buy'.
- Roy says he wouldn't mind pulling more duty at Station 86 because it is so
pretty up there.
-Brice runs marathons
- The paramedics attend meetings to
review their operating procedures and tapes of their runs.
- Craig Brice is very well known for quoting regulations at Rampart as well as
Station 51.
Onward and Upward:
-It's revealed that while an engineer, Hank burned McConnikee's hat. Hank refuses to tell his men why he did such a thing.
- Neither Roy, Johnny, Kel, Joe or
Dixie have ever heard of the soap opera 'A Doctor Faces Life' or its star
'Doctor Ned', but numerous other people at Rampart have.
- Doctor Early and Doctor Brackett both like Rachel Welch.
- Marco Lopez makes Irish stew.
- Johnny says that Chet Kelly makes the finest chili he's ever tasted.
- Chief McConnike made hot Indian curry when he was Captain Stanley's
- The Battalion Chief before McConnike is Chief Miller.
- When Captain Stanley was McConnike's engineer he also served with a
firefighter named Lee Martinez who is working at Station 8 when Chet Kelly talks
to him.
- Captain Stanley knows someone at Headquarters in Operations named Captain
Charlie Suggs.
Hypochrondia Cap:
-Hank mentioned in an episode he'd been with the fire service 13 years.
- When Captain Stanley thinks he has
arthritis he chooses Roy to first confide in about it.
- Johnny has a friend who is a stunt coordinator named Wally.
- One of the guys on B-shift engine crew at Station 51 is names Medford.
All Night Long:
-Johnny was editor of his high school paper
- Station 51 has a ping pong table.
- In the rec room at the beginning of the episode, Johnny is reading a book
called "Female Domination of Beasts, Vol 1". You really have to slow-mo to see
it, but obviously the show's producers were not counting on 21st century fans
with DVD players and remotes.
- Johnny can type, but very slowly, possibly with two fingers.
- Joe Early and Dixie McCall have been to jazz clubs in the past, including a
shady club called the Topsie.
- Chet calls Johnny 'Babe' while he's typing.
- Marco translates for the engine company for Spanish-speaking victims. Johnny
knows only rudimentary Spanish.
New 01/14/12
The Steel Inferno
-Charlie is a paramedic at Station 110, has a boat, a girlfriend, Sue; he's
asked her to marry him and she is planning on saying yes. Went to Catalina
Island with his girlfriend. Sue is a secretary for an Evelyn Davis whose office
is on the 16th floor of the 'Steel Inferno'.
-A meeting at Rampart is a Code 10-7 to the dispatcher.
-Initially Stations 110, 18, 8 and Battalion 14 are called to the 'Steel
Inferno' fire at 400 Graymar Plaza, cross street 5th. Station 54, Truck 20
Engine 19, Squad 51 and others are called when a third alarm is called.
-Officer Howard had shaved off his mustache.
-Other hospitals taking victims from fire, St. James
-Roy and Johnny get stuck in the elevator between the 14th and 15th floors.
-Dixie is wearing scrubs and doing triage for the fire victims at Rampart
New 01/14/12
Survival on Charter
# 220
-The C-shift paramedics at Station 51 are Pete and Charlie (NOT the same Charlie
as the Paramedic in 'The Steele Inferno')
-Pete wants to marry Christine who married a fireman at 19 and is now widowed
with 3 children (the oldest girl, Jennifer).
-Charlie wants to date a female doctor named Molly who has been at Rampart for
two weeks. Johnny also wants to date her. However, Dr. Morton lectures her on
her poor bedside manner.
-Charlie and Pete are roommates as well as partners; they share a house.
mentions he has a dog
-Johnny borrowed Roy's wife's station wagon to take his dog to the vet; the dog
got sick in the back seat.
-Johnny also borrowed Roy's TV set for a football game; he'll bring it back as soon as he gets the knob on it fixed. He also borrowed Roy's razor, football and lawnmower.
-Roy has a pickup truck.
New 01/14/12
Most Deadly Passage
-Johnny is still unsuccessfully trying to flirt with stewardesses on the flight
to Seattle.
-Roy and Johnny are on a trip for the LA County Fire Department to observe the
Seattle paramedic program in Seattle.
-Washington state laws allow paramedics to operate with more autonomy. Doctors
pre-approve drugs and training for paramedics, but they are not required to get
permission for standard procedures, including resuscitation for heart attacks;
Roy and Johnny are impressed by this.
-Paramedics in Seattle are allowed to do thorocostimies (sp?). Roy and Johnny
are very impressed by this since they have been asking for this for LA
paramedics for years. They do get to witness one and are a little envious.
-Paramedics in Seattle do not do rescues though they are assigned to fire
stations. They also have ambulance-style vehicles and do their own transport.
-Roy and Johnny are allowed to help the Seattle paramedics, but only with
setting up their equipment and handing them things; they are not authorized to
do any medical procedures.
-Johnny has never milked a cow; he jokingly says that he thought that milk came
from a faucet.
-Neither Johnny nor Roy like the cold in Seattle
-Johnny goes salmon fishing with one of the Seattle firemen and gets seasick.
Worse yet, they had met two good-looking women who liked Johnny, but he was too
sick too enjoy it.
New 01/14/12
Greatest Rescues of Emergency!
-The names of others being promoted with Roy and Johnny are: Robert Bellingham,
Craig Brice, Joe Harman, Lee Martinez, John Hopper, Mike Moore, Charles Peterson
(just guessing on spelling).
-Roy and Johnny complain that you can't be a captain and a paramedic at the same
time (though in an earlier episode 'Equipment' they do say that a captain can
still maintain paramedic certification).
-Roy says to Johnny about Chet, 'He was always on your case.'
-As they leave headquarters, Roy and Johnny say they will not be working
together, but will stay in touch with each other.
-Johnny hates water rescues, and Roy hates working heights.
New 01/14/12
What's a Nice Girl Like You. . .
-Roy and Johnny go on a ride-along with San Francisco Fire Department.
-The Fire Department does fires and
rescues but the paramedic ambulances are run from the Department of Public
Health and are 'civilians' and not Fire Department personnel. And not all
Public Health ambulances have paramedics.
-John is assigned to Rescue company #2 with Captain Delany; the firefighters are
certified EMT 1s and certified divers.
-Roy goes with the ambulance crew.
-They have a lot of problems with drivers not paying attention to sirens in San
Francisco, worse than L.A.
-Roy at least has to sign an accident
-Johnny gets a date with a woman who works at the hospital and is shocked at
dinner when he finds out that she is looking for a much more permanent
relationship than he is. The next day, he finds out that she is known at the
firehouse as 'Eager Ellen'.
New 01/14/12
The Convention
-Roy and Johnny attend a paramedic convention in San Francisco. They meet up
with the same paramedics and firefighters that they went on ride-alongs with in
'What's A Nice Girl …'
-Johnny thinks that the convention lectures will be dull, but Roy is
interested. Roy finds out the Johnny was right.
-They go on a ride-along with the San
Francisco fire department. It is not clear they they attend much of the
convention at all.
-Roy reads Playboy magazine while getting his hair cut. He picks up enough
philosophy to make conversation with.
-Johnny gets sucked into watching a Polish art film with Roy (who has been
looking forward to seeing it) in the hotel room. Johnny does not get it at all,
but tries to use it to make conversation with a pretty girl at a party. He
fails when 'Eager Ellen' interrupts.