Favorite Movies

*Idea courtesy of Amanda







Marco - The Mask of Zorro
Johnny - Any John Wayne flick
Roy - Mushy romantic movies with his wife
Chet - Any comedy.  
In the present, he'd LOVE the Austin Powers movies.
Mike - Foreign films
Cap - The Dirty Dozen






Roy......"Gone With the Wind"

Johnny...."Big Jake"

Chet....."Saturday Night Fever"








Roy - From Here To Eternity
 ( He has this fantasy about him and Joanne
 doing a certain scene from that movie ) <BEG>
Chet - The Creature From The Black Lagoon
 Johnny - Black Beauty and other movies with animals
Hank - The Love Bug
 Mike - The Towering Inferno
Marco - La Bamba  
( when no one is around he sings and dances to the music) 
Henry - Lassie Come Home
Johnny - King Kong (the old classic)
Cap - True Grit
Roy - Disney comedies w/ Dean Jones in them
Marco - Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy flicks
Chet - The Blob
Mike - The Ghost and Mister Chicken
Dixie - Any Paul Newman movies
Brackett - Fantastic Voyage
Early - It's A Wonderful Life
 (especially after his heart surgery)





I can see Hank a fan of The Towering Inferno.

I remember reading an interview with Michael Norell and he said he after seeing that movie,

 he tried to make the character of Hank Stanley similar to Steve McQueen's character.

Hank is probably a big John Wayne fan.


Chet, a fan of cheesy horror movies. You know, the kind with
the really bad special effects and plotlines. (a la Terror in the Library)

A favorite movie for Henry could be Benji.