If  'Fear Factor' had been on television back when Emergency! was on, and they had a special where the six men from Station 51's A-shift were on together, who would win (fictional characters, not the actors)? And why? What might the stunts have been that they had to do? Answer any or all of the questions.



Jennifer B.:

I think Johnny would be the ultimate winner, it's obvious he's a risk taker and would excel in any of those challenges. As for the yucky stuff, Johnny would push through that just to show up Chet. Chet would be second just because I don't think the rest of the guys would want or be crazy enough to handle the "yucky" part.



Wanda H.:

I'd think Johnny would win the jumping the car through the fire hoop stunt.



Liz T.:

I think Chet would win with Johnny in second place.

Cap and Roy would be out early.

Mike would make it to third place with Marco just behind him.

Chet would handle the gross stuff better than anyone else.

Since I don't watch Fear Factor, just the ads, I'm not certain what they would do, but usually don't they have lots of stunts and a few gross things with bugs? Chet would be weak on the stunts (jumping from a helicopter to a moving car, walking a high wire between two skyscrapers, etc.). That would be Johnny's area of expertise. But Chet would shine when it came to having creepies dumped on him or eating gross stuff. Johnny strikes me as the type to not be thrilled with that type of stunt.




I'd say it would be a tie between Johnny and Mike. Not that the other guys aren't brave, but they aren't crazy either! Johnny is the risk taker but Mike keeps you guessing and I bet he's a little more like Johnny than they all realize.




My immediate response when I read the question was Mike. I didn't know why, but I like Pattie's answer so I'll ditto it :-)




I figure Chet could handle some of the gross stuff like bugs or intestines to eat. Or having things crawl on him. But I think he'd be making comments all the time through it to sound tougher about it than he really felt. In other words, mask his discomfort with it through banter.

I think Roy, Cap and Marco would all push anything that was disgusting to eat (which is usually the first competitive stunt) away and say, "Forget it. It's not worth it."

Johnny would not be thrilled with the yucky stuff, but I think he'd talk his way through it to himself and make it all the way to the end of the competition.

I think Mike would come in second behind Johnny. I see him as surprising everyone and taking it all in stride without a word (I can see everyone looking at him in shock as he does one thing after another...lol), but maybe not doing the last stunt (what ever it was) as quick as Johnny, this why I see Gage as winning.



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