Have each of the guys/gals (fire station and hospital) from Emergency! finish the phrase, "Happiness is--"
*Idea courtesy of Ziggy


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Liz T.:

Happiness is...

...a shiny fire engine. (Mike Stoker)

...no visits from the Chief. (Captain Stanley)

...no visits from the Phantom. (John Gage)

...no hospital visits for my partner. (Roy DeSoto)

...the perfect gag on the Pigeon. (Chet Kelly)

...a new recipe for my collection. (Marco Lopez)

...a romantic dinner with Kelly Brackett without being called into work. (Dixie McCall)

...a romantic dinner with Dixie McCall without an argument about work. (Kelly Brackett)

...no hospital visits from John Gage. (Mike Morton)

...a night jamming at the local jazz club with my friends. (Joe Early)

...not working with Dr. Brackett. (Sharon Walters)

...people performing perfectly. (Craig Brice)


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Happiness is.....

...a healthy crew (Hank)

...a quiet and peaceful shift (Roy)

...a rescue gone well (Johnny)

...a naive pigeon (Chet)

...a warm uninterrupted meal (Macro)

...a shiney new engine (Mike)

...co-workers who follow procedures and protocols (Brice)

...leftovers (Henry)

...giving family members good news (Dixie)

...a healthy patient (Joe)

...grateful patients (Brackett)

...a shift without a run in with a stubborn paramedic (Morton)


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Happiness is

chili, chili and more chili ( Marco)

a nice piece of barbed wire (Chet)

an injury free shift (Johnny)

one day of not having to call anyone twit (Cap)

having more than one or two words of dialog per episode (Mike)

when his mother-in-law cancels her yearly visit (Roy)


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Happiness is...

Hank--an injury-free shift for his crew (double emphasis for Johnny)

Mike--driving Big Red

Marco--being the shift's cook, with chili on the menu

Johnny--a day without a water bomb

Chet--knowing Johnny wants a day without a water bomb, then setting one off
on his favorite pigeon anyway

Roy--all the world is right, so he doesn't have to hear his partner ranting

Dwyer--a bushy moustache


Henry--a warm lap



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Happiness is . . .

Hank - cruisin' down the highway at dawn in the Edsel

Mike - taking a spin on that dune buggy

Roy - wrapping his arms around Joanne after a long and difficult shift

Johnny - planning a new get-rich-quick endeavor

Marco - playing a good game of soccer

Chet - buying a new prank/joke book

Dixie - martinis with Kelly Brackett OR taking on the hospital administration and winning

Brackett - being a great diagnostician

Early - playing jazz on his piano till the wee hours of the morning

Morton - getting a full night's sleep

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Wanda C.:

Happiness Is....

Hank...a nice, hot bowl of clam chowder

Marco...a hot date

Chet...a book full of pranks for the Phantom

Mike...a shiney new engine

Roy...a weekend away with JoAnne

Johnny...a quiet fishing trip

Brice...a crisp new rule book

Henry...a juicey ham bone

Boot...a nice grooming

Morton...a save on a patient that is difficult

Dixie...moonlight and Kel

Brackett...patients who cooperate

Early...a night on the town at a jazz club

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Happiness is:

Johnny - a perfect score in bowling

Roy - a quiet house

Marco - family

Chet - getting away with the ultimate prank

Mike - a shiny engine

Hank - a world without fish

Brice - organization

Henry - a milk bone

Boot - a ride on a fire truck

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