What would the characters of  Emergency!  have been voted in high school?





Chet - Most successful in finance

Marco - Most likely to have to have his gallbladder removed

Mike - Great debater of world issues

Cap - Vice President

Johnny - Fortunate in love and settled in life

Roy - Do good-er of human and animal kind

Brice - Carefree and light

Brackett - a fashion designer's dream

Dixie - Mistress of a chicken ranch

Morton - Compassionate

Early - A bohemian jazz musician






Jen B.:


Roy: Most likely to get married, being he was going with JoAnne for years.

Johnny: Most likely to have a date on a Saturday night.

Mike: Most likely to succeed in whatever he does.

Marco: Most likely to become a chef

Chet: Class Clown!!!! (what else--lol)

Cap: Most likely to become a leader in whatever field he chose.





Audrey W.:


Roy - Most likely to settle down

Johnny - Class motormouth

Mike - Most observant

Chet - Class clown

Hank - Class President









Chet--Class Clown; Most Likely to Get Fired From His First Job (because of his pranking)

Mike--Quietest Senior

Hank--Best Leader, even though he was also voted Most Paranoid about the Teachers

Roy--Best Dressed

Marco--Best Able to Create a Fantastic Meal with Just What's in the Cupboard

Johnny--Most Likely to Get Turned Down for a Date; Most Likely to Get Hurt Just Crossing the Street (couldn't resist)

Brackett--Most Likely to Succeed




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