Put each of the guys from Emergency! into another character. It doesn't necessarily have to be a real person from history and it can be any timeframe or even a fictional setting. *

         *Idea courtesy of Ziggy






Wanda H.:


Marco - Benito Juarez


Hank Stanley - Sam Houston


Chet Kelly - Charlie Chaplin


Mike Stoker - Obi Wan Kenobi (Attack of the Clones)


Roy - Masterhaper Robinton (Dragon Riders Of Pern Books)


Johnny - Strider (Lord Of The Rings)







Chet's Pet (Joan):


Hank Stanley-George Washington-because I see him as a natural leader.

 Mike Stoker-Charlie Chaplin-the silent king of comedy because

I always thought he probably has a great sense of humor which he hid.

Roy DeSoto-John Adams because he was the one who spurred others to improve themselves.

 John Gage-Gilligan because he is so accident prone and naive.

Marco Lopez-Albert Schweitzer because he is always willing to help but keeps quiet about it.

Chet Kelly-Ben Franklin because he is a crazy genius who cares

 more about his buddies, esp. a certain one, than he lets on.

 Brice-Captain Bligh because he must have everything by the rules and HIS way.

 Vince the cop-the Lone Ranger-always seen but...

 Sam Lanier-The Invisible Man-always heard but never seen.

Boot-Benji-for obvious reasons

 Henry-a canine Morris the cat-I always thought he was more regal than a dog.

 Dixie McCall-Mother Francesca Cabrini-A saint who was a nurse-

I think she is up there with her singing with Joe.

 Joe Early-St. Peter-he was always the steadying force on the show.

 Mike Morton-Dr. Ben Casey-a great doctor but gruff and really cares about his patients.

 Kelly Brackett-Dr. Leonard McCoy-same as for Mike but older and more grumpy-

"Damn it, Joe I'm a doctor not a negotiator."

   Joanne DeSoto-all firefighters' spouses, families and friends because of how caring, loving and proud they are.






Hank as a Western gunslinger


 Marco as Pancho Villa


Dixie as Scarlett O'Hara (or a Southern belle)


Roy as a riverboat gambler (can you picture him in fancy duds and dealing cards?)


Mike as Luke Skywalker

I can picture Johnny as one of the mysterious Hawkbrothers, with a hawk for a bondbird


And Kelly Brackett I can see as a dragonrider of Pern, possibly even F'lar



Wanda C:

Johnny....the Lone Ranger

Roy...Bandit (The role that Burt Reynolds played in "Smokey & the Bandit."

Hank...Indiana Jones



Mike...Frankie Avalon's character in all those surfer dude movies

Dixie...no doubt, Scarlett O'Hara


Bracket.....a gambler

Early...Ben Franklin

Morton...Martin Luther King, Jr.

More thoughts later:

I think that Johnny would make a really great Zorro.

Roy would make a good Adam from Bonanza.

I could see Hank as Matt Dillon on Gunsmoke.

Sorry gang, but Chet would make a perfect Bozo the clown.

Mike could be Magnum PI.

Love to see Marco in the roll of Chekov in Star Trek.




 Chet Kelly as Al Bundy

Morton as one of the characters on Sanford & Son

 Marco as the singer who does the song Labamba! 

Henry could be Lassie!



Peggy J. Bedingfield:

How about Chet Kelley as Archie Bunker! LOL




Morton - Lync on Mod Squad
Brice - Eddie Haskel


Jill H.:

Johnny - Ichabod Crane - sorry, but Johnny is gangly, goofy and gullible.

Roy - Horatio - Roy does the stalwart best friend great. 

He would support Hamlet in everything he did, no matter how crazy it sounds.

Cap - Abraham Lincoln - Because I think Mike Norell has the features to play him, and because Cap always struck me as inherently kind and basically a peace maker.  Of course, when he's in his manic, McConnike mode, all bets are off.  LOL

Mike - Sherlock Holmes - he sits back and observes everything around him.

Chet and Marco - Mutt & Jeff  (I couldn't think of anything else for them). 




Hank - Captain Picard from Star Trek the Next Generation


Marco - Zorro


 Chet - Bela Lugosi

The famous actor who played in all those horror films.





Cap - Jimmy Stewart or Abraham Lincoln

Roy - Benjamin Franklin

Johnny - The Scarlet Pimpernel aka Sir Percy Blakeney

Mike - Author Bram Stoker

Marco - Dr. Doolittle

Chet - Jerry Lewis