I think I've seen too many episodes of 'Drake and Josh'. <G> This is how I would see the opening to Emergency! if it was done like on 'Drake and Josh' (a tweeny bopper show I watch with my daughter on Nickelodeon).
“Johnny’s a good
partner. We work well together and we’re close friends as well.”
“Sometimes I don’t even have to finish a sentence. It’s like he knows what I’m
going to say next.”
“Sometimes it’s
like we each know what the other one’s thinking.”
“But there are times I have to
wonder what ‘planet’ he’s from.”
there are times
“He goes on and on about some new idea for making extra money or his latest
problem. Then when I finally agree to
get involved, he’s already onto something else.”
“He lets me go on
and on about stuff, then waits till I’ve moved on before he decides to jump on
board and it doesn't matter anymore.”
“I can’t imagine having anyone else as a partner.”
“I hope
we stay partners for many more years to come.”
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