Just a Question

By Audrey W.


Roy turned the corner, pulling onto a busy street as he and his seven-year-old son Christopher headed for home. The two had attended an Indians Guide meeting, an activity they did together on the Friday evenings Roy wasn’t on duty.


Suddenly a car pulled out from behind their vehicle and whizzed by in the lane beside them. Its tail lights quickly faded as the driver continued to speed away. Soon another did the same thing.


Roy glanced at his speedometer to make sure he was at least going the speed limit posted. When he saw that he was, the paramedic sighed.


Chris stared ahead at the latest set of tail lights that were getting smaller. “Geez, why do people have to drive so fast?”


The father glanced at his son, then returned his eyes to the dimly lit road ahead.


“All sorts of reasons, Chris. For some it’s probably a feeling of power being able to go faster than someone else. Or it might be they’re impatient and feel they have to get everywhere quick.” Roy stopped the car at a red light. “Some could be running late for an important occasion or appointment.”


Chris sat staring at his dad, as the man went on with his answer.


“If they’ve got a convertible, a lot of people like to drive fast to feel the wind in their hair and on their face.”


The traffic signal changed and the two DeSotos were on their way again.


“Teenagers tend to speed because they haven’t learned it’s dangerous. To them it’s like a game or a sport.”


“Dad. . .”


“Or some drivers get distracted thinking about other stuff and they forget to check their speedometer. Next thing they know, they’re speeding.”


“Dad. . .”


“Yes, Chris?” Roy asked, his eyes still on the road in front of them.


“You know those questions people ask that don’t really need an answer?” 


“Yeah . . .”


“Well, mine was one of ‘em.”


Roy glanced at his son in surprise, then faced forward again.




Chris shook his head. “Man, Dad, you were goin’ on and on . . .sorta like Mr. Gage does when he visits us and you’re talkin’ to ‘im.”


“I was, huh?”


The boy snickered. “Yeah.”


The father smiled. He had forgotten there were two kinds of questions. Those needing an answer and those that were more of an observation than anything else. Like many times before, one of his kids had brought his attention to something Roy never gave much thought to. If anyone ever asked the paramedic who taught him the most in life, his son and daughter would win hands down.




This was inspired by my daughter who said to me, “I wonder why people have to drive fast when animals are near the road?”  I answered and the rest is history.  :o)


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