
Believe Me

"Believe me, I’ll never do that again."

"That's what you said the last time."

"Yeah, but this time I really mean it."

"Sure you do."

"I do…ow."


"Try to be more careful."

"Look, you want to tell me what possessed you try to do it again?"

"Well, it seemed safe enough. I mean it wasn’t a big hill, this time."

"So you just naturally had to give it another try?"

"Well, yeah. It looked like fun."

"What about the cactus patch? Couldn’t you have at least avoided the cactus patch this time?"

"Well you see…OW…watch what you’re doing there, Doc."

"Sorry, that one was a little deeper than the rest. Now what about the cactus patch?"

"Oh, well, you see, I didn’t see the cactus patch until it was too late. I tried to avoid it… ow…believe me I tried…but…"

"It was too late."

"Yeah. Hey Doc am I going to have to have another tetanus booster?"

"No, I think the one you had last week should cover this."

"At least that’s one good thing."

"There, all done. Now just remember; leave the skateboarding to the kids. Especially when there’s a cactus patch around."

"Believe me, I will!"

The end

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