E! Madlib #2 Word List

Assume that all adverbs end in -ly.

Don't limit yourself when listing body parts.  The human body is comprised
of 206 bones, 4 primary tissue types, 10 major organ systems,
12 pairs of cranial nerves, various blood products and
all sorts of other goodies that can be injured or otherwise abused.

Still scratching your head for ideas?  Here's a cool link to get you started:

Human Anatomy - Information from Answers.com


1.  a liquid

2.  verb ending in -ing that indicates physical contact

3.  adverb

4.  an animal

5.  noun

6.  body part

7.  noun

8.  adjective

9.  body part, plural

10.  type of vocalization, past tense  (e.g., whispered, screamed)

11.  body part

12.  body part

13.  term for a professional person or hobbyist  (e.g., accountant, birdwatcher)

14.  body part

15.  verb, past tense

16.  adjective

17.  body part

18.  adjective

19.  adjective

20.  noun, plural

21.  a large number

22.  body part, plural

23.  minor medical ailment

24.  adjective

25.  noun, plural

26.  adverb

27.  adjective

28.  body part

29.  body part, plural

30.  adjective to describe the shape of something  (e.g., oval, pyramidal)

31.  noun

32.  verb ending in -ing

33.  noun, plural

34.  body part

35.  body part, plural

36.  adjective

37.  a food or non-food item you might find in your kitchen, plural

38.  body part, plural

39.  body part

40.  body part

41.  body part, plural

42.  body part, plural

43.  body part

44.  body part

45.  adjective

46.  something that produces a pleasant aroma, plural

47.  body part, plural

48.  adjective

49.  body part, plural

50.  adjective

51.  verb

52.  noun, plural

53.  verb

54.  noun, plural

55.  body part, plural

56.  adverb

57.  body part

58.  body part, plural

59.  type of vocalization, past tense  (e.g., whispered, screamed)

60.  adverb

61.  adverb

62.  verb that indicates physical contact, past tense

63.  body part

64.  noun

65.  adjective

66.  any item that can be worn  (e.g., clothing, underwear, fashion accessories)

67.  adjective

68.  verb, past tense

69.  adjective

70.  verb, past tense

71.  any type of business establishment

72.  verb

73.  noun, plural

74.  verb that indicates physical contact

75.  noun

76.  body part

77.  adverb

78.  verb



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