Missing Scenes XI

Show Biz

(Once again, a HUGE thanks to Sharon for the photos and info on this episode.)

Johnny arrives at the hospital with the victim at the pool.



He then sits down with the victim's wife at the hospital . . .



 . . .and explains the man's condition to her.





Ending  with the  Gage charm that he's sure her husband will be fine.




Then he goes outside to Roy . . .



 . . .and tells him about his talk with the wife.



Next Scene:

Roy can't believe Johnny's comment about how he doesn't "do" brush fires, he saves lives.


Back at the hospital  . . .




  . . .Kel and Joe discuss what they'll do when it comes time for them to retire.


Joe's going to travel. He has a friend who works with the space agency.



Kel says maybe he can get a job as a doctor on a space ship. Joe says he can put in a phone call for Kel.



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