Moose    Part 2



Preston recalled how he’d screwed up the other day by parking too close to a fire hydrant. No one had said anything to him about it yet, but he figured he couldn’t afford another error of any kind right now or he’d likely be in the captain’s office again. He’d had enough already that were noticed.

This time there was no hydrant to worry about, but he sure didn’t want to get too close to the edge of the road. As he brought the engine around a corner he caught a glimpse of the squad up ahead. He’d pull over behind it.

Preston glanced over to check his distance from the edge in the right side mirror. He’d only intended to take his eyes off the front for a couple of seconds, but that was all it took.


Hank Stanley saw the squad come into view as soon as they came around the curve. He noticed the engine start to slow and figured they’d come to a stop very soon. He glanced out the window to spot for his driver.




But they hadn’t stopped and suddenly his words were cut off when he was jolted forward as the front of the engine impacted with the rear of the squad, which rammed the smaller truck into the car in front of it.


Preston had turned his attention forward just in time to see they were about to run into the squad. Eyes wide, he’d hit the brakes. But it was too late to stop the heavy engine, even at the reduced speed.



Johnny was still half sitting in the squad when the engine came up from behind . The innital impact threw him forward, his head smacked against the frame of the truck, his right shoulder on the dash. The stunned paramedic’s limp form was subsequently tossed out of the cab and onto ground. The open door of the squad hit against his right leg just before he landed in a heap.





As quick as they could, both Preston and the captain made sure that each other and the two behind them in the jumpseats weren’t seriously injured. Then ignoring the pain in his ribs, his heart pounding, Preston flung open his door and immediately got out. He hurried  toward the other vehicles. Hank did the same, limping slightly from hitting his knee in the accident. He’d deal with Preston soon enough, but for now his concerns were elsewhere; mainly with his youngest crew member, who he’d seen tumble out of the squad.


Marco and Chet were uninjured and climbed down, both stunned at what they saw.




Roy waited for the instructions from Rampart to come across on the HT. But for what ever reason, he was getting just mostly static. He’d have to wait to get them from Johnny when he returned.


Their inability to talk directly to the hospital was always a cause for concern, but at least this time the victim seemed to have faired well and his level of pain was minimal.


Suddenly the unmistakable sound of crunching metal and shattering glass caused him to jump.

He scrambled to a standing position and peered upward toward the road. What the . . .

Straining to see something, anything, his concern grew when he heard shouting. Roy wished he could see exactly what had happened. He keyed the button on the side of the HT but again the only response was static.

One very brief communication he had heard sounded like Captain Stanley calling the engine out of service and requesting another squad to their location. The message had broken up, at least for him, and he hoped he had heard wrong.

What ever was happening topside, for now his priorities were with the victim. Roy checked Daryl’s vitals again. Having cleaned and treated the facial lacerations while he’d been waiting, there wasn’t much else he could do until he received instructions.

"How are you doing, Daryl?"

"Okay, I think. Still hurts but not as bad as before. Man, I just want out of this truck!"

"I know. It shouldn’t be long now.” Though another glance upward had him wondering if he was right. He returned his attention to the patient and forced a reassuring grin.

Suddenly the sound of small rocks sliding down the hill alerted Roy that he would no longer be alone. He was a bit surprised to see Chet coming down the hill without his partner. Where was Gage?

"Hey, Roy. We've got more help on the way. Don't worry, okay? Everything is going to be fine." The words anxiously tumbled from the fireman's mouth in rapid succession.

"Chet, slow down! What's going on? What's going to be all right? Where's Johnny?"

Chet stopped and stared at Roy. A brief crackle of static from the HT clued Chet in. He realized at that moment that the paramedic didn't know what was going on topside.

"Aw man. I'm sorry. Thought you caught all that on the HT. It was unbelievable. Moose rear ended the squad and slammed it into a car in front of it.  He just didn't stop in time or somethin'. I still can't believe it. The car took the brunt of the accident, but both the squad and engine have some damage, too. Gonna have to break it to Charlie… and Mike. 110's is on the way to help out."

Roy went into full paramedic mode. "Is anyone hurt? Chet, where's my partner? Is he treating someone?"

Chet stepped back from the paramedic. "Oh man. No easy way to say it, Roy." He knew the medic was going to be upset. "Cap’s kinda limping. . . and Moose might end up with a few bruises, I think. Marco and I are fine. And Johnny, well - he's hurt, Roy. Not sure how bad yet. Marco and Cap are with him. How's the victim down here?"

Roy wanted to be at his partner’s side. How seriously was he hurt? He was a bit miffed that Chet had withheld the innitial information from him at all. A struggle waged within, and he tried to maintain his calm and professionalism, knowing still that procedure demanded Gage be secondary to Daryl.


"He's doing all right, Chet. Johnny was - he was relaying information to dispatch to give to the hospital. Any idea if he received the orders?  I didn’t hear any over the HT. We also need the jaws to get this guy out. The door is pinned tight.” Still unable to completely shove aside the news about his partner, he asked, “Are you sure you don’t have any idea how bad Johnny’s injured?"

"It was too soon to tell.  I'll go up and check on him, and see if he got that other information for you. I’ll be right back, Roy. Do you need anything else?"

"Just tell me what Johnny’s injuries are. I may be able to do something while we wait for help to arrive."

"Okay, man." He put a hand on Roy's shoulder. He knew this was really hard for him. The look in the paramedic's eyes spoke volumes. "We'll do everything we can for him. In the meantime I'll get with dispatch and the hospital if I need to. Just hold tight, okay?"

Roy nodded and watched as Chet went back up the hill. He was in shock. Things like this only happened in the movies or did they? Not only did this delay treatment of the original victim, but now his partner was hurt and he couldn't do a darn thing to help him. Roy suddenly wished he could be in two places at once. He gave the dirt in front of him a swift kick in frustration.




Marco and Captain Stanley kneeled next to the injured paramedic. Moose hovered in the background unsure of what to do or say. He was afraid he had really hurt his friend and  mentally berated himself for not stopping  the engine in time. If only he’d looked forward a few seconds sooner.


He eyed the damaged vehicles as a renewed ill feeling washed over him. The car hadn’t faired well at all. Its rear bumper was history, the trunk pushed in and the cover bent up the middle. He doubted the rear axle was in any better shape. The squad had both front and rear damage, though it wasn’t as severe being a sturdier and larger vehicle. The engine would need some minor repairs to the front, but its size and durability resulted in minimal  damage to it.




Gage remained lying on the ground as a familiar voice filtered into his dazed mind.

"John? C'mon, pal. Talk to me."


Johnny tried to open his eyes but the bright sunlight kept him from being able to do so. Captain Stanley shaded the younger man's face with his helmet.


"Better? Think you can open your eyes for me now?"

He managed to open them and his hand immediately moved to the still bleeding cut on his forehead. "What -"


The captain stopped him as he pressed a clean handkerchief to the laceration. "Try that for now," he said as he let Gage take over and put pressure on the wound. "Can you tell me where you hurt? Then we'll talk about how you got this way."

Johnny hesitated before answering. "My head hurts." He tried to laugh but winced instead.

"Um, I think  we already had that one figured out,” he said sarcastically. “You're the paramedic, I need details."

"Rampart. I was trying to get -"

"Gage, answer my question. Don't make me put that as an order. I understand what you were doing before this happened, and Chet’s on it. Now, talk."

The young paramedic took a few minutes to assess his injuries before answering his captain. All the time his thoughts were on the victim in the truck and his partner. Hank figured John was worried about the others, but the slowness of his response concerning his own injuries worried the captain even more.

"John?" he urged.

"Mmm, mild concussion. . . most likely. My right shoulder. . . is a little. . .little sore. . . my knee. My right knee. . .hurts. Probably. . . just bruised. I don't think. . .I don’t think  anything is broken. My right side. . . hurts a little too. Umm, my head. I, uh, think that's it. Need to make sure. . .Roy got the orders, Cap. He's . . .he’s still with our victim."

"Okay, where are they so we can pass them on to Chet?"

"Where's what?" Gage asked a little confused.

"The orders. Where are they?"

"My notebook. I had it in my hand."

Chet picked up a small notebook that was lying on the ground near the paramedic as he approached. "This it?"

"Yeah," replied Johnny as he gave the item a glance. He felt a little dizzy from moving his head so fast.

"You okay, Gage?" Chet noticed that his favorite pigeon looked a little paler than usual. "Roy's asking about you."

"Fine, Chet. I'm - fine." Gage's eyes slid closed.

"If that's 'fine', I'd hate to see 'not fine'," the firefighter said as he looked to his captain for reassurance.

Hank said, "We need to verify those orders before we give them to Roy to be sure they’re the right ones. Or did he receive them over the HT?”


Chet shook his head ‘no’.


“Okay, let’s verify those now. Then I'll have them relay the information on John. Marco, care to take some vitals while we sort this mess out?"

While Marco set to work taking vitals, Hank called dispatch to confirm the orders with Rampart. Once he had them, he handed them off to Chet to take to Roy, just as he’d assured Gage. He then was able to relay information on their second victim and get the ball rolling on getting the engine and squad back to the garage for repairs.



Preston was still in shock. He stood transfixed behind the captain, who was busy questioning Gage

This is unreal, he thought to himself. He's my friend. I could have killed him. Oh God, please let Johnny be okay.

The engineer was so intent on his concern for his friend that at first he didn't realize someone was talking to him. Especially when he saw Johnny's eyes close.

"Moose," Chet said. He then called a little louder, "Preston!" He finally reached over and shook the larger man’s shoulder.

"Snap out of it, man. We need you. C'mon with me. Johnny'll be okay."

Chet grabbed Moose and put him to task helping load the extrication equipment into a stokes basket. They took the gear to the guard rail nearest the point where the pickup left the road and Preston expertly set the ropes to lower it to Roy. Chet hoped that Moose was able to focus on the task at hand because he was going down with the equipment to help Roy and leaving Preston in charge at the top until 110's arrived.

Having something to focus on helped Preston to not think too much about what had happened. There would be time enough for that later on. He had to somehow make this right.

Once they had Daryl out of the truck and prepped, Chet and Roy had Moose haul up the stokes. He had barely started when 110's arrived and gave him a hand. By the time the patient was atop, Moose was having a bit of trouble breathing.



The first ambulance arrived with a police car right behind. The scene was a bit chaotic as the officers first wanted to find out what happened and then set up road flares to prevent any unsuspecting vehicles from joining the fray. Things were confused enough already.

Captain Stanley was inundated with questions from both the police and the men of 110's. He did his best to remain calm but this was really starting to wear on him. Once the paramedics took over and began treating Johnny he had an opportunity to get up and find a place to sit down. The responding station was now in charge of the scene.

Rising from his position on the ground, Hank felt his knee start to hurt again. He had a small tear in the left knee of his pants. Closer investigation revealed blood on the cloth from a small cut; he figured he’d likely be bruised pretty good as well. Nothing he
couldn't live with, but the captain knew he'd be required to be checked at Rampart any way. They all would. Then he started thinking of the paperwork and the investigation by the Chief's office. His heart sank slightly.

Hank knew they really were lucky that the whole thing hadn't been worse. Thinking back, he wondered what was going on with Preston that he hadn't slowed down sooner. He considered asking the man until he looked up and saw Preston being escorted to the paramedics working on Gage.

The substitute engineer had his hand on his chest and looked pale.


Shit. . .


Preston could be seriously injured after all. Captain Stanley got up, although with some trouble with his slightly stiff knee, and made his way towards the man.

"- having a little trouble breathing," he overheard Chet say before the stocky firefighter trotted off the help Roy with the stokes. Chet and Marco appeared to be uninjured but he'd feel better if they got checked out as well.



The engineer looked up at him.


"You okay?"

"Yeah, Cap. Just a little trouble breathing. Think I might have bruised my ribs a bit."

One of the paramedics sat him down and proceeded to examine him. Under his shirt were a few bruises.

"Most likely the steering wheel, Captain," the younger man said. "I don't feel any broken ribs." Once the vitals were taken the paramedic offered, "Vitals are on target but he should have x-rays to be sure he's okay." The medic then set up the oxygen to help ease Preston’s distress.

"I'm fine," he said as he tried to push the oxygen mask away. "Worry about them, okay?" He indicated both Gage and the original victim. "Don't worry about 'me'," he said with a sigh.

Hank stood near Preston. "We do worry about you. You are just as much a part of this crew as anyone and we don't 'not worry' about anyone. Got it?"


Preston nodded slowly.


"Now, why don't we see if you can ride in with John. That way you can keep him company and then you can get checked out too." Hank hoped his smile reassured the younger man.

"But -"

"Don't have me make that an order."

"Yes, sir."



Roy loaded Daryl into the waiting ambulance and quickly checked on his partner before returning to the waiting emergency vehicle. He wanted to stay with his partner but knew they'd meet up at Rampart. Johnny was drifting in and out of consciousness, but his vitals were stable. That alleviated a little of Roy's worry but not all of it.

Before the first ambulance pulled out, the second arrived to transport Johnny and Moose. Roy was glad that Johnny had someone to keep him company, although he couldn't wait to have a 'chat' with Moose to find out what the heck had happened. The elder paramedic turned his attention back to Daryl and the ambulance set off for the city.




Moose stared at Gage, watching him wake, only to lose consciousness again. He didn’t know a lot about head injuries, but obviously this was not a good sign. He questioned the paramedic about it, who allayed his fears. Afterward, Moose finally managed to convince his care giver that he no longer needed the oxygen he was on.

Halfway to Rampart, Gage again opened his eyes. Shifting his gaze around as best he could while in a c-collar, he was able to focus in on Moose.

"Hey, man," he said quietly. "What happened to you?"

"Bruised ribs, I think. How are you?"

"Okay. Helluva headache but okay." Gage let out a loud sigh. "It's too bad though."

"What's too bad?" asked Moose.

"They're most likely gonna keep me tonight. Won't get to see Chet's face when he realizes what we did to his boots."

Preston let out a brief laugh. The paramedic from 110's asked what they were referring to and he had to laugh some after Moose gave a quick explanation.

"Not fair," said Johnny. "Finally going to get another one over on ‘im and I hafta miss it."

"Well, hopefully we'll have another shot at it once you're feeling better. Least I really hope we do," replied Moose.

He truly hoped he wasn't going to get canned over this incident. He loved being a firefighter, an engineer, and his time at 51's was the best he'd ever experienced. Even though it was temporary, he had made friends there and didn't want to lose them.




The young man who’d been waiting by the road stood numbly as he watched his car get hooked up to a tow truck.  He wasn’t surprised his vehicle had faired the worst in the accident with the two sturdier trucks’ momentum plowing into it, but that didn’t ease the agony.


Seeing he was obviously stressed, Chet Kelly walked over to the still stunned young man and clasped a hand on his shoulder.


“I guess times like this you gotta try to look at the bright side of things.”


“Like what?”


“Well, for you, one, you weren’t in your car at the time. And two, I’d say maube you’ll get a new car outta this.”


The kid let out a sigh and nodded in agreement. “And three, I wasn’t the dude driving the engine.”


“Yeah. . .that too.” Now Chet felt even worse. Moose was going to be in big trouble.


His thoughts were interrupted when Hank called out to him. “Chet! C’mon. We’re gonna ride in to Rampart with Vince. . .we need to get checked out!”


Once Chet was near him, the captain continued with, “Headquarters is sending someone to get the engine, one of the men from 110’s is gonna stay with the squad till it’s towed back to the shop.”


“What about him?” Chet wondered, motioning toward the owner of the car.


“The other officer is gonna take him to where ever he needs to go first.”


With all that settled, the three remaining crew members from Station 51 were on their way in Vince Howard’s squad car.




Once Roy had Daryl in the safe care of Kel Brackett and had answered several questions for the doctor, he went into the corridor in search of Dixie so he could find out what room Johnny was in. The head nurse was at the base station, having just finished with a call. She eyed him with a look of uncertainty.


“So is that concern or anger I see?”


Roy shrugged. “Probably a little of both. Where’s Johnny? Do you know?”


“He’s in Three. Preston’s in Four.”


Roy nodded and headed for Treatment Room Three. Dixie watched him, figuring he would be ready to see Preston once he knew for sure his partner was going to be okay.




“Well, I’d say you were very lucky, considering,” Doctor Early commented as he examined John Gage. “Your knee’s gonna be sore for awhile. It’s got quite a bruise on it.”


“I thought so.”


He gently palpated his ribs and noted the wince. “Pretty tender, huh?”


“Yeah. Doc. . .”




“How’s Moose?”




Johnny wondered why he’d get the name back in a question. He was sure the engineer had been in the ambulance with him. Then the possible reason processed through his mind.


“Preston. . .” He couldn’t recall the last name at the moment. He was lucky enough to remember his own.


“Oh, right. I’m not sure but--”


He cut himself off when the door opened and Roy peered around before stepping inside.


“Well, at least one of you is still on your feet,” the doctor said with a brief smile.


Johnny slowly turned his head to look. He still felt a little dizzy if he moved it too fast.


“Hey, partner, how’re you feeling?” Roy asked as he walked over. The nurse assisting Early stepped aside.


“Like I got hit in a few places with a baseball bat.”


“It was a little bigger than that.”


“I know.”


“He’s gonna be fine, Roy,” the doctor tossed in. “I’ll need to see an x-ray of his ribs, but other than that, he’s just got a mild concussion, bruised knee, sore shoulder. . .a couple of butterfly bandages’ll be enough for the laceration on his head.”


The senior paramedic sighed in relief.


“Have you seen Moose? You know how he’s doin’?” Johnny wondered.


Roy shook his head. “Dix said he’s in Four.”


“Would you mind findin’ out?  He said somethin’ about his ribs in the ambulance.”


“Johnny, I’m not--”


But Roy knew his partner well enough to understand he wouldn’t quit worrying about Moose until he had gotten word.


At least I’ll get the answers about what happened sooner. . .


“I’ll be back in a bit.”


“Thanks, man.” 


Roy nodded, then glanced over his shoulder when he got to the door. Johnny’s eyes were closed while the doctor called for X-ray. The dark-blond paramedic shook his head and opened the door.




By coincidence, an X-ray technician was coming out of Treatment Room Four with the portable machine just as Roy exited the other. He obviously wouldn’t be able to get the full report on Moose as soon as he’d hoped.


He opened the door and stepped inside when the substitute engineer saw him. Doctor Morton greeted him as well.


“How’s Johnny?” was the first question out of Preston’s mouth.


The fact he was that concerned made it already a little easier to talk with him.


“He’s doin’ okay. He’ll probably have a night or two here.”


“I’m really sorry, Roy. I don’t know what happened.”


“Well, you’d better figure it out. The Chief’s gonna want answers.”


“Hey, easy,” Morton stepped in.


If Morton was telling him to go easy, Roy figured he must’ve said that with a lot more anger than intended.


“Look, I’m sorry. It’s just. . .c’mon. You drove the engine into the squad. How could you not know what happened? What in the hell were you doing? Looking at the scenery?”




“You realize you could’ve killed my partner?”


“Yeah, man, I know. I know. Don’t think it hasn’t been on my mind. And my career could be over. I know that too.”


“That’s the least--”




But the paramedic put his hand up to silence the doctor. “It’s okay. I didn’t exactly come in here for this. Johnny wanted to know how he was. He’s worried about you,” Roy directed the last comment at Preston.


“I’ll let you all know as soon as the x-rays are ready and I take a look,” Morton put in.


The sound of the captain’s voice could be heard outside the room, which caught the attention of Roy and Preston.


“I’m gonna go check on him,” Roy stated.


Preston nodded.


Roy noticed he kept his gaze cast downward. And all of a sudden he couldn’t help but feel bad for the guy. After all, he had a long road ahead of him and none of it was going to be easy. Yeah, he’d made an awful mistake, but he wasn’t being a jerk about it and defending himself with excuses. That said something about his character.


“Moose, for what it’s worth, if they give you another chance, you're integrity could carry you a long way in the department. I'm just not sure it's gonna be enough."


He didn’t get a response. Roy addressed Morton. “Just let us know what you find out.”




The senior paramedic was off to find the captain, then figured he’d better call his wife and let her know he was okay. If the accident made the news, she’d be very worried.


He’d given Preston praise at home. Joanne was sure to wonder how such a thing like this could happen too.




A short time after Roy had gotten off the phone with Joanne, he heard Chet and Marco's voices. He hurried into the hallway anxious to see how they had fared. The fact that they were out of the room so quickly eased his mind somewhat. Marco was the first to see Roy approaching and re-directed Chet his way.

"Hey, Roy," Marco said as they stopped in front of the nurses station. "Any word on Johnny or the others?"

"You guys all right?"

"Yeah. We were in the back so we were pretty safe. No bumps or bruises or anything like that. Doc said we might feel sore in the next day or two, but since we weren't thrown forward we should be fine."

"Doc Brackett said we're good to go, so to speak," said Chet.

"That’s great news. I haven't heard on Cap or Preston, but Johnny’ll be staying the night. Just a precaution with that concussion he got. He was really lucky. Not even stitches this time."

Chet grinned, "Amazing."

Roy nodded. He still couldn't rationalize how this kind of accident could just happen. "He'll be pretty sore for a while but that's to be expected."

Dr. Brackett stepped out of the exam room he had been in and waved to Roy. "You'll be glad to know your patient will be just fine. He was very lucky. He'll be up and around in no time. We're going to keep him in observation for a while and then let him go home when his ride gets here. He's a little upset about his truck but nothing that he can't get over."

Roy nodded as he listened to the doctor. "That's good." He wondered how their regular engineer was going to take the news when he found out about the accident. Shaking his head he mused about men and their trucks.

The doctor picked up another chart and headed for the next room. "Now to see if your captain was equally lucky," he said with a grin. "You know, next time you want to keep us from being bored, maybe you could call ahead and make a reservation."

Roy shook his head smiling. He then suggested they get a cup of coffee while they waited for more information on the rest of the crew. Seeing the slight confusion on the guys faces, the head nurse spoke up.

"You'll have to excuse Kel. He has a drool sense of humor. Fresh coffee's in the lounge. Help yourselves and relax. Sounds like you've had quite a day. I'll call you if anything comes up before you get back."



Doctor Morton was finishing up with Preston around the time Dixie poked her head in the room. "When you're done in here, Joe wants to know if you can give him a hand in Six. Couple of kids went a few rounds with a cactus. He's going to need back-up."

The doctor laughed. "Okay, Dix. Tell him I'll be there in about fifteen minutes."


She acknowledged the message and left to deliver it.


Morton returned his attention to his patient.

"Well, for what you've been through, you're a very lucky man." He patted the distressed
man's shoulder in an uncharacteristic attempt at comforting him. "A few days of rest at home, a heating pad to help relieve the stiffness, some aspirin for the discomfort, and you'll be fine. I'm recommending you stay off duty for your next shift. If you are feeling fine, you can go back after that. If not, I'd like to see you again. Your x-rays were negative but steering wheels are very unforgiving. You've got a pretty nasty bruise on your chest. I want to hear from you if the pain gets worse or you experience any other symptoms. Okay?"

Preston nodded and sighed. "Sure thing, Doc."

"Want to talk about it?"

"Nah," he sighed. "Not really, but thanks."

Dr. Morton was worried about the young engineer's state of mind. He knew Roy was a little upset over this incident but it was an accident. He hoped the guys didn't hold it against him. His patient was beating himself up enough already.

"Well, the offer stands. I mean that. If you need someone to talk to, an unbiased ear, call me here at the hospital. Promise?"

"Yeah. Thanks again Doc." He shook the doctor's hand and stiffly got up from the table. The doctor exited the room while the young man redressed. Several minutes passed before he was ready to leave the room. Picking up his turnout coat, he exited the room. He wasn't sure he was ready to face the rest of his crew mates.



Dr. Brackett finished assessing the x-ray of the fire captain's knee before he spoke. "Well, another very lucky individual here. No fracture, just a very bad bruise and the small cut. Of course I want you to stay off it as much as possible. Keep it propped up, ice for the swelling, and stay home for a few shifts."

"A few? Honest, Doc, it's not that bad. Really. Can't we - "

Kel Brackett folded his arms across his chest and looked directly at the captain. "You've sustained a serious injury to your knee. If you don't let it heal properly you could make it worse and end up changing careers in the near future. Now, are there any more objections?"

Hank sighed. "No."

"I want you to stay home for your next shift. Stay off your feet except for when it is absolutely necessary. Follow my directions completely and come back to see me. At that time I'll re-evaluate your return date. If things are progressing I may let you go back to do your paperwork. BUT if there is no improvement I will keep you off duty longer. Deal?"

The captain smiled. "You bet."

"I'll write you a script for the pain if you think you'll need it."

"I have aspirin at home. I don't think I'll need anything else."

"Okay, I'll leave it in your chart if you change your mind. Just call Dix and ask her to pull it for you."

"Thanks again, Doc."

"You’re welcome. I'll send a nurse in with some crutches. She'll show you how to use them."



Hank Stanley exited the exam room at a slow, steady pace. He stopped when he saw four of his men coming towards him.

"Everything okay, Cap?"

"Yeah, Chet. I'm fine. Just have to get used to these things. It's been more than a few years since I've used crutches."

"Hope you don't mind but I called your wife and she's on her way to pick you up."

Hank looked startled and a little worried. "Thanks, Roy. Everything happened so fast and so much was going on, I forgot all about it."

"Not a problem. Joanne is on her way here. We're going to drop the rest of the guys off at the station."

"That's good. Thank her for me, Roy." Looking over his men he thought he noted a bit of tension between his senior paramedic and his engineer, but couldn't be sure if he was right. "Everything okay here?"

"Yes, sir," was unanimously echoed by all.

"How's John?"

Roy glanced briefly in Preston's direction before answering. "He's spending the night but should be released sometime tomorrow. He's doing okay."

"You know how hard his head is, Cap," Chet chimed in. "Would take a lot more than this to really hurt him."

Hank started to say something but ended up chuckling slightly. "What room is he in?"

Dixie stopped in front of him. "C'mon this way. I'm headed there myself. I'll escort you and make sure you start following the doctor's orders. Wouldn't want Kel to catch you disobeying him so soon," she said with a wink.



Several hours later, with Johnny settled in his room for the night, he started to drift off to sleep. Dixie came in to check on him before she left for the evening. They talked briefly and after making sure he had everything he needed, she left him to get some rest and headed home to get some sleep herself.



The following morning Preston walked into the emergency department at Rampart. He was surprised to see Nurse McCall at the nurses station.

"Good morning, Preston," she said with a warm smile. "Is everything all right? Or are you here to visit someone?"

"Weren't you here last night?" he asked with a confused expression.

"Yes, but I didn’t work overnight. Now, are you here to see Johnny?"

"Yes I am. Can you tell me how he is and what room he's in?"

Her smile returned. "He's doing fine and he's in 412."


Dixie watched as he headed off to the elevator. He looked sad and she hoped things would be all right for him.



"Come in," Johnny said at the knock on his door. He was surprised to see Preston standing there instead of his partner. Roy usually picked him up after his few stays in the hospital.

"Hey, Moose. How's it going?"

"That's what I should be asking you. How are you, John?"

"Fine, I'm fine. The headache is almost gone. I’m just a little stiff and sore as hell but nothing I can't get over. So, what brings you here?"

"I came to see if you needed a ride home."

"Oh, cool. Sure. If you want to, that is."

"Great. When do you get sprung?"

"I'm still waiting for the doc to come check me one last time and then he'll sign the papers. Have a seat. You can turn on the television if you want. Morning TV isn't all that good if you ask me."

Preston was a little taken aback. Gage didn't seem to be mad at him at all. He was acting as if nothing had happened. Maybe I hurt him more than I thought, he worried. Maybe he doesn't remember how he ended up here.

"You okay, Moose? You seem a little distracted."

"Oh, I'm. . . uh. . . fine."

"You sure?"


Preston got up to turn on the TV when the phone on the night stand rang. Johnny reached over with his left hand and picked up the receiver.

"Hello? Oh hi, Roy."


Preston sat down and stared at the floor.


"Yeah, I'm fine. What's up?"

"I called to see when you needed a ride home."

"Oh, well, you don't have to come get me this time. I have a ride."

"You do?"

"Yeah. Thanks though. I'm glad you called."

"Is Cap there?"

"No," John replied. "Moose stopped by and he's gonna take me home."

There was a brief silence on the phone. "Preston? Preston is giving you a ride home?"

The fact Roy used his formal name wasn’t lost on Johnny. "Yeah, that's what I said. What's wrong?"

"You're letting him give you a ride home, after - "

"After what?" His partner's attitude was starting to annoy Gage. "He's giving me a ride home."

"Johnny, he could’ve killed you. . .”

"He didn’t."

"So you wanna give him a second chance? Are you nuts?”

"Accidents happen, man. We both know that."

Roy couldn’t believe what he was hearing. In his opinion, Johnny tended to forgive people too quickly.

"All right,” he shrugged, though Gage wouldn’t see. “If that's what you want. I'll call you later."

"Good deal. And, Roy, it’ll be okay. Really." He replaced the reciever in its cradle and frowned. Roy had a point, but it wasn’t like Moose wrecked every time he drove. He looked at his solemn friend. "So, how are you? Dix told me you were hurt too."


“I’m okay. Just a little sore.”


Johnny nodded breifly, then with a slight grin asked, “How’s Chet? Did he ever find the flour in his boots?”


He shook his head. “I told him about it when I saw him here. It just wasn’t the same after the accident, you know?”


“Yeah, I know.” He paused a moment before asking, “Did you get suspended?”


This time Preston could only nod ‘yes’ in response.

A short time later, the doctor arrived to check Johnny over and authorize his release. He went over detailed discharge instructions and made the paramedic promise to call if his condition worsened. Once Johnny was dressed, the two men left the hospital through the ER with a quick goodbye to Dixie.



Preston pulled up in front of Johnny's apartment building. He parked and got out to escort his friend to his door. Once they got to John's apartment, the paramedic eyed him carefully. Preston had remained solemn during the ride home and looked like he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. The man obviously needed someone to talk to.

"Come on in, Moose."

"Nah, I don't want to keep you from getting your rest."

"Hey, I asked you in. If I wasn't feelin’ up to company I wouldn'ta. C'mon. Neither one of us needs to be standin’ out here in a debate."

Preston followed John inside. He had been here briefly once before but was feeling a bit awkward about staying this time.

"Have a seat. Want something to drink?"

"Uh, sure."

Johnny came out with two glasses of milk. "Sorry, it's all I have."

Preston laughed. "It's fine."


With his guest on the couch, Gage took a seat in an easy chair to the right of it against a wall.

"So, what’ve they said about the suspension? Have they given you a timeline?"

"Not really."

"Well, I’m sure they’ll want me to go before the committee soon and give my two cents worth. I’ll lettum know all the positives."

Preston had his gaze locked on the coffee table in front of him and looked up in surprise. “Yeah?”

"Uh huh."

"Man, I don't deserve this. How can you still want to help me out after all this?"

"All what?"

"I dang near killed you. And here you are wanting to help me!"

"Accidents happen, man. It wasn't that serious. It's -" Part of this conversation reminded him of his chat with Roy earlier. "Did Roy say something to you?"

"Not anything I didn’t have coming. He was pretty angry though. I could tell."

"Well, that's just Roy. He's kinda on the serious side," Johnny said with slight grin. It didn't get a response from the still worried Preston. "We've been partners for a long time. He'll get over it, eventually." He noticed the reassurance didn’t help. "C'mon, it’ll all work out.”

"Sorry, John. I’m just not sure it will."

Johnny sat forward, his glass in his right hand. "Okay, in all seriousness, talk to me. I'll do whatever I can to help."

Preston sighed, then set his glass on the table as he let loose with all his concerns. Johnny had never heard the man talk so much. He not only was very upset about the accident, but also all his little errors prior to that.

"I love this job. I love being a firefighter. Being an engineer is great but if they took that away I could still do the rest of the job. I'm just so afraid that I'll lose it all. This was a huge mistake, John. It's not like a little scratch or a flat tire. This was major! And this was the first time since coming out here that I've ever been in a station long enough to, you know, fit in. I like you guys a lot and now I've ruined it."

"You haven't ruined it, man. Stuff happens. Yeah, the Chief isn't too happy but I don't think he'll fire you. They'll do the investigation and talk to everyone involved before anything is decided. And when they talk to me, well, you already know where I stand. I'll do my best to make sure they don't fire you. I'm sure the rest of the guys’ll be on your side too."

"I wish I had your optimism, John. I'm not sure all the guys would be happy to see me stay."

"Nonsense. Now, all you have to do is keep yourself together and be calm when they talk to you. It'll be okay."

Moose wasn't sure if he could manage that. He was already upset enough about it. Talking to the Chief and a committee was going to be really hard. He wished he had Johnny's confidence in him. They talked a while longer and Moose left for his own apartment.



Hank Stanley was sitting in his kitchen at the table enjoying a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper. Forced time off was never easy but he was trying to make the best of it. His wife had gone grocery shopping; it had been a week since the accident and just as long since he'd had time alone. Hank was determined to savor this time and the quiet.

The ringing of the telephone startled him. He eased himself out of the chair and slowly made his way to the phone.

"Hello," he answered. A smile appeared when he recognized the caller's voice. Hank returned to his seat at the table and propped his leg up on a second chair his wife had placed there for him. He winced a little as he made himself comfortable. His knee was still sore but the swelling had completely diminished.

"Good to hear from you, pal. How are things going up there, Mike?" He listened and smiled as his engineer recounted his time away from 51s. "Sounds like you're enjoying yourself," he laughed.

Mike's question caught him off guard. "Huh?" he replied. "Um - oh - uh - " He wondered how his engineer had heard about what happened. "How'd you hear about it?"

"Well, I called the station and they told me you were at home. Captain Ellis only told me that there was an accident and that several of you were hurt. He didn't give any details. Care to fill me in?"

Hank drew a breath and sighed quietly. How was he going to break it to his friend that Big Red was also among the injured? He had affectionately dubbed the Ward 'Big Red' when she first arrived at Station 51 several years ago.

"Well, Mike, it was just that - an accident. I haven't gotten all the details from the Chief yet, but I know a committee is investigating it."

"Was anyone hurt bad?"

"John had an overnight at Rampart for a concussion but basically it was bumps and bruises for all. Chet, Marco and Roy weren't hurt. My knee's bruised pretty good, Preston has bruised ribs, but really John got the worst of it. He was sitting half in and half out of the squad when it was hit."


"He didn't tell you that part?"

"Um, no."

"Maybe you better sit down before I tell you the rest."

"Sit? Why? Why do I have to sit?" Hank could hear the tension in Mike's voice. There were subtle changes in tone that most people wouldn't pick up on. Hank knew how much pride and admiration his engineer had for Big Red. He knew that truck inside and out. He probably knew her better than he knew his own car.

It was a common myth that engineers feel about their engines the way new mothers feel about their babies. This was often the basis for jokes and good humored ribbing at times for a lot of crews. Hank wasn't entirely sure this was fiction.

"Preston was driving and came up too quickly behind the squad. He - well - he hit the back end of the squad with the engine."

"He did what?!"


Hank was surprised by the volume and intensity of Mike's question. It wasn't like the normally quiet man to ever raise his voice.


"How - Why - It's not - " The younger man was having a difficult time forming a coherent thought. A million things ran through his mind; most important was how could this happen to his engine?

"Calm down, Mike. Take a deep breath. Are you listening to me? Mike?"

He knew this would have been better face to face, but circumstances being what they were didn't allow for that. He heard the other man take a slow deep breath and let it out.


"Yeah, Cap, I'm still here. I'm - fine."

The older man doubted that statement but felt it wasn't the time for debate. "It's going to be all right. They took both vehicles out of service and Charlie will make sure they come back to us good as new."

Mike understood this but his pride and joy had been violated. 'Good as new' wasn't good enough. It should never have happened. He figured it wouldn't have if he had declined this teaching opportunity and stayed in Carson. The Ward, his engine, would be whole and unsullied. And more importantly, his shiftmates wouldn’t have needed a trip to or stay at Rampart General Hospital.

"I hear what you're saying but it - "

"I know, Mike. It sounds worse than it is. The squad sustained more damage because it was hit from behind and pushed into another vehicle. The Ward has minor front end damage. It is fixable. Until then we have loaners. Of course, most of us won't be back on duty for a few more days. I'm still waiting to hear when the repairs will be complete and how everything else is going on with all of this."

"It's just all so - "

"I can imagine. Or I should say, I can't imagine how you must feel."

"Maybe I should talk to someone here and just come home early. I mean, you're already down half the crew and my replacement obviously needed a replacement. Honestly I should never have left."

"I don't want to hear any of that nonsense. Accidents happen. They can happen to anyone, anywhere. It was just an unfortunate event. You can't hold yourself responsible for any of this. You need to stay and finish teaching. You worked hard for this opportunity and you earned it."

The silence on the other end of the phone worried him. "What do you say?"

"I guess. You're right as usual. Are you sure I don't need to come back early?"

"I'm sure. Relax and enjoy this. With any luck, everything will be back to normal before you return." Hank hoped that he sounded convincing. He really believed that Mike needed to stay and finish his assignment instead of rushing back and worrying. "I hate to end our call but I have a doctors appointment to get ready for."

"All right. Take it easy. I hope all goes well with the appointment."

"Thanks. I'm sure it will. You take it easy too and quit worrying."

"You'll call me if I need to come back sooner?"

"Of course.”


“Thanks, Cap.”


“You’re welcome. Bye, Mike."




The Stanley's arrived at Rampart and after a brief wait, Hank was in the exam room. Doctor Brackett took his time and was very thorough. In the end, he allowed the captain to return to work after one more shift at home resting his leg.


Hank thanked the doctor and left, anxious to call the Chief. Just as he’d told Mike, he wanted to know more of what was going on; if they were near an answer from the investigation. He’d checked in nearly every day during his time off, as the concern for any man serving under him never left his mind completely. And for the past week it had all remained unsettled for Preston’s future with the fire department, leaving Hank reason to feel very concerned.




“Have you heard anything from Moose?” Roy asked when Johnny joined him in the locker room as they got ready for duty. It had been seven days since the accident and they’d had another engineer substitute for Mike Stoke since, Preston still being under investigation by the committee.

The younger man shook his head as he opened his locker. “Not since a few days ago. But he knows we met with the committee and stuck up for ‘im. I think he just wants to stay clear of everyone till a decision comes down. You know. . .sometimes it’s easier to just wait things out alone, and not listen to others speculate. ”

Roy nodded as he fastened his trousers, then sat on the bench in front of their lockers to put on his shoes. He thought back to the morning they’d been scheduled to meet with the committee at the station.


“Do you know what you’re gonna say?”

Johnny shrugged at Roy’s question. “I know one thing. I’m gonna assure ‘em he’s no Ed Marlow.” He glanced down at his friend. “He’s not, ya know.”

Ed Marlow had been a fireman the two were training to become a paramedic in the field who’d been too over confident and defiant in his manner, often making incorrect medical calls before consulting a doctor over the biophone as required. And he couldn’t admit to being wrong until he’d finally severely misjudged a situation, which could’ve endangered a victim’s life.

Roy nodded and gave Johnny’s answer more thought. Taking responsibility for one’s actions and learning from mistakes after listening to what others with more experience had to say were both very important traits in training, the opposite of what Ed was like. And Preston was doing both. The fact he was a nice guy overall and had been trying hard to succeed as an engineer would make it very hard to live with shooting down his dream and goal.

Roy knew Preston could’ve very well killed his partner with what happened, he’d had a hard time getting past that fact at first. But even Johnny was forgiving, having been able to see it for what it was. . .an unfortunate accident. Something that likely wouldn’t happen with the substitute engineer again.

Roy made his decision on what he was going to say to the board members as well. Preston deserved another chance.



Just with another station. . .

Looking at the cut and bruises still visible on his partner reminded him that he was ready for a long break from any trainees.


Hank Stanley had called the chief, only to find out the committee was still undecided. He’d hoped his own written favorable testimony would have made it a sure deal for Preston to return to duty soon.

“They just want to be certain he’s ready. That he’s not going to be affected by what happened.”

Those words from the chief had been good news overall. It meant it was more or less up to Preston himself. Hank imagined the fireman/engineer would be back to fire fighting and rescues, with some hard lessons learned, but for the better.


Two weeks after the ill-fated day, every one was back on duty, including Mike Stoker; it was his first day since his outside duty. Preston was allowed to remain with the department, but would have to be recertified in a few months before he could get behind the steering wheel of a fire engine again. For the time being he’d gotten a slot as an engine crew member at Station 8 since one of their men was injured in a fire and expected to be out for a while and on desk duty for weeks once he returned.

“I’m fine with it,” he’d assured his friends at Station 51. “I’m just glad my mistake didn’t lead to anything worse, that John’s okay, and that I got it out of the way early. You can bet, I’ll never do that again.”

And they certainly had faith that he was right.


“Wow, you’d never know she was in an accident,” Mike said as he walked around the engine, occasionally running a hand over the shiny surface. “They fixed her up good.”

“Can’t say the same for the squad,” Roy commented. “ The frame was too badly damaged.”

“At least you got a new truck out of it,” Marco offered.

“And we were having some trouble with the speedometer in the old one anyway,” Roy voiced his thoughts out loud..

“So anything go wrong other than the accident?” Mike wondered.

Johnny shook his head. “Everything went gre--”

He stopped when he was nudged slightly in the ribs by the captain. A quick glance and the look said it all. He'd better not say what he'd been about to, which quickly reminded him of an earlier conversation with the captain.

Aunt Bea. . .

Johnny immediatley changed his tune. “. . . grey. Everything seemed kinda grey. . .Metaphorically speaking, of course. But the place just wasn’t the same without ya, Mikey.” He reached out and gave the engineer a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder.

Chet and Marco looked baffled at Gage’s comment, but remained mum for the moment. They’d have to ask what he was referring to later. After all, things seemed fine to them during Mike’s absence; things had run pretty smoothly, with just a few glitches other than the big wreck.

As the men headed off to do their chores, Roy made his way to the captain.

“Looks like ‘Aunt Bea’ is glad to be back. . .Andy.”

Hank smiled. Just like in Mayberry. . .things got a little rocky. . .but it all worked out in the end.



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