


It's New Years Eve and the E! characters are making their resolutions. What would be one resolution for each of them? It can be anyone from A-Shift,Rampart, or fill-ins (ie: Brice or others you can think of). Pick as many characters as you want.




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Cap: To be calmer after hearing McConnike’s name . . . is he here?
Roy: Start taking nerve pills around Johnny.

Mike:  To start talking more, or maybe not.

Johnny: To get a hair cut . . .maybe next year

Chet: Retire the Phantom . . .don't think so



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Captain Stanley - to get a tub of hand cream - if he's gonna rub his hands together all the time, he might as well make them soft and smooth in the process.

Johnny - to run to the squad faster in order to beat Roy to the drivers' seat once in awhile.

Roy - To have Joanne teach him how to cook.

Marco - To convince Cap to let him take the squad to the hospital when Gage gets hurt – after all, he can drive too! 

Chet - To finally figure out how to burn Cap's hat and blame it on Gage.

Mike - To take the mime class he read about.

Dixie - To become a Mary Kay representative just long enough to get the volume discount on mascara by the case.

Dr. Early - To never again eat clam chowder (10 parts butter and cream, 1 part clam) while still in the hospital recovering from heart surgery.

Dr. Brackett - To buy more checkered pants.



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Johnny - To learn to make more than hamburgers and mysterious green stuff for a meal.

Roy - To let Johnny drive the squad more . . . maybe . . .has to think more on that one.  :o)

Chet - To build the best water bomb ever.



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Johnny - Vows to find a woman that doesn't make him squeamish after a few weeks of dating.

Roy - Vows to lose that bit of a spare tire he's getting before it gets out of hand.


Marco - Vows to find a good Catholic girl to marry so his mama will stop asking him when he's going to give her grandchildren.

Mike - Vows to take a public speaking course.


Chet - Vows to piss Gage off at least once a week in the new year.


Cap - Vows to go to that stress management class that his wife has been asking him to attend.


Dixie - Vows to hide those ugly checkered pants that Kel wears to work. A doctor can afford better clothes than that.


Morton - Vows to try and control his temper more.


Early - Vows to ask Dixie out on a date. Hey, Kel is dragging his feet...why should a woman like that go to waste?


Bracket - Vows to work harder and longer. He wants to be the best, even if it means sacrificing his personal life for it.


Vince - Vows to try and transfer to a different patrol. He gets some really weird ones where he's at right now and his wife is starting to worry about his safety.


Brice - Vows to memorize the updated Paramedic Training manuals by the end of January and institute a mandatory drug box set up.


Henry - Vows to get off the sofa more than once a day.




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Johnny - Resolves to not get so obsessed with things, then spends 3 days making notes and talking to people about how to accomplish his resolution.


Roy - Resolves to stop drinking so much coffee, but he gets so irritable he changes his resolution to stop being so irritable and starts drinking coffee again...Goal met!


Mike - Resolves to quit flipping off drivers that don't get out of the way when he's driving the engine.


Chet - Resolves to not get latrine duty more than once a week...Even if that means laying off his pigeon.


Cap - Resolves to stop calling the guys "twits". He doesn't want to get reprimanded for conduct unbecoming an officer.


Marco - Resolves to take the Captain's exam so he can replace Hank when he gets demoted for constantly calling the guys twits.


Dixie - Resolves to try the new "natural look" and get rid of her false eyelashes. Besides, they're always getting stuck together and it makes her look like she's winking at everybody.


Dr. Brackett - Resolves to undergo hypnotherapy to get rid of his facial tic. Resolves to talk to Dixie and have her do the same because it seems like she's developed an eye tic.


Dr. Morton - Resolves to smile once a day.


Dr. Early - Resolves to try and look ten years younger and starts using "Grecian Formula for Men". That way he'll feel more confident and can finally ask Dixie out. After all, she's always winking at him.


Brice - Resolves to make at least one new friend...One friend this year.



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Roy DeSoto should try to split his amount of driving the squad rescue truck with Johnny.

Johnny Gage should break his bad habit of talking with a full mouth while eating.

Captain Hank Stanley should get a chance to cook for his subordinates.

Chet Kelly should smile more and shave his mustache off to look younger.

Marco Lopez might need to lose weight to get rid of body fats.

Mike Stoker should try to talk more.