If you could give each character a new nickname, what would it be?

*Question courtesy of Mychand










Chet  "Einstein"

Marco  "Amigo"

Mike  "Dude"

Johnny  "Superman"

Roy   "Sweetie pie"

Hank   "Big Daddy"

Brice   "Professor"





Chet  - Mario


Mike - Mikey


Johnny - Mr Wonderful


Roy - Mr Reliable


Brice -  Smart---


Brackett - Twitchy


Dixie - Dix





Chet: Houdini or Bozo 

Henry's could be Hound Dog

Roy or Mike could be Bashful

Henry could be sleepy

  Hank could be Doc 





Chet: Pringles

Roy: Chewy

Hank: Pops

Johnny: Accidental Wonder

Marco: Pep Boy





In a fanfic my friend wrote, Hank's high school nickname was "Stretch" because of his lankiness. :) His sister called him "Mouse" because he had a pet field mouse as a kid.

With Marco's penchant for cooking, I keep thinking to call him "Mr. Food"!

I betcha "The Phantom" was a nickname Chet picked up in school because he pulled pranks even then, but managed to get away with most of them.





Johnny - Studly Doright

Roy - Whitebread

Chet  - The Shadow

Marco - ChiChi

Mike - Stick (speak softy, but carry a big...)

Hank - Yank

Brice - Pinhead

Brackett - Stiffy

Dixie - Sugar

Early - Whitey

Morton - Doctor Salt





Cap - Fishstick

Johnny - Flyboy (because of the way he could 'fly' around the track)

Roy - Mr. Reliable

Chet - Joker

Marco - Polo

Mike - Tight Lips

Brackett -  Twitch

Dixie - Lashes

Joe Early -  Piano Man

Morton -  Friendly   

Brice -  Arrow ( as in 'straight as an')