Night into Day


By E51Writer  12/25/01




Authors’ note:  This is a follow-up to ‘Night of the Child’.  It explains Johnny’s reaction to the rescues involving kids in ‘Night of the Child’.  Thoughts are noted in italics. 




Out of habit, Captain Stanley entered Rampart through the Emergency Room doors.  **How many times have I made this same trek?** he wondered to himself.  While he couldn’t really remember the actual count, there was one thing he was certain of.  The journey more often than not led to John Gage.  So was the case today.


Cap was so lost in his thoughts that he hadn’t seen the worried glance thrown his way by Dixie McCall.  Hell, he hadn’t even heard Dr. Brackett call out his name.  He was brought out of his trance by a touch on his elbow.  Captain Stanley turned to see Brackett at this side.


“Hank, join me in my office for a moment please.”


Cap was anxious to see Johnny.  In the 30 minutes that had passed since he hung up the phone from Brackett’s call, every emotion imaginable had run through his mind.  One of his men was hurting.  He wanted to get to him, help him.  But, the look on Brackett’s face told him he should sit with the doctor for a few minutes.  All he could muster was a slight nod.


As the men sat down, Cap finally spoke.  “Thanks for calling me, Doc.”  Cap looked at the floor and rubbed his hands together – a sure sign of his nervousness and worry.  “You know, I called Captain Lewis this morning.  As the shift was ending, I saw that look on Johnny’s face.  I knew the joy of little Johnnie Grace had been overshadowed again.  I had a bad feeling, Doc.”  Cap looked up to see the sympathetic doctor looking at him – complete understanding written all over his face.  Brackett had seen the look too.  Had seen it several times in the past 24 hours.  Had seen it again this morning.


“Hank, I didn’t call Roy.”


“Good.  Good.  Roy doesn’t need to know anything yet, Doc.  Let’s just see what we can do to get Johnny through this.  We’ll know when to call Roy.  Now’s not the time.”


“I’m glad to hear you say that, Hank.  We’re on the same page here.  Why don’t you go up and see him.  I’ll give you some time alone.  But then, we really need to talk.  All  three of us, Hank.”


The men’s eyes locked and a silent vow was made.  They – the two father figures in Johnny’s life – would get their friend through this.  And when the time was right, Roy would be called.




As Cap rode the elevator, he absently watched the lights change as the elevator rose.  The doors opened.  He exited the elevator, took a deep breath, rubbed his hands together, and headed down the hallway.  **Gage, you twit, it always comes down to this somehow.  If only you had a broken leg or a broken arm my friend, this wouldn’t be as difficult.  How the hell do I help you heal your broken heart?**


He knew he’d find him around the corner.  One last deep breath.  **Help me out here, God.  Help me help Johnny.**  He turned the corner and stopped dead still.


There stood John Gage.  Looking like hell.  Brackett had warned Hank Stanley but he was still shocked.  This wasn’t the man who he’d seen only hours ago.  The strong paramedic stood shaking like a defeated man.  His hair was a mess from running a hand through it over and over again.  He looked like he’s seen a ghost.  Hell, he looked like a ghost!  A man with a broken heart and a broken spirit.  He leaned on the window with both his hands.  Dried tears stained his cheeks.


Captain Stanley approached Johnny but Johnny never even noticed.  Cap looked at his friend for a few moments then turned to look through the window too.  A smile crossed his face.  There must’ve been a dozen babies in the nursery.  But the biggest smile and the brightest little eyes belonged to little Johnnie Grace.


It was then that Cap realized Johnny was muttering something.  **What is he saying?  Speak up Gage!**


Johnny was still oblivious to Cap’s presence.  The tears were slowly beginning to flow again.  “Please don’t die, little one.  Please.  Please don’t ever die.”


A tear now escaped the eyes of Hank Stanley.  He had never seen his paramedic like this.  After his conversation with Captain Lewis, he should’ve been more prepared.  But hearing about something and experiencing it were two different things.  Here stood the man matching Captain Lewis’ description.  He’d heard it twice.  Once when Lewis called him at home right after it happened.  Then again this morning when Cap called Lewis.  He’d heard twice about a devastated man.  Now Cap was experiencing the devastation himself – through the tears of his friend.


Cap let another minute or two pass.  It was more a matter of gathering himself than anything else.  He finally placed his hand on Johnny’s back and spoke.  “She’s beautiful, John.  What a beautiful, healthy little girl.”


Johnny’s eyes widened at the voice of his captain.  He continued to silently stare into the nursery.  **Damn.  How long has he been here?  Did he hear me?  Did he see me cry?  Damnit!**


Cap let the silence hang.  He wanted to see what Johnny was going to do or say before he made another attempt at getting through.


 Johnny looked at the floor.  **Get it together, Gage.  Get it together.  Fast.  Damnit.  Why’d he have to come?**   Gage took a deep breath.  His shoulders began to shake again.  **Oh no, no you’re not!  You are NOT going to cry again.  Not now.  Not here.  Not with Cap standing beside you.**


Cap began rubbing Johnny’s back.  He almost stopped when he realized what he was doing.  In a split second, he decided to continue.  He wanted Johnny to know he was there.  There to provide strength, to provide comfort, and to provide a shoulder to cry on.


Cap finally broke the silence.  “She’s a cute one, John.  Looks like she’s spirited too.  Just like the man who brought her into this world.  Maybe I should talk to her mom about what she has to look forward to.  I’ll tell her that that spirited nature is a good thing…most of the time.”


Johnny finally smiled.  He still didn’t look up.  But, he smiled.


“Ooh.  Look, John.  It looks like she’s blowing you kisses.”


Johnny raised his head and looked through the window.  He softly chuckled.  “Gas, Cap.  She’s got gas.”


“Still looks like she’s blowing you kisses.  Just another little lady you’ve won over.”  Cap was trying desperately to pick up Johnny’s spirit.  Johnny knew what Cap was doing and he appreciated it.


“I’m okay, you know.”  Johnny still hadn’t met Cap’s eyes.


“No you’re not.”




“Johnny.”  Cap looked at Gage’s reflection in the window.  Finally, the men looked at each other even if it was only in the window’s reflection.  “You’re not okay, Johnny.  But that’s okay, pal.  I’m here for you and so is Brackett.  Let us help you.”


“Cap, you don’t…”  Johnny’s voice trailed off.  He shifted his gaze away from Cap’s reflection and back to the floor.


“Yes, I do.”


Johnny’s head immediately shot up.  He looked at Captain Stanley in disbelief.  Cap looked back at the blood red eyes of his paramedic.  Cap slightly nodded his head in affirmation.


“You don’t think Captain Lewis would not tell me, do you?  He was as worried about you as I am now.  He called me when the engine returned to the station.  Johnny, you did all you could.”


Johnny looked at his captain.  At once relieved that he knew but also overwhelmed.  He opened his mouth but couldn’t get any words out.  He began sobbing and collapsed into Cap’s arms.


Cap held Johnny tight.  He closed his eyes in silent prayer.  When he reopened them, he looked over Johnny’s shoulder at a beautiful little girl – Johnnie Grace – who lay smiling as she looked upon the men.  A smile mixed with Cap’s tears.




Brackett tapped his pencil against the wall.  The door to the elevator finally opened.  Without thinking of the fact that someone may want to get off the elevator, Brackett took a step forward to get on.  He came face to face with Johnny.  The side of Brackett’s face twitched as he looked first at Johnny then at Cap.


“I was coming up to look for you.  Let’s go to my office, gentlemen.”  The three men silently strode to Brackett’s office.  Dixie watched with sad eyes as the men entered the office and closed the door.


Dixie remembered coming in and hearing about what had happened.  She later chided herself for thinking how glad she was that it had happened when she, Brackett, and Early weren’t there.  She thought back to her feeling of relief that 110 had responded to the call – not 51.  She remembered the dizziness she experienced when she found out Johnny was pulling overtime at 110 when it happened.




Brackett sat on his desk.  He wanted nothing more than to be behind it.  But, he couldn’t.  He wouldn’t.


“Johnny.”  Brackett’s tone was even as he tried to hide his sadness from his friend.  “You know you did all you could.  Dr. Jameson called me at home after it happened.”


Johnny chuckled.  He looked up at the quizzical eyes of Cap and Brackett.  “Sounds like the phone lines were burning up that night.  Lewis called you, Cap.  Jameson called you, Doc.”  A slight pause was followed by a panicked tirade.  “Who else?  Who else got called?  Roy?  Not Roy, right?  He didn’t say anything about it on yesterday’s shift.  Oh God, no one told him the details, did they?  You know how badly responses involving children can affect him.  This would be too much for him.  Don't tell him.  You didn’t tell him, did you?”  Johnny quickly glanced back and forth between the two men.


“Settle down, pal.  Roy doesn’t know the details.”


“But he does know, doesn’t he, Cap?”


“Yes.  Yes, John.  Before you arrived at the station yesterday, I told Roy that you’d had a bad rescue while you subbed over at 110.  Just said it involved a child – no details.  Just said it was a bad rescue.”


Johnny jumped out of his chair.  His arms where flying as he started shouting.  Dixie stood outside Brackett’s closed door.  She sobbed as Joe Early held her in his arms.  They too knew what was coming.  They wanted to hear it from Johnny though.  Maybe they could find a way to help him.  Johnny was wildly pacing around as the door to Brackett’s office opened a crack.  Brackett nodded Dix and Joe in.  They stood in the corner.  Johnny saw them as he turned to pace back in the other direction.  The brief eye contact let them know it was okay with Johnny if they stayed.


On his fourth turn around the office, Johnny exploded.  “A rescue?  You called it a rescue?  That was awfully generous of you, Cap.  She died!”  Johnny stopped and looked at each person in the room.  “Do – you – understand?  She died in my arms with her parents standing there watching.  Goddamnit, she died!”


Cap stood up and took Johnny by the shoulders.  He guided the distraught man to the chair he’d been sitting in.  Brackett slid off the desk and moved directly in front of Johnny.  He leaned against the desk as he began to speak.


“Johnny, you know you did all you could.  If every doctor in this hospital had been there, she still would have died, Johnny.  You can’t save them all.  None of us can.”


Johnny looked up at Brackett.  Tears were rolling down his cheeks but he didn’t care.  He was crying for the child who had died in his arms.  He knew his friends were crying for him.


“But she was only three, Doc.  ONLY THREE!  A child.  A baby.  And she died in my arms.”  Johnny buried his face in his hands and sobbed.


Dixie moved over to Johnny and put her hands on his shoulders.  He reached a wet hand up and she grabbed it.  They held onto each other for dear life.  Dix finally whispered, “Johnny, tell us.  Tell us about it.  Don’t keep it bottled up.  We want to help you.  Tell us what happened.”


Johnny sat silently for a moment.  He finally turned and looked up at Dixie.  A small smile of gratitude crossed his face.  A small smile of love for a friend crossed hers.  He gave her hand a squeeze before releasing it.


Johnny looked around the room and stood up.  He forced a smile at Brackett.  “Why don’t you sit down, Doc.  He then looked at Dixie and Early.  “You guys, too.”


Once everyone was seated, Johnny paced for a minute.  He then turned and sat on Brackett’s desk.


Brackett and Stanley glanced at each other.  They exchanged quick smiles.  Brackett could read Stanley’s thoughts.  **Johnny, you twit, you just sat ON Brackett’s desk!**  Brackett’s glance told Cap that it was okay.  Their smiles faded as Johnny began to speak.


“I was over at 110 subbing for Kingsley.  We got a call to an accident.  It was bad.  Benson took the pick up.  I took the car.  As I rounded the passenger side, I saw her.  She was just laying there.  I thought she was a doll at first.  She was so small.  But the blood…  I ran to her and Captain Lewis came up.  He could see how bad it was.  Five people injured – two paramedics on scene.  He called for another squad.”  Johnny’s eyes glazed over as he was transported back to the horrific scene.


“She was just laying there.  When I bent down, her eyes popped open.  She couldn’t talk.  No way could she talk.  Her little eyes though.  They sparkled but you could see death in them too.  Her parents were hurt but they got out of the car and came over.  I was working frantically.  Trying to stop the bleeding, trying to bandage her neck.  I guess they walked up while I was saying ‘don’t die – please don’t die’ because her mother shrieked.  I talked to her.  The little girl.  Begged her to hold on.  Prayed to God to stop the bleeding.  I heard her father say that she’d been standing in the backseat.  Not sitting.  Not restrained.  Standing in the God damned back seat.  Standing!  It was then that I looked back at the car and knew how it happened.  When the cars hit, she went through the back window.  Because she was standing in the God damned back seat.  Standing!  She was nearly decapitated.  If it hadn’t been for the spinal chord…”  Johnny choked on his words.  “If it hadn’t been for the spinal chord holding, she would have been decapitated.  I don’t know how she opened her eyes.  I don’t know how she looked at me or at her parents.  I tried to help her.  They kissed her.  They knew she was going to die.  Everyone except the little girl knew she was going to die.  I wouldn’t let her see I knew it too.  I looked at her little face like she was going to be okay.  I must have convinced myself, too.  When she did die, I was so surprised.  I kept trying to help her.  We brought her in and I kept trying.  But she died in my arms.  At the scene.  She died.  She died and I couldn’t help her.”


Cap got up and sat on the desk next to his paramedic.  He put his arm around Johnny’s back.  “You did fine, John.  You did all you could.  And, you made sure she wasn’t alone.  She was in your arms.  Captain Lewis said that was the only thing that gave the rest of his crew any peace that night.”


Brackett stood and touched his friend’s knee.  “You did help her, Johnny.  In another child’s words, you helped her meet Jesus.  Her little heart knows you were there.  You did all anyone could do.”


“And you did it with John Gage’s love.”  Everyone turned to look at Dix.  She always knew what to say and when to say it.


Johnny looked at the floor then into the eyes of Cap.  “I’m sorry, Cap.”


“Sorry?  For what?”


“Last night.  When I ran into that house before the police arrived.  That was wrong.  I could’ve put you all in danger.  Could’ve made a bad situation worse.  I’m sorry.  It was selfish of me.  It’s just when that little girl said ‘baby’, I saw a sparkle in her eye.  The same sparkle that was in Grace’s eyes as she lay dying in my arms.”


“Grace?  The little girl that died?  Her name was Grace?”  Dixie asked in amazement.




“Did the woman having the baby know that, Johnny?”


“No.  Why would she, Cap?”


“I…uh…I think it’s amazing that she gave the baby the middle name Grace after…after…’  Cap couldn’t continue.


“I don’t think it’s amazing.  I think it’s divine!”  Dixie smiled toward the sky.


Everyone in the room sat in quiet contemplation.  It was Brackett who finally spoke.  “Why don’t we all go take a peek at Johnnie Grace and then grab something to eat?”


Johnny smiled.  He knew that with time, the help of his friends, and the promise that was little Johnnie Grace, he would be okay.


As they exited the office, Brackett stopped Captain Stanley.  “I think it’s time, don’t you?”


“Yeah.”  Cap replied.  “I’ll go call Roy.”




The End