Second Look

By Mychand

(Angela Daniel)




John Gage whistled as he strolled into the station locker room to greet his partner, Roy Desoto.


 “Hey, Johnny,” said Roy.  “You seem happy this morning.  How was your weekend off?”


Johnny smiled.  “It was great, Roy, just great.  The gang went to Sacramento.  We had a blast.”


“Oh,” replied DeSoto.  “That’s good.” Roy tried to hide his disapproval.  Johnny had met a group of new friends on a run to a small nightclub the month before, and they had since occupied the majority of his time off.


Roy sat on the bench and waited for Johnny to change his clothes. “Boy, though, I’m still a little tired,” said Johnny.  “But, nothing can shake my good mood.  It’s all a mental thing, ya know, Roy?  If you think it’s going to be a good day, it’ll be a good day.”


“You’re drinking too much coffee again aren’t you?”


“What’s that suppose to mean?” asked Johnny, as he followed his partner to the day room. 


“It means you are more hyper than usual,” replied Roy.  “Besides, you know coffee isn’t a substitute for a good night’s sleep.  Especially with a long shift ahead of you.”


Johnny groaned.  “I’ll keep that in mind, dad.”


Roy was not amused.  Johnny’s comment struck a nerve.  “Is that what you think of me? I’m not over the hill yet ya know.”


“What?” asked Johnny.  “What’d I say?”


Before Roy could respond, the station was called out on it’s first run of the day.  It turned out to be a small apartment fire with no injuries, so the paramedics decided to make a run to the hospital for supplies afterward. They found Dixie in her usual spot, filling out medical charts.


“Hey, Dix,” said Johnny. 


“Hi there,” replied Dixie.  “Quiet day?”


“Yeah, a bit too quiet,” replied Johnny as he stared at his partner.


“I’ll wait for you in the squad,” Roy said.  “Don’t forget the list I gave you.”

Johnny frowned.  “I’ll be right there.”  So much for my good mood.


“What’s up with him?” asked Dixie. 



“I don’t know. He’s been that way all morning.  He was lecturing me on getting a good night’s sleep and when I called him dad, he got mad.”


“Hmm, well, you do look a little tired.”


“Come on Dix,” said Johnny.  “Not you too.”


Dixie laughed. “Okay, what you do is none of my business but I had better not catch you calling me mom.”


Johnny smiled as he gathered up the supplies. “It’s a deal,” he said. “See ya later.”




Johnny put away the supplies and climbed into the squad.  Roy was silent as they headed back to the station.


Johnny couldn’t take the silence for long.  “What’s the matter with you?  Did you and Joanne have some kind of fight?”


Roy glanced over at his partner and then continued to watch the road.  “I don’t want to talk about it.”


“Well, I DO want to talk about it,” replied Johnny.  “I have to work with you all day.”


“I’ll probably regret this but okay. Do you think I’m getting old and boring?” asked Roy. 


“Of course not,” replied Johnny.  “Did Joanne say that?”


“Well, no, not in so many words.  She wants to go out more with her friends.  She said we got married so young that she never had a chance to have fun.”


Johnny wasn’t sure how to reply.  “I guess I can understand that.  Sitting home can get boring.  Take me for instance.  I’m having a great time since I started hanging out with the gang.”


“That’s just it.  Don’t you think you’re getting a little old to be hanging out with that group?” asked Roy.  “Look at you. Partying every night catches up with you, you know.”


Roy, what are you talking about?  I don’t party every night,” replied Johnny.  “And I’m not that old.”


“And I am?” asked Roy. 


“Did I say that?  What is with you today?  So Joanne wants to go out and have a little fun.  What’s wrong with that?”


“Let’s just drop this,” said Roy.  “I knew you wouldn’t understand.  That’s the difference between us.  You need to grow up and get a real life.  Sometimes I can’t even understand why we’re friends.”


Johnny was as hurt by Roy’s remarks as Roy was shocked that he said it.  The rest of the ride back to the station was quiet and both began their daily assignments without a word.




 Johnny was mopping the day room as Chet stuck his head in to see if he was finished.


“Gage, can we come in yet? You sure are slow.”


“Chet, leave me alone,” replied Johnny.  “I’m not in the mood for you today.”


“Yeah, that’s what your partner just said to me,” replied Chet.  What’s with you two?”


Johnny picked up the mop and jabbed the handle towards Chet’s stomach. “It’s none of your business Chet! Now get out of here until I’m done.”


The Captain overheard the commotion and headed to the dayroom.  “What’s going on in here?” he asked.  “I could hear you two all the way in my office.  Chet, don’t tell me you pulled another prank.”


“I didn’t do anything to him,” replied Chet.  “Johnny and Roy had some kind of fight and he’s taking it out on me.”


“Is that true, Johnny?” asked the Captain.  “Would you two like to talk about it in my office?”


“It’s no big deal Cap. It’s fine.  Just a little disagreement.” Johnny lied.


“Okay, I’ll take your word for it,” replied the Captain.  “But, I’d better not hear anything else about this for the rest of the shift.” 


After promising the Captain that things would remain quiet for the rest of the shift, Johnny decided it would be best if he kept to himself.   With the exception of a few minor traffic accidents and one small warehouse fire, the shift was rather quiet.




Johnny didn’t say goodbye to Roy before leaving the station.  He was feeling unusually tired so he decided to go home and get some sleep before meeting his friends up at the local nightclub.  A mutual friend was performing and Johnny didn’t want to miss the show.


Sleep didn’t come easy.  Johnny tossed in bed thinking about what Roy had said to him.  He didn’t even know why we are friends.  I don’t understand that.  We’ve always been different.  Why does he think I need to grow up?




Johnny’s alarm went off at 7pm.  He slowly dragged himself out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower.  As he turned on the water, he started to cough uncontrollably. Struggling to regain his composure, he was overcome by a wave of dizziness.  “I’m just tired,” he said to himself.  “I’d better hurry and get going.  I only have an hour until the show starts.”




Johnny managed to pull himself together quickly and meet his friends at the club.  The place was packed and the music was loud.  As the band started to play, Johnny began to feel claustrophobic.  He started to sweat and was suddenly overcome by another bout of coughing.  He excused himself from his friends and headed to the men’s room.  It took him several minutes to maneuver through the crowd of people and Johnny felt as though he would pass out.   Just before reaching the restroom area he bumped into a small woman on her way back out into the crowd.


“Joanne?” asked Johnny.  “What are you doing here?”


“Johnny! Oh, I’m here with some of my girlfriends. It’s girls night out.”


Although his coughing had stopped, Joanne couldn’t help but notice Johnny’s pale complexion.


“Are you alright?” asked Joanne.  “You don’t look so good.”


“Thanks a lot.”  


Joanne laughed. “You know what I mean, John Gage.  Oh, and don’t you dare call me mom.”


Johnny smiled.  Roy told ya huh?”


“Yeah, we got into a big fight tonight before I left,” she replied.  “I just needed some time to get out. He just doesn’t understand.  You’re his best friend, Johnny.  I’m sorry he took this out on you, too.”


It’s okay, Joanne. It’s not your fault.”


Joanne wrapped her arms around Johnny’s waist and gave him a hug.  “Thanks, Johnny,” she said as she pulled away from him. “Oh darn, I left my lipstick in the ladies room.  I guess I’ll see you later.”


“Okay, enjoy the show,” he replied.


Johnny was feeling better so he made his way back through the crowd to join his friends.  They had a table reserved in front of the stage.  As the music began to play, Johnny felt someone tap him on his shoulder.  He looked up to see Roy standing beside him.  Roy? What are you doing here?” he asked. 


Roy’s expression was somber.  “Joanne and I had a fight.  I remembered that you mentioned you were coming here tonight so I decided I needed a night out, too.”


Johnny was still bitter about Roy’s previous remarks.  He stood up and pulled Roy to the side.  “I thought you said I needed to quit hanging around this crowd? Now you want to join me?”


Before Roy could reply the entire building began to tremble.  The band stopped playing and the patrons began to run for the exit.


“Earthquake!” yelled Johnny as he grabbed Roy’s arm.  Together they made their way through the crowd.


It took every ounce of energy he had for Johnny to get out of the building.  The tremor was mild and Johnny quickly scanned the sea of patrons for his partner’s wife.  She was nowhere in site.


“Joanne,” said Johnny.  “She’s here.  I don’t think she made it out.”


Roy tried not to panic.  He grabbed Johnny by the arm. “She’s here?” he asked.  “I didn’t know she was coming here.”


Johnny shook off Roy’s grip and ran back towards the club.  Roy followed.  Despite protests from the club security guard, both men re-entered the club.


“The last time I saw her she was heading into the ladies room,” said Johnny.  “She may still be in there.”


Both men ran to the back of the club.  Roy swung open the restroom door to see his wife sitting on the floor in the middle of the room.


“Joanne!” yelled Roy.  “Are you okay?”


Roy ran over to his wife and helped her up off of the floor.


 “I’m okay,” she replied.  “I think I just twisted my ankle.  I was trying to get out of the restroom when the building began to shake but this large man nearly ran over me.  I decided I’d better come back in here.  Roy?  What are you doing here?”


Roy held his wife in his arms and gave her a light squeeze.  “It’s not important right now.  We’ll talk about it later.  I love you.”


Joanne wrapped her arms tightly around her husband.  “I love you, too,” she replied.


Johnny had been waiting outside of the restroom as to not disturb the couple.  After a few moments he opened the restroom door and peeked inside.  “Uh, I don’t mean to break up this reunion,” he said.  “But, I think we’d be much safer outside of this building.”


Roy began to blush.  “I think you’re right.  Come on, Joanne, let’s get out of here.”


It was too late. Roy had spoken too soon.  Before they could move, the building began to shake again.  This time the tremor was more severe, causing the ceiling to give way.  A few moments seemed like an eternity to Roy as he watched his partner disappear in the falling debris.


Roy had used his own body as a shield to protect Joanne.  Miraculously, neither had suffered more than a few minor scratches from the falling ceiling tiles.  Roy feared that Johnny had not been as lucky.


Roy helped Joanne sit up.  He examined her briefly and noticed that her ankle was starting to swell.  “Are you okay?” he asked.


“My ankle hurts but I’ll be fine,” she replied.  “Where’s Johnny?”


“Stay put. He has to be close by.  I’ll see if I can get to him.”


Roy’s heart began to pound as he slowly started to clear the debris that stood between him and his partner.  “Johnny!” he yelled.  “Johnny, can you hear me?”


Roy heard a low moan.  “Come on, Johnny, talk to me. I need to you lead me to you.”


Roy….”, Johnny’s voice was faint but Roy realized that he was only a few feet away. 


“Hang in there, Johnny. I’ve almost got ya.”


An adrenaline rush overcame Roy as he spotted Johnny and pulled the last of the fallen ceiling off of his partner. Roy grabbed Johnny’s arm and felt for a pulse.  “Johnny?  Johnny, can you hear me?” he asked.


Gage opened his eyes and gave his partner a weak grin.  “Believe it or not, I don’t think I’m hurt.”


“Well, you sure look like hell,” replied Roy as he placed his hand on Johnny’s forehead.  “And you have a fever.”


Johnny sat up slowly.  “I know, I’m pretty sure it’s the flu,” he said.


“What?” asked Roy.  “You have the flu and you’re out…”


Johnny interrupted.  “Look, Roy, are you going to help me up or are ya going to sit there and lecture me.  I know I should have stayed home tonight, so just drop it.”


Roy helped Johnny up off of the floor.  Johnny swayed for a moment but managed to make his way over to where Joanne was sitting and sat down beside her.  While they waited, Roy checked out the rest of the area to see if he could find a way out of the building.


Joanne grabbed Johnny’s bicep and gave him a light squeeze.  “Are you sure you’re okay?” she asked.  “All kidding aside, you really don’t look well.”


“I’ll be okay as soon as we get out of here Joanne,” he replied.  “I figured that I was coming down with the flu this afternoon.  I was hoping that I was just tired.  I’m sure I picked it up when I was in Sacramento.”


Having no luck at finding an exit, Roy came back, catching the last comment that Johnny had made.  “I know you don’t want a lecture, Johnny, but don’t you think you may have overdone it a bit in Sacramento?  Burning the candle at both ends will catch up with you.”


Johnny started to cough once again.  Joanne moved closer to him and placed her arm around his waist.  “Take it easy, Johnny,” she said.  Roy, this isn’t the time or place for this and you know it.”


Johnny began to relax and his coughing subsided.  “I think I need to lay down,” he said. “I’m really starting to feel lousy.”


Roy squatted down beside Johnny and began to assess his partner’s condition.  “I’m sorry,” he said.  “Let’s just concentrate on getting all of us out of here.”


Roy cleared as much debris as possible and made room for Johnny to stretch out on the floor.  Joanne insisted that Johnny use her lap as a pillow.   After much hesitation, he knew that he had no choice but to give in.


“Boy she’s stubborn,” said Johnny.


Roy gave his wife a wink. “Tell me about it.  Now you just rest.  I’ll work on finding a way out of here.”


Johnny closed his eyes while Roy tried to clear a path to the entrance of the restroom.  After about thirty minutes he gave up and returned to check on his wife and partner.


“How’s he doing?” asked Roy. 


Joanne placed her hand on Johnny’s forehead and looked up at her husband’s questioning eyes.  “Not too good,” she replied.  “He’s burning up.  This is worse than when Chris had the flu last winter.”


Chris…Joanne had tried hard not to worry about the children she had left at home.


Roy knew what his wife was thinking. “I’m sure the kids are just fine. The other people know we’re in here.  They’ll find us soon and  when they do, we’ll go home and check on the kids. Don’t worry.”


“You’re right,” she replied.  “I just wish there was more we could do for Johnny.”


Roy knelt down by his partner and checked his vitals.  “Damn, I can’t stand this,” he said.


Roy stood up and grabbed a piece of fallen ceiling and swung it across the room.  “Damn it!” he yelled.  “I hate feeling so helpless.  Why did he have to go out tonight? What was so important that he couldn’t stay home when he knew he was sick?”


Roy turned and looked at his wife. “None of us should be here.”


Tears welled up in Joanne’s eyes.  Roy, I love you but sometimes you can be so judgmental.  I do a lot for you and the kids.  Going out tonight was for me.  It had nothing to do with you.  It was for me.  For my sanity.  You have no idea what it’s like to stay home all day taking care of the children.  You are gone for twenty-four hours at a time.  When I’m home alone with them I have no adults to talk to.  All I wanted was a little time for me for a change.  I can’t understand why that’s too much to ask for?”


Roy sat down beside his wife and put his arm her shoulder.  Pulling her to him, he kissed her on the cheek.  “I’m sorry,” he replied. “You’re right.  You do deserve to have a night out for yourself.  I guess I never realized how hard it was for you.”


Joanne put her arm around Roy’s waist and shifted slightly towards him as to not disturb Johnny whose head was still resting in her lap.  “Don’t get me wrong,” she said.  “I love taking care of the kids.  I wouldn’t trade my time with them or with you for anything.  It’s just a good idea to get out every once in awhile for a sanity check.”


Before Roy could reply further, Johnny began to cough.  Joanne placed her hand on his chest and tried to calm him.  Shhhh, take it easy, Johnny,” she said.  “Just relax.  We’ll be out of here soon.”


Roy stood up and stretched his legs.  “God, I hope they find us before long.  He’s getting worse and being in here sure isn’t helping things.”


Joanne ran her fingers lightly through Johnny’s hair.  She couldn’t help but notice how young he looked when he slept.  “He’s going to be okay, Roy.  They’ll find us soon.”


Roy attempted a slight smile. “You’re right. For now we need to find a way to get some fluids in him.  I’m sure he’s dehydrated.”


Roy looked across the room to see if he could make it over to one of the sinks.  “Joanne, do you still carry that expandable pill cup in your purse?”


“With a child who can’t yet reach the water fountain at the mall?  Of course I do,” replied Joanne.


Joanne rummaged through her purse and pulled out the round plastic disc.  She pulled the rings open and handed Roy the small cup.


“Thanks,” replied Roy.  “I knew I could rely on you.”


The debris that blocked his way to the sink was more difficult to clear than Roy had imagined it to be.  Twenty minutes seemed like an eternity for Roy when he finally reached his destination. 


Roy’s heart sank when he turned the faucet knob and no water came out.  In the back of his mind he had known it was a possibility but he had hoped he was wrong.  “Damn it!”  


Hearing her husband’s yell, Joanne called out to him, “Roy, what’s wrong?  Are you okay?”


“I’m fine! I’ll be over there in a minute.”


Joanne watched Roy climb over the debris and slowly work his way back to where she and Johnny had positioned themselves on the floor.


“Water line must be broken,” Roy said somberly.  “I wasn’t able to get a drop.”


Joanne held out her hand.  “Come on,” she said.  “Sit down and rest.  There’s nothing we can do right now but wait.”


Roy took her hand and sat down on the floor.  Resting his head against the restroom wall, Roy fell asleep.




Several hours later Roy was awakened by sounds of someone digging through the rubble.  At first he thought it was his imagination when he heard Chet calling out his name.  Roy! Johnny!  Are you in there?” yelled Chet. 


Roy could hardly contain his enthusiasm.  “Chet! Hurry, we’re in here.  Hurry, we have to get Johnny out.”


Chet and several other firefighters cleared the path to take Joanne, Roy and Johnny out of the building. 


“I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to see you, Chet,” said Roy.  “I guess you were called in to assist with the aftermath of the earthquake?”


“Yeah. It would’ve been nice to have your help.  It’s been one hell of a night.”


“Tell me about it,” replied Roy.  “I think I’d rather have been out there with you.  I just hope Johnny’s okay.”




Johnny was loaded into the ambulance, as was Joanne.  Beyond a sprained ankle, she was fine. But the paramedics who had examined her, decided she should be checked out at the hospital just in case.  Roy climbed in the ambulance beside his wife.  He desperately wanted to know how his partner was doing but stayed out of the way as to not to interfere with the paramedic who was monitoring Johnny’s vitals.


The ride to the hospital seemed like an eternity for Roy.  Johnny was rushed into treatment room one, followed by Dr. Brackett.  Roy followed his wife into treatment room three.




His mind elsewhere, Roy leaned up against the examining room wall as Dr. Early examined Joanne’s ankle. 


 “Why don’t you go and check on Johnny,” said Joanne.  “I’m fine.  I don’t need you to baby sit me in here.”


Roy smiled at his wife.  “Thanks, I’ll be right back.”


He headed out into the hall and found Dixie coming out of the room that Johnny had been taken.


“How’s he doing?” asked Roy.


Dixie gave him a slight smile.  “I don’t know yet.  Dr. Brackett is still examining him.”


“Oh.” He tried to hide his disappointment.  He wanted badly to know how his partner was holding up.


“What a night,” commented Dixie.  “I don’t think it’s been this busy around here in a long time.”


“Yeah,” replied Roy.  “I don’t want to go through another night like last night.”


“I bet,” said Dixie.  “It’s too bad about the benefit.  I know Johnny was really excited about the money they were going to raise.”


“Benefit? What benefit?”


“I thought you were there last night?” asked Dixie.  “The benefit concert last night at the night club.  They were raising money for several orphanages.  That’s why Johnny and his friends had gone to Sacramento.  I thought you knew that?”


“No, I guess I wasn’t thinking at all last night,” replied Roy.  “I guess I was so caught up in myself that I didn’t even stop to see what was really going on with Johnny…or Joanne.”


Dixie placed her hand on Roy’s shoulder. “Hey, whatever you did, you’re human. Wait right here and I’ll go check on Johnny for you.”




While Roy waited for Dixie to return, Joanne was brought out into the hall in a wheel chair.  “As soon as they get some crutches for me to take home, I’ll be ready to go, “ she said.  “How’s Johnny?”


Roy leaned over and kissed his wife on the cheek.  “I’m glad you’re okay. I’m waiting for Dixie to come back and let me know about Johnny.”


Dixie returned shortly and advised the couple that Johnny would be admitted and taken to a private room.  He was dehydrated and they were working on getting his temperature down, but beyond that, the prognosis was good.


Roy was relieved, but not thrilled when Dixie told him that he would not be able to see his partner until the next day.  “You need to take your wife home and you both need rest,” said Dixie.  “Johnny has the flu and since you were both exposed to him, you have a good chance of coming down with it yourselves.”


Roy wanted to argue but he was too tired.  A family friend picked the couple up from the hospital and took them home where their children were anxiously waiting.




Roy had trouble sleeping that night.  He awoke early and headed to the hospital without even stopping for breakfast.  Johnny was still asleep, so he slipped quietly into his room as to not disturb him.


Roy fell asleep in the chair next to Johnny’s bed.  He began to dream about when he and Johnny first met, when they first became partners and when he realized that Johnny would be the best friend he would ever have.  Soon, the dreams turned into nightmares.  Nightmares of Johnny being hit by a car, falling unconscious on the side of a building and getting bit by a rattlesnake.


Roy felt himself drifting and was startled as he realized that he was falling out of the chair.  He opened his eyes and came face to face with his partner who was staring at him and giving him a wide grin.  “You okay, Roy?” asked Johnny.  “That must have been some dream you were having.”


DeSoto  tried to hide his embarrassment.  “Uh, it was more like a nightmare. How are you feeling?”


“I’m feeling much better. You don’t look so good yourself, though.”


“I’ve had better nights,” replied Roy.  “I couldn’t sleep.  I guess I worried and, well, I really wanted you to know I was sorry for how I’d been treating you.”


Johnny smiled.  It’s okay, Roy.  I know you didn’t understand.”


“But that’s just it, Johnny. I should have.  I jumped to conclusions.  I felt like you and Joanne were tired of being around me.  I should have known better.”


“What? Roy, I can’t believe you would think that.”


“Yeah, well, I guess I did. I know we have different lifestyles and yours is a little bit crazy compared to mine, but I should have know you were more responsible.”


Johnny shifted to his side to get a better look at his partner.  Roy, why didn’t you just ask me what I was doing in Sacramento? I would have asked you to come along, but I knew you had things to do with your family.  This was an important project to me.  I really had a good time helping out.”


Roy reached over and grabbed his partner’s hand.  “I know,” he said.  “I’m sorry.”


Johnny squeezed Roy’s hand.  “I know and I appreciate that.”


Both men sat quietly for a few moments, after releasing their grasp.  To avoid the sudden awkwardness that seemed to drift between them, Roy spoke up,   “So, just how did you manage to pick up the flu in Sacramento?”


“Oh, well there were these two little boys. They weren’t feeling well and the director of the orphanage asked me to take a look at them.  I guess I spent a little too much time with them,” replied Johnny.  “They were so great.  I really felt for them.  They were brothers so they had each other, but that’s all they had.”


Roy sat back in the chair and looked down at the floor.  “Yeah well, at least they’re lucky enough to have that,” he said.  “Each other, I mean.”


“Yeah,” replied Johnny.  That was all he needed to say.  Both men knew they were lucky too.




This is my first try at an E! fan fiction.  Thanks for all of your help Audrey!





Stories by Mychand          Guest Dispatchers