What are their favorite soups?
*Question courtesy of Amanda
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Hank: Clam Chowder  :)
Mike:  Chicken & Stars
Marco:  Tomato
Chet:  Split Pea & Ham
Johnny:  Vegetable Beef
Roy: Minestrone
Brackett:  Chicken Noodle
Early:  Clam Chowder
Morton:  Lentil
Dixie:  Black Bean


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Johnny - Alphabet soup
Roy - Chicken Noodle soup
Chet - Tomato Soup
Marco - Vegetable soup
Cap - Clam Chowder
Early - Clam Chowder
Brackett - Chicken noodle soup
Dixie - Creamy soup (of any kind)


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Johnny would have chicken soup with lots of noodles and saltine crackers.

Roy would have tomato soup with oyster crackers.

Captain Stanley would have clam chowder with oyster crackers.

Mike would have beef barley.

Marco would have bean with bacon soup and saltine crackers.

Chet would have vegetable soup with alphabet letters to see

if he could spell Phantom.



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Roy - French onion with lots of cheese and bread


Mike - Pea soup with hominy


Hank - his clam chowder with clam cakes


Johnny - chicken rice or chicken noodle because his mother told him

 that it is good for when you’re not feeling good


Chet - beef stew


Marco - beef barley or vegetable


Henry - eats most kinds but he really likes gumbo



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Hank...New England Clam Chowder

Chet...Chicken noodle O's

Marco...Tomato with lots of spices

Mike...Hearty Veggie

Roy...Bean and Ham

Johnny...Chicken and rice

Brice...Split Pea