"The Drunk Driver"
Diary entry March 17, 1978
Today's entry is one that I wish I didn't have to write. It's hard because it's
about what happened ten days ago...a drunk driver almost took the life
of my best friend and partner...and he hasn't regained consciousness yet.
We had responded to a call, a cardiac call, and when we got there, we checked
the man out, contacted the hospital and did everything that Early
had ordered us to do. We then loaded him up and was transporting him here to
Rampart Emergency.
As always, we were having the usual problem of people not getting out of our
way, staying in front of us and driving 20 miles an hour in a 55 speed zone,
even with lights and siren going. After we got around that road block, we
suddenly see this truck...a *big* truck, swerving back and forth over the double
line as he was coming towards us.
I was driving the squad in when suddenly I see Malcolm, the ambulance driver,
jerk the ambulance and swerve to avoid getting hit, which in turn,
caused me to have to do the same...good thing I have good eyes and fast
reflexes...if I didn't and had been hit head on...I know I'd be dead right
now. All the other cars were also lucky enough to have also gotten out of the
way...very lucky.
I had a tough time at it, but I was fortunate enough that I was able to get the
squad back under control, but I couldn't say the same for Malcolm, his partner
Frank...and *my* partner. I could see Malcolm was struggling to regain control,
but was unable to.
Of course though, an ambulance is more top heavy than the squad and the more he
fought it, the worse it made it...there was nothing he could do. I quickly
slammed on the breaks, finally bringing the squad to a sudden and abrupt halt
and it made me sick to my stomach, not just because my best friend was in the
back, but also for the patient, Malcolm and Frank, when I saw the horror of it
as it flipped over...and over...and over...and
over...finally coming to rest on it's top.
It seemed as if it was all happening in slow motion, but when it was finally
over, I notified dispatch, told them what happened and requested an engine and
additional squads and ambulances, then I quickly grabbed the drug box and ram
bar, hoping I wouldn't need the jaws to get the doors open, and made my way to
the overturned ambulance and the occupants inside that I knew were injured...if
not worse.
As I scanned the crowed of passersby that were standing around gawking at what
had happened, I spotted two men, who looked as if they had some muscles, that
might be able to help, so I told them to stick around in case I needed
them...they readily agreed.
What I hate about a mass casualty incident is, if you find a patent that isn't
breathing, you get one chance to help...if you can't, you gotta move on...as
hard as it is and as much as you hate it, you have to, in order to save other
lives. I sure hoped that wouldn't be the case here.
I first checked on Malcolm and Frank. I felt for breathing on
Frank...nothing...breaths didn't help so I had to go to the next victim. I ran
back to the squad and got a blanket pack and covered Frank up...I was hoping
that was the only blanket pack I would have to use.
I checked on Malcolm and even though he was unconscious, he did have a pulse and
he was breathing...that was a relief. I put a bandage on his head injury and
quickly checked him over...he needed a hospital...and fast. I didn't know what
kind of internal injuries he may have had, and being afraid of maybe making what
injuries he did have worse, I left him inside the cab and waited for more help
to arrive.
I knew I needed to get to the other two victims in the back...one being my
partner. I felt guilty for leaving Malcolm, but I had to.
As I hurried to the back of the ambulance and reached the doors, I stopped...I
was scared to death of what I might find inside...I couldn't even make myself
look through the windows. Just from the front to the back of the ambulance, it
surprised me how fast I went back into best friend mode when I knew that I was
gonna have to work on my partner...if he was still alive.
Finally getting myself to think like a paramedic again, instead of a best
friend, I used the ram bar to pry the doors open and was shocked at what I
It looked as if a hurricane had gone through the ambulance. Cabinets opened and
medical supplies all over the place...the defibrillator, lying on the
floor...ah correction, the roof...the gurney, amazingly still in it's place and
hanging upside down with an unconscious patient strapped to it...EKG
leads and wires hanging from his chest, and if the gurney had fallen...I don't
even wanna think about that...for him or my best friend...then my eyes
went to my best friend, lying also unconscious and unmoving with debris that had
hit and fallen all over him.
I let one door fall open and hit the pavement, but I had to prop the other one
open with the ram bar as I cautiously entered inside.
As much as I wanted to go to my partner first, I knew that the heart patient was
my top priority. In order to check him over, I had to get him
down...not being able to do it alone, I yelled to the two guys and they came
They held on to both ends of the gurney, I released it, then we backed out of
the vehicle and with what seemed like very little to no effort, they
turned him over...I guess being a muscular guy comes in handy sometimes.
After checking him out, I knew there was nothing that I could do for him...he
was gone. I asked the men, Mark and Howard, to go to the squad and bring
another blanket pack, the biophone and the backboard. After telling them where
everything was, they did as I asked and after covering Mr. Presley up, I quickly
went back inside to my partner and best friend.
I grabbed a cervical collar off the floor...ah, roof...and asked the guys to
bring the backboard in, as I did a quick check of my partner, then placed
the collar around his neck. I showed Mark and Howard how to turn my friend
over, as I placed the backboard under him. I strapped him down then we took him
Then came the hard part...treating him. He had a bad head injury, bleeding from
his forehead, his nose, ears and mouth...dislocated left shoulder...swollen
eyes...internal injuries...and broken ribs...and unfortunately, he was having
difficulty breathing so I figured he did have a
punctured lung. From the bleeding, I was also betting on a skull fracture.
I took care of the bleeding then took his vitals and relayed them to Rampart and
told them that more information on other victims would follow. After starting
the IV, putting him in the MAST suit, inserting the airway and getting my
partner as stable as I could, that's when I heard that more help was finally
coming...sirens, I've never been more grateful in my life to hear that sound. I
needed help...bad.
I then grabbed two other backboards from the ambulance, but not before I showed
Howard to ventilate my partner...his hands were shaking so bad, but I told him
that he would do fine. He finally calmed down and worked the ambu bag as I
showed him and I let him know that if he thought there was any type of change
whatsoever, for him to yell for me. I took Mark with me to get Malcolm and
Frank from inside the cab of the ambulance.
We first got Frank out and covered him up and we carried him to the back of the
ambulance with the heart victim and my partner...naturally, I asked about
him...no change. We then went to get Malcolm out, but by then the other engines
and squads had arrived, so I told then what was going on, what I had and for
them to handle it, that I had to get back to my partner...nobody was surprised.
Cap and the guys arrived and Cap was stunned at the sight of our friend...but
honestly, so I was. I told Cap that I was gonna ride in with him and he got
Marco to bring the squad in and pick me up at the hospital. They came to pick
Marco up but they stayed as long as it took for us to get
some news.
Doctor Brackett finally came into the lounge, after the surgery and gave us an
update...they put his shoulder back in place, repaired the internal
damage, taped his broken ribs and put him on a ventilator until his lung could
heal. And I was right, he did have a skull fracture...Doc said that's
why he's been unconscious for as long as he has.
Hey, good news, I think he's finally coming around...at least I hope so.
"What's...goin' on...where am...I...R...Roy...where...are you...where...am
"Easy Johnny...just take it easy. I'm right here with ya Junior and you're at
"Rampart...hurt...you...you okay...Pally...?"
"I'm fine, relax now, I mean it. You were the one that took the tumble in the
back of the ambulance...not me."
"Tumble...in the...ambulance...what happened...my head...really hurts...side
"You got pretty banged up, along with a serious concussion, so just rest for
now. I'll fill ya in on everything when you feel better. Just go back to
sleep for now."
"O...okay...sleep sounds...good...you'll stay...here with...me...please..."
"Yeah, I'll stay. I'll be right here when you wake up."
Oh man, what a relief...sitting here for ten days and he finally came
around...well, he's back to sleep now, that'll do him more good than anything.
But at least with him talkin' to me, I doubt that there's any brain
damage...course though, I'm not a doctor and Early and Brackett will have to
check him over but to me, he sounds fine.
It's gonna be hard to tell him that Frank and Mr. Presley didn't make
it. Malcolm is still in a coma but he is hanging in there and of course though,
Mr. Simon, the drunk who caused all this, walked away without a scratch...I
can't believe how lucky these drunks seem to be and how *unlucky* innocent,
sober people seem to be...it just isn't fair. Two dead and two critically
injured because of a stupid drunk. Vince took him in...just hope they'll do
something to him.
Well, while Johnny is asleep, I'll close for now and let everybody know that
he's finally awake, I'm sure the Docs will come in and check him out. I'll grab
something to eat real quick and get back in here with him. More later.
"Hang in there for me Junior...hang in there."
The End
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