Pick your top ten favorite episode themes from Emergency! (the theme that was underlying through the whole episode between the rescues).
New added 01/22/05
1. The virus mystery
2. Johnny's engagement to Valerie
3. Johnny's friend Drew dying in Frequency
4. Johnny buying the house Roy wanted
5. Johnny making the baseball bet
6. Roy considering being an engineer
7. Johnny & Roy planning Dixie's birthday party
8. Roy putting up with Brice when Johnny gets hit by a car
9. Johnny trying to take a winning picture
10. The women who thinks her sister is haunting her house
Five Favorite Themes in the series (not in any
particular order)
1. The Adam-12 obsession (Hang-Up)
2. The House buying (To Buy or Not to Buy)
3. Overcharge on bill (Computer Error)
4. Johnny's search for a musical instrument (Musical Mania)
5. Johnny's preparation to compete in rodeos (Saddled)
1. Johnny & Roy on the Tom Jensen
Show (An Ounce Of Prevention)
2. John & Roy getting the old engine ready for the parade (The Parade)
3. Chet & all the guys with their diet (The Great Crash Diet)
4. The guys pulling one over on Chet (Quicker Than The Eye)
5. Johnny & his tour with the brillant 10 year olds (Kidding)
6. Johnny's "thing" with Valerie (Details)
7. Johnny's problems with Barbara (Body Language)
8. Johnny loosing his friend (Frequency)
9. Johnny & his "fight" with the journalist Christy (Women)
10. The guys & the Basketball game in (Firehouse Quintet)
1. Worry over the impending Chief's inspection (Hank's over-the-top concerns and Johnny's swinging from "we must have totally screwed up" to "maybe they're going to lay some kind of award on us" attitude) in "The Inspection."
2. Hank's paranoia over McConnikee in "Insanity Epidemic"
3. Hank's worry about having arthritis in "Hypocondri-Cap"
4. Chet's health food kick in "Great Crash Diet"
5. Roy's impending mother-in-law visit in "Family Ties"
1. Surprise
2. The Mouse
3. Great Crash Diet
4. Isolation
5. Weird Wednesday
6. Inspection
7. Smoke Eater
8. Camera Bug
9. Hangup
10. Rules of Order
(These answers are subject to change! LOL)
1. Johnny's dilemma with Valerie in Details
2. Johnny's problem with Barbara in Body Language
3. Johnny's credit card problem in Computer Error
4. The guys wanting to invest in the hot dog stand in Tycoons (I think that's the title)
5. Roy's dilemma about becoming an engineer in The Promotion
6. The monkey virus in Virus
7. Johnny's firemen's olympic thoughts in Gossip
8. Christy as a ride along annoyance in Women
9. The pregnant cat on Johnny's bed in Alley Cat
10. Johnny and Roy wanting to go into the floor cleaning business in Floor Brigade
(these are subject to change somewhat over time. <G>