Watchful Eye

By Mychand



“OW!” Came a yell from the bed beside paramedic Roy Desoto.  Roy rolled over to his side, and covered his head with his blanket.  The squad had been on six straight runs, and he had been up all night.


“OUCH! Damn!” His partner yelled again. 


Before Roy could comment, he heard another yell from across the room.  “What is going on, Gage?” asked Chet Kelly.  “Can’t you see we’re trying to sleep?”


Johnny shot back, “You’re not the one who’s been up all night, so I don’t wanna hear it, Chet.”


Roy pulled the blanket from his head, and rolled back over to face his partner.  “Yeah,” he said.  “Well, I HAVE been up all night and I, for one, would like to get some sleep.  So, can you tell me what’s the matter with you so I can try to get some rest before daylight?”


“Geez, Roy,” Johnny replied sheepishly.  “I’m sorry.  I just had a cramp in my leg that wouldn’t go away.  Those things really hurt.  I’m sorry for waking you.  Go back to sleep.”


Roy took a deep sigh and rolled back over in his bed.  “Man, sometimes I think I have three kids instead of two,” he said under his breath.  After thinking about it for a moment, Desoto rolled back over.  “Johnny, are you sure you…”  Roy was dumbfounded.  John Gage was lying in his bed fast asleep with is arm draped over his head. 


“How does he do it?” Roy thought to himself.  “Goodnight, partner,” he whispered.






Morning came too quickly for Desoto, who managed to drag himself out of bed and into the dayroom, where it was his turn to cook breakfast.  His co-workers followed, John Gage tagging along behind the rest.


Roy turned his attention from the bacon he was frying, and watched his partner limp across the room and sit down on the dark leather couch.  Johnny began to massage his right calf. Knowing that his partner hated when he worried about him, Roy didn’t say a word about Johnny’s leg and continued cooking.  “Eggs sound good to everyone?” he asked.


The captain was the first to speak up, “Sounds good to me, pal.”


“Man, what a night you two had,” said Chet.  It’s times like that when I’m glad I decided not to became a paramedic.”


“When did you ever consider becoming a paramedic, Chet?” retorted Johnny.


“Hey, I considered it when the program first started.  I just felt my talents would be of better use elsewhere, that’s all.”


While limping over to the table, Johnny stopped and patted Chet on the back.  “Well, you just keep telling yourself that.”


Chet shook his head.  “Hmph…just remember that the next time I need to back you up.”


Roy placed the food he’d cooked on the table and laughed.  “Chet, he’s just teasing you.”


“Hey, I know he’s just teasing me.”


With his mouth full, Johnny spoke up, “Yeah, well, it would have been mighty interesting to see you as a paramedic…especially on those high rescues.”


“Speaking of high rescues,” replied the captain.  “Rest up for next shift, we have a ladder drill I think you’ll all enjoy.  Especially you, Chet.”


“Aw, Cap, another drill?” asked Chet.  “Didn’t we just have one of those?”


It’s okay, Chet,” replied Johnny.  “I’ll hold ya up.”


Chet grumbled as the others laughed. 


Breakfast was over quickly as was their shift.  The guys headed home for two days of rest.






Roy wanted to call Johnny on one of their days off but hesitated.  He knew Johnny only had a simple leg cramp.  Everyone gets those.  Why he was so concerned, he wasn’t sure.  Something just didn’t feel right.  “Man, I think I worry to much,” thought Roy.  “If I call him about that, he’ll think I’m nuts.” 


Knowing that Gage had plans for his days off, he decided not to bother him.  Roy’s wife, Joanne, noticed her husband sitting on the couch with the phone in his hand.


“Who are you calling?” she asked.


“Oh, I was just going to call Johnny.”


“I thought you said he had plans this weekend,” she replied.


“Yeah, he does.  I just had this strange feeling that something is wrong, and I thought about calling him. But I changed my mind.”


Joanne smiled.  “I’m sure he’s fine.  You’ll see him in the morning.”


“Yeah,” replied Roy.  “You’re right.  What’s for dinner?”


Joanne threw her husband the car keys.  “We’re going out tonight.  I burned the chicken.”


Roy laughed.  “Sounds like a good excuse to eat out to me.”






The next morning Roy arrived early to the station, only to find that he partner had beat him there for once.


“Hey, Johnny, you’re early.”


“Yeah, my plans fell through this weekend, so I’m all rested up and ready to go today,” he replied. 


Roy was happy to see that Johnny was his usual hyper self.


“Alright, let’s get going then.  Cap says we have time to make a run to the hospital before we meet up for the drill.  We need a few supplies.”


“Sounds good to me, Roy.  Dixie should be back from her vacation today.  I feel like we haven’t seen her in forever.”


The partners climbed into the squad and headed to Rampart.





The trip to Rampart was a short one, and Johnny seemed extremely disappointed that Dixie had extended her vacation an extra day.  On the way to the drill, Roy couldn’t help notice that his partner was unusually quiet.


“What’s the matter, Johnny?”


“Oh, nothing. I was just hoping to get a chance to talk to Dixie, that’s all.”


Glancing over at his partner, Roy couldn’t help but ask, “What’s so important that you had to talk to Dixie about?”


Roy, it’s no big deal.  I just wanted to ask her opinion on something, that’s all.  Now let’s drop it.  We’re almost there.”


Roy decided not to push the issue.  The partners reached the drill site and began to unload their equipment.  Desoto was dreading this drill, but Johnny seemed to be up for it. 


“It’s about time you two got here,” yelled Chet.  “I’ve already completed my part of the drill.  As soon as you two get done we can go back to the station.”


“Alright, just hold your horses,” replied Johnny.  “We’ll be done in no time.”


Roy and Johnny practiced ladder and rope drills.  Roy climbed to the top of the old building at the drill site, and waited for his partner to follow him up.  Attached firmly with a rope and harness, Johnny began his climb.  All seemed to be going well, when Desoto heard his partner yell out.  “Ow,” screamed Johnny.


Before he could move, Roy watched his partner grab for his leg and slip from the ladder. In what seemed like slow motion, Johnny ended up dangling head first from the roof, the momentum causing him to crash against the ladder.


“Johnny!” yelled Roy.  “Johnny, are you alright?”


Gage was motionless, with his arms hanging down above his head.


“I’m on my way up,” yelled Chet. 


Chet climbed the ladder until he reached the same level that Gage was hanging.  “He’s unconscious, Roy.”


Roy called back down.  “Don’t touch him, Chet.  We need Marco to send up a stokes.”


Marco heard the orders, and quickly ran to the squad to retrieve the stokes.  With Mike’s help, they were able to assist Roy in pulling it up the side of the building.


“Okay, Chet,” ordered Roy.  “The first thing I need you to do is put a C collar on him.  Then you’ll need to line the stokes up behind him, so you can strap him to it.”


Marco brought up the C collar and Chet did as instructed.  Once Johnny was secured to the stokes, Roy and the others lowered it in a horizontal position, and brought Johnny down to the ground.


Roy quickly descended from the building.  By the time he reached the bottom, he was relieved that the ambulance had already arrived, and that the captain had Rampart standing by for vitals.


Gage was stable, but he had a large cut on the back of his head and had not regained consciousness. 


Roy jumped into the back of the ambulance with his partner, while Marco took the squad in.





The ride to the hospital seemed like an eternity for Roy.  He was relieved to see that Dr. Brackett was waiting for them when they arrived.  They quickly rushed Johnny into Treatment Room Three.


“What happened, Roy?” asked Brackett.


Roy began to fidget with his stethoscope.


“Well, we were on a rope and ladder drill, and as he was climbing up, he screamed out in pain and fell.  If he hadn’t been secured with a rope, he would’ve fallen to the ground. Instead, he hit his head on the ladder.”


Brackett examined Gage and ordered a series of x-rays.  “I’m a bit concerned that he hasn’t regained consciousness.  Let’s see if the tests tell us anything. He appears to be stable for now, so that’s a good thing.”


Roy followed Brackett into the hospital corridor. “Roy, any idea what caused his initial pain?”


“Well, uh, he’s been getting these leg cramps at night lately, but I’m not sure if that had anything to do with it.”


Brackett gave Roy a puzzled look. “Hmm, okay thanks,” he replied.  “Why don’t you go and get a cup of coffee.  I’ll let you know what I find out.”





Thirty minutes later, Roy found Brackett back in the treatment room with Johnny.  He never saw his partner look so still.  “How is he, Doc?”


“Well, nothing appears to be broken.  His vitals are strong.  Skull series showed no signs of severe trauma.  He has a slight concussion, but I can’t find anything else wrong with him at this point.”


Roy could see the worried look on the doctor’s face.  “I have to get back to the station.  I guess you’ll be moving him to a room?”


“Yes, he’ll be moved soon.  Don’t worry, Roy.  I’ll call you if anything changes…bad or good.”


“Yeah, thanks,” replied Roy.  Desoto hoped it would be the latter.  Giving his partner one more glance, he headed out of the treatment room, and back to the station.






Roy had a hard time concentrating the rest of the shift.  Making matters worse, he had Brice as his temporary partner.  He continually called the hospital to check on Johnny, even though Dr. Brackett assured him he would call if anything changed.  Nothing had changed and this worried Roy.  While he and Brice were out on their last run the next morning, Roy finally got a message from Dixie.  She didn’t go into details, except to say that Johnny was okay. But that it was important that he come to the hospital as soon as possible.


Roy’s heart raced as he pulled into Rampart’s parking lot.  “Man, I hope you’re okay, Johnny.  What could be so wrong that Dixie needed me here right away?”





When Desoto reached the nurses station, he found that Dixie and Dr. Brackett were tied up with an emergency.  The nurse on duty told him that she had instructions he was not allowed to see his partner until he spoke with one of them first.  He decided to sit in the hospital waiting room until Dixie returned.  “Why wouldn’t they let me see Johnny?  I wonder what could be wrong?


Roy’s concern grew the longer he sat in the waiting room.   “I can’t panic.  He’s fine.  I know he has to be fine.”  Roy tried to convince himself.


Roy!” yelled Dixie.  Roy, I’m so sorry you had to wait.  I was hoping to be back before you got here.”


Desoto tried to smile.  “That’s okay…how’s Johnny?”


“Johnny’s fine, Roy.   He regained consciousness last night.”

“Oh, then why the urgency for me to get here, and how come I wasn’t allowed to see him?”


Dixie wasn’t sure how to proceed, but she knew she could be straightforward with Roy.


“Well, Roy, at this point we can’t seem to find a cause, but…Johnny has lost his sight.”


Roy paused a moment to be sure he heard what Dixie had just told him.  “He’s blind?  I don’t understand.”


“Dr. Brackett doesn’t understand it, either.  He thinks it’s psychosomatic.”


“You think it’s in his head?” asked Roy.


“Well, all his tests have come out negative.  They’re running a couple more, but it looks that way.”


Dixie grabbed Roy’s arm and gave it light squeeze.  “Don’t worry.  Let’s just keep a positive outlook on this.  Johnny seems to be in pretty good spirits so far, which is why I wanted to speak with you first.  I didn’t want your shock over this to upset him.”


Roy let out the breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Okay, don’t worry.  I promise I’ll act upbeat when I see him.”


“Good, now come on, let’s go see that partner of yours.”





John Gage maneuvered his hospital bed into an upright position. Unable to do much but listen to the radio that Dixie had brought him, he fidgeted with his sheets trying to get comfortable.


Dixie opened the door to his room and loudly announced their presence.  “Hey, Johnny, this partner of yours finally decided to make an appearance.”


“Ow, Dix, I can’t see, but I’m not deaf,” he complained.


“Sorry, Johnny,” she replied.  “I’ll be back in a few minutes.  I’ll let you two chat for awhile.”


After Dixie left the room, Roy moved closer to Johnny’s bed.  “How ya feelin?”


“Well, my head hurts a little…and, well, the fact that I can’t see.”


“Yeah,” replied Roy.  “Well, it’s possible that’s just temporary, isn’t it?”


Johnny sighed.  “I don’t know, Roy.  Brackett won’t tell me anything.  He just says he can’t find any cause for it.” After a brief pause, Gage continued. “Roy, I can’t see.  There has to be something wrong with me. Man, if it wasn’t for that stupid exercise machine.”


Roy sat down in the chair besides Johnny’s bed.  “What exercise machine?  What are you talking about?”


“Well, I know how you are about some of my ideas, so I didn’t want to say anything until I was sure it was gonna work.”


“What do you mean?”


Dixie and I decided that we wanted to build more stamina.  We got the idea from that body builder we brought in a few weeks ago.  Remember him?”


“Yeah,” replied Roy. “Go on…”


Closing his eyes and pushing his head into his pillow, Johnny continued.  “Well, we invested in this new exercising machine.  But, I was over doing it.  That’s why I was suddenly getting those cramps in my legs.  I mean… I’ve gotten those before without exercising, but that’s why I was getting them recently.  I wanted to ask Dixie to be sure.”


“Oh, so that’s why you wanted to speak to her so bad yesterday.”


“Yeah…and here I was trying to make myself stronger for my job, and now I may no longer have a one.”


Roy placed his hand on Johnny’s arm.  “Look, Johnny.  Don’t think like that.  They can’t find anything wrong with you.  It’s possible your sight will return in no time.”


Doctor Brackett overheard the last part of the conversation as he entered Johnny’s room.  “He’s right, Johnny.  I honestly think losing your site has something to do with the trauma you felt when you slipped off that ladder.”


“What are you saying, Doc?  That it’s in my head?  I’m not crazy, you know?”


Brackett frowned.  “Johnny, I’m not saying your crazy.  You experienced a dramatic incident, no matter how brief.  I’m not an expert in these things, which is why I have someone I would like you to talk to.”


Roy stood up.  “Uh…maybe I should go.”


“No, don’t go,” urged Johnny.  “I need your support here, Roy.  I don’t want to talk to anyone.  I’m fine.”


“All right, Johnny,” replied Brackett.  “I just want you to think about it.  I’ll be back to check on you later.”



Roy sat back down in the chair.  “Look, Johnny, I’m not going to tell you what to do, but maybe talking to someone wouldn’t be a bad idea.  If it gets your sight back, it would be worth it.”


Johnny started to reply and then stopped himself.  Roy, I need to be alone.  Will you turn up the radio on your way out?”


“Oh, I thought you just asked me to stay?”


“I know, but I changed my mind.  I’m sorry.  Nothing personal.  I just need to think.”


Roy turned up the radio and headed out of the room.  He started to comment further, but decided against it.  I’ll be back tomorrow, Junior.





Nothing much changed over the next few days for John Gage.  He still refused to speak to anyone, and the doctors were at a loss for any other reasons behind his blindness.  He was to be sent home the next morning.


As he tried to sleep, he heard the squeaking of a gurney and several footsteps as another patient was being placed in the bed beside him.  “Oh great,” he thought to himself.  “There goes my privacy.  Well, at least I’m out of here tomorrow.”


As he rolled over so that his back faced the other patient, he heard a familiar voice. “Johnny,” said Dixie.  “Are you awake?”


“I am now,” replied the paramedic sarcastically.


“I’m sorry to wake you then,” said Dixie.  “It’s just that, well, Roy is your new roommate.”


Johnny sat up in his bed immediately.  Roy?  What happened?”


“First of all, calm dawn.  He’s fine.  He’s still a bit groggy, but it’s not serious.  A ceiling collapsed during a fire, and he and Chet were caught in the middle of it. Chet only suffered a few bruises but Roy cracked a couple of ribs.”


Dixie pushed Johnny back down on his bed.  “You get some sleep.  Roy probably won’t be alert until morning.  I’ll be back later to check on you two.”


Gage was hesitant, but he knew there wasn’t much he could do to help his partner.


“I’m sorry, Roy. I should have been there with you,” he whispered to himself as he drifted back to sleep.





Though he wasn’t normally a light sleeper, Gage awoke to a strange sound in the hospital room.  His instincts immediately took over.  Roy was having problems breathing. 


Roy?  Roy, can you hear me?”


Desoto’s struggle got louder. 


“Okay, calm down, I’ll get help.”


Johnny pushed the help button to alert the nurse’s station, and quickly moved to his partner’s side.  Before he could do anything to help, Dixie and Dr. Brackett rushed in and took over.  Johnny was forced back into his bed, as Roy was placed on a gurney and taken from the room.


Before following, Dixie turned back around.  “I see you got your sight back.  See, didn’t I tell you so?”


Gage was dumbfounded.  In all the commotion he hadn’t even realized what had happened.  Roy was his main concern…his main focus.


“Yeah,” he replied. “Take good care of Roy for me, will ya?”


“It’s a promise,” Dixie winked as she turned around and left.





The next morning Roy woke to find his partner dressed and sitting on the end of his bed.


“It’s about time you got up,” teased Johnny. “How dare you give us a scare like that!


“Don’t make me laugh.  It hurts too much,” replied Roy.


“Well, the doc says you’ll be fine.  One of your ribs just put a little pressure on your lung, so it made it difficult for you to breath.  Joanne was here earlier.  She asked me to tell you she’ll be back in an hour.”


“Thanks…hey, you can see?”


Gage smiled.  “Yep, I’m as good as new.  It happened last night when you needed help.  After they took you out of here and I had my sight back, I finally agreed to talk to the hospital psychologist…well, the intern on duty.  Man, you should see how cute she is--”


“What did she have to say?” Roy interrupted. 


“Oh, well, she said that apparently a stressful event caused my blindness, and in turn, another traumatic situation helped to bring it back. And, well…Roy?”


DeSoto had rolled over on his side and was fast asleep.


Johnny couldn’t help but laugh.  “You’re lucky you have me to watch over you.”


As Johnny left the room, Roy rolled back over and whispered to himself, “You too, Johnny…you too.”






Stories by Mychand          Guest Dispatchers