If the guys and/or Rampart people came back in another life as an animal, or you just want to compare them to an animal... what kind of animal would it be?
*Question courtesy of Jill H.



Jan in VA:

"Roy" is my favorite character -

The character reminds me of our Paintbrush...she was my son's dog for 16 years before illness claimed her. She was a mixed breed (border collie of unknown mix) of even temperament, fiercely loyal to her family (protective to be sure...a stranger would NEVER get between her and our son and daughter...protective isn't the word) and always ready to be company when needed or "play" when you needed to get your mind off things of the world or to be a little boy's sounding board when the world seemed to crash around him. She used to help "train" our son during his high school years...he ran distance all year round and Paintbrush was right there training with him. I think she started to "feel her age" when David went away to school...she couldn't understand why he wasn't here. Yes, "Roy" would remind me of our beautiful dog Paintbrush...



Chet's Pet:

Chet:  My cat Tiger who was a big lovable Tabby who was nothing but love and fun.

Roy:  My orange Tabby Simba, a quiet leader of the pack that everyone admires and turns to.

Johnny:  My grey kitten Foxy, who is always curious and manages to get into trouble no matter how hard he tries not to.

Mike:  My tortoiseshell, Cali, quiet, intelligent and more aware of everything anyone thinks.

Hank:  A German shepherd - a great watchdog but also very lovable, but gruff about it.

Marco:  A bunny rabbit - cuddly and you just want to hug him, he is so cute.

Dixie:  SusieQ-my white and black cat who is able to keep everyone in line with just a look; just like Dixie, who does it with a look or a word.

Dr. Brackett:  my cockatiel, Misty, a loud little guy who lets everyone know how important he really is.

Dr. Early:  a turtle because, although slow, he always manages to get things done, faster than most think possible.

Dr. Morton:  a mule because he can be stubborn and mean sometimes.

Chief McConnikee:  an elephant because he never forgets.

Brice:  an owl because of his poor eyesight, bookish ways and need for routine.

Henry:  Now he will be tough, being an animal already-so I will make him a person-my dad because he was quiet, gentle and likes everyone, too.








Roy - koala bear
Johnny - chipmunk (he chatters alot lol)




Johnny - Eagle

Chet - Laughing Hyena

Cap - Lion

Mike - Camel

Roy - Panda

Marco - Owl



Peggy B.:

My Johnny would be my black cat, Clueless.

Roy would be my momma Kitty, Short Stop.

Chet, well, he'd be my female Corgi-Devon and Marco
would be my male Corgi- Bruce-Bruce.

Captain Stanley would inevitably be my Tortoise Shell
Calico-Riki; she's VERY dignified and ALWAYS in

Mike would be my Arabian Gelding-Banner. He's quiet,
but always in the know.

Dixie would be my Arabian Mare-Sheza, cuzz Sheza is a

Bracket would be my Rooster, lots of noise, but a real
sweetie at heart! LOL

Early....hmmmmm.......probably an owl, wise and kind.

Morton....weeeellllllll.......maybe a prairie dog. He
likes to bark at Johnny, after all!



Johnny - Gazelle

Chet - Monkey

Mike - Owl

Dr. Brackett - Grizzly Bear

Dixie - Peacock


Wanda H.:

Johnny - Black Panther
Marco - Wolf
Mike - Owl
Chet - Chimpanzee
Roy - Lion
Captain Stanley - Golden Eagle
Brice - Badger


Wanda C.:

Johnny: puppy

Roy: Black Bear (gentle but very protective of their families)

Chet: Chimp

Marco: Chihuahua (As in Taco Bell!)

Mike: Dolphin (Highly intelligent and not agressive)

Hank: Lion (King of the pack)

Dixie: Persian Cat

Brackett: Rescue Dog

Early: Owl

Morton: Snake (sneaky and possibly dangerous)

Brice: Skunk





Mike--mountain lion

Chet--ferret (loves to play...)



Roy--a big ole reliable Newfoundland

Kel--Grizzly bear

Joe--the mouse that escaped from my friend's cat by jumping at the cat
(quiet and gentle, but will fight if the situation warrants it)

Dixie--Calico cat



Dwyer--river otter

McConnikee--gryphon, with a sense of humor



Johnny - A greyhound (sleek and fast, but sweet)

Roy - A lion (noble)

Chet - An orangutan (a clown)

Mike - A tiger (quiet, but fierce)

Cap - A wolf (alpha - leader of the pack)

Marco - A black lab (lovable and loyal)

Dr. Brackett - A grizzly bear (fierce)

Dixie - A Siamese cat (exotic)

Dr. Early - An owl (wise)

Dr. Morton - An iguana (cold-blooded but lovable in his own way)

Jill H.:

Johnny - A cocker spaniel puppy - cute and cuddly, but trips over his own ears.

Roy - A golden retriever - even tempered and loyal

Chet - A raccoon - sneaky and clever

Mike - A giraffe - tall and quiet.

Dr. Brackett - A junkyard dog - his bark is worse than his bite.

Dixie - A lynx - pretty and sleek



Cap: cougar

Mike: koala bear

Roy: lion

Marco: panda bear

Chet: hyena

Johnny: eagle

Dixie: chinchilla

Brackett: grizzly bear

Early: fox

Morton: siamese cat

Brice: weasel


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