What Are Little Girls Made of?

Robin Weinrich



Looking over the cliff, they discovered the young child was unmoving.  Johnny shook his head as he adjusted his chin strap.  Three boys were milling around the police officer as they all tried to tell the tale of how their friend fell over the edge.  Roy carried over more rope as Johnny secured his safety belt.


“You ready?”  asked Roy.


“Yea, let’s go,” replied Johnny.  He glanced over to ensure that the rest of the crew were manning the other ends of their lines.  The rig was the last thing he saw as he went over the edge.  Roy followed beside him and they both repelled down the rocky face.  Soft sand, rocks and pebbles along with various types of bush surrounded the rescue team as they moved closer to their victim.


Johnny reached the child first.  Another siren in the background sounded announcing the arrival of the ambulance.  Roy arrived on the other side of the outcropping, pulling for more slack on his line.  There was little room for both of them to work.  Johnny reached for the carotid.


“She’s alive,”  he announced.  Her pulse was weak but steady.


Roy look relieved.  He began checking for broken bones.  As he finished the little girl began to move her head.


“oh . . “ she gasped.  She started coughing and her breathing was becoming labored.


“Shh, sweetheart . . you’re okay, now.  My name’s Johnny and this is my partner, Roy.  We’re going to take care of you and get you out of here,”  Johnny patted her arm as he put a c-collar around her neck.


“where am I?” she spoke in a high voice.


“Johnny!  Roy?  How’s it going?”  Captain Stanley yelled over the edge.


“She’s okay and we’re getting ready to move her.  Hang on!”  responded Roy.


“What’s you’re name?”  Johnny asked.  He secured a belt around her small waist.


“Sarah,”  she said.  “It hurts to breath.”


“Okay, Sarah, we’re going to attach your belt to mine,”  instructed Johnny.  “Then my friends are going to pull us up, okay?”


“I think she’s just had the wind knocked out of her,”  Roy observed.  “I don’t see anything else.”


“Cap, we’re ready!”  yelled Roy.


The engine company began reeling up both lines.  Johnny, with Sarah attached to his belt, came up over the edge first.  Then Roy climbed up the last few feet.  They called in Sarah’s vitals to Rampart and were instructed to monitor her vitals on the way in.


“I’m feeling better now--I just wanted to keep up with Tommy,”  she said with a pout.


Johnny grinned at her.  “What do you mean?”  he asked as they loaded her into the ambulance.


“He’s always saying boys are better than girls.  So, we were racing to the edge to see who was the most scared.  I showed him!”  she grinned back at Johnny.


“I see.  Well, next time, try to find something a little less dangerous,”  Johnny rebuked.


“Do you think that boys are better than girls?”  Sarah asked.


Roy looked at his partner and noticed his discomfort.  He handed the biophone to Johnny and said in a whisper, “Good luck, partner!”


Johnny rolled his eyes and began, “Well, Sarah . . . “  Roy closed the doors to the ambulance, effectively cutting of Johnny’s explanation.  He chuckled as he walked back to the Squad.




“She really wants to be president,”  Johnny continued as Roy backed the Squad into the bay.  “Ya know, I think she’ll do it, too!”


They walked into the day room and poured some coffee.  Cap looked up from his paper.


“So, how’s the little girl?”  he queried.


“She’ll be fine--bruised her ribs some but they’ll watch her overnight to make sure there’s no concussion,” Roy replied.


“And she’s going to be president!”  Johnny added.


“Sure, Gage, and I’m Superman,”  chimed in Chet.


“Stow it, Kelly!  Nothing wrong with that.  Ya never know.”


“Johnny, you don’t know what you’re talking about . . . “ Chet began but the tones rang.


“Station 51, Engine 36, structure fire, 3234 Rose Street, three, two, three, four Rose Street, cross-street, Davidson, time out. 16:40.”


“Station 51, KMG-365,”  replied Cap.


As they approached the house, smoke billowed from the roof.  It was a three story home and the neighbors were standing across the street as the police patrolled the area, allowing the engine and squad to roll by. 


Captain Stanley assigned Chet and Marco to one line with Johnny and Roy on another.  Engine 36 came around the corner.  The crew began setting up to tackle the flames from the roof.


“LA this is Engine 51.  Send us a second alarm, this structure is fully involved,”  Stanley instructed into his HT.


The smoke was so thick that seeing further than a foot was almost impossible.  Roy led them forward toward the kitchen.  Flames licked the entrance and Johnny helped steady the pressure of     the hose as Roy directed the water.   Chet and Marco were climbing the stairs to the next level when an explosion rocked the house.


“You okay,”  shouted Johnny through his face mask.


“Yea, let’s move this way,”  responded Roy.


They shifted toward another set of stairs that led to the basement. 




“Did you hear that?”  Johnny asked.


“I think so!”


“I’ll go check it out!”  Johnny moved past Roy and the spray of water.  He descended down the stairs looking for the source of the cry for help.  As he spotted movement at the far end of the darkened basement another explosion rocked the stairs, the floor and the men inside the burning house.  Roy was knocked to his feet and watched helplessly as the stairwell to the basement caved in on itself.


“Johnny!”  Roy grabbed for his HT.


“HT 51 to Engine 51, Cap, I think Johnny’s trapped in the basement!  We need some help!”


More lines came into the house with more manpower as the second alarm arrived.  Chet and Marco were relieved and they moved down towards where Johnny and Roy were working their line. They joined Roy as he began moving the debris away from the stairwell.




The force of the last explosion sent Johnny to the far end of the basement, or what was left of it.  He landed in a heap and yelped as he attempted to move his legs.  Oh man, I don’t believe this, he thought as he struggled against the pain.  Not my leg.  He gritted his teeth and attempted to calm his breathing.  He looked up and around.  Nothing.  I could have sworn I saw something down here.  Just then, a small figure approached through all the smoke, coughing.


“Mister?”  cough, cough.  A small girl looked at him with soot and sweat on her face.  She covered her mouth as she coughed again.  “Are you okay?”


He pulled off his mask and motioned for her to come closer.  “Here, breath into this.”  He offered her the mask.  She moved closer and put her face in the mask, taking deep breaths.  Johnny was satisfied that her coughing seemed to decrease.  Smoke continued to filter into the basement and he heard lots of voices and movement from up above them.


“My friends are up there getting us out.  Why don’t you sit next to me?”  He tried to hide his discomfort and she sat next to his leg.


“Is it broken?”


“I think so.  What about you?  Are you okay?”


“Yea, just scared.  I ran down here when I saw the fire.  My brother was supposed to be back soon, and I’m not sure where he is?  I smelled the smoke and heard the loud noises and started calling for help!”  Tears began to form as her bottom lip quivered.


“You’re okay.  We’re gonna be out of here any minute.  What’s your name?”  Johnny asked, attempting to keep her from crying.




“I’m Johnny,”  he began.  He took a deep breath as sharp pain traveled up his broken leg.  He put the air mask on again, willing himself to stay alert.  He passed the mask back to Lauren.


Lauren moved a little closer, breathing from the mask as Johnny showed her.  She looked back up to the fireman and watched with concern as Johnny closed his eyes in pain. 




“Johnny!  Can you hear me?”  yelled Roy. 


The men of Station 51 kept moving the debris which was wet and heavy.  Apparently, the gas water heater blew and took everything with it in the kitchen.  Roy was amazed he was still standing, knowing how close he was to the last explosion.


What was left of the house continued to smolder.  Other crews were making sure the hot spots were out and began clean-up.


“Any closer?”  asked Captain Stanley.


“Cap, some of these beams are going to need to be cut,”  said Chet.


“Marco, get the K-12,”  instructed Stanley.  “Roy, let me get in there.  You need a break.”


“We’ve got to get through.  No telling what’s happened down there,”  insisted Roy.  He continued to dig through the debris, determined to get to his partner.




“Johnny? Are you awake?”


He felt like he was floating near the sun, it was so hot.  His sense of reality began to filter through as he stirred in response to the high pitched voice.  Where am I?  Oh yea, he remembered as he moved his head.  He was still trapped in the hot basement with a broken leg.  He was leaning against the far wall holding the mask to his air bottle.  He noticed that Lauren was still beside him, peering at him through her ash-smudged face.  She tugged at his sleeve.


“Ah,”  he sighed.  Sweat dripped down his face and he was so groggy.  I’ve got to stay awake, he thought grimly.  He knew he was in trouble and needed help.  He looked at Lauren.


“Hey, Lauren,”  he rasped.  “Are you doing okay, hon?”


“Yea,”  she responded.  “I think you need help.”


“They’re coming.”


“You don’t look so good.”


He grinned.  Children noticed everything.


“I’m going to get us some help!  My brother always says girls aren’t good for anything!  Well, I’ll show him!  You just wait right here!”  Lauren jumped up and coughed.


“Lauren!”  Johnny tried to grab her but was too weak to reach her.  As he shifted, the pain in his leg shot through the rest of his body.  “Agh . . . “


Lauren tried to get closer to the pile of debris that used to be the stairs to the kitchen.  “Help us!” she yelled.  She started to move small pieces to the side.  “We’re down here!  Somebody help us!”


Johnny heard muffled voices, but wasn’t sure.  “Lauren, they’re working on it.  You need to save your voice.”


“I’m going to make sure they hurry!  HELP!”  she screeched.  Johnny grimaced.


A loud noise began as Johnny heard the K-12 start up.  That means they’re close to breaking through.  Good.


Lauren stepped back, startled by the loud noise.  “What’s that?”


“That means my friends are coming to get us,”  Johnny said.  He paused as his head spun.  Between the pain in his leg and the heat, he was feeling lightheaded and dizzy.  “Lauren, come talk to me.  That will help.”


“Well, I guess,”  she seemed to pout but sat back down next to Johnny.  “Do you think that my brother is right?”




“He says that girls can’t do anything!”


“Well,” Johnny began, trying to concentrate.  Didn’t I already have this conversation today?  “What he probably means is that . . . uh . . . well, you know, . . . girls can do whatever they want,” he said haltingly.


“Well, I’m going to be a fireman, too!”  she grinned a toothy grin.  “Maybe even a doctor, so I can save you!”


Johnny grinned despite the pounding in his head. 




Johnny looked over at the debris.  He heard Roy.  “Lauren, go on over and let my partner, Roy, know we’re okay.”


She happily bounded over, glad to have an important task.  “Mister Roy?  We’re here!  Johnny’s really sick and I’m just dirty and sweaty, but I’m taking care of ‘im!”


Roy poked his head down the makeshift tunnel they had formed.  He spotted a small girl, covered with dirt and sweat.  “Well, thank you for the update.  Tell Johnny we’re on the way,”  he said.


“Okay!”  She ran back over the Johnny.  “Johnny, Mister Roy says he’s coming!”  She smiled with her happy news. Johnny, however, had drifted off.  When he didn’t open his eyes, she became frightened.  She grabbed his hand and squeezed.


“Hurry, Mister Roy!  He’s not awake!”  she cried.


Roy was working his way down the pile as she put the air mask back on Johnny, trying to help him.  She kept it in place waiting for Roy to make it over.  “Thank you, ma’am,”  Roy said.  He noticed Johnny’s pallor and quickly began taking his vitals.  Chet was now beside him.


“How is he?”


“Looks like he’s in shock.  We need to splint this leg.  Why don’t you get her topside and bring me the splint box,”  said Roy, looking at Lauren with a smile.


“Thank you, Johnny for taking care of me,” whispered Lauren as she patted his arm.  Chet held her close as she left Johnny’s side. 


“Well, partner, you certainly have had your way with the “ladies” today,” remarked Roy, as he tended to Johnny.




Roy entered the room quietly.  He certainly didn’t want to wake Johnny up, now.  It had been a long evening for both of them and he was glad that things had finally calmed down.  Johnny’s leg had a clean fracture, but complications from the smoke inhalation delayed casting the limb.  Now, that he was settled in his room, he looked weak but peaceful.


“Girls . . . “ Johnny mumbled, as he begin to waken from the pain medication.


“Hey, partner, what did you say?”  questioned Roy.


“Huh?”  Johnny looked at Roy with a confused look.  Everything was out of focus and he closed his eyes again, hoping to open them again with a clearer view.




“Hey, Roy,”  Johnny replied.  He opened his eyes again.  That’s better, he thought.


“Thought I’d stop back in before I go home.  What’s this about girls?”


“Girls?  Oh, I don’t know . . .I’m feeling a little woozy, right now,”  admitted Johnny.   He paused for a moment and looked thoughtful,  “Ya know, Roy, I bet Jenny surprises you, huh?”


Not sure where Johnny was going with this, Roy cautiously answered.  “Yea, she does.”  He began to think about what his young daughter was doing right now.  He could tell that their rescues today had impacted Johnny.


“Boys may not know as much as they think they know,”  Johnny lazily said.  He grinned as his drug-induced brain tried to sift through the haze of his day.  He closed his eyes, seemingly satisfied with his latest piece of logic.


Roy shook his head.  “Good night, Johnny. Get some sleep.”  Roy smiled as he turned towards the door.  “Oh, by the way, thanks for keeping my belief in your basic insanity intact, my friend!” he whispered.




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