A Grin & A Pen

by Purry


John R. Gage, a Firefighter/Paramedic with the LACFD, departed regular TV as a hero.

Joined in reruns by his friends, Roy DeSoto, partner/best friend, Hank Stanley, Marco Lopez, Michael Stoker, Chet Kelly, Dixie McCall, Dr. Joe Early, and Dr. Kelly Brackett.

Mr. Gage was outgoing, lovable, kind, sensitive, caring and sexy as hell. The best paramedic in LA, second to none, and a world renowned ladies man.

John enjoyed life to the fullest. He loved the outdoors; camping, hiking, and fishing. Other activities included, bowling, horseback riding, dating and working on the fire engine he and Roy refurbished, just to name a few.

His sudden departure was a shock to some but not to most. Anyone that knew about ratings, knew that it was inevitable that he and the rest of the cast would meet their demise in such a way.

Many attempts on Gage’s life had been made, such as, a rattlesnake bite, being hit by a car, a building blowing up with him in it and a mysterious Monkey virus. He survived all of these incidents, only to be snuffed out by the cancellation of Emergency.

He will be remembered mostly for his crooked grin and green pen.



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