Flirting With Disaster

By Wanda Hargrove




            The insistent ringing of the phone summoned Joanne DeSoto at a run.  Picking up the receiver she asked a little out of breath, “Hello?”


            “Is Roy home?”  Asked the tired sounding female voice on the other end of the line.


            Joanne, curious as to why a woman she didn’t recognize would be calling her husband.  “No, he’s at work.  May I ask who’s calling?”


            “I don’t know if you remember me, but I’m his cousin Marge Adams from Seattle Washington.  I was at your wedding ten years ago with my husband Michael and our son Joey.”


            Joanne thought back and then her face brightened as she remembered the woman.  “Marge!  It’s so good to hear from you!”


            “I wish it were good,” Marge’s voice took on a very sad tone.


            “Why?  What’s the matter?”  Joanne could hear the sob through the phone line.


            “Well,” she began slowly, “I don’t know if Roy told you but Michael passed away four years ago.  He was a long distance truck driver and it was such a freak accident.  But ever since then I’ve been working two jobs trying to make ends meet, and Joey he just keeps on getting into trouble.  I was wondering if I could send him down to you and Roy for a while, that is until I can get a new place to live.  This house is too big for the two of us, and I can’t afford to keep the house anymore.”


            “I can’t answer for Roy, but I’d love to help you out anyway I can.  I’ll give you his number at work and you can ask him,” as Joanne spoke the phone number into the receiver.  


            “Thank you so much, Joanne.  I knew you’d understand,” Marge replied as she jotted down the numbers. 


            “You take care of yourself,” Joanne replied as she hung up the phone.  Sitting down in a kitchen chair, she tugged on her bottom lip as a memory of Roy mentioning something about Michael Adams came to mind.  ‘Wish I’d paid more attention that day,’ Joanne thought as she rose and headed back upstairs to finish her house cleaning.





            The squad backed into the station and parked.  The two normally animated paramedics sat somberly.  It had been a bad one; a little girl of five years old had fallen into a pool.  No matter how hard they tried to revive her, she never came back.  Roy had continued CPR on the way to Rampart, but alas Doctor Brackett had pronounced her dead on arrival.


             Chet called out to them that lunch was ready as both paramedics climbed out of the squad feeling like they were walking through a bowl of Jell-O.  Both men sat down at their spots and Johnny just shoved his plate out of the way. 


            Captain Stanley took in the crestfallen expressions on both of his paramedic’s faces.  “Was it a bad one?” he asked sincerely.


            “Yeah,” Roy quietly answered.  “A little girl not much younger than Jennifer drowned in a pool.”


            “Sorry to hear that, pal,” Stanley commented as neither of his paramedics made an effort to eat.  He knew that runs like these were the toughest for them.


            The phone rang, and Johnny slowly got up and trudged over picking up the receiver.  “Station 51, Fireman Gage speaking.”  He listened to the voice, and then turned facing the men.  “Roy, it’s someone named Marge Adams wants to talk to you.”


            Roy sat back; Marge had never called him at work before.  He knew she was having it rough since the death of her husband.  Rising he took the phone from Johnny.


            “Hi Marge!” he spoke forcing some enthusiasm into his voice. 


            “Hi Roy, I’m sorry for calling you at the station but I’m at my wits end with Joey.  I just don’t know what to do with him anymore.”


            “Why?  What’s he doing now?” Roy asked concerned. 


            “He’s been getting into fights at school.  Plus he was expelled for three days when they found drugs on him.  And a week ago he left for school and didn’t come home for three days.  Said he stayed at a friend’s house.  Could I send him down to you for a while?  I need to sell this house and find something smaller for the two of us.  We might even have enough money left over that I could stop working one job, and be able to spend more time with him.”


            “Well, I’d need to talk to Joanne first,” thinking it might be a good idea for Joey to come and spend some time with his family.  He knew Chris needed someone closer to his age, and Joey was sixteen after all.


            “Well… uh… Roy, I all ready talked to Joanne earlier,” he could hear a bit of amusement in her voice.  “She said that it would be okay with her, but that I needed to talk to you first.”


            DeSoto chuckled.  “Then I guess it’s settled then.”


            “Thank you Roy,” Marge replied gratefully.  “I’ll make the arrangements, and call Joanne back so she’ll know what flight Joey will be on.  Thank you again!”


            “No problem, Marge.  What’s family for if we can’t lend a helping hand from time to time.”


            “I have to go.  Goodbye Roy.”


            “Goodbye Marge,” Roy replied as he hung up the receiver. 


            Johnny looked over at his partner, “So…” he asked.


            “That was my cousin.  She’s sending her sixteen-year-old son down here from Seattle to stay with us so she can get some things in order.  Hopefully by that time I can talk some sense into him.”


            Mike Stoker looked at his friend.  “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.  He could be trouble.”


            “I know Mike, but what else can I do?” Roy asked. 

            Before anyone else could answer the tones went off sending the entire station off on another run. 





            Marge made the arrangements, and waited for her son to come home.  The boy in question stood 5’ 9” tall, and he was nice looking.  Marge smiled at her son, as she stood facing him with her arms open.


            “How many times do I have to say it?  I’m grown now I don’t need you hovering over me anymore!”  The blonde haired young man spoke angrily.  His icy blue eyes now slitted in anger.


            Marge felt heartbroken.  His behavior was getting worse ever since his father had died, but this was the first time he’d ever spoken to her in an uncivilized manner.  Dropping her arms, she picked up something on the end table and held it out to him.


            Taking it, he found it was an airline ticket.  “What are you doing?  Kicking me out?” he spat out the last phrase.


            “No, I’m not kicking you out.  I’m sending you to my cousin Roy DeSoto who lives in Los Angeles for a while.  I’m selling the house and getting us a smaller one,” as the tears threatened to spill again.  “I’ll send for you after I’ve gotten the new house, and moved what we need into it.”


            Joey silently accepted his fate.  “So, I guess this means I need to go and pack?”


            “Yes, it does.  Your flight leaves at 8 p.m.  You’ll be in LAX in about an hour.  Roy’s wife Joanne is going to pick you up,” Marge replied as her son ran up the stairs to begin packing.


            Marge sobbed silently as she felt a twinge of regret.  Then another feeling overcame her, a feeling of dread.  A feeling that something disastrous was in the air.




            Joanne left Chris and Jennifer with a sitter.  Checking the piece of paper again, she found gate 10 just in time to hear the announcement over the loudspeakers.  “Flight 401 from Seattle now arriving at gate 10.”


            Glancing around at the passengers, she spotted a young man of about sixteen years of age glancing around nervously.  She approached the young man, “Are you Joey Adams?”


            The boy swallowed, “Yes, yes I am.”


            Joanne reached out and hugged the lost teen.  “I’m Joanne, your cousin Roy’s wife.  He’s at work right now but he’ll home in the morning.  I’m going to take you home and get you settled in.”


            Joey nodded as his mind whirled.  Thoughts began to sift through his mind.  Thoughts of money, and how he’d put that money to use.  Rubbing his hands together, “Let’s go then.”


            Joanne led the way to the car.  Unknown to her were the larcenous thoughts going through the boys mind. 





The Next Day


            Joey awoke to the sounds of children playing in another room.  Rising he dressed and decided he’d go find out what they were doing.  Stepping out the doorway of the spare bedroom he crept down the hallway to a room with a sign that read, ‘Keep Out!  No Adults Allowed!’  Cracking the door slightly he spied a boy and girl playing with a dark haired man.  The boy was about eight years of age with blonde hair, and the girl was a slightly darker colored blonde, it could almost be considered a dish water blonde, and she was about six years old. 


            ‘They must be Chris and Jennifer,’ Joey thought.  He wondered who the dark haired man was and decided to make his entrance.  Opening the door wider he stepped into the room. 


            Johnny, Chris, and Jennifer stopped what they were doing and looked at the new arrival.  Johnny smiled his lopsided grin and stuck out his hand, “Hi.  You must be Joey.  I’m John Gage, Roy’s partner.”


            Joey grasped the hand while new thoughts began to form inside his brain.  ‘This might be a lucky break,’ he thought, as he smiled.  Although genuine, it hid his real feelings.


            He looked down upon the two children after relinquishing Johnny’s hand.  “You two must be Chris and Jennifer.  I’ve heard a lot about you two,” he lied.  Jennifer smiled back and Chris waved.  “Hi Joey,” Chris cried.


            Johnny thought the boy was likable enough.  At least Chris and Jen took to him quickly.  Johnny knew why though, the children were looking up to Joey because he was sixteen.


            Joey sat down on the floor completing the circle.  “What game are you playing?” he asked.


            “Trouble,” Chris replied as he pressed down on the popper.  The dice flipped over and a six and a one showed.   Counting the spaces on the board he placed his peg into the last open space in the home row.  Throwing his arms over his head he crowed triumphantly, “I won!”


            Jennifer stuck out her tongue, “I could’ve won too!” She pouted.


            All thoughts of who won or lost were put to the backs of their minds as they heard a knock on the door.  “Breakfast’s ready,” Roy called as he stepped out of the doorway as his two came running past him.  “Walk!” Roy admonished his children.


            Johnny grinned at his partner as he headed for the stairs.


            Roy turned to follow his partner’s retreating back when he turned back to Joey.  “Coming?”


            “I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Joey called to Roy.  “I just need to get something from my room.


            “Better hurry, cause knowing the way my partner eats there might not be anything left.” Roy left as he followed the path the others had taken.


            Joey rose, and quickly searched through Chris’s drawers.  “Jackpot,” the boy whispered as he pulled two dollars out of Chris’s sock drawer.  Tucking the money into his pocket he headed to his room and grabbed the photo album.





Later That Day


            Joanne decided she needed to run to the store to pick up a few things.  “Chris, Jennifer,” she called.  “I’m going to the grocery do either one of you want to go?”  She knew Chris would probably go because he had two dollars that were about to burn a hole in his pocket.


            “I do,” Chris, hollered followed by Jennifer.   “I do too,” the littlest DeSoto cried.


            Chris ran upstairs to get his money, but what he found was nothing.  “MOM!” Chris yelled as he stuck his head out the doorway.  “My money’s gone!”


            Joanne went up the stairs.  “What do you mean Chris?”


            “I mean I put my money right here.  It’s where I always put my money, but it’s gone!”  Chris cried heartbroken.


            Johnny strolled in the house after finishing helping Roy patch the deck.  Some of the boards had weakened over the years and Roy had been afraid that someone might stick a foot through one of the boards.


            “Joanne,” he called, “I’m gonna leave now.”


            Joanne came up to the top of the stairs.  “Johnny, when you played games with Chris and Jennifer did Chris take his money out of his sock drawer?”


            “No, he never went anywhere near the drawer.”


            A teary eyed Chris joined Joanne, and it broke Johnny’s heart to see the boy cry.  Reaching into his back pocket Johnny pulled out his wallet.  He pulled out two five-dollar bills.  “Come here, tiger!” he called to Chris.


            The boy came down the stairs, followed by Joanne and Jennifer bringing up the rear.  Johnny handed the boy the five-dollar bill and gave Jennifer the other.


            “Johnny,” Joanne lightly scolded.  “You don’t need to give them money.”


            Johnny grinned.  “I know Joanne, but I want to do it.”


            Both Chris and Jen cried out in unison, “Thank you, Uncle Johnny.”  The two kids looked at each other and giggled. “JINX!”  They cried out at each other.


            Johnny ruffled the hair of both youngsters and walked out to his rover.  Climbing inside he started the ignition, and backed out of the driveway.  Heading for the main road, he passed the convenience store.  He spotted Joey at the side of the store smoking a cigarette.   Pulling over Johnny got out of the rover, and slammed the door angrily. 


            “Joey, you’ve got some explaining to do!” John spoke in anger to the boy.


            The teen looked at the paramedic with disdain in his eyes.  “I don’t have to explain anything to you.  You’re not my mother and you’re not my father!” he spoke forcefully to Johnny.


            “No, you need to go explain to Chris why you took his money!  You don’t seem to understand that you’re a role model to Chris and Jen.  They look up to you!”


            Joey pushed himself away from the wall and turned to face Johnny.  “So!” he spoke sarcastically.


            Johnny wanted to shove his fist into the teens face.  But instead he walked away and climbed back into his rover.  “You need to think about an eight year you’ve stolen money from just to buy a pack of cigarettes.”  He drove off heading for his apartment.


            Joey’s eyes narrowed.  Now that John knew what he had done, he’d have to put a stop to this annoying thorn in his side.  But that would have to wait.





The Next Shift


            Roy sat perplexed on the bench in front of his locker.  Not only had two dollars that belonged to Chris disappear, but two silver picture frames that Joanne had placed in the attic were now gone.  Roy knew she had put them up there because she’d been saving them for a special occasion.


            Johnny entered the dorm in a rush.  Looking down at his watch, he cursed his luck.  Not only had his alarm not gone off, but also his fighting neighbors had been at it again last night.  “Hey, Roy, what’s the matter with you?” he asked as he quickly unbuttoned his shirt.


            “I don’t know what’s going on.  First the two dollars Chris had came up missing, now two silver picture frames that had belonged to Joanne’s mother have disappeared.  I know she put them in the attic, cause I helped her box up some things that she wanted to place there for safe keeping.”


            “Roy,” Johnny began battling with his conscience over whether he should tell his partner or not about his cousin’s son.  He weighed the pros and cons and decided that he should tell.  “Roy, I saw Joey the other day at the convenience store when I was going home.  He was smoking a cigarette and he had a whole pack in his pocket.  When I confronted him about stealing Chris’s money and he admitted that he had.”


            The older paramedic sat shocked.  He knew Marge’s son was in trouble, but to steal from family?  He couldn’t understand why.


            “I can’t tell you why he’d do such a thing,” John shrugged, “but I felt you needed to know.”


            “Thanks Johnny.  I’ll go call Joanne and let her know.”


            “Anytime, Pally,” Johnny replied.


            Roy left the locker room with one intention on his mind, call Joanne.  He didn’t like the idea that Joey would steal from his own family.

He crossed the apparatus, noticing his captain standing there getting ready for the morning roll call.


            Captain Hank Stanley noticed the troubled look on his senior paramedic’s face.  “Is something wrong?”


            “I need to call Joanne.  It seems that Joey has graduated to stealing from family.”


            “Sorry to hear that, pal.  I can delay roll call a few minutes. Why don’t you us the phone in my office,” Stanley suggested.


            “Thanks, Cap,” the grateful tone in Roy’s voice couldn’t be mistaken.  DeSoto entered the room and sat down in his CO’s chair.  Lifting the receiver of the phone, he placed his index finger in a different circle of the rotary phone and dialed each number.  Listening to the clicking noises that the rotary dial made, he waited as his home phone rang in his ear.


            After a few moments of waiting Roy was rewarded with his wife’s voice on the other end of the line.  “Hello?”


            “Joanne, where’s Joey at?”


            “In school, why?”


            “Well, remember when Chris’ money came up missing?”


            “Yes,” Joanne replied as a sick feeling entered the bottom of her stomach.


            “Johnny said that when he was leaving our house the other day he saw Joey up at the convenience store smoking a cigarette.  It seems that he stole the money and bought himself some cigarettes.”


            Joanne began to get the feeling that it may have been a mistake to allow the teen to stay with them.  “I’ll go check his room and ask him about it when he gets home later.”


            “Well, I’ve got to go.  Caps holding up roll call for me.  Love you.”


            “I love you too, you big lug,” Joanne called playfully through the phone line. 






            Joanne waited for time when Joey should be at home from the high school.  When he didn’t show she became worried.  She had planned a lot of things that she was going to say to him. 


            Both Chris and Jennifer came running in the house from school.  “Hi, mom!” both children chorused together. 


            “Hi, kids!” She reached out and hugged both of her children tightly. 

Releasing them, she sent them up to their rooms to do their homework with a promise to take them to the ice cream stand for a treat.


            The phone rang, and Joanne picked it up, “Hello?”


            “Hey, Joanne, I’m over here at Charles’s house.”


            “Joey?  Is that you?” she asked as she tried to figure out who this Charles was.  But then again the boy was in high school, and her kids were in elementary school.  She couldn’t place the name with the other kids in the neighborhood.  “Who’s Charles?”


            “Charles is a senior.  He lives close to the station where Roy works.”


            “Well, I guess it’s okay.  But I do need to talk to you about something important,” Joanne spoke firmly.


            By the tone in Joanne’s voice Joey could tell something was up.  “What about?” he asked knowing that he probably knew the answer.


            “Chris’s missing money, and two silver picture frames that belonged to my grandmother!”


            “I didn’t take any of that!  I swear I didn’t!” Joey sounded hurt.


            Joanne could hear a voice in the background but didn’t pay it any attention.  “Well, from what Roy told me you took Chris’s money because Johnny confronted you about it.”


            “I didn’t!  Why take his word over mine!  He’s not family!”


            “No, he may not be family in that sense of the word.  But he and Roy are so close they’re both closer than some brothers I know.  So I’d take his word over anybody’s, including yours!”  Joanne was so mad she was almost shaking in fury because Joey was denying everything.  She knew it had to be him.  Why would Johnny steal from them?  He wouldn’t.  But Joey was an outsider; he’d probably steal from his own mother if he needed money.


            “I’m finished talking!” Joanne had to pull the receiver away from her head at the vicious sound of the other phone being slammed down in its cradle.


            She had a feeling of dread wash over her as she placed the receiver down into its cradle.  It was an apprehension that something was going to happen.  What, she couldn’t say.  But the feeling was there.  Picking up the phone again she made another call.





            “I don’t believe this!”  Joey ranted. 

            “What’s the matter?” the senior named Charles asked.


            “I knew Johnny was going to be trouble.  He just blew my gig at the DeSoto’s. “  He pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket.  “I stole two silver picture frames and pawned them.  Turned out they were solid silver, the pawnbroker gave me two hundred bucks for them.”


            “That’s far out man.  So what’cha gonna do about this Johnny?”


            Joey started thumbing through the phone book until he found the address he wanted.  Planting his finger down under the name of one Johnny Gage, “Give me a ride, here?”


            Charles checked out the address.  “That’s not that far away from here.”  Charles began rummaging through his drawer, and finally found what he was looking for.  Pulling out the Smith and Wesson, he handed it to Joey.  “Now you can put him out of your misery once and for all.”


            Joey grinned as he fingered the weapon.  “Balance is real nice.  Thanks!”


            “Come on, let’s go have ourselves some fun first,” Charles called as Joey tucked the gun in the back of his pants lowering the jacket to cover the weapon.


            “Yeah!” Joey grinned as Charles led the way out of his parent’s house.





            Roy tossed and turned in his bunk.  Joanne had called him earlier and let him know that she’d spoken with Joey on the phone, but he still hadn’t come home yet.  Sleep still would not come to the paramedic.  His thoughts wondered over to his partner, and so many what ifs crossed his mind.


            ‘Did I do the right thing by telling Joanne?  Should I have waited until I could confront him myself?  Have I put Johnny in danger?’ The questions would not stop.  Rising from his bunk, and pulling up his turnout pants the older paramedic headed for the latrine.


            Turning on the faucet, he cupped his hands in the water and splashed his face.  He was surprised by the reflection of his CO standing behind him.


            “Is there a problem, Roy?” Stanley asked concern evident in his voice.


            Roy leaned against the basin as he dried his face off with a towel and turned off the water.  Turning around he faced his captain.  He started by telling Stanley about Marge and how she needed help by taking in Joey.  Finally the thefts of money and picture frames, and what Johnny had told him.  Plus his putting two and two together, calling Joanne and her return phone call later in the day.  Now how he was worried about what Joey was going to do and how his partner might now be in danger.


            “I wouldn’t worry too much,” Stanley replied as he put a hand on his worried paramedics shoulder.  “Johnny’s a big boy and he can take care of himself.”


            “I hope your right, Cap,” Roy’s smile was forced. 


            “I’m sure I am, now let’s hit the sack,” Stanley patted Roy’s shoulder and led the way to the dorm.


            Both men went to their bunks and lay down to sleep.  Roy finally let sleep claim him, but his dreams were troubled.





            At the end of their shift, DeSoto watched as his partner sped away for home.  Johnny had agreed to help Roy later with reroofing the house.  But Roy was still worried.  He had called Joanne, and Joey still had not come home.  Where was the teen and what was he into?


            As Roy headed home he decided to make a quick stop at a pay phone.  Dropping the required change into the machine he dialed a number of a friend of his with the LAPD.


            “Hello?” he heard the voice on the other end of the phone.  It was a gruff voice.


            “Hi, Jeff, this is Roy.”


            “Hi, Roy!  So what can I do for you, man?  You know you need to bring Joanne and the kids over here.  Samantha dogged me about putting in a pool.  How could I refuse?”


            “I don’t know, Jeff.  Uh… Jeff can I ask you to do me a favor?” a feeling of over whelming trepidation was building in his heart.


            “What’s that Roy?” Now Jeff knew something was up.  He’d thought he’d heard a tremor in Roy’s voice but now it had grown to a quake.


            “I need you to stop by John Gage’s sometime today.”  He filled his friend from the LAPD in on the whole situation with Joey.


            “Sure, Roy.  I’ll do that.  Got a new partner to break in from the academy.”


            “Thanks, Jeff.  I really owe you one.”


            Jeff laughed.  “No, I think that now makes a dozen.  Don’t forget ‘Nam.  I’ve got to go, Samantha’s giving me a look.”


            “Bye Jeff,” Roy replied as he hung up the phone.





            Johnny pulled into his parking lot, and didn’t think twice about the car parked in the lot.  Entering his building he climbed up to the second story and went down a hall until he reached his door, 2G.  Pulling out his keys he unlocked his door, and went to step in.  That’s when something crashed into him from behind, knocking the wind out of him.


            Gage went flying into his living room and hit the couch arm with his head.  Although it was padded, the padding wasn’t thick and the wood inside made him see stars as he landed in a heap in the floor. 


            He heard his door close, and tried to rise when he felt something impact with his jaw.  He never saw the two teens grinning down on him as darkness closed in and enveloped him.


            “Go look for something to tie him up with,” Joey called over his shoulder to Charles.  “I’m gonna make him suffer for ruining everything!”  Just like when his dad died.   ‘I’m going to make him pay, then the DeSoto’s are going to pay!  Never there for me and mom, so now everyone who didn’t give a damn is going to know that Joey Adams is not one to play around with!’


            The boy sneered as he lit another cigarette.  Puffing on the coffin nail, he thought of another idea.  Bending over John’s prone form he took the lit part and touched it into the paramedics flesh on his arm. 


            The dark haired paramedic stirred and moaned from the pain, but it wasn’t enough to bring him out of the darkness.  Joey laughed in glee as he found a new play toy to torment a person with.


            Charles entered the room with the rope.  He helped Joey lift the helpless man into one of his kitchen chairs.  He quickly tied the ropes and decided that maybe Joey was completely off his rocker.  “Hey man, I’m gonna split.”  Charles stated as he eyed the man they’d just tied up.


            “Are you scared?” Joey sneered at his cohort.


            “I don’t have to tell you nothing!” Charles stated as he headed out the door.  Not looking back as he closed it he rushed down the stairs and ran out to his car.  Hopping in he raced away unsure of what he should do.  Finally reality set in that he could be considered an accessory to what he and Joey had done.





            Jeff Pierson met his new partner Alex Givens in the squad room.  Jeff stood about 5’10 and had piercing blue eyes, and brown hair.  Alex was 5’9” and had brown eyes and blond hair.  Baby faced was the first thing that came to Jeff’s mind as he looked over his new partner. 


            Both men sized each other up, and soon they were behaving as if they’d known each other for years.  The older officer led the younger man out to their patrol car.  He began to explain how the radio worked and how to answer a call.  However, that time came to an end when they received their first call.  A speeding car, and Jeff realized that the streets in question were no more than four blocks from John Gage’s apartment building. 


            Jeff acknowledged the call, and the pair sped off.  But he knew that as soon as they would get there the speeder would be gone, so he decided to go check on Gage.  For all he knew they might actually get lucky, find the speeder and find that Johnny was okay.





            Joey went and filled a glass full of water.  Coming back to the chair, he splashed the helpless man with the glass.  Johnny began to come around with a groan.  He tried to move and found himself tied in a chair.  His head hurt, the place on his arm hurt, and now he felt groggy.


            Realization dawned on him as to where he was.  He struggled to get free, but to no avail.  Whoever had tied the rope had done a very good job of it.  He heard a snickering from off in the corner.  Lifting his head John noticed the teen crouched in the corner holding the gun in his hands.


            “You cost me a lot.   Places to live, family, and of course a good source of money!” Joey sneered as he rose and advanced on the hapless paramedic.  “Now your gonna pay the price!” 


            “I warned you about stealing!  If anyone is to blame, then blame yourself!” Johnny shouted hoping one of his neighbors was home and come investigating or call the police.


            “Keep your voice down!” the teen hissed as he punched the hapless paramedic in the mouth.


            Johnny felt the instant pain, and could taste the blood oozing from his split lips.  Since he couldn’t use his hands, he moved his tongue around in his mouth trying to feel if any teeth had been jarred lose.  ‘This kid is stronger than he looks,’ Gage thought as he tried to think of a way to get himself out of this situation.


            Joey went into the kitchen area again, and a moment later he came back with a butcher knife.  Kneeling down in front of his helpless prisoner he grinned.  “Can you guess what I’m gonna do with this?”


            “Yeah, I can guess.  But I’m not gonna give you the satisfaction!” Johnny spat out a mouthful of blood, which hit his intended target.


            Joey rose as the anger in his eyes grew to a boiling point. Reaching up he wiped the bloody spittle from his face.  Then he struck like a snake and jabbed the kitchen implement into Johnny’s leg.


            Johnny groaned as he felt the knife grate on bone.  He sucked in his breath as Joey pulled it viciously out of the wound he had inflicted.  


            The teen reached out and ripped the shirt from Johnny‘s chest.  Johnny gritted his teeth and closed his eyes as the white-hot agony coursed through his torso.  He could hear Joey’s laughter as the butcher knife traversed from under his collarbone to under John’s ribcage.


            “Maybe this will teach you to keep your nose out of other people’s business, Mr. Goody Two Shoes!”


            Johnny panted against the pain.  “Roy’s my friend… and he’s family… something you’ll never understand!”


            “Maybe not, but you’ll understand this!” Joey raged as he picked up the discarded Smith and Wesson.  He pointed the handgun at Johnny’s chest and took aim.





            Jeff and his rookie partner pulled up in front of Johnny’s apartment complex.  The older of the pair led the way inside the building, and they climbed a flight of stairs.  At the stairwell landing they entered a corridor, at the same time a young woman came rushing down the same hallway.


            “Oh!  Thank goodness you’re here!” the woman cried upon seeing the two officers.


            “What seems to be the problem, miss?” Jeff asked.


            “I’m Dorothy Jenkins, I live in 2F next door to Mr. Gage in 2G.”  The woman wrung her hands together and hopped lightly from foot to foot in her anxiety.  “Usually he’s very quiet, but there’s been yelling going on in there.  I think he’s in trouble!”


            “Okay, Miss Jenkins.  We’ll check it out,” Jeff reassured the woman.  Signaling his partner he led the way to the door in question.


            Jeff hugged the wall on one side of the doorframe with Alex on the other side.  Jeff knocked on the door.  “LAPD!” he announced as all hell began to break loose.




            Joey pulled the hammer back with his thumb, and heard it click as it locked into place.  He lightly placed his index finger on the trigger when he heard a knock on the door.  The voice on the other side shouted, “LAPD!”


            The teen jerked a little with his aim thrown off by the party crashers.  He jumped a little as he continued to squeeze the trigger and the gun exploded.  The bullet slammed into his intended victim’s shoulder but not his chest as Joey had planned.          


            Johnny gasped as a new pain struck him in the shoulder.  But the impact of the bullet into his body caused the chair to be knocked off kilter.  It teetered and came crashing down striking his injured shoulder into the floor.


            Joey swore profusely as he began to search franticly for an escape route.  However, before he could move two feet the door came crashing in with two LAPD officers rushing into the room.


            “Hold it right there, son!” Jeff called out to Joey.


            Joey stopped and dropped his weapon.  “Go ahead and arrest me!”


            “Oh, don’t you worry your going to jail,” the older man replied as he directed the rookie to check on the injured man. 


            Alex had never seen blood before, and the smell was about all the young man could stand.  Fighting to control his stomach, Alex reached down to check for a pulse, and found one.  Of course Alex figured the best thing he could do was untie the victim.  Laying his gun down on the floor, he reached out and began untying the injured paramedic. 


            Joey saw his chance, as he noticed the older officer look over at his partner for a moment.  The teen sidestepped and charged the arresting officer, knocking him down. 


            Jeff let out oomph, as the air was knocked out of his lungs.  Trying desperately to get his breath back, he was able to find his feet again.  He pointed his weapon at Joey.  “FREEZE!” he yelled at the teen.


            The teen reached Alex’s side and got his hands on the rookie’s weapon.  Turning quickly as he heard the older officer’s command.  Joey fired the other weapon as the older officer fired his.  Only Joey’s aim had been off, he missed.  While Jeff’s aim had been true, and the younger man was flung back into the wall and lay still.


            Jeff went over and kicked the weapon out of the perp’s reach.  Noticing the eyes that stared up into nothingness, Jeff thought sadly about the waste of a young life.  Bending down he checked for a pulse, and found none. 


            “How’s the victim?” Jeff asked Alex.


            “He’s got a good pulse, but we definitely need medical help here,” Alex responded. 


            Jeff, who’d met Johnny when the paramedic had helped teach a First Aid class, went off in search of any kind of bandages to help staunch the flow of blood.  Finally he found what he was looking for, a First Aid Kit.  Quickly and skillfully he had John’s wounds bandaged.  Checking the pulse again, he knew that Johnny had lost a good amount of blood.  Seeing the signs of shock, he made a desperate decision.  “We don’t have time to wait for a squad to get here.  We’ll have to take him to the hospital, on the double.”


            His rookie partner was about to protest.  Alex knew that this was now a crime scene and needed detectives to investigate. 

            Jeff cut Alex off before he could speak his peace.  “He’s going into shock, and we can’t wait!  Now before we get into some kind of disagreement you need to remember that I’m your training officer and whatever I say goes!”


            Jeff leaned down towards John Gage.  “Johnny, can you hear me?”


            “Yeah,” Johnny moaned.


            “We’re going to transport you to Rampart.”


            “Where’s… the squad,” Johnny gasped.


            “There’s no time.  Besides I’m going to get in a lot of hot water over this,” Jeff replied as he watched Johnny’s eyelids close.


            Checking quickly Jeff found that Johnny had slipped into unconsciousness again.  “You grab his feet,” Jeff directed Alex, while the training officer lifted John by his upper torso, and tucking his arms in to certain the unconscious paramedic wouldn’t be injured further.


            They quickly made their way out of the building and slid John carefully into the backseat.  Jeff grabbed a blanket placing it on the injured man, and closed the door.  Climbing into the front seat Jeff turned on the squad car as Alex climbed in beside him.  “I still say were making a mistake in leaving,” Alex complained again.


            “Well if we are then I’m taking the full brunt.  I’m your training officer, so I’ll be the one in trouble not you.”  Jeff put the car into gear and headed for Rampart with his red’s flashing and siren wailing.  He grabbed the microphone and called dispatch alerting them to send detectives to the scene of the crime, and also that they were transporting the victim to the hospital.





            Roy couldn’t stand the waiting.  He hadn’t heard anything from Joey, Jeff or Johnny.  Something told him that he needed to get over to Johnny’s place quickly.  Dashing out of the house he jumped into his car and sped off. 


            The scene that welcomed him was not what he wanted to see.  The parking lot was littered with police cars.  A lump began to form in his throat as he raced up the stairs, taking two at a time.  Reaching the top, he practically ran to Johnny’s apartment.  There he discovered Detective Crockett speaking to a woman. 


            “DeSoto!”  Crockett called before Roy could reach the doorway.  “Wait there, I’m almost through with Miss Jenkins here.”  He waited for her to answer his last question, and scribbled some notes. 


            Crockett beckoned the other man over to his side.  “I’ll need you to come in and identify the body.  It’s not a pretty site.”  Roy felt as if his whole world were crashing down on him.  ‘Johnny’s dead,’ he thought as he slowly moved forward. 


            Crockett led him to a body that had been covered by a blanket, as a forensics team was finishing up with their examination.  A police photographer was waiting on the side to discuss something with Crockett.  The black detective led Roy over to the body and removed the blanket. 


            Relief hit Roy, relief that the dead man wasn’t Johnny.  But how could he tell Marge about Joey.  She’d trusted him to take care of her son and now he’s dead.  How would she deal with the fact that her son had tried to commit murder?


            Crockett watched DeSoto carefully as the emotions played on his face.   “I guess that you knew him?” Crockett asked knowing that he was right.


            “Yeah, this is my cousin’s son from Seattle.  He had a lot of problems, and thought stealing from family was the only solution.  But when Johnny put two and two together, I guess he decided to come over here.”  Then his concern for his partner came to the forefront again.  “Where’s Johnny?”


            “Adam - 8 took him to Rampart Emergency,” Crockett replied.  “What I want to know is how they knew to come here, when the complaint had only been called just a few minutes before they arrived?” Crockett asked.


            “I know Jeff Pierson personally.  I had called him before his shift started and asked him to check on Johnny.”


            “Then I suppose it’s a good thing that you two know people on the force then,” Crockett replied with a slight laugh.


            “Yeah,” Roy replied with a grim smile.  “Just like it’s good to know people with the Fire Department.”


            Roy departed the apartment building.  He was relieved that Johnny was alive, but at what cost?  What had Joey done to him?  Roy climbed into his car and leaned back in the seat and allowed his eyes to close.  ‘Why didn’t I make you listen to me, Junior?’ Roy thought.  ‘Why did I accept Joey at face value?  Am I that trusting of a person?’ He asked himself as he finally opened his eyes and stuck the key into the ignition.  Turning the engine over he backed out of the parking space and headed on his way to Rampart.  He hoped that Johnny wasn’t hurt as badly as it had sounded. 





            Jeff backed his squad car into the ambulance bay.  “Go get someone to bring a stretcher out here, and hurry!” Jeff ordered.


           Alex flew out of the squad car and ran into the emergency department.  In a moment, he raced back outside, two attendants and Dr. Mike Morton following on his heels. 


            “What’s going on?” Morton asked.


            “I brought you one of your paramedics.  John Gage.  He‘s been stabbed.  Once in the leg, and down his torso.  He‘s also been shot in the shoulder. 


            Jeff paused as Morton  and the two orderlies lifted the semi-conscious and shocky paramedic onto the gurney.


            It looks as if the perp was not only trying to injure but torture him too.  He might have killed him if we hadn‘t shown up when we did.” 


            Taking a quick survey of the wounds, Morton made his decision that Johnny needed to be up in the OR.  He nodded quickly towards the two officers and rushed back inside the hospital and racing into the elevator. 


            Jeff and Alex hung out in the waiting room.  Jeff wasn’t in a real hurry to go back to the scene of this mess, and he wasn’t sure if his job was now hanging by a thread or not.  He was more concerned with the fact that John Gage was now fighting for his life up in the OR.  Besides what if Roy showed up and there wasn’t a friendly face here to greet him?





            Roy raced to reach Rampart, but he sidestepped his destination by first stopping off at Hank’s house.  He needed to tell him what was going on, and he felt he needed to do this in person. 


            DeSoto pulled into the drive, and parked.  With quick determination in his steps he walked up to the door, and rang the doorbell.   It took a minute but then the door opened to reveal a woman of about five foot nine, with an olive hue to her skin, and a mane of dark hair framed her face.  The smile that came to her face was instant as she recognized the caller.  “Roy!  It’s so good to see you, Hank and I were just talking about the last get together we had and were thinking about having another one.” Sensing something wrong she ushered the usually calm paramedic into the living room.  “I’ll go get Hank,” she gestured for him to take a seat as she left the room.


            Roy fidgeted, not knowing how to explain what had happened.  He didn’t know the full details yet, so how could he explain?  He looked up as he felt the familiar presence of his CO in the room.  He began to rise from the chair, but Hank gestured for him to stay seated.


            “What’s up?” Hank took a seat on the couch.


            “Uh… Cap… Uh… Well,” he stammered as he tried to find the right words.  “Johnny’s at Rampart, and my cousin’s son was killed in Johnny’s apartment.”  There he said it, now it was out in the open.


            “What happened?” Hank leaned forward as the importance of Roy’s revelation hit him like a stone. 


            “That’s still not clear, and I can’t ask Joey …” he shrugged.   “So I suppose when Joanne told Joey about what we knew, I guess he just went crazy.”


            “If you need to take a leave of absence, it’s yours.  I’m sure you’d like to speak to your cousin in person.”


            DeSoto smiled weakly, “Yes, I was going to ask you about that.  I’ll have to make sure that Joey gets home.”  The paramedic’s voice began to tremble as the grief he was feeling began to grow.


            “Be sure to see me at the beginning of the next shift, and we’ll make sure you get paid for this.”  Hank rose and put a hand on his paramedic’s shoulder, “If you need anything….” Stanley knew he was speaking a platitude, but he did mean it.  He’d be right there by Roy’s side if his paramedic needed anything.


            Roy gratefully took his leave.






            Dixie noticed the two officers‘; one sat looking a little bored while the other paced.  ‘Wonder what’s going on?’  She approached the two men, noticing for the first time that they both had blood on their uniforms.  “Are either of you injured?”


            “No,” the older man spoke.  “We’re waiting to find out the status of a patient we brought in.”


            “I might be able to help you, do you know where the person was taken?”


            “Yeah, he was taken straight up to surgery.”  Jeff paused as he tried to think of the name of the doctor.  Then he remembered he had gotten a glance at the man’s nametag.  “Doctor Morton took him up to surgery.”


            Dixie moved over to a phone on the wall of the waiting area.  Picking it up she spoke to the operator and found that Morton was still in surgery.


            Returning to the pair, “He’s still in surgery.  But I’ll let you know something as soon as possible,” she replied as she thought that the person in question must be a fellow officer.  “Was he hurt on the job?”


            “No, he was off-duty.  You must know him pretty well?”


            Nurse McCall looked perplexed.  How would she know the officer in question?  “I’m not sure I understand.”


            “We brought in on of your paramedics, John Gage.  This teen-ager had gone completely off the wall and tried to kill him.”


            Dix felt as if she had just been punched and all the wind had been forced out of her lungs.  “Johnny…?” it was more a question than a statement. 


            Roy burst into the emergency room.  He had no idea where his partner was or what condition he was in.  He spotted Jeff, and Dix and the look on the head nurse’s face made him feel that he may have lost a bright spot in his life.  Stopping short he watched as Dixie turned toward him with tears in her eyes.


            DeSoto’s heart skipped a couple of beats.  “Is Johnny?” he just couldn’t finish what he thought.


            The usually tough as nails head nurse nodded.  “He’s up in surgery.  We,” she indicated herself and the two officers, “haven’t heard anything yet.  All I know is that Morton took him straight up to surgery.”


            “Then he’s not…?”


            Nurse McCall then realized what had been going on in Roy’s mind.  She gave him a reassuring smile.  “No, he’s not.”  Taking in again the condition of the pair of police officer’s she motioned to the senior paramedic.  “Why don’t you take these two down to the lounge, and I’ll let you know something as soon as I find it out.”  She patted DeSoto on the shoulder and gave him a little shove.


            Roy nodded and motioned for Jeff and Alex to follow him.  As the trio walked towards the lounge, a few nurses and orderlies who gave them odd looks passed them.   Entering the lounge, DeSoto made his way to the brown leather couch and sat heavily.  He felt as if he’d been through the ringer.  Leaning his head back he closed his eyes just for a moment, he thought.


            “Help,” he heard the voice off in the distance.  Roy looked around him, he was no longer at Rampart but lost it seemed like in a mist.  It swirled around him as he looked down seeing himself in his turnout coat, and pants.  ‘We’re on a rescue,’ he thought. 


            The plea for help came to his ears again; only this time he recognized the voice.  “Johnny!” he yelled as he tried to follow the voice, but it seemed to echo around him. 


            “Help!  Roy, I’m over here!” 


            DeSoto found him hanging off the side of a cliff.  “Hang on!” Roy screamed urgently as he reached down to grab his partner.   His hand missed.


            “I’m slipping!”  Gage screamed, his face froze in terror.


            The blond haired paramedic slid forward a bit on his stomach as he stretched out as far as he could.  “Grab my hand!” he yelled as John reached out and lost his grip. 


            Roy watched in horror as his partner screamed and fell into darkness. 


            He jerked into wakefulness as he felt a warm hand on his arm.  Looking into the eyes of Dixie McCall’s he saw the smile on her face.  “John’s in recovery.”


            Roy rose and grabbed a startled head nurse.  He gave her a quick twirl and practically ran out of the room.   On his way out he almost bowled over Doctor Morton.  “Sorry, doc, but Dix just told me Johnny was in recovery.”


            “Yes, he is,” the doctor stated in usual matter of fact tone as he pulled his glasses off and absently brushed the lenses across his trouser leg.  “But he won’t be coming out of the anesthesia for at least an hour, maybe longer.”  Seeing the look on the paramedic’s face, “I’ll leave word that as soon as he wakes you can go see him.”  He placed his glasses back onto his face.


            DeSoto smiled gratefully.  “Thanks doc!”  Glancing down at his watch, he realized exactly what time it was for the first time.  “I need to go call Joanne.”  There were a lot of things she needed to know.  Also he needed to call his captain.


            He felt a presence behind him, and turned to see Jeff.  “Roy… I hate to do this, but I do have some questions to ask about Joey.  When we talked earlier, you only gave me some brief details about what was going on.  But since I am a friend, I can give you a sympathetic ear.”


            DeSoto smiled weakly.  “I knew this was coming,” he replied as he reentered the lounge.  Moving over to one of the tables both the paramedic and the officer sat down. 


            Officer Pierson pulled out a small notebook and ink pen from his pocket.  “Now you said this Joey Adams was from Seattle?”


            The paramedic sighed softly as a new wave of grief and guilt hit him.  “Yes.  He’s my cousin, Marge Adams’ son.  A drunk driver killed his father four years ago.  See Michael, Marge’s husband, was a long distance truck driver.  He was hauling a load of cargo when the driver of a dump truck, who was drunk and speeding, lost control and hit Michael’s truck.  According to the story, Michael had no time to react and was killed instantly.”


            The blonde man paused and ranted silently at himself.  ’I should have been there.  I should have insisted that Marge sold the house then and her and Joey should move down here.  Now it’s too late.’  He felt his eyes misting as unshed tears threatened to fall.  ‘Now Johnny’s here at Rampart, up in recovery and it’s all my fault.’


            “It’s okay, Roy.  Take your time,” Jeff saw the emotions as they played across his friends face.  Once he saw the paramedic regain some of his composure, Jeff continued.  “How and why did Joey come to be here in L.A.?”


            “Marge called both me and Joanne.  She couldn’t afford to keep their house up any longer and decided that she had to sell it and find something smaller for her and Joey to call home.  Both Joanne and myself had decided that it might be a good thing, and that we might be able to influence Joey to become a better person.  Instead he began stealing from us, and Johnny had been the first person to confront him about a theft of Chris’s money.  Joey hadn’t denied it.” 


            “Then a pair of antique silver picture frames disappeared.  When I mentioned it to Johnny at the beginning of the last shift, he put two and two together.  I called Joanne, and she waited to confront Joey in person but he never showed.  Instead he had called our house from a senior’s house he had met at the High School.  Said he was going to spend the night with a boy named Charles.  Joanne asked him about the money and picture frames, of course he denied taking them.  Then the very next day, Johnny’s attacked and Joey’s dead.  End of story.” 


            Jeff made some quick notes.  “Thanks a lot for filling in the blanks.  I’ll make sure Detective Crockett gets these.  Oh and either Crockett or myself will be coming by to talk with Gage once he’s awake,” Pierson smiled sympathetically at DeSoto.  “This is an open and shut case of a kid who went bad.”


            Roy waited until the two officers left and he was alone.  This time he dropped his head in his hands and wept.  His tears were not only for his grief but also relief that his partner was on the road to recovery.


            Hearing the door open he quickly wiped the tears away.  Only to find standing before him, his confidant and partner in life.  He knew at that moment that Dixie had made the call for him.


            Joanne rushed over to her husband and held her man tightly.  Knowing that she didn’t have to say why she was here, she just held him as he shed more of his tears into her hair.   Her eyes misted as she rubbed his back and made soothing sounds like she had done for her own children.


            Easing himself away from her after he was finally spent, he looked down on her face.  “Johnny’s up in recovery, and Joey’s dead,” he spoke quietly as his voice quavered and cracked.


            “I know,” Joanne spoke just as quietly.  “I ran into Jeff as he was leaving.  He filled me in on the details.” 

            Releasing her, he moved across the room and looked out a window overlooking the hospital grounds.  “I should have been there for Marge.  This probably wouldn’t have happened if I had of been there.”


            Joanne moved next to Roy and grabbed his chin.  “You can’t keep doing this to yourself.  You can’t continue to blame yourself.”  For the first time she stamped her foot in anger.  “You do this every time someone gets hurt.  It’s not your fault, none of it was.  If you want to blame somebody, blame Joey.  He’s the one who stole, he’s the one who hurt Johnny, and he’s the one who has been flirting with disaster since his dad was killed.  He was the one who’s been taking this road, and you know as well as I do that either he would’ve been killed or maybe died of a drug overdose.”


            She put her arm around her husband’s waist and spoke quietly again.  “You have no idea what was going on in his mind.  I know I don’t, so quit blaming yourself.”


            Silently he agreed that she was right, but somewhere in his conscious was a little voice that said he was still to blame.  Turning to her he lifted her head and pressed his lips against hers, kissing her deeply.  Breaking their embrace he smiled, “Thanks for being here.”


            Joanne was a little breathless as he released her.  “You haven’t done that in a long time,” she teased.  Glancing down at her wristwatch, “Johnny should be awake now.”


            Roy gave his wife a little peck on the cheek, and left her standing there.  She didn’t mind because he needed reassurance that his partner was going to make it.





            Johnny’s eyelids opened slowly as he slowly focused on his surroundings.  At first he wondered how he had gotten to Rampart, then the past events slowly began to come back to him. 


            ‘Roy!’ he had to get to Roy and warn him that Joey planned on going after the DeSoto’s next.  The dark haired paramedic moved as if to stand up and he was immediately rewarded with an intense burning pain in his chest.  His groan brought a nurse over to his side.


            “Mr. Gage, you need to lay back down!  You’ve had emergency surgery, and your in no condition to be moving about,” she scolded, and smiled to take the sting out of her words.


            “Roy,” John croaked as the nurse helped him back into the bed.


            “Mr. DeSoto?”


            “Yes,” he replied as his voice cracked from the dryness in his throat.


            “Dr. Morton gave me orders to let your partner in as soon as you were awake.  He’s out in the waiting room.”  She smiled again.  “He’s been very worried about you.”  She picked up a container and placed it by Gage’s bed.  “Here’s some ice chips, and I’ll go get your friend.” 


            Johnny eased back into the pillow, and tried not to look like he felt as bad as he really did.  But it was no use.  Nothing could change that fact.


            Roy entered the room and took in the face of his partner.  It was a very pale contrast to his dark hair.  He timidly took the steps to John’s bedside.  Not only had he been worried, but he also wondered if his friend now hated him for what Joey had done.


            As if reading his partner’s mind, the dark-haired paramedic grinned.   He tried to move to make himself more comfortable, but the stitches in his chest pulled at the muscles and caused more burning sensations.  He sucked in his breath, and groaned at the pain.


            “Johnny?” Roy asked as he watched the other man close his eyes, and grab one side of the bed as the wave of pain ebbed.


            “I’m okay… .  It hurts when I try to move…,” he panted.  He knew the events of what really happened where a little hazy, and didn’t realize that Joey was dead.  “Is your… family okay?  Joey… threatened… .”


            “What do you remember, Johnny?” DeSoto asked as he pulled a chair by his partner’s bedside.


            “Joey, wanted… me dead.  Said that… finish me he’d… go after you,” he coughed eliciting another groan and his throat felt like he was lost in the desert.


            Roy seemed to read his partner’s mind, and spooned some ice chips into the other man’s mouth.  Looking down a moment at his feet he decided that his friend, the man who was as close as having a brother needed to know.  Looking back up and searching Johnny’s face for any signs of recrimination, and not seeing any.  “Your safe, now.  Joey gave Jeff Pierson no choice but to shoot and kill him.”


            John sighed in relief that he was safe, but he knew that his partner was fighting a losing battle with his emotions.  “I’m sorry that he had to die.”  The dark haired paramedic reached out slowly and took his partner’s hand in his.  “If you need anything… .”


            That brought a smile to the blond haired man, “I’m the one who should be asking you that.”


            Before anymore conversation could take place the nurse reentered the room.  “I’m sorry, but I’m going have to give Mr. Gage his medication, and then he’ll be moved to a regular room.”


            “I’ll be back to see you in a few days.  I’ve got some other business to take care of,” Roy let his partner know.


            “I know, and tell the kids that I’ll see them soon,” Johnny smiled his trademark smile.  As soon as he felt the medication enter his IV line, John’s eyes grew heavy and he was asleep before Roy could answer his partner.





Stories By Wanda H.     Guest Dispatchers