Disclaimer: The characters of Emergency! belong to Mark VII Productions and Universal Studios.

God's Design

by Purry


April 1977

Hank Stanley sat in his office pondering over a few brochures that Dr. Gordon had provided. The before and after photo's were amazing which made the choices tremendous considering he could only choose one.

"How am I suppose to pick? And how will I know it's the right one?" Hank mumbled.

His gaze fell back upon a picture that had sparked his interest from the very beginning, but moved on continuing to mull over all the possibilities.

After a few minutes of studied thought, Hank placed the photo back into the portfolio and pushed back from his desk to stand. Noticing the time, he made his way to the kitchen to go over a few announcements with his crew.


The A-Shift crew of Station 51, sat around the kitchen table discussing the previous shift and the obvious change in their fearless leader.

"Man, I wonder what's up with Cap," Chet remarked.

"He seems so…." Marco, at a loss for words, gave up trying to explain when was happening with their captain.

Silence lingered for a few moments. The worried shift mates each lost in their own thoughts.

Johnny Gage broke the silence. "Maybe…maybe….oh hell, I don't know."

Just then Captain Stanley entered the dayroom.

"Ok guys, I have a few announcements I need to go over with you. Now, let's see. There's a new restaurant opening over on…. WHAT?"

Startled by the loud shout the five shift mates looked at their boss.

"What, what, Cap?" Mike Stoker asked a bit too innocently.

"Yeah, Cap, what's up?" Kelly couldn't help but throw in.

Looking at each of his men, Hank knew they knew something was up. He wondered if they knew what he was considering.

"You know what's up. You guys were staring at me," Hank answered.

"No we weren't, Cap. We were listening to you," Johnny replied.

"That's right, Cap," Roy DeSoto backed up his partner's protest.

Hank wondered if he was letting his imagination play tricks on him. Could it be? He didn't think so, but knew that he couldn't be around these men, his friends, and not confide to them what he had been considering.

"Umm, sorry guys. I…" Hank apologized and began to explain, but the words just wouldn't come.

"That's ok, Cap. Is every… are you all right?" Mike inquired.

Hank looked at Mike and the rest of his men and decided he owed them an explanation for his odd behavior. Taking a deep breath he began.

"Well guys, umm, you remember last shift?" Hank started.

All five men nodded in agreement that 'yes' they remembered the events of their previous shift.

"Umm, well, as you know I saw doctor's Early and Brackett. They gave me a physical and umm, well they said I was fine except that I have a deviated septum," Hank explained.

"A deviated what?" Chet inquired.

"A deviated septum, Chet," Roy answered.

"What's that?" Chet continued to question.

"It's…" Cap began.

"It's a nose job, Chet. Geez…" Johnny blurted out.

If looks could kill, John Gage would be one dead man by the way Hank Stanley was staring at him with his mouth agape.

"JOHNNY!" Roy admonished.

"GAGE!" Cap shouted.

An innocent look spread over the hapless paramedics face that read 'What, what did I say?'

Taking a deep breath, Hank slowly explained that ever since he went to the hospital to be checked out for his unfounded worries about suffering from arthritis and found out that he had a little nose trouble, he was considering having the problem corrected.

"So you're thinking about getting a nose job, Cap?" Marco asked.

"Well, Marco, I have been researching the subject and weighing the pros and cons of having the procedure done," Hank explained.

Noticing that Johnny was staring at him, Hank yelled, "GAGE!"

"Yeah, yes, Cap. What?" a startled Johnny questioned.

"You were staring. Didn't your mother ever tell you that it's not polite to stare?"

"No, sir I mean yes, sir. I mean, sorry. I was just trying to picture you with someone else's nose," Johnny confessed.

"Someone else's nose. What are you talking about? It'd be my nose," Hank bellowed.

Roy, Marco and Mike watched the exchange between the two and wondered just what had gotten into Johnny.

"Well sure, Cap. When I look at you I see Hank Stanley, Fire Captain, terrific boss and great friend. I was only wondering who I'd be seeing when you get another nose."

"It'd still be me you twit."

"Sure, I know that, but…"

"But what?"

"Well, what if it changes you."

"Changes, how?"

"I don't know. Just changes you." Johnny was at a loss for words to explain what he was trying to say.

Now thoroughly confused, all the members of the A-Shift stood there looking at Johnny with a look of 'huh' on their faces.

Roy figured now was a good time to come to his partner's rescue.

"Cap, have you been looking at samples? I mean other peoples noses, I mean… oh heck…" Roy tried.

A small giggle left Hank, "Yeah, Roy, I have. I think I've narrowed it down to one, but…"

"But what, Cap?" Mike questioned.

"But I don't think I'm gonna have it done after all."

"WHY?!" all five me questioned in unison.

"It's just something John said."

"Way to go, Gage. Mess up Cap's nose job," Chet harped.

Johnny threw Chet a look of disgust.

"No, Johnny didn't mess up anything. Actually, I wanna thank him."

"Thank me? What for?" Johnny wondered.

"When Dr. Early and Dr. Brackett said I needed a nose job, I panicked. It's all I thought about after leaving the hospital. So I went to see a plastic surgeon. He advised me that my deviated septum could easily be taken care of with out-patient surgery, but then I got to thinking-since I was there I might as well check about getting myself a new and improved nose."

"Oh, so who's nose were you gonna get?" Marco asked.

"It's not important anymore. Johnny showed me that no matter what, I will still be Hank Stanley no matter if I have Rock Hudson's nose in the middle of my face. So I think I'll just keep this Hank Stanley special that God designed just for me."

"Rock Hudson? You were gonna get Rock Hudson's nose?" Chet laughed.

"Kelly! Latrine duty for the next month," Hank yelled.

"Oh, Rock, I mean, Cap…."


The End

Thanks to Heidi for the beta.

*Click on the nose to send Purry feedback



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