In honor of Captain Hank Stanley...
"Reflections of a Fire Captain"by Ross
Captain Hank Stanley was deep in contemplation When raised voices from the parking bay told him Gage and Kelly were at it—again! Shee-eesh! Was he running a Day Care Center?…Or a Fire Station? Both, he supposed, as boys will be boys…and men will be men.
It never ceased to amaze him that One minute, his boys could be chasing one another with a broom And, the next, his men would be embroiled in a much deadlier spat Boldly waltzing through flames, in the devil’s ballroom.
There were too many rigorous training sessions when they were tired…too many dull drills The guys griped. But, there was so little time, and so much they needed to learn. So, the Captain would continue to hone their skills Their lives, their safety—not his own popularity—was always Hank Stanley’s chief concern.
Besides, Hank had five sons…five friends…five brothers, and the bonds between them had grown too strong to ever break. Their job frequently required that they lay their lives…on the line It was a Captain’s job to keep his crew prepared. If his men were ready for the dangers, the fewer risks they would have to take. ‘Ye-es,’ Stanley mused, with a satisfied smile. ‘I'll watch their backs…and, they'll watch mine.’
And...Speaking of boys being boys... (Johnny tormenting his fish-hating Captain with a trout) (Hank in on Station 51's joke on Chester B.)
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Guest Dispatchers Stories by Ross