Click on either photo to return to main page









Fall pictures! Click here to see.  :o)












God Bless America and keep her safe!


Randy Mantooth interview on YouTube:

Part 1: http://emmytvlegends.org/interviews/people/randolph-mantooth

part 2  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxgc7DTRsig 

Part 3  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90Pjly8NAKY

(my thanks to Sue for the links)





Help Randolph Mantooth and Kevin Tighe get stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame:




I can't believe they each don't have one yet! Should have happened years ago.




John Wayne:  America - Why I Love Her




 Awesome Military Tribute by Gene Simmons -  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MtdIO23MKM


God Bless our troops! 



A true story I want to share. It has no title, just an amazing experience I thought some of you may be interested in, as it is tied in with Lakota Indians.  Click here to read it. :o)



XEROX IS DOING SOMETHING COOL . . . now with a partner website :o)
If you go to this web site,
www.LetsSayThanks.com you can read about the details. Electronic postards are no longer available, but you can see how you can donate to the troops.  Or just go to the partner organization here www.give2thetroops.org. We can never say enough thank you's, eh? Thanks for taking the time to support our military! 



A book titled 'Emergency! Behind the Scene' is available from Amazon.com







Here you'll find the latest additions to the site. Things may be slow at times, so extra space isn't needed. But I think this will be easier to keep track of what's what. The latest additions will be at the top of the list.

***Just a note regarding feedbacks - if you send one to the guest writers, please put a subject line with your email. Just the word *feedback* or *story* should work. Thanks! :o)

New!  12/24/24   On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Krh titled 'Oblique'. It is also on her stories page. :o) Not a Christmas story, but Merry Christmas! :o)

New!  12/07/24  Just a note. Sorry to be late with the Christmas decorations and no Thanksgiving greetings. The latter was due to too much going on. But the other was due to my computer being broken. Now we are back up and running. So I hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas! For the first time I don't have a new Christmas story ready or close to ready, so please enjoy the older stories already on the site. I renewed for another year, so this site will not being going anywhere...thank you for stopping by my now 'vintage' site. ;o)

New!  10/04/24  Just a note. Have been MIA with the site lately. Sorry about that. I was working on stories but quit for a bit. Too much going on with everything to concentrate enough for now. I hope you all are okay and staying safe. My heart goes out to all who have lost loved ones and homes, businesses, etc in the flooding from the hurricane. God bless everyone who is helping any way they can. Take care.

New!  07/06/24  On the Photo Stories 2 page, a picture for July 2024, no stories for it yet. :o) Hope you had a safe and happy July 4th!  :o)

New!  05/10/24  On the Photo Stories 2 page, a picture for May 2024, no stories for it yet. :o) Hope you have a happy Mother's Day.

New!  03/04/24  On the Photo Stories 2 page, a picture for March 2024, no stories for it yet. :o) Take care and thank you for stopping by. :o)

New!  01/13/24  On the Photo Stories 2 page, a picture for January 2024, no stories for it yet. :o) I am probably only going to post a picture every other month. I am going to hope for more stories posted this year, but we'll see. Certainly no lack of inspiration. I hope your year is off to a good start. Take care. :o)

New!  12/12/23  On the Photo Stories 2 page, a picture for December 2023, no stories for it yet. :o)  I will not get a Christmas story posted for Christmas this year. I have a few ideas going, but as usual time got away with everything in life. I hope you all stay safe and have a very merry Christmas! If you celebrate the other holidays at this time, may yours be happy! :o)  God bless.

New!  11/07/23   On Guest Dispatchers, an excellent story by Krh. It is also on her stories page. :o) Enjoy it!

New!  11/03/23  On the Photo Stories page, a picture for November 2023, no stories for it yet. :o) 

New!  10/24/23   On the Stories page, a very short story by me titled 'His Bubble Popped'. It's in the General/Light Humor section. I know it's been extra quiet here. Too much going on with the world sometimes. But hope to have another story completed soon. :o)

New!  09/03/23  On the Photo Stories page, a picture for September 2023, no stories for it yet. :o) 

New!  08/27/23   On the Stories page, a new vignette by me titled 'Annoyed'. It's in the General/Light Humor section. I decided to start small while I work on other stories. :o)

New!  08/24/23   Just another note. It is the 22nd anniversary or 'birthday' of the site. I have enjoyed this over the years and still do. Probably hard to tell right now. ;o) But I do. Hope all is well with you. Take care and thank you for stopping by. :o)

New!  07/03/23  On the Photo Stories page, a picture for July 2023, no stories for it yet. :o)  Hope you have an enjoyable and safe July 4th.  :o)

New!  06/05/23  On the Photo Stories page, a picture for June 2023, no stories for it yet. :o) 

New!  05/27/23   Just another note. Unbelievable that yet more tough happened this year. So where I'd hoped to have more activity on here by now, it got delayed further. I hope you have a safe Memorial Day weekend and that whatever you are going through in these times,  having this site to visit gives or keeps a smile on your face. :o) God bless.

New!  05/07/23  On the Photo Stories page, a picture for May 2023, no stories for it yet. :o) 

New!  04/20/23   Just a note. I really thought we were done with bad news, but got another blow this week. Hope your year is going better than mine.

New!  04/02/23  On the Photo Stories page, a picture for April 2023, no stories for it yet. :o) Hope you all are doing okay. :o)

New!  03/09/23   Just a note. I am skipping the monthly photo thing again this month. Probably will not have any updates in March. 2023 has been a rather brutal year starting off, and so I am hoping it all gets a bit better for all involved by April. Thank you for stopping by, hope all is well for each of you. :o)

New!  02/13/23   On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'Carolers Five Plus One'. :o) I put it under a new heading of 'Christmas stories for 2023' since we are already into February of this year. So read it now or wait till next season if you prefer. ;o)  I hope you enjoy it when ever you get to it. Thank you for stopping by the site and keeping it a part of your E! world.  :o)

New!  02/06/23  On the Photo Stories page, a picture for February 2023, no stories for it yet. :o) I have another story pretty much done, just fine tuning it so I can get it on here. ;o) 2023 started off kind of rough, so concentrating has been tough. Hope you all are doing okay.

New!  01/05/23  On the Photo Stories page, a picture for January 2023, no stories for it yet. :o) Yes, he's on the phone again. ;o)

New!  12/31/22   On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'Christmas With Sandy Claws'. :o) I have another Christmas story in progress, obviously it will be later in January when it gets completed. But that's okay.  :o) Happy New Year!

New!  12/23/22   Just another note. :o) I am close to being done with two Christmas stories. Just with all going on in life, didn't quite make it on time as hoped. Merry Christmas! :o) 

New!  12/03/22   Just a note. I am skipping the monthly photo thing, but am working on a couple of Christmas stories. Hope to have at least one done on time. I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season, hope you had a good Thanksgiving. I forgot to put anything on here, just too much going on around that time. Thank you as always for making this site a part of your E! world. You are much appreciated. :o) Take care! Stay healthy and safe.

New!  11/08/22   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for November 2022, no stories for it yet. :o)

New!  10/19/22   On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Never Ending'.  :o)  It's in the General/Light Humor section. These past two stories were to 'get my feet wet' sharing my writing again. I know they aren't perfect, but I just want to enjoy the hobby, not stress. So I'll do my best with any I write while the characters are still talking to me. ;o) Hope you can enjoy them. Time to play some more. :o)

New!  10/14/22   On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Saddled: The Realization'.  :o)  It's in the General/Light Humor section. Should have another short story up soon. :o) 

New!  10/07/22   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for October 2022, no stories for it yet. I'll be renewing my site for another year. So it should be here when you have the desire to drop by. :o) Thank you, as always, for making it a part of your E! universe. :o)

New!  09/03/22   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for September 2022, no stories for it yet. Have a great holiday weekend. :o)

New!  08/06/22   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for August 2022, no stories for it yet. I took July off from here, thus why no activity at all last month. Too much going on with myself, family, etc...Hopefully this will be a better month. (praying). Hope you all are doing well! :o)

New!  06/10/22    On Guest Dispatchers, a great new story by Jane L. and Whisper titled 'In Good Company'. It's in four parts due to length. I want to thank the ladies for giving me the opportunity to share their story with you! :o) Enjoy!

New!  06/06/22   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for June 2022, no stories for it yet. :o) Look for a new story coming soon. Am I excited? Yup. :o)

New!  05/06/22   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for May 2022, no stories for it yet. :o)  There is a link on the front of the site now for this page for easier access. ;o) Happy Mother's Day.

New!  04/08/22   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for April 2022, no stories for it yet. :o) 

New!  03/27/22   On Inspiration Alley, a Story Starter Challenge page. The story starter on it was provided by Whisper and since I am still not taking new writers, and not a lot of stories, you can use it and post the story anywhere you want. :o)  Take care and thank you for stopping by!  :o)

New!  03/06/22   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for March 2022, no stories for it yet. :o)  Currently reading a story for someone... ;o)

New!  02/12/22   On Guest Dispatchers, an updated link to LaJuan's Lancer stories is in her section. I apologize for whatever other outdated links there may be, and want to thank the admin from Lancer Lovers L-O for sending me the updated info and for providing a link to this site as well on theirs. :o)  It is much appreciated. I am skipping the monthly picture for February. In March things should return to normal here. I hope you all have a happy and fun Valentine's Day. :o)  Take care.

New!  01/10/22   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for January 2022, no stories for it yet. I have not gotten a chance to get back to writing yet. After recovering from covid, I have been busy trying to catch up with other stuff. Everything, including our Christmas, was late. But will get back to projects soon. ;o) Thank you for hanging in there with me. I hope your New Year is off to a good start. God bless and take care. :o)

New!  12/31/21   Just a note. Obviously, the remaining Christmas stories will be late. Covid and getting back into the routine after being out of it for 3 weeks. . .I hope you all have a great year in 2022. :o) Happy New Year!

New!  12/18/21   Just a note. I was moving along on stuff, but then I got hit with covid. Lost a lot of drive. . .so another Christmas story may be late. Hope you all are staying healthy!

New!  12/09/21  On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'Christmas Whiskers'. :o) I have three more in progress, hope to have at least one more completed by Christmas. :o)

New!  12/06/21  On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'The Crafty Christmas Crew'. :o)  Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season.

New!  11/30/21   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for December 2021, no stories for it yet. I skipped November, am ahead on December. :o)  There will be a few stories posted in December. Have a happy holiday season!

New!  10/19/21    On Guest Dispatchers, a great new story by Jane L. titled '. . .You Don't Cross the Line'. It is the sequel to her story 'If Only. . .' There is a link to the first story on her archive page and at the top of the new one beneath the title.  Hope you will let her know how much you enjoy her story. :o) Take care!

New!  10/07/21   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for October 2021, plus a story by me titled 'The Cookie Crumbles' to go with it. :o)  I hope you all are doing okay. Here it has been quite a lot going on, some good, some rough. I apologize for not updating the site sooner, but for a bit focusing on it was difficult. Just too much on the mind. I'm retired now and though working very part time, should have more time to get back to the stories I have in progress. :o) Thanks for stopping by and hanging in there with the site. Take care! 

New!  09/21/21   Just a note. Still here! :o)

New!  08/24/21  Just a note. The site is 20 years old now. I hope you have enjoyed it over the years as much as I have. :o)  I know August has been a month with no activity. Sorry about that, but have had my attention on other things. I hope the stories and other things here still provide you with entertainment and maybe a needed escape from the outside world for a bit. There will be more coming to the site soon. :o) Thank you all for making it part of your E! world. :o) 

New!  07/11/21   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for July 2021, no stories for it yet.  :o)  I've got one story complete, but am sitting on it a bit to read over it again. Hope to have another before long. At least one should post later this month. :o)  Thank you for stopping by! :o)

New!  06/08/21   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for June 2021, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Had hoped to put a story up, but not quite ready to. I hope you all are doing okay. Thank you for continuing to stop by and make this site a part of your E! world. :o)

New!  05/02/21   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for May 2021, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New!  04/05/21   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for April 2021, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Hope you had a happy Easter! Sorry I forgot to post a greeting on here on time. My mind was on too much stuff . . .take care!  :o)

New! 03/14/21   On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Whisper titled 'A 2020 Conversation'. I am so honored to get to share this story with you all. :o) Take care! 

New!  03/08/21   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for March 2021, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Hope you all are doing okay, take care. :o)

New!  02/03/21   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for February 2021, no stories for it yet.  :o)  I'm still working on the stories I was in December and January. Life has been a bumpy road even more so than it was in 2020 so far, so things have fallen behind from where I expected them. But be assured, there will be more new stories coming. :o) Take care.

New!  01/04/21   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for January 2021, no stories for it yet.  :o)   There is also a page 2 for the photo stories now, which is where you will find the new one.  I am working on the Christmas stories, time just wasn't as free the past few weeks. But the guys have been leading the way and continue to do so. ;o)  Sorry they are going to be so late, but two should be up this month. :o)  Hope your year is off to a good start, I know times are very tough in some areas. Take care.

New!  12/22/20  Just a note to let you all know I am not going to be able to get another Christmas story done prior to Christmas Day, but should still soon after. The others that don't get completed on time will probably be up in January. I'm going to keep on them as the characters allow. :o)  I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope you are able to spend it with loved ones. Take carE! and stay safE! :o)

New!  12/08/20  On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'Patchwork'. Other Christmas stories are still in progress. :o)

New!  12/04/20   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for December 2020, no stories for it yet.  :o)  

New!  11/25/20   On the Stories page, a story by me titled 'Crawlspace'.  :o)  It's in the Drama section. I've been asked what I am going to do for update notifications since Yahoo Groups is going away. I will continue to post the monthly pictures on the site and stories as they are completed, occasional ones from guest authors. But I am not going to start a new update list. You'll be able to see if anything new has been posted by coming to this page or even the front page. I hope it won't be an inconvenience for anyone. I appreciate your continuing to make this site a part of your E! world. :o) Thank you.

New!  11/10/20   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for November 2020, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Happy Veterans Day and thank you to all who have served.

New!  10/31/20   On the Stories page, a Halloween story by me titled 'Just Say Boo!'.  :o)  It's in the section for my stories on other pages, it's not on the Halloween Stories page because I haven't found the file for that yet. ;o)  Still working on longer stories and Christmas stories. :-)

New!  10/06/20   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for October 2020, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New!  09/07/20   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for September 2020, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New!  08/11/20   On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Marty P. titled 'The Rocket's Red Glare'. It was previously posted on another site, but is new to this one. It is a July 4th story, but I didn't put it on that holiday page yet because I have not updated that file in forever and have to find it first. It's here somewhere. ;o)  This is the 'birthday' month for this site. It was 19 years ago my husband helped me to set it up. I hope you all have enjoyed it all these years as much as I have. Thank you for stopping by, my thanks also to all who have contributed over the years.

New!  08/07/20   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for August 2020, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Sorry I'm late with things on the site. I've been working through the whole Covid mess and time just gets away with everything going on. :o/  Thank you for still making the site part of your E! world. I hope to do better for you from this month on.

New!  07/05/20   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for July 2020, no stories for it yet.  :o)  I forgot to put a happy July 4th on this page, sorry!  :o(  Hope you all had a safe and happy July 4th however you were able to celebrate it. ;o) 

New!  06/06/20   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for June 2020, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Take care!  :o)

New!  05/05/20   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for May 2020, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Hope you all are doing okay.

New!  04/05/20   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for April 2020, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New!  03/16/20   On the Photo Stories page, a story for the October 2016 picture titled 'Overboard'. It's by Marty P. Also there is a story by Marty P posted on Guest Dispatchers titled 'Once a Fool, Always a Fool'. It was originally on Johnny's Green Pen site in answer to a challenge.

New!  03/08/20   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for March 2020, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Look for more stories from Marty P soon! :o)

New!  02/10/20   On the Photo Stories page, a story for the October 2010 picture titled 'Wanted'. It's by Marty P. Also there is a story for the October 2019 picture by Marty P. titled 'Impact'. The latter was previously posted on Johnny's Green Pen site, but is new to this one. :o)  Also there is a story by Marty P posted on Guest Dispatchers titled 'The Story Behind Johnny's Green Pen'. It was originally on Johnny's Green Pen site as well, but is new here. :o) 

New!  01/10/20   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for January 2020, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New!  01/06/20  Just a note. I have not found a new place for an update list to send out emails. The one for yahoo does not seem to be working, it has absolutely no management abilities anymore. I may not do announcements anymore, just let people pop on here if they want to see if anything is new. You'll know by the date on the front page. I'm honestly working on stories and more ideas keep coming to mind (Life's inspirations. :o)  )....but I'm just slower in my older age and in this crazy busy world. ;o)  Thank you for keeping the site in your E! world.

New!  12/24/19  On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'The Gift of Giving'. Just a short idea that came to me. The longer Christmas stories are still in progress. :o)

New! 12/04/19   On Guest Dispatchers, a short story by Marty P. titled 'Disaster'. It was previously posted on Johnny's Green Pen site, but is new to this one. :o)

New! 12/03/19   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for December 2019, no stories for it yet.  :o) My story I almost had completed had to be shelved for a bit so I can try to get Christmas stories written...I have a few ideas going, but we'll see.  ;o) Another story by Marty P. will be up later today or tomorrow.

New! 11/19/19   On the Photo Stories page, three stories by Marty P.  :o)  These stories were previously posted on Johnny's Green Pen site but are new to this one. Marty felt they were suited for some of the photos provided for inspiration. :o)  So there is 'The Computer Date' for the May 2015 picture, 'Discouraged' for the September 2017 picture, and 'Collections' for the November 2017 picture. :o)

New! 11/08/19   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for November 2019, no stories for it yet.  :o) A new story will be posting soon, just got hung up due to work, etc  ;o)

New! 10/31/19    Just a note. There will be a new story posted soon, but I didn't meet my goal of by the end of the month. It's an October story related to Halloween, so I was hoping. Happy Halloween!

New! 10/07/19   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for October 2019, no stories for it yet.  :o)  The site renews again soon. So if you enjoy revisiting stories here, or if you will enjoy new ones when ever they get posted, you can be assured they'll be here. :o)

New! 09/07/19   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for September 2019, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 08/06/19   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for August 2019, no stories for it yet.  :o)  The site's birthday is coming up this month. It was 18 years ago my husband helped me set up some of the pages...the front page was very different, but then that got hijacked...it actually said 'hijacked' on it. But they did me a favor, because after that I was able to personalize the front page more. :o) It's been a lot of years of fun, plan on keeping it up with the less updates but hopefully more than I have had the past year. lol  Thank you for making this site a part of your E! world. :o)

New! 07/02/19   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for July 2019, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 06/06/19   On the Fav Links page, the url for All E! Links has been updated. :o)

New! 06/03/19   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for June 2019, no stories for it yet.  :o)   I may skip a few months for pictures, but if so, will be back to it later. :o) 

New! 05/04/19   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for May 2019, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 04/14/19    On Guest Dispatchers, Chapter twelve of Ross's story 'If Wishes Were Horses', has been posted.  :o)

New! 04/07/19   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for April 2019, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 03/11/19    On Guest Dispatchers, Chapter eleven of Ross's story 'If Wishes Were Horses', has been posted.  :o)

New! 03/05/19   On the Photo Stories page, a picture for March 2019, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 03/03/19   On Guest Dispatchers, Chapters six through ten of  'If Wishes Were Horses', book two in Ross's fun series, have been posted.  :o) She's been having fun!  :o)

New! 02/24/19   On Guest Dispatchers, Chapters four and five of  'If Wishes Were Horses', book two in Ross's fun series, have been posted.  :o)

New! 02/18/19    On Guest Dispatchers, a great new story by Ross titled 'A Heavenly Cause'.  :o) 

New! 02/04/19    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for February 2019, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New!  01/10/19    On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'A Christmas Contradiction'. I put it under the 2018 stories since it's close enough to the end of the year still. :o)

New!  01/08/19    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for January 2019, no stories for it yet.  :o)  I obviously didn't reach my own Christmas story goal, but am still working on a few regular and Christmas ones. Time just goes by so fast. Happy New Year! :o)

New!  12/23/18    On the Christmas Stories page, two new stories by Marty P.  titled 'Letters From Santa' and 'Santa Takes Action'.  :o)  They are also on the Photo Stories Page for December 2011 and December 2008. :o)   On my own stories, as usual I am running behind, but am still working on them. :o)  Merry Christmas! 

New!  12/08/18    On the Christmas Stories page, a story by Marty P.  titled 'The Package'.  :o)  It was previously posted on another site and I am honored to give it a new home. :-)

New!  12/05/18    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for December 2018, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Will be back with more later in the week. :-)

New!  11/18/18   On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'The Powers That Be'.  :o)  It's in the General/Light Humor section. Still working on longer stories and Christmas stories. :-)

New!  11/06/18    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for November 2018, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New!  10/07/18    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for October 2018, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New!  09/03/18    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for September 2018, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Time flies, as usual. I swear it's been for a good cause that I've been busy.  :-)  Catching a break here for a bit, though. So hopefully I can get a bit accomplished here. :-)  Have a safe and happy Labor Day! Thank you for keeping the site as part of your E! world.

New!  08/07/18    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for August 2018, no stories for it yet.  :o)  A little late updating for the month. It was a very busy beginning to August! lol

New!  07/03/18    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for July 2018, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Still working on stories. Just have a lot going on.  ;o)

New!  06/04/18    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for June 2018, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New!  05/07/18    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for May 2018, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New!  04/03/18    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for April 2018, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 03/21/18    On the Holiday Dialogue Stories Page, a short story by me titled 'Cupid'. :o)  I forgot to wish everyone a happy Saint Pats Day on here. Sorry about that, a lot going on the past week. ;o)  Happy Spring!  :o)

New! 03/11/18    On the Holiday Dialogue Stories Page, a fun short story by Linda2 titled 'Easter Egg Stampede'. :o)  So good to see E! writers I've known for years playing again, even if it's just occasionally.

New!  03/06/18    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for March 2018, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Yesterday was the 5th anniversary of my mother's passing. Believe it or not, I'm still trying to get the wind in my sails as far as hobbies go some days.

New! 02/13/18     On Guest Dispatchers, Chapter Three of 'If Wishes Were Horses', book two in Ross's fun series, has been posted.  :o)  

New!  02/12/18    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for February 2018, no stories for it yet.  :o)  I'm behind on the site. My step daughter came out for a visit, so I put this aside while she was here. Hadn't seen her for three years.

New! 01/16/18     On the Photo Stories page, a wonderful story by Ross is posted for the January 2018 picture. It's titled 'Protecting Exposures'.  :o) 

New!  01/06/18    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for January 2018.  :o)

New! 12/31/17    On the Holiday Dialogue Stories Page, a short story by me titled 'Inquiring Minds Want to Know'. It's a late Christmas related story. :o)  Happy New Year!  All the best to you in 2018. :o)

New!  12/23/17    Just a note. For anyone interested, I wanted to let you know that though I have some Christmas story ideas I am excited about, I did not get a chance to write on them yet. So they'll be up much after Christmas. :o)  Real life has just been incredibly busy with work and other stuff we've been involved in. I may get a couple of short things done and posted, though. Not sure on what other writers from the site are up to story-wise. Have a very Merry Christmas! :o)

New!  12/08/17    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for December 2017, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 12/04/17    On Guest Dispatchers, two wonderful new stories to the site by Marty P. that were previously on JGP site. The titles are 'Birthday Interrupted' and 'Communication'. :o)

New! 11/24/17    On Guest Dispatchers, a fun short story by Ross titled 'Speck'.  :o) 

New! 11/21/17    On Inspiration Alley, a new challenge: dialogue holiday stories. Also three stories/vignettes posted for it so far. 'Gobble, Gobble Squabble' by Vanessa Sgroi, and 'Pass it On' and 'Mish Mash' both by me. :o)  For whatever reason, it seems I can't post updates to my site update list, so if you know anyone on it, I'd appreciate it if you could let them know. My means to do so is this and one other fan fic list. :-/  Hope to get it resolved soon.

New! 11/20/17    On Guest Dispatchers, Chapter 9 and the conclusion to Ross's great story Hardy-har Harlin have been posted.  :o) 

New! 11/10/17    On Guest Dispatchers, Chapter 8 has been added to Ross's fun story Hardy-har Harlin.  :o) 

New!  11/07/17    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for November 2017, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 11/04/17    On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful new story by Ross titled 'An Equitable Trade'.  :o) 

New!  10/31/17    On the Photo Stories and Halloween Stories pages, a story by me titled 'Left Field'. It's for the October 2017 picture.  :o)   I was on a roll this month when we got wrapped up in rescuing feral kittens in the yard. Long story short, we saved 10 lives, 4 are in our house for now, 6 bottle babies are in foster homes being well taken care of. All will be re-homed through a no kill shelter or with people we know. So that has been my life aside from the normal stuff most of October. I just think of Johnny's line in Alley Cat..."What are you doing to my life?"...lol  Actually, it's been beyond rewarding. :-)  Happy Halloween! 

New!  10/03/17    On the Photo Stories page, a picture for October 2017, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 09/25/17    On Guest Dispatchers, Chapter 7 has been added to Ross's fun story Hardy-har Harlin.  :o) 

New! 09/04/17     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for September 2017, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 08/07/17     On the Photo Stories page, a story by me is posted for January 2016. It's titled 'That Sounds Familiar'.  :o)  Still working on more stories.

New! 08/04/17     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for August 2017, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 07/28/17     On the Photo Stories page, a vignette by me is posted for July 2017. It's titled 'The Bright and Dark of Partners'.  :o)

New! 07/06/17     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for July 2017, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 06/12/17     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for June 2017, no stories for it yet.  :o)  I almost forgot to do one. . .I thought I already had! lol 

New! 06/02/17    On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'Branching Out'. Yes, I know it's June. :o) Read it now or wait till the holiday is closer if you want. I just wanted to get it up so I don't have to worry about losing the file. ;o)

New! 05/02/17     On the Photo Stories page, for the May 2014 picture, a short fun story by Marty P. titled 'Manual Labor'.  :o)  Also a picture for May 2017 is posted, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 04/04/17     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for April 2017, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 03/07/17     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for March 2017, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 02/13/17    On Guest Dispatchers, part 6 has been added to Ross's fun story Hardy-har Harlin.  :o)

New! 02/09/17    On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'A Win Lost'.  :o)  It's in the General/Light Humor section.

New! 02/06/17     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for February 2017, no stories for it yet.  :o)  It's been quiet here again, I know, but another family loss knocked the wind out of my sails again at the very end of December. Have picked myself back up finally. Thank you for keeping this site a part of your E! world.

New! 01/06/17     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for January 2017, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 01/04/17    On the Christmas Stories page, a treat you haven't had since 2006! A Christmas story by Vanessa!  :o)  It's titled 'Ho, Ho, Who?'. :o)

New! 01/02/17    On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'Glitter Gage'. I have the fourth Christmas story nearly done, but real life once again dealt a blow and I'm pulling myself together. A story distraction might be what I need, though. All the best to each of you in 2017.

New! 12/23/16    On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'The Tumbleweed Connection'. Am going to try to have another Christmas story completed by New Years, the fourth may be in January. Merry Christmas! Have a fun and safe holiday! :o)

New! 12/19/16    On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'Adults vs Kids'. I'm working on three others, hope to have at least one more done before Christmas, maybe two. The rest by New Years maybe. :o)

New! 12/07/16     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for December 2016, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Am working on Christmas stories. :o)

New! 11/23/16     On the Photo Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Thanks Again' is posted for the November 2016 picture. :o)  It's also on the Thanksgiving Stories Page. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! :o)

New! 11/21/16     On The Halloween/Thanksgiving Stories page, a Thanksgiving story titled 'The Winner's Loser' by me.  :o)  

New! 11/20/16     On the Photo Stories page, a vignette by Linda2 titled 'Driving Lesson' is posted for the August 2016 picture. :o) 

New! 11/07/16     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for November 2016, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 10/05/16     On the Photo Stories page, a fun short story is posted for the October 2016 picture. It's by Vanessa Sgroi and is titled 'Morphine Magic'. :o)

New! 10/03/16     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for October 2016, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 09/06/16     On the Photo Stories page, two fun short stories, both by Vanessa Sgroi. One titled 'Coffee Break? Coffee Broken!' is for the February 2016 picture . The other is titled 'Guilt Trippin' and is for the September 2016 picture. :o)

New! 09/04/16     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for September 2016, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Also a vignette by Linda2 titled 'Spelling Lesson' is posted for the February 2016 picture. :o)  Once again, as you can see, the activity here has been limited. August was a busy and rough month. I had one health issue, cleared it up with another but that caused another issue and I had to get over that. Things were looking up when *BAM*. . .here came another major setback, in a whole 'nother category. To put it more simply, I've had a very 'Gage' like pattern going. :o/  But rest assured, I am STILL very much into writing E! fan fic and having this site. It's just a matter of life cooperating. Take care!  :o)

New! 08/01/16     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for August 2016, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 07/09/16     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for July 2016, no stories for it yet.  :o)  I'm sounding like  a broken record again, huh? Sorry about that. Life's been busy and full of distractions again. But it seems to be lining up for some extra mE! time. :o)

New! 06/06/16     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for June 2016, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 05/10/16     On the Photo Stories page, a fun short story for the May 2016 picture . It's by Ross and is titled 'One-Armed and Extremely Dangerous'.  :o)

New! 05/07/16     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for May 2016, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 04/05/16     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for April 2016, no stories for it yet.  :o)   Happy Spring!  I've been lazy, enjoying no self-imposed deadlines on myself for stories and site updates. But don't worry, the site's not going anywhere. It's just been a needed extended 'vacation' for real life...lol  But the ideas I have for stories  are wanting out, the characters are 'tapping' me on the shoulder often... so I believe it's time to jump back in. :o) 

New! 03/08/16     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for March 2016, no stories for it yet.  :o)  

03/01/16              Just  a note: Well, I guess you could say I took a break from E! ... Sorry for the lack of activity, but there was this thing called the NFL and a couple of fav teams in the playoffs, then there was this game called a Super Bowl with my fav team winning. . .then this thing called the Daytona 500 came along. What I am trying to say is, I have been majorly distracted! lol 

New! 02/04/16     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for February 2016, no stories for it yet.  :o)  

New! 01/07/16     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for January 2016, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

12/25/15             I added more to the story posted yesterday, after I received some requests for wanting to know what Johnny got.  :o)

New! 12/24/15    On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'Down For Christmas'. One more holiday story will be late. Have a Merry Christmas!  :o) 

New! 12/21/15    On the Christmas Stories page, a couple of stories by me. One is titled 'A Christmas Dialogue' and the other is 'Now That's Special'. Am still working on two other Christmas stories. One should be up within a day or so. The other (a longer one) hopefully by New Years.  :o)

New! 12/07/15     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for December 2015, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Also a couple of crafty ideas are posted on the CraftE page. Am working on Christmas stories, but don't know if I can get anything done on time. But, as always, am going to try.  :o)

New! 11/11/15      On the Stories page, a  story by me titled 'Chew on This'. It's in the regular/light humor section. :o) 

New! 11/06/15     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for November 2015, no stories for it yet.  :o)  I cleaned up the Fav Links page a bit. I did not know that JGP site was gone, so I put the wayback link for it so you can still access it that way.

New! 10/10/15     On the Photo Stories page, a story for the October 2015 picture (and it also involves a couple of others). It's by Ross and is titled 'Be Careful What You Wish For'.  :o)  It's also on her archive page.

New! 10/02/15     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for October 2015, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 09/05/15     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for September 2015, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 08/24/15     The site is 14 years old today!  :o)  My thanks to all who have contributed over the years, to all who have made it a part of their E! world to visit and to my husband for helping me build it in the first place!  :o)  It has been a lot of fun and still is, though things have slowed down. :o)  I look forward to more fun with it in the future. :o)  Thanks again! 

New! 08/10/15 On the Photo Stories page, a vignette for the July 2015 picture. It's by me and is titled 'Peace Pipe: Smile to a Frown'. :o)  Am working on getting back into my other in progress stories.  :o) 

New! 08/03/15     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for August 2015, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Also pictures of two sweet cuddly new members of our family have been added to the Photo page. :o)  Have been very busy with the two new kittens we adopted and dental work for me, so I haven't been able to focus on E! for nearly a month. Am getting back into it as time allows.  :o)

New! 07/09/15     On the Photo Stories page, a story for the June 2015 picture. It's by Vanessa Sgroi and is titled 'Live From Lot 51?'.  :o)  It's also on her archive page.

New! 07/07/15     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for July 2015, no stories for it yet.  :o)  My thanks for my long-time friend Heidi's help with the picture.

New! 07/01/15    On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Ross titled 'An All Consuming Task'.  :o)

New! 06/10/15     On the Photo Stories page, a story for the March 2015 picture (and it also involves the January and June 2015 pictures). It's by Ross and is titled 'Spinning Wheels'.  :o)  It's also on her archive page.

New! 06/08/15     On the Photo Stories page, a vignette (sort of) for the June 2015 picture. It's by me and is titled 'It's All in the Perspective'.  :o) 

New! 06/07/15     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for June 2015, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 05/16/15     On the Photo Stories page, a vignette for the May 2015 picture. It's by me and is titled 'Split'.  :o) 

New! 05/08/15     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for May 2015, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 05/04/15    On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Down and Out? - An Added Segment to The Old Engine'. It's in the regular/light humor section. :o) 

New! 04/20/15     On  the Photo Page in the critters section, a couple of cool scorpion pictures and our fav caterpillars. :o)  Not in the same pictures, obviously.  Am behind in writing again. Our kitty Dylan had health issues lately and sadly we had to put him down about a week ago. So I have not been writing the past couple of weeks. Take care.

New! 04/09/15     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for April 2015, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 04/05/15    On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Then and Now - An Add in for Snakebite'. It's what it says it is.  :o)  It's in the drama section. :o) 

New! 03/23/15    On the Stories page, a vignette by me titled 'Pondering the Details: An add on. . . sort of'.  :o)  It's in the regular/light humor section. :o) 

New! 03/08/15     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for March 2015, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Expect a slow month here again. May be a short story later, but mostly working on the longer ones in progress right now. :o)

New! 02/27/15     On the Photo Stories page, a story for the September 2010 picture. It's by me and is titled 'The Easy Way Out Isn't Always Simple'  :o) 

New! 02/13/15     On the Photo Stories page, a vignette for the February 2010 picture. It's by me and is titled 'Smooth Operator'  :o) 

New! 02/08/15    On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Caressa titled 'Sorrow's Lament'.  :o)  It's also on the April 2007 Picture on the Photo Stories Page. :o)

New! 02/07/15     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for February 2015, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 02/02/15     On the Photo Stories page, a vignette for the September 2010 picture. It's by me and is titled 'And. . .?'  :o)  Just something that came to mind a short time ago.

01/22/15             Just a note. The site will likely be quiet till next month unless a writer I already host sends in a story. My father-in-law passed away suddenly and unexpectedly last Saturday morning, so all the focus has been on family and such. Take care and God Bless.

New! 01/04/15     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for January 2015, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 01/02/15    On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'Merry Christmas!'. Although it's been posted in 2015, it's under the 2014 stories. :o)  Two more Christmas stories are in the works, but will not be up till later this year. I just ran out of time with the busy season and all. But I'm excited about them so I want to get them completed before next December. :o) 

New! 12/23/14    On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'Left Holding the Bag'. Also a Christmas story by me is posted for the December 2014 picture. It's titled 'Hook, Line and . . .Santa?' Am still working on three other Christmas stories. Hopefully at least one of those will be ready by New Years.  :o)

New! 12/07/14     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for December 2014, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 12/02/14     On the CraftE! page, an idea for a small bit of Christmas decor, very practical.  :o)

New! 11/24/14    On the Stories page, a story by me titled 'Musical Mania: Alternate Ending 2'.  :o)  It's in the regular/light humor section. :o) 

New! 11/10/14     On the Photo Stories page, a story for the July 2014 picture titled 'Johnny Knows' by Icabu.   :o) 

New! 11/05/14     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for November 2014, no stories for it yet.  :o)  I know I've been saying this, but looks like I'll get at least one story completed this month. Have a few Christmas story ideas that were inspired. Am working on those now as well in hopes of getting most done by Christmas. But you know me, usually some complete around New Years. :o) Anyway, am going to aim for the goal and have fun in the process. :o)

New! 10/02/14     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for October 2014, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 09/28/14    On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'You Say "Hello", I  Say "Hi -By" '.  :o)  It's in the regular/light humor section. :o)

New! 09/03/14     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for September 2014, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Am hoping to get more writing completed this month. Worked on stuff in August, but time wasn't on my side. :o)  I have a lot of ideas I'm excited about, hope when I do get them done, you'll enjoy them. Right now I think most of my guest writers are no longer actively writing or some are on a break. I don't want to add any new writers to the site, so for now it might be mostly my stuff. As always, I would like to thank you for making this site a part of your E! world. :o)

New! 08/18/14    On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Really?'.  :o)  It's in the Johnny/Shadow section. :o)

New! 08/03/14     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for August 2014, no stories for it yet.  :o)  This is kind of a 'stick Johnny in any situation' picture. :o)


         08/01/14     Just a note to touch base and say "hi!"  .  It's been a slow month on here. . .boy, is THAT an understatement, eh?  lol  Anyway, wanted to let you all know that August SHOULD be a  little busier. :o)  Hope you are having a good summer. Take care! :o)

New! 07/06/14     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for July 2014, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Also my email address is changing, it'll be posted on my stories page if you want to send any feedback on stories, but I will not be changing the old emails on feedback buttons. I don't want to spend all that time doing it. :o)

New! 06/28/14     On  the Bloopers Story Page in Inspiration Alley, a short story by me titled 'John the Magician?'.

New! 06/16/14     On  the Photo Page, a few pictures from our latest vacation to Colorado. Some are of wildlife we were fortunate to see.  :o)

New! 06/03/14     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for June 2014, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 06/01/14     On  the Photo Page in the critters section, a couple of yard visitors added. Actually one is a resident. :o)

New! 05/20/14    On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'The Picture'.  :o)  It's in the General/Light Humor section. Still working on other stories.  :o)

New! 05/04/14     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for May 2014, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 04/28/14     On the Photo Stories page, a story by me titled 'Riddle-Cured'. It's for the April 2014 picture.  :o) 

New! 04/10/14     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for April 2014 :o)

New! 04/05/14     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Caressa titled 'The Sickness'.  :o)  The feedback button at the end of it will take you to her archive page if you want to send her feedback.

New! 04/04/14    On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'A Bird in the Bush is Worth. . .'  :o)  It's in the General/Light Humor section.

New! 03/29/14     On the Photo Stories page, a vignette by me titled 'Lessons'. It's for the March 2014 picture.  :o) 

New! 03/08/14    On the Stories page, a vignette by me titled 'More Than a Feeling'.  :o)  It's in the General/Light Humor section.

New! 03/06/14     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for March 2014, no stories for it yet.  :o)  A year ago yesterday, I lost my mom. As you can imagine, my mind has been on that more so than anything recently, thus why not a lot going on with the site right now. Losing mom took all the wind out of my sails, time has helped get some back. Thanks for your patience and dedication to visiting the site. :o)

New! 02/27/14     On the site, as mentioned below, the new feedback buttons are on the author archive pages, though keep in mind there are still a few I need to work on so they don't have one yet. Those without an archive page have email addresses linked to their names on Guest Dispatchers for feedback purposes. Remember, some feedback buttons at the end of stories are still accurate, however this new way is the best way to send your feedback. Thank you for supporting the writers on the site over the years.  :o)

New! 02/10/14     Just a note to let you know that the feedback system for writers on the site is going to change. With a few email addresses having recently changed, and my lack of enthusiasm to sit and go to every file and update them as I should (I know it's not being my best, but for various reasons I see time a whole lot differently now), there is soon going to be a feedback button on each archive page of each writer. Those who don't have a page will have a feedback button on Guest Dispatchers. Feedback buttons at the end of stories over time will hopefully refer you to the respective archive page. Most feedback buttons at the end of stories and  other places will still have a working email address anyway, but once done, the new ones will assure that. I'm probably going to start on this project in a week or so. Should have done it in the beginning, but hindsight is always 20/20, isn't it?  :o)  Thanks for making the site a part of your E! world. Your support is always appreciated.  :o) 

New! 02/06/14     On The Valentines Stories page, a story by me titled 'She Bugs Me, She Bugs Me Not'. :o)  Still working on Christmas and other stories.  :o)

New! 02/03/14     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for February 2014, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 01/21/14     On the Photo Stories page, a vignette by Caressa for the June 2005 picture.  :o) 

New! 01/16/14     On Guest Dispatchers, another great story by Caressa, this one titled 'A Disregarded Lesson'.  It was previously posted on another site, but she has gone back over it and made a few changes she felt were needed. :o)

New! 01/04/14     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for January 2014, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 12/22/13     On the CraftE! page, another different kind of greeting card.  I'm kind of late with this, but it's been tough to get everything I want to done with working and all. The new Christmas stories are still in progress, but all will be up after Christmas for the same reasons. Merry Christmas!  :o) 

New! 12/17/13     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Caressa titled 'Non-disclosure'.  It was previously posted on another site. :o)

New! 12/14/13    On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'The Fix'. I've got four story ideas this Christmas, but I don't think I can get them all done on time. If not, they'll just have to be late or early for next year.  :o)  Also a new link for the Johnny Gage Group is posted on the Fav Links page.

New! 12/03/13     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for December 2013, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 11/25/13     On The Halloween/Thanksgiving Stories page, a Thanksgiving story titled 'Thankful?' by me.  :o)  

New! 11/05/13     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for November 2013, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 11/01/13     On The Halloween/Thanksgiving Stories page, a Halloween story titled 'The Winning End of Losing' by me. It's also on the Photo Stories Page in answer to the October 2013 picture. :o)   It's a day late, but I didn't want to rush it. Guess I'd better get started on my Christmas story NOW!  :o)

New! 10/24/13     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Caressa titled 'Fortuitous'.   :o)

New! 10/09/13     On the Photo Stories Page and Guest Dispatchers, chapter 5 has been added to Ross's story 'Hardy-har Harlin'.  :o) 

New! 10/06/13     On the Photo Stories page, two new stories!  One is for the March 2007 picture. It's titled '21 Questions' and is by Icabu.  The other is for the February 2012 picture. It's by Ross and is titled 'Excedrin Headache #218'.  :o) 

New! 10/05/13     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for October 2013, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Still behind, as usual. I think that's my new normal for now. Thanks again for making the site a part of your E! world! :o)

New! 09/22/13     On Guest Dispatchers, another great story by Caressa, this one titled 'Unexpected'. It's a new story to the fandom as well.  :o)

New! 09/16/13     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Caressa titled 'Momentary Matter of Trust'. This is another story that was previously on a site that no longer exists.  :o)

New! 09/10/13     On the September 11th Page, more added near the bottom of the page in remembrance of both 9/11 attacks. God Bless America! 

New! 09/08/13     On Guest Dispatchers, an archive page has been created for Caressa's stories. You can now click on the firebox under her name to access it. :o)  Also I added a couple of pictures to the Photo Page in the pet section; we adopted a stray kitten who'd been living under our deck, so if you're interested, you can take a peek. We named her after my mom. :o)

New! 09/07/13     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for September 2013, no stories for it yet.  :o)  I'm behind on the other  updates I was going to do. It's just been one of those weeks, months, etc.  If I've been reminded of anything this year, it's that time doesn't stop and wait. Thanks for sticking with the site, you are very much appreciated!  :o)

New! 09/02/13     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Caressa titled 'Twenty Hours Until Dawn'. Later this week I'm going to have an archive page set up for her as well, I'll let you know when here.  There's also a story by me posted on the Stories Page titled 'The One That Got Away?'. It's in the general/light humor section.

New! 08/25/13    On the Stories page, a story by me titled 'Oh Boy!'. It's in the light humor section. :o) 

New! 08/24/13     Happy birthday to the site. No regrets what-so-ever in taking up this hobby.  :o)  It has been and continues to be a joy.

New! 08/19/13     Just a note to let you know the email addresses of Morningwolf and Mychand have been changed on Guest Dispatchers and their archive pages. If you want to send them feedback, clicking on their names in those places will get your message to them. Both will be updated on their stories as well soon. :o)

New! 08/03/13     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for August 2013, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 07/24/13    On the Stories page, a story by me titled 'Divided'. It's in the drama section. :o) 

New! 07/12/13     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Yum@ titled 'Misfire'.  :o) It's posted in three parts for your convenience.

New! 07/07/13    On the Photo Stories page, a wonderful vignette by Purry titled 'Johnny's Rant' is posted for the July 2013 picture

New! 07/04/13     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for July 2013, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 06/27/13    On the Photo Stories page, a great story titled 'Reconciliation' by Icabu. :o) It's for the December 2007 Picture.

New! 06/18/13    On the Photo Page, a half dozen or so pictures from Colorado. Five are of critters, two just a couple of scenery pictures I wanted to share.  :o)

New! 06/17/13     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Marty P. titled 'The Rule Book'.  :o)  It was previously posted on another site that has closed.

New! 06/10/13     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for June 2013, no stories for it yet.  :o)  A bit delayed, but I've been on vacation, just got back Saturday.

New! 05/23/13     On the Photo Stories page, a wonderful short story for the February 2005 Picture titled 'Housing' by Icabu. :o)

New! 05/12/13      On the Mother's Day Stories Page, a short story by me titled 'Half Baked'. Hope you have a happy Mother's Day.  :o)

New! 05/05/13     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for May 2013, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 04/25/13     Just a note: Hi! *waving*. . .after reading Randy Mantooth's blog today that a friend shared, I decided I probably should give you E! fans that take the time to stop by this site an explanation as to why it's been quieter than usual. Though I'm getting somewhat back into a routine after losing my mother in early March, I'm still not there quite yet. I've worked a little on some of the E! stories I have in progress lately, but it's slow going. 2013 is proving to be a year of both good and bad changes in life, as my daughter also graduates from high school soon, which is also keeping me busy. That's the good of course, but a little sadness there as well since mom never got to even see her as a high schooler. She lost her sight and memory of who her granddaughter was about four years ago. :o(  I appreciate you visiting the site despite the lack of updates right now, and I know the writers who have trusted me with their stuff over the years and have given me the privilege to post it appreciate you as well. :o)  Another good, I've got some very special memories with my family from back when E! first aired and the years it was on. It's always been a family fav and I can't thank the actors, writers, etc enough for the joy they gave us then and still do now with the wonderful shows they put together. I always think of my dad saying, "Jack Webb's got a new show coming on that's going to show the fire department with rescues and everything."  Take care and keep enjoying E! where ever you stop in the fandom. :o) - Audrey

New! 04/08/13     On the Favorite Links page, a link to a new site by Cindy T.  It's listed in the section above Links of Other Interest. :o)

New! 04/02/13     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for April 2013, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 03/30/13    On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Remember'. It's in the drama section.

New! 03/24/13     On the Photo Stories page, a caption by Roy DeSoto Fan is posted for the December 2012 picture. I'm not going to take a bunch of captions, don't want to get into them on that level, but once in awhile is okay.  So my thanks to her for her contribution. :o)  

New! 03/19/13     On the Owies and Other Goodies page, another page of Eye CandE! has been added. :o) Once again, some of the pics are from one scene, just different expressions because also once again,  at times the looks are just too cute to pass up! :o) 

New! 03/03/13     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for March 2013, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 02/15/13     On the Photo Stories page, a short story for the January 2009 Picture titled 'A Helping Hand' by Writer JC, :o)

New! 02/13/13     On The Valentines Stories page, a story by me titled 'Distress'. :o) 

New! 02/12/13    On The Stories page, a vignette by me titled 'Oodles of Noodles'. It's in the General and Light Humor section. :o)

New! 02/03/13     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for February 2013, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 01/30/13     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Yum@ titled 'Potluck'.  Also a new response has been added to the Letters Challenge Page on Inspiration Alley. It's by Firechick51. :o)

New! 01/26/13     On the Letters Challenge Page located on Inspiration Alley, a wonderful story by Icabu titled 'Life and Death'. :o)

New! 01/21/13     On the Photo Stories page, a great short story for the December 2006 Picture titled 'Nightmare' by Icabu. :o)  She also has an archive page on Guest Dispatchers now to make it easier for readers to locate her stories in general. Also, there's a new vignette on the Stories Page in the drama section. It's by me and is titled 'Friendship'.  :o)

New! 01/20/13     On the Owies and Other Goodies page, another page of Eye CandE! has been added. :o) Some of the pics are from one scene, just different expressions because sometimes the looks are just too darn fun to pass up! lol

New! 01/16/13    The story by Ocean titled 'Double Fantasy' was removed at the writer's request, we have come to a mutual agreement to not repost, but you can contact her regarding this story in an email. Her contact info is on Guest Dispatchers.  :o)

New! 01/15/13     On Guest Dispatchers, an excellent story by Yum@ titled 'Lights Out'.  :o)   

New! 01/07/13    On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'The Unveiling'.  It's really late for this past Christmas or really early for the next one. . .read it now or wait till December, which ever you want to do. :o)

New! 01/06/13     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for January 2013, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 12/31/12    On the Christmas Stories page in the New Years story section,  a short story by me titled 'After the Sales'.  :o) I'm still working on the second Christmas story, it'll be up early for next year! lol

New! 12/30/12     On the Just Fun page, responses to Five Minute Challenge #1 and Challenge #2  have been posted. Both by Caressa.  :o)

New! 12/25/12     Just a note: Want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. :o)  I didn't get my second Christmas story completed on time, family always comes first <G>, so it will be late. :o)

New! 12/23/12     On the Photo Stories page,  a wonderful story for the July 2009 picture by Marty P. titled 'Not Quite the Plan'. It's also on the Christmas Stories page since it's a Christmas story.  :o) 

New! 12/16/12    On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'The Value of a Red-Nosed Reindeer'.  :o)

New! 12/08/12     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for December 2012, no stories for it yet.  :o)  I'm working on two Christmas stories, one is an idea I didn't get to last year. I HOPE to have at least one completed before Christmas, but life's been crazy in the retail world I work in, so I'm behind in everything so far. And I do mean everything. :o/  Also, wanted to say I very recently had my own first experience with paramedics coming to my house. They were just awesome, as nice as 'the guys' and two of them saw my Station 51 replica and the replicas of the E! vehicles I have...turns out they are huge E! fans, so we had a fun conversation. :o)

New! 12/04/12     On the CraftE! page, another different kind of greeting card.  I wanted to share an idea I had utilizing an envelope.  :o) Also an idea for gifting cookie cutters. :o)

New! 12/03/12     On the Photo Stories page, another great story for the September 2009 Picture titled 'Rescues Like This' by Icabu. :o)

New! 11/21/12     On the Photo Stories page, a fun story for the November 2012 Picture titled 'Personals' by Writer JC, who is new to the site. :o)  Also, after Thanksgiving the pictures on the front page and on this one will be taken down and replaced by Christmas ones of the guys and probably Henry. . .so if you haven't saved any of these yet and want to, now would be a good time. Just right click and save what ever E! pictures you want on the entire site anytime.  :o)

New! 11/19/12     On The Halloween/Thanksgiving Stories page, a Thanksgiving story by me titled 'Not Quite Dear Abby'. Have a safe and fun Thanksgiving! :o) 

New! 11/15/12     On the Photo Stories page, a great story for the August 2010 Picture titled 'One Early Morning' by Icabu. :o)

New! 11/09/12    On The Stories page, a vignette for Veterans Day by me titled 'A Child's View'. It's in the tender moments section. Many thanks to all who have served our great country in the past and those in uniform now. :o)

New! 11/06/12     On the Photo Stories page, two new stories!  :o) One is for the June 2011 picture. It's titled 'Missing Her' and is by a writer new to the site, Icabu. The other is for the September 2012 picture. It's titled 'The Ledge' and is by Jane L.  :o) 

New! 11/05/12     On the Photo Stories page, a vignette for the November 2012 picture. It's by me and is titled 'Words'. :o)

New! 11/04/12     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for November 2012, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 10/28/12     On the Photo Page, some new pictures of critters around the yard, most that haven't been featured before and all are recently taken. :o)  There was another odd one that passed through the other day, but I couldn't get a picture. Some kind of bee, maybe hummingbird bees? I'll run outside to see a rattlesnake, but  not bees!  lol

New! 10/22/12     On the Photo Stories page and Guest Dispatchers, chapter 4 added to Ross's story 'Hardy-har Harlin'.  :o) 

New! 10/17/12    On The Stories page, a story by me titled 'Risk'. It's in the drama section.

New! 10/07/12     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for October 2012, no stories for it yet.  :o) This was accidentally posted on here as being up the 3rd of October.. sorry about that for anyone it confused! :o/

New! 10/05/12     On the Photo Stories page and Guest Dispatchers, chapter 3 added to Ross's story 'Hardy-har Harlin'.  :o)

New! 10/01/12    On The Stories page, a vignette by me titled 'More to Life than Spaghetti - A Brief Alternate Ending to Helpful'. It's in the general and light humor section. :o)

New! 09/27/12     On the Photo Stories page and Guest Dispatchers, chapter 2 added to Ross's fun story 'Hardy-har Harlin'. It's for the April 2007 Picture. :o)  Just like with Jane L. and Caressa, it's great to have Ross writing again, too, huh? I'm doing the 'happy dance'.  :o)

New! 09/19/12     On the Photo Stories page, a short story for the December 2009 picture. It's by me and is titled 'The Longest Stick'. :o)

New! 09/16/12     On Guest Dispatchers, another great story by Caressa titled 'Revisitation'. It was previously posted on Emergency! Universe site, but Caressa has since made a few minor improvements to it.  :o) 

New! 09/15/12     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Jane L titled 'A Brother's Watch'. How awesome it is to see her writing again! :o) 

New! 09/10/12     On the September 11th Page, a couple of items added near the bottom of the page. Take care and God Bless America!

New! 09/04/12     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for September 2012, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 08/28/12    On The Stories page, two Johnny birthday items by me in honor of the character's birthday today. :o)  One is a story titled 'Birthday Thoughts' and the other a vignette titled 'Now?'. Both are posted in the General and Light Humor section.  :o)

New! 08/16/12     On the Photo Stories page, a vignette for the October 2008 picture. It's by me and is titled 'All For One'. :o)

New! 08/13/12     On the Photo Page, some pictures of a dust storm approaching our area awhile back, a recent new furry addition to our family, and a few more yard critters. All the new pictures are marked by a date in red, but aren't all together in one place.  :o)

New! 08/07/12     On the Photo Stories page, a story for the July 2011 picture. It's by me and is titled 'Quirks, Quacks and Swingers'.   :o)

New! 08/04/12     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for August 2012, no stories for it yet.  :o)

New! 07/23/12    On The Stories page, a story by me titled 'Gossip: A Missing Scene - or Two - Or. . .'.  It's posted in the General and Light Humor section.  :o)

New! 07/17/12     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Caressa titled 'Alternate Ending: Honest'. I am very honored to have her on GD!  :o) 

New! 07/13/12    On The Stories page, a vignette by me titled 'The Wise One'. It's posted in the General and Light Humor section.  :o)

New! 07/09/12     On the Photo Stories page, a vignette for the April 2006 picture. It's by me and is titled 'The Call'. :o)

New! 07/04/12     On the Photo Stories page, a caption for the July 2012 picture, this  one  sent in by Wendy. I don't want to get into taking a lot of captions, but as you all may know, I have before and still do once in awhile. :o)  Also a new challenge and response is posted on the Five Minute Challenge on the Just Fun page.  Caressa inspired me to do another, so I want to thank her. I came up with the line, then a few days later got an idea to go with it. There also is a new link on the Fav Links Page, this one Tunneltotowersrun.org  Check it out and see how our wounded heroes coming back from the wars are being helped by the brother of a victim from 9/11.  :o)  God Bless America!  Have a safe and fun July 4th!

New! 07/02/12     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for July 2012, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Also a new response to one of the five minute challenges on the Just Fun page. It's for Challenge #10 and is by Caressa.  :o)

New! 06/29/12    On The Stories page, a story by me titled 'Relief?'. It's posted in the Drama section. Also a link to a site created by his parents in honor of slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry is posted on the Fav Links Page in the Links of Other Interest section. Just honoring an American hero.  :o)

New! 06/15/12    On The Photo Page, a couple of pictures added. We just got back from vacation, and I finally got to go into a place I've been by before and wanted to see more of! I think you'll recognize it. :o)

New! 06/03/12    On The Stories page, a story by me titled 'So Much For That'. It's an add on to the episode 'Heavy Weight' and can be found in the 'General and Light Humor' section. :o) 

New! 06/02/12     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for June 2012, no stories for it yet.  :o)  Also a story previously posted on another site has been added to Guest Dispatchers. It's titled Sarge's Army. My thanks to Di for the permission to archive it.  :o)

New! 05/24/12    On The Stories page, a short story by me titled 'In Living Color'. It's in the 'General and Light Humor' section. :o)  Well, I said things might slow down this month, but I didn't count on that slowing down to be our internet service, since Mother's Day! :o)  Anyway, got more writing done because of that and so MAYBE can get some longer stories in progress completed sooner.

New! 05/11/12     On the Owies and Other Goodies page, another page of Eye CandE! has been added. :o)

New! 05/02/12     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for May 2012, no stories for it yet.  :o) 

New! 05/01/12     On The Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Possibilities'. It's in the 'Drama' section and is a sequel to 'Ups and Downs' and 'Making the Most of It'. :o)  April was a very busy month, but things are finally slowing down here at home again, so I should be able to get back to my story projects and other site stuff.  :o)  Hope so!

New! 04/08/12     On the Easter Stories page, a story by me titled 'An E!aster Story of Sorts'. Happy Easter! :o) Family arrives tomorrow, so things will be busy here this week. :o) 

New! 04/05/12     On the Photo Stories page, a vignette for the October 2011 picture. It's by me and is titled 'Early Humor Comes Late'.  :o) 

New! 04/02/12     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for April 2012, no stories for it yet.  :o)   Also, happy belated April Fools Day! Hope you all had fun. :o) We were busy this past weekend and it wasn't until last night I realized I forgot to acknowledge April Fools Day on this page.

New! 03/26/12     On the Photo Stories page, a story for the March 2008 picture. It's by me and is titled 'The Talker'. It's in two parts for your convenience. :o) I've got a lot going on within the next few weeks with family, both here and in another state, so April may be an even slower month for updates. It's all good stuff with the family, just busy. :o)

New! 03/18/12     On the Owies and Other Goodies page, another page of Eye CandE! has been added. :o)

New! 03/16/12     On the Photo Stories page, a story for the March 2012 picture. It's by me and is titled 'Don't Overlook The Obvious'. :o) It's also posted on the Valentines/Saint Patrick's Day stories page due to the Saint Patrick's Day theme of the story. :o)

New! 03/05/12     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for March 2012, no stories for it yet.  :o)  

New! 02/16/12     On Guest Dispatchers, another story by Morningwolf in her ongoing 'Dark Before Dawn' series is posted. It's titled 'Baptized by Fire' and is posted in 10 parts for your convenience. You can find all the stories to the series near the bottom of her archive page. Just click on the fire alarm box under her name on Guest Dispatchers. :o)

New! 02/14/12     On the Photo Stories page, a story for the May 2008 picture. It's by me and is titled 'Ends'. :o)

New! 02/13/12     On The Valentines Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Sometimes All it Takes'. :o) 

New! 02/03/12     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for February 2012, no stories for it yet.  :o)  

New! 01/28/12     On the Owies and Other Goodies page, another page of Eye CandE! has been added. :o)

New! 01/16/12     On the Photo Stories page, a story for the August 2011 picture is posted. It's by me and is titled 'You Really Stuck Your Foot in it This Time'.  :o)  

New! 01/14/12     On the Facts of E! page, facts regarding the movies have been added. :o)  I want to thank Anne for sending them this way. :o)

New! 01/08/12     On the Christmas Stories page, a short story by me titled 'I Saw It On TV'.  :o)  Another Christmas holiday story in progress to go, but it'll probably come later.  :o)

New! 01/04/12     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for January 2012, no stories for it yet.  :o)  

New! 12/29/11     On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled ''Tis Better to Give Than to Receive'.  :o)  I'm working on another Christmas story as well.

New! 12/24/11     On the CraftE! page, a different kind of greeting card. It might be too late to use for Christmas (maybe not), but I wanted to share an idea I had.  :o) Hope some of you got to make some towel angels. Merry Christmas again, and I'll update sometime after the holiday. :o)

Note 12/22/11     Wanted to let anyone who is interested know that though I am CLOSE to finishing my second Christmas story, it doesn't look like I'll make it before Christmas. I don't want to put it up in a rush like I did my other one (I had to go back later and flesh out a scene in that one) and it's been a busy few weeks  with family stuff, making cards, working, making crafty stuff, etc, so I'm hoping now to have it up a few days AFTER Christmas. Unless a miracle happens, which is always possible. Just not likely. :o)  Have a safe and Merry Christmas! :o)

New! 12/08/11     On the CraftE! page, a towel angel. It's a link I provided to someone else's site. Not E!, but wanted to share.  :o)

New! 12/05/11     On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'You've Gotta Have Drive'.  :o)

New! 12/04/11     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for December 2011, no stories for it yet.  :o)  

New! 11/23/11     On The Halloween/Thanksgiving Stories page, a Thanksgiving story by me titled 'The Trouble With Turkeys'. Have a safe and fun Thanksgiving! :o)  I work in retail so my 'Thanksgiving' will be Saturday. :o)  

New! 11/10/11     On The Stories page, a story by me titled 'In the Span of a Few Days'. It's in the 'General and Light Humor'  section. :o)

New! 11/05/11     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for November2011, no stories for it yet.  :o)  

New! 10/31/11     On The Halloween/Thanksgiving Stories page, another Halloween story by me. :o)  This one is titled 'Here We Go Again. . .Or Do We?' It's also a monthly photo stories response, but I don't have time to post it there as well tonight. I will tomorrow. :o)

New! 10/30/11     On The Halloween/Thanksgiving Stories page, a Halloween story titled 'Perseverance' by me. :o)  The site's been quiet, eh? I've been busy with writing projects, making Halloween cards and family stuff. Look for another story soon, though. :o)

New! 10/07/11     On The Stories page, a story by me titled 'The Circles of Life'. It's in the 'General and Light Humor'  section. :o)

New! 10/03/11     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for October 2011, no stories for it yet.  :o)   Also I kind of updated the Info on Submissions Page to be more accurate.

New! 09/20/11     First, it's good to be connected back with the internet! :o) I wanted to update my site for 9/11, but on 9/10 our internet provider left town, so to speak, and we were left high and dry - - with no internet. Have not had one until today. So I have added a couple of what I consider meaningful items to the September 11th Page today. :o)  Also, the Light Humor section on my own stories page is now labeled as 'General and Light Humor' since so many of my stories don't really belong in any specific category. And finally, with no internet, I had more time to write. While no longer stories are complete yet, I did manage to get two vignettes done and they are posted on the Stories page in the 'General and Light Humor' section. They're titled 'The Word' and 'A Missed Opportunity?' :o) 

New! 09/04/11     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for September 2011, no stories for it yet.  :o)  

New! 08/29/11     On The Stories page, a day late Johnny birthday story by me. Had hoped to get it completed by the character's birthday yesterday, but real life comes first, of course! :o)   It's titled 'Can You Really Have Your Cake and Eat it Too?' and is in the light humor section. Not necessarily light humor, but not drama either. :o)

New! 08/24/11     Today is the 10th anniversary of the site  and in celebration,  three new pages of Eye CandE! have been posted on the Owies and Other Goodies Page. :o) I want to thank all those who've contributed over the years and also those who make it a part of their E! world. It's been a lot of fun and still is. :o) 

New! 08/06/11     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for August 2011, no stories for it yet. Also another vignette by me is posted, this time on the Blooper Stories page. It's titled 'We Did What?' :o)

New! 08/04/11     On Guest Dispatchers, another story by Rona, this one titled 'Into the Lion's Den'. It's based on the episode 'Nagging Suspicion'. :o) 

New! 07/31/11     On The Stories page, a vignette by me titled 'The Culprit'. It's located in the light humor section since it doesn't exactly fit anywhere else. :o) 

New! 07/25/11     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Ocean titled 'The Thousandth Man'. It's posted in twelve parts for your convenience. :o) 

New! 07/18/11     On The Stories page, a story by me titled 'The Show Must Go On'. It's located in the Muppet/E! section and is a sequel to the rest of those stories. Also a bit of info Anne got at the 51 in Quarters event is posted on the Facts of E! page. Congrats to all who could attend the outing! Hope you all had a great time! :o)

New! 07/11/11     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Rona titled 'Cowboy Up'. :o)

New! 07/10/11     On the Photo Stories page, a story for the October 2007 picture. It's by Marty P and is titled 'Sweet Treats'. :o)

New! 07/06/11     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for July 2011, no stories for it yet. :o)

New! 07/04/11     On the  Owies and Other Goodies Page, a new page of Eye CandE! has been posted. :o)

New! 06/28/11     On the Fav Links page, another E! site listed, this one is called 'Johnny Gage Group'. There are links on it for other stars of the show as well.

New! 06/25/11     On Guest Dispatchers, another great alt ending story by Rona, this one titled 'Musical Mania'. :o)

New! 06/20/11     On Guest Dispatchers, another wonderful alt ending story by Rona, this one titled 'Peace Pipe'. :o) Also, a vignette by me is posted in the tender moments section on the Stories page. It's titled 'It's the Darndest Thing'.  :o) 

New! 06/18/11     On The Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Surprises'. It's located in the tender moments section. It's really a Father's Day story, but I have to locate my Father's Day page file. . .it's 'somewhere'. :o) 

New! 06/08/11     On Guest Dispatchers, a fun story by Ross and I. By that I mean by Ross and Audrey W., not someone named 'I'. :o)  It's titled 'Blood is Thicker Than D5W' and it is being posted in progress, so this is part one posted for now. :o) 

New! 06/07/11     On the Photo Stories page, a picture for June 2011, no stories for it yet. :o)

New! 06/06/11     On Guest Dispatchers, another story by Rona, this one titled 'Make Yourself at Home'. It's a sequel to 'When Johnny Met Joanne'.  :o)  Also, a story by me is posted on the Stories page. It's titled 'The Culvert' and is in the drama section. :o)

New! 06/04/11     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Rona titled 'When Johnny Met Joanne'.  :o)

New! 05/31/11     On The Stories page, a story by me titled 'Unexpected Tragedy'. It's located in the drama section.

New! 05/28/11     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Rona titled 'Inventions, What Happened Next'. It's an alternate ending to the episode. :o)

New! 05/23/11     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Rona titled 'Fair Fight'. It's an alternate ending to the episode. :o)

New! 05/22/11     On the Photo Stories page, a fun story by Ross for the April 2007 Picture. It's titled 'Hardy-har Harlin' and is being posted in progress. :o) 

New! 05/17/11     On Guest Dispatchers, another story by Rona, this one titled 'Grin and Bear It'. It's a sequel to her story 'Sea of Heartbreak'.  :o)

New! 05/11/11     On the Photo Stories page, a drama by Rona for the April 2011 Picture titled 'Sea of Heartbreak'. :o)

New! 05/09/11     On the Photo Stories page, a story for the February 2008 Picture. It's by me and is titled 'Define 'Okay'. :o)

New! 05/05/11    A picture for May 2011 is posted on the Photo Stories page. No stories for it yet. :o)

New! 05/02/11     On the CraftE! page, an idea or two using bottle caps.  :o)

New! 04/26/11     On the Just Fun page, another response to Challenge #10 has been posted. It's by Sharon.  :o)

New! 04/25/11     On the  Owies and Other Goodies Page, a new page of Eye CandE! has been posted. I needed something to keep my mind off other stuff, and help time pass, and this was it.

New! 04/18/11     On the Easter Stories page, a short story by me titled 'The Easter Dilemma'. I was going to wait till closer to Easter to post it, but I may not be here to do it, so therefore it's a tad early.

New! 04/16/11     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Rona titled 'Survival on Charter #220'. It's another alternate ending to an Emergency! Movie.  :o)

New! 04/10/11     On Guest Dispatchers, a great new story by Rona titled 'The Steel Inferno'. It's an alternate ending to the Emergency! Movie.  :o) Also the foam Engine 51 kit I had posted on this page is now on the CraftE! page. :o) 

New! 04/03/11    A picture for April 2011 is posted on the Photo Stories page. No stories for it yet. :o)

New! 03/28/11     On the  Owies and Other Goodies Page, two new pages of Eye CandE! have been posted. :o) 

New! 03/26/11     On the Facts of E! page, more information regarding the station added. :o)

New! 03/16/11     On The Saint Patrick's Day Stories page, a story by me titled 'Where's the Luck and Charm?'.  :o) 

New! 03/12/11     On the Just Fun page, another response to Challenge #10 has been posted. It's by me again, just playing around a bit. :o)

New! 03/09/11     On the Just Fun page, a new challenge is posted on the Five Minute Challenge page, with one response to it. :o)

New! 03/02/11    A picture for March 2011 is posted on the Photo Stories page. No stories for it yet. :o)  The site's probably going to be quieter again this month. I'm working on some stories but there's a lot going on right now, so the process is slower. :o)

New! 02/17/11     On the Facts of E! page, a little tidbit of information regarding the station added. It's within a paragraph I commented on about the station's locker room/bathroom.  :o)

New! 02/13/11     On The Valentines Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Happy Valentines Day'. :o) 

New! 02/08/11     On the  Photo Page, a few more critter pics added that I took yesterday. :o)  They are just below the other new ones. Hope you enjoy them! :o)

New! 02/07/11     On the  Owies and Other Goodies Page, two new pages of Eye CandE! have been posted. Also a few new yard critter pics have been added to the Photo Page. None are creepy crawlies this time. :o)

New! 02/06/11    A picture for February 2011 is posted on the Photo Stories page. No stories for it yet. :o)

New! 01/31/11     On The Stories page, a story by me titled 'Spare Me'. It's located in the Light Humor section. :o)

New! 01/19/11     On The Stories page, a short story by me titled 'The Sport'. It's located in the Tender Moments section. :o)

New! 01/11/11    On the Photo Stories page, a fun idea by Firechick51 for the October 2010 picture. It's titled 'Wanted!'. Also short story for the January 2011 Picture is posted. It's by me and is titled 'Who Does That?'. :o)

New! 01/10/11     On Guest Dispatchers, a great new story by Robin Weinrich titled 'On Being a Firefighter'.  :o)

New! 01/09/11     A picture for January 2011 is posted on the Photo Stories page. No stories for it yet. :o)

New! 01/05/11     On the Just Fun page, a new challenge is posted on the Five Minute Challenge page, with two responses to it. :o)  Also, as you can see, the Christmas pictures are still up. My house isn't undecorated yet, either. Anyway, if you like the Santa hat pictures and haven't saved them yet, feel free to do so. I plan on putting up new pictures this weekend. :o)

New! 01/03/11     On the Christmas Stories page in the New Years Story section, a story by me titled '$avings'. It's not really a New Years story, just an after Christmas one. I've got a couple more Christmas related ones still in progress, they'll just have to be early for next Christmas! :o) 

New! 12/21/10     On the Christmas Stories page, two short stories by me. One is titled 'Perhaps', the other 'Christmas Kits'. 'Perhaps' is more like a drabble, except I can't keep anything contained to 100 words!  :o)    My longer story from last year will be late for sure.

New! 12/15/10     On The Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Trick or Trade?' I watched 'Fair Fight' yesterday and this idea for an alternate ending came to mind. The story is located in the drama section.

New! 12/12/10     A picture for December 2010 is posted on the Photo Stories page. I almost forgot to do one!  OoOps!  :o)

New! 12/11/10     On the Christmas Stories page, a story by me titled 'Treasures'. I have two others, one from last year, still in progress. Not sure either of those will be done before Christmas, but hopefully in early January at the latest. I'm trying to get them done sooner, but it's been a crazy month. :o)

New! 12/06/10     On the CraftE! page, another simple Christmas project. :o)

New! 12/03/10     On the CraftE! page, a simple Christmas project.  :o)

New! 11/24/10     On The Halloween/Thanksgiving Stories page, a Thanksgiving vignette by me titled 'Bargains'. :o)  

New! 11/22/10     On The Stories page, a story by me titled 'Making the Most of It'. It's located in the drama section.

New! 11/09/10     On The Stories page, a story by me titled 'The Flipside'. It's located in the drama section. Also a picture for November 2010 is posted on the Photo Stories page.

New! 11/05/10     On the Photo Stories page, a short story for the July 2010 Picture. It's by me and is titled 'A Different Tune'. :o)

New! 11/04/10     On Guest Dispatchers, a  fun story by Ross titled 'X Marks the Spot'.  :o)   Also, I think I am going to change out the pictures on this and the main page within the next few days, so if you want to save any of them for yourself and haven't yet, now would be a good time to *right click and save*. :o) 

New! 10/29/10     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Ross titled 'Freedom Is Just a State of Mind'. It's in two parts for your convenience. :o)

New! 10/24/10     On The Stories page, a story by me titled 'Teens'. It's located in the drama section and is in two parts for your convenience. :o) 

New! 10/04/10     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for October 2010. No stories are posted for it yet.

New! 10/03/10     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Ross titled 'Godzilla and The Smog Monster'. It's in three parts for your convenience. :o)

New! 09/24/10     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Rona titled 'Claiming the Moral High Ground'.  :o)

New! 09/21/10     On Inspiration Alley, a new challenge titled 'Life's Lemon Challenge', along with a story too! :o)  I didn't want to post the challenge until there was a story to go with it. :o)  Ross took it on and came up with a fantastic story titled 'An Apple a Day'. The story can also be found on Ross's archive page located on Guest Dispatchers. :o)  The challenge itself was inspired by my mom. She's an amazing person.

New! 09/17/10     On the Facts of E! page, more added for about 5 episodes.  Again my thanks to Anne for all her help! Couldn't have been so caught up without her efforts! I'll add more as I watch eps and notice stuff periodically, but it'll be awhile again. :o) 

New! 09/14/10     On the Stories page, another story in the Johnny/Darlene/Lorraine series. It's by me and is titled 'One + One = Three?' :o) 

New! 09/12/10     On the Just Fun page, a response by Purry to Challenge 8 on the Five Minute Challenge page is posted.  :o)

New! 09/10/10     On Guest Dispatchers, a fun story by Ross titled 'Johnny Loses It'. :o)  Also a new link is posted on the September 11th page, as is a picture from my daughter's God Bless America birthday 9/11/02. Both are near the bottom of the page. :o)

New! 09/04/10     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for September 2010. No stories are posted for it yet. Also more facts have been posted on the Facts of E! page. Again, my thanks to Anne for all the help. It would not be updated like it has been without her help. I have one more set of facts to post later this week, then that'll be it for awhile. :o)

New! 08/31/10     On the Photo Stories page, a great story by Ross is posted for the June 2010 picture. It's titled 'Between A Rock And A Hard Place'. :o)

New! 08/28/10     On the Photo Stories page, a vignette is posted for the August 2006 picture. It's titled 'What'd We Do Now?' and is by me. :o)

New! 08/25/10     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Yum@ titled 'Run'. :o)

New! 08/24/10     On Guest Dispatchers, another great story by Rona titled 'It's a . . . what????'. Also more facts have been posted on the Facts of E! Page, again my thanks to Anne for the help. :o)

New! 08/18/10     On Guest Dispatchers, a great drama by Mary Ann V. titled 'Hindsight is Always 20/20'.  It's posted in two parts. :o)

New! 08/17/10     On the Stories page, a story by me titled 'Post Game'. It's in the Light Humor section. :o)

New! 08/16/10     On the CraftE! page, a new idea. Not E! in this case, but related to it. :o)

New! 08/14/10     On the Facts of E! page, a few more things added for three episodes. My thanks as always for Anne's help!

New! 08/08/10     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for August 2010. No stories are posted for it yet. :o)

New! 08/05/10     On the Photo Stories page, another wonderful story is posted for the April 2010 picture. It's titled 'If I Only Had a Helmet . . .' and is by Rona. :o)

New! 08/02/10     On the Facts of E! page, a few more things added for later episodes. Also two new pages of Eye CandE! have been posted to the Owies and Other Goodies Page. :o)

New! 08/01/10     On the Photo Stories page, another story is posted for the May 2010 picture. It's titled 'The One That Didn't Get Away' and is by me. :o)

New! 07/29/10     On the Facts of E! page, a very small, but important correction. Thanks, Jill H.! :o)  And on the Photo Page, another yard visitor, this one with a page of its own (since I took so many pics!). A hint: it's scaly. :o)

New! 07/26/10     On the Facts of E! page, more facts supplied by Anne. And a correction for 'Gossip'. I had it that Johnny mentioned the one yard dash, it should have been one HUNDRED yard dash. :o)  Also our newest (and very cute!) yard critter is pictured on the Photo Page. He sure stands out here!

New! 07/19/10     On the Stories page, a story by me titled 'One Small Rescue by Mankind, One Giant Save For. . .'. It's in the light humor section, though once again it's not really humor, as in 'ha ha'. :o)  

New! 07/14/10     On the Facts of E! page, another tidbit concerning the character of 'Dwyer'.

New! 07/12/10     On the Just Fun page, responses by Purry to Challenge 1 and 2 on the Five Minute Challenge page are posted.  :o)

New! 07/06/10     On the Photo Stories page, a story is posted for the May 2010 picture. It's titled 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' and is by Ross. :o)

New! 07/05/10     On the Facts of E! page, the three Dwyers. I received an email asking me if I could clear up the reason why writers have different Dwyer characters in their stories and which is right/wrong, etc. So I gave it my best shot. :o)  - More added on Dwyer facts later in the day

New! 07/04/10     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for July 2010. No stories are posted for it yet. :o)

New! 07/02/10     On the Facts of E! page, more facts have been added, again from early eps to later ones. :o)  Thanks to Anne for the help, I was able to gather a few this time, too. :o) 

New! 07/01/10     On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'That's the Breaks'. It's in the light humor section. Also, the Emergency! Title stories that are posted in Inspiration Alley for a challenge are now also posted on the authors' archive pages. For some reason, I was stupid years ago and didn't put them there as well. Well, I still can be pretty stupid at times  :o), but at least now Ross's 'Entitled' stories are on her page and Lizabeth S. Tucker's story 'Magic' is on hers.

New! 06/26/10     On the Stories page, a story by me titled 'A Bright Idea'. It's in the light humor section, but it's not a 'funny ha ha' kind of story. It just doesn't fit for drama either. :o) 

New! 06/22/10     On the Facts of E! page, a lot more facts have been added, from early eps to later ones.  Again, I want to thank Anne for all her help. 

New! 06/18/10     On the Just Fun page, responses to Challenge 2 and 7 on the Five Minute Challenge page are posted.  :o)

New! 06/06/10     On the Just Fun page, another response to Challenge 8 on the Five Minute Challenge page is posted. It took more than five minutes to write it. Also a picture is posted for June 2010 on the Photo Stories page. And finally, a new idea is posted on the CraftE! page. This is probably going to be the last update for a couple of weeks. We've got a family crisis and so I'll be away from the site till then.

New! 06/05/10     On the Facts of E! page, some more has been added. As always, I want to thank Anne for all her help. 

New! 06/03/10     On Guest Dispatchers, two more stories previously posted on another site. The titles are 'The Antique Child' and 'The Vortex II', both stories are by Wanda H.

New! 06/01/10     On the Just Fun page, another response to Five Minute Challenge #8 is posted. :o)

New! 05/29/10     On Guest Dispatchers, two stories previously posted on another site. The titles are 'Long Distance Charges May Apply' and 'The Vortex', both stories by Wanda H. Also more facts have been added to the Facts of E! page. And again, I'm not the one who put in the effort to gather them.

New! 05/24/10     On Guest Dispatchers, a great short story by Ross titled 'Coming to Terms'. :o)

New! 05/21/10     On the Just Fun page, another new challenge is posted on the Five Minute Challenge page, this one with three responses to it as well. Also more facts have been added to the Facts of E! page. Again, it wouldn't be recent without Anne's help. :o) 

New! 05/18/10     On Guest Dispatchers, another wonderful sequel by Ross. This one is titled 'Loose Ends' and follows after her story 'He-e-e-e-e-ere's Johnny!' And on the Just Fun page, more responses to a couple of Five Minute Challenges. :o)  Also, for anyone interested, I'm still working on stories of my own. One is hopefully a couple of scenes away from being completed. 

New! 05/17/10     On the Just Fun page, a new challenge is posted on the Five Minute Challenge page, with three responses to it. :o)  Also another response has been added to challenge number five. :o)

New! 05/16/10    On Guest Dispatchers, another great story by Ross, this one titled 'He-e-e-e-e-ere's Johnny!'. It's a sequel to her story 'Semi Conscious'. Also more facts have been added to the 'Facts of E! Page', the more recent ones on the lower part of the page. I owe Anne many thanks again! And then there are a few yard critter pictures added on the 'Photo Page'. These are cute ones. :o)

New! 05/15/10    On the Music Videos page, a video by me titled 'He Loves. . .We Love'. Hope it makes you smile. :o)

New! 05/10/10    On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful vignette by Ross titled 'Saving Face'.

New! 05/08/10     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for May 2010. No stories are posted for it yet. Also, on the Stories Page, another story in the Johnny/Lorraine/Darlene series has been posted. It's by me, of course,  and is titled 'Before You Could Say "Vavoom!"  :o)

New! 05/07/10    On Guest Dispatchers, Ross's new story 'Semi Conscious' was revised when she fixed some things she wasn't happy with in the first version. The newer copy was posted last night. :o)

New! 05/05/10    On Guest Dispatchers, another great story by Ross titled 'Semi Conscious' has been posted. Also a few more facts have been added to the Facts of E! page, my thanks to E!lf for a bit of info. :o)  And a couple of recent critters here are pictured on the Photo page. These aren't cute furry ones, more like eight-legged and the other six foot long (you'll remember him from when he was curled up in a tool box in another picture. He lives under our shed.)

New! 05/01/10     On the Facts of E! page, a slight correction regarding Johnny's vehicles he owned through the series. :o) 

New! 04/30/10     On the Facts of E! page, more facts have been added for a few eps. I have to thank Anne again for her help. Also thanks to Sue M. and Eileen for passing on a couple of tidbits. :o)  Hey, where did April go? This month just whizzed by!

New! 04/24/10    On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful short story by Ross titled 'Keeping Score'. :o) 

New! 04/19/10     On the Owies and Other Goodies page, a new page of Eye CandE! has been added.  There's a link to go directly to page 29 if you want. Ross said the words, "E! eye candy, blue jeans, shades, rolled up sleeves, Santa Rosa County". . .so it inspired me to do page 29 since I got my new season 6 dvd.  Thanks, Ross! :o)  Also, more facts added to the Facts Of E! Page, all these courtesy of Anne. She has been a tremendous help! :o)

04/16/10              Just a note, there was a technical glitch with Ross's wonderful story 'Camp Slugs and Mushroom Clouds'. The problem didn't show up on my end, so I thought it was okay, however no one else saw all the pictures she'd included in her story. My thanks for it being brought to my attention and it's fixed now (fixed twice!). If you down loaded her story, you may want to do it again. The visual you missed in one shot is incredible how well it fits the story. Really amazing. :o)

New! 04/15/10     On the Photo Stories Page, a story by Ross titled 'Camp Slugs and Mushroom Clouds' has been posted for the April 2010 picture. Also a story by Wanda CH titled 'Gum Changes Everything' has been posted on the 'Gum Challenge Page', located on Inspiration Alley. :o)

New! 04/09/10     On Guest Dispatchers, the link on Peggy's archive page for her own fan fic site has been updated and corrected. I thought I'd done it before, but I guess I only corrected the link for her X-files/E! story located there.

New! 04/08/10     On the Facts of E! page, a few more facts have been added on three eps again. I want to give another 'thank you' to Anne for her help. :o) I'm still working on stories of my own and hope to get at least one completed this month, but it 'may' be May before one is ready. :o)

New! 04/05/10     On Guest Dispatchers, Ross's ongoing story titled 'A Work in Progress' is now complete. She revamped the story parts so it fit into 8. So look for the conclusion in Part 8, rather than a Part 9, like it appeared to be headed for. :o)  Also a picture for April 2010 is posted on the Photo Stories Page. No stories for it yet.

New! 04/04/10     On the Facts of E! page, a few more facts have been added on three eps. I want to give a HUGE thanks to Anne for getting me started on this again and for the help in gathering some facts. Thanks to her, there's likely to be updates more often. :o)   Also look for an update soon on one of Ross's stories, probably tomorrow. :o)

New! 03/18/10     On Guest Dispatchers, Part 8 has been added to Ross's ongoing story titled 'A Work in Progress'. :o)

New! 03/15/10     On the Stories page, another short story by me, this one titled 'What's On The Menu?'. It's in the light humor section. :o) 

New! 03/14/10     On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Fortunately, You're Wrong'. It's in the light humor section. :o) 

New! 03/09/10     On the Photo Stories Page, a story by Ross titled 'The Road Less Traveled' has been posted for the March 2010 picture. Also a story by me titled 'The Bet' has been posted for the December 2007 picture.

New! 03/07/10     On Guest Dispatchers, Part 7 has been added to Ross's ongoing story titled 'A Work in Progress'. :o) Also another link has been posted on the Fav Links page in the Links of Other Interest section. This one is for Build-A-Bear. I could have sworn I already had it on there, but I guess not. My daughter and I have been going there for years and still do. :o) 

New! 03/06/10     On the Owies and Other Goodies page, a new page of eye CandE! has been added.  There's a link to go directly to page 28 if you want. Some of these pics are from my favorite scene in 'Saddled' and I don't know why it took me this long to post some from it. lol  This page is really mostly Johnny, but I did get Roy in there a bit too. :o)  Also, some new links have been added to the Favorite Links page over the past months since August. Some are more political based, so  I didn't want to push them in an announcement. New as of today is a link for a musical group, and a very interesting and fun handbag. :o)

New! 03/03/10     On the Photo Stories Page, a picture has been posted for March, no new stories for it yet. :o)

02/27/10             Just a note to let you know that I fixed some errors that were in my story 'Done Too Soon'. So if any of those annoyed you and you happen to have a copy of it how it was and want one without them, it's good to go now. :o)  Two were very small and one was glaring, I don't know how I missed it back when I wrote it.  But I did.  :o) 

New! 02/26/10     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Ross titled 'I Never Said That'.  :o) 

New! 02/22/10     On Guest Dispatchers, another story previously posted on another site. This one is titled 'Up A Tree' and was co-written by Whisper and Jane L.. It's posted in both their sections on Guest Dispatchers and also on both their archive pages. :o)  Also, a vignette I wrote last August in response to a 'Bash' episode challenge by E!lf on the ALLE Fan Fic list is posted on the Stories Page. It's in the drama section, though it's not drama. . .it's not really anything, it's 'just'. lol  The title is 'Beyond the Bash'.

New! 02/21/10     On Guest Dispatchers, two more stories by Whisper that were previously on another site have been posted. The titles are 'Spring Has Sprung' and 'We Gather Here Today'. One more will be added in the next couple of days. :o) 

New! 02/20/10     On Guest Dispatchers, two stories that were previously posted on another site and have a new home here. They are 'Differential Diagnosis' and 'By The Bite of The Silvery Moon', both by Whisper. There'll be more of hers posted very soon. :o)

New! 02/15/10     On Guest Dispatchers, Ross's story 'TV Versus Reality' has been revamped by her. I've put a link for it on Guest Dispatchers, as well as it being on her archive page. :o) 

New! 02/14/10     On the Christmas Stories page, another of the Christmas stories I was hoping to get done sooner but didn't. :o)  It's titled 'Now, That's a Challenge!'. Two Christmas stories started last year done, one more to go. :o) 

New! 02/05/10     On the Photo Stories page, a short story by Ross titled 'Clunk' is posted for the February 2010 picture. :o)

New! 02/03/10     On Guest Dispatchers, Chapter Two of 'If Wishes Were Horses', book two in Ross's fun series, has been posted. Also, a picture has been posted for February on the Photo Stories Page, no new stories for it yet. :o)

New! 02/01/10     On the Owies and Other Goodies page, a new page of eye CandE! has been added.  Also the two duplicated photos from the previous new pages have been replaced. The second picture down on page 23 and the bottom right one on page 26.  And a glaring error on the Facts of E! page was corrected . . .only took me two years to catch it. lol  Sorry about that! :o) 

New! 01/30/10     On Guest Dispatchers, Chapter One of 'If Wishes Were Horses', book two in Ross's fun series, has been posted. The link on GD will lead you to the main series page. This story will be posted as it's written, like the first one was. :o)

New! 01/24/10     On Guest Dispatchers, Ross's fun story 'There's Just No Getting Away From It All' from her series has been revised and is now complete! :o)  It's located on her Story Series page. A second story will follow as she gets it written. The old links for the first story will no longer be on the site, as it's been reformatted as well. :o)

New! 01/19/10     On the Stories page, a short story by me titled 'The Five Minute Identity Crisis'. It's in the light humor section.  Also, I noticed I repeated a couple of pictures in the Eye CandE! stuff the other day. I went through and looked at them all beforehand, but apparently forgot a few. So I'll do more before TOO long and will replace those repeats with something else. I think there was two.

New! 01/17/10     On the Owies and Other Goodies page, four new pages of eye candE! :o) 

New! 01/16/10     On Guest Dispatchers, another wonderful story by Sharon, this one titled 'She Said, He Said'. Also on Guest Dispatchers, another page to part three of Ross's great story 'There's Just No Getting Away From It All'. Just follow the link at the bottom of page 5, of course. :o) 

New! 01/13/10     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Sharon titled 'Gong With the Win'. :o)

New! 01/11/10     On the Just Fun page, a response to Five Minute Challenge number three. It's a story by Sharon titled 'Will He or Won't He?' and went beyond the five minutes, which is fine by me.  :o)   Also on the Photo Stories Page, a story is posted for the January 2010 picture. It's by Ross and is titled 'Soapsuds and Seaweed'. :o)

New! 01/07/10     On Guest Dispatchers, 'The Chronicles of Mike Stoker' by Doc Sara. This is her series of stories that started with 'Haunted by the Past' and now moves on with 'Yesterday Once More'. It has a cover page for the series now that is accessible both from Guest Dispatchers and her archive page. 'Yesterday Once More' is posted in two parts for your convenience. :o)  Also a picture has been posted on the Photo Stories Page for January 2010. No stories for it yet.

New! 01/04/10     On the Christmas Stories page, one of the Christmas stories I was hoping to get done sooner, but obviously didn't.  So like last year at this time with another story, this one is just way early for next Christmas. :o)  The title is 'Oh, Christmas Tree . . .'. 

New! 01/03/10     On Guest Dispatchers, a fun story by Ross titled 'Firemen Should Be Seen, But Not Herd'. :o)

New! 12/28/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by E!lf titled 'Roger Dodging'. Also, on the CraftE! page, a new idea is posted. :o) 

12/24/09     Just a note to let you know that as expected, the two Christmas stories I'm working on are going to be late, one in early 2010 I'd say. I've just had too much going on to get time to write often enough. But in the meantime, another idea came to mind, so there're three holiday stories in progress again. :o)  Have a Merry Christmas, stay safe and I hope Santa brings you what you want!  :o)

New! 12/20/09     On the Christmas Stories page, another short story by me, this one titled 'It's a Wrap!'. This wasn't one I was working on before, so for anyone interested, there are still a couple in progress. :o)

New! 12/16/09     On the Christmas Stories page, a short story by me titled 'In Reverse'. I'm still working on two other Christmas stories, hope to have one done in time or close, the other will be late for sure. Very late.

New! 12/14/09     On the Just Fun Page, another challenge has been added to the Five Minute Challenge page, along with a wonderful response to it by Ross. :o)   Also, 'A Christmas Wish Comes True' by Canadagal has been posted on the Christmas Stories page. It is also on the Holiday Challenges, but I wanted it in an easier place to find as well. And on the Fav Links page, there is a new link for Emergency! Cafe site, owned by Sharon. So stop by and take a peek at her newly designed site! :o)

New! 12/12/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a new writer to the site and two of her wonderful stories! These were previously posted on other sites and I am honored to host them here now. The writer is Caelie Ryan and her stories are 'Declaring War' and 'Another Boring Day'. :o)

12/10/09     Just a note to let you know the current pics on the front of the site (and maybe this page) will be changed to Christmas ones again very soon (probably Saturday), so if you want to save any of the pics, please feel free to. :o)

New! 12/04/09     On the Photo Stories page, a story by Ross titled 'Just Mopping Up' is posted for the December 2009 picture. Also on the Stories page, a story by me titled 'Winning Isn't Everything'. It's in the light humor section. :o)

New! 12/02/09     On the Christmas Stories page, a short story by me titled 'Destiny'. I have two other holiday stories in progress, one from last year, that I HOPE to get done on time. But if they have to be late, I'll do my best to get them completed close to the holiday. :o)

New! 12/01/09     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for December 2009, no stories for it yet. :o)

New! 11/25/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Sharon titled 'Home Captain'.  :o)

New! 11/20/09     On the Just Fun Page, a new response to Challenge #5 on the Five Minute Challenge. This one is by Sharon. :o) 

New! 11/13/09     On the Thanksgiving Stories page, a short story by me titled 'A New Perspective'.

New! 11/10/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by E!lf titled 'And Nothing But. . .'.   :o)

New! 11/05/09     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for November 2009, no stories for it yet. :o)

New! 11/01/09     On Guest Dispatchers, another great story by Ross titled 'Only In The Movies'. :o)

New! 10/31/09     On Guest Dispatchers, Part 6 has been added to Ross's ongoing story titled 'A Work in Progress'. :o)

New! 10/30/09     On the Halloween Stories Page, a story by me titled 'Here, Kitty Kitty'.

New! 10/27/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful short story by Ross titled 'Payback Ain't Always A Bitch'. :o)

New! 10/17/09     On Guest Dispatchers, two wonderful stories by Ross titled 'A Measure of Luck' and 'Batting Zero'. Also a great story by Yum@ titled 'The Standbys'. :o) 

New! 10/16/09     On Guest Dispatchers, More Drabbles by Di. :o)  The link is actually named that and it's located in her section on Guest Dispatchers, as well as her archive page. There are some of all sorts, including holiday ones that are clearly marked for each occasion addressed. :o)

New! 10/12/09     On the Photo Stories page, a response by me to the October 2007 picture. It's a short Halloween related story titled 'The Inspectors'. Look for more stuff from Dianne Bay this week. I'll be getting her drabbles posted, some are Halloween related. :o)

New! 10/05/09     On the Photo Stories page, a wonderful story for the August 2009 photo. It's by Ross and is titled 'The Recycle of Life'. Also, on the Just Fun Page, a response is posted for challenge number 4 of the Five Minute Challenge. It's by me and is titled 'Gotcha!'. :o)

New! 10/04/09     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for October 2009, no stories for it yet. :o)

New! 10/03/09     On the Favorite Links page, a link to a fairly new E! site 'Emergency Fan Fiction by Tammy'.  :o)

10/01/09              Just a note to let you know I am going to be changing out the pictures on the front of the site and this page very soon. So if you want to copy them and haven't yet, you may want to now. Just right click and save. Remember, any E! pictures on the site are here for your enjoyment, and that includes being able to copy and use any you wish. :o) 

New! 09/29/09     On the Just Fun Page, a new 5 minute challenge is posted, along with a fun response from Ross titled 'Spills and Thrills'

New! 09/18/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Yum@ titled 'Holding Pattern'. :o)

New! 09/17/09     On Guest Dispatchers, 4 more stories and a poem by Dianne Bay that were previously posted on another site. The titles are 'Some Things Never Change', 'Summer Inferno', 'Fallen Ashes', 'Small Thanks' and 'A Child's Eyes'. Also there is now an archive page for Doc Sara's stories. I know some of you like to bookmark each author's page to watch for updates. The stories DO go to their pages as well as elsewhere on the site at the same time, so if it works for you, keep with it. :o) 

New! 09/13/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a fun story by E!lf titled 'The Mighty Fireman, Chester B.'. Look for more stories from Di this week and an archive page for Doc Sara. I fell behind last week with it being my daughter's birthday and going back to working more hours again. :o)

Added 09/10/09     On the September 11th page, I added a picture of a crown my daughter made a few days after the attacks. I have held off until now, because. . .well, I can't explain why. It just had such an impact on me then, I can't express it. I've also put two of the pictures from her *God Bless America* birthday party back up. We had that for her 8th birthday, September 11th, 2002. She wanted it to honor the ones who perished a year before. These pictures are up temporarily. And a poem I found by an unknown author titled 'I Stare in Total Disbelief'. None of these things are marked as new on the page.   

New! 09/02/09     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for September 2009, no stories for it yet. :o)  Also, on the Stories Page in the Tender Moments section, a story by me titled 'Some Help'. :o)   

New! 08/27/09     On the Just Fun Page, 'Happy Birthday, Johnny!'. Just having some fun! - no pun intended. :o) 

New! 08/26/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a good story by The Twits titled 'In Harm's Way'. Also 5 more stories by Dianne Bay that were posted on a previous site. The titles are 'It's Done Like This', 'A Hairy Situation', 'A Simple case of Mistaken Identity', 'The Job and Life', and ' When the Day is Done'. Also a story by her previously posted is on the Christmas Stories Page and it's titled 'Johnny's Present Dilemma'. More of Di's stuff to come soon. :o) 

New! 08/25/09     On the Halloween Page, a wonderful story titled 'The Haunting of Johnny and Roy. . .'. It's another IA from the Kindred Spirits Site and was previously posted on that and another site.  

New! 08/22/09     On the Stories Page, 'For the Birds' by me. It's located in the 'light Humor' section. :o)

New! 08/18/09     On the Just Fun Page, another response has been added to the 'Five Minute Challenge Page'. It's by Captain Jack and is for challenge #4. Also two stories previously posted on another site are now on the Christmas Stories Page. One is a Kindred Spirits Site IA titled 'Spirit' and the other is by Dianne Bay and is titled 'The Season is Just as Good a Reason'.  :o)  

New! 08/17/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a great drama by Rona titled 'Changes'. Also a wonderful story by Doc Sara titled 'There's No Place Like Home'. There'll be an archive page for Doc Sara's stories hopefully this week.

New! 08/15/09     On Guest Dispatchers, another fun story by Ross titled 'The Nose Knows'. Also four stories from a previous site. These are by Dianne Bay and are titled 'White Noise', 'Second Chances', 'Big Brother is Watching', and 'Friends to the End'. I have a lot more of her work to post, so that'll be added over the next couple of weeks. :o) 

New! 08/10/09     On Guest Dispatchers, ten great stories that were previously posted on another site. I won't list all the titles here, but the author is Robin W. and all these stories can be found in her section. She also has an archive page here now, located on Guest Dispatchers, that has links to all her stories. And on the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for August 2009, no stories for it yet. :o)

New! 08/06/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a fun story by E!lf titled 'The Wrong of Way'. :o)

New! 08/02/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by E!lf titled 'Embarkation'. :o)

New! 08/01/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a fun story by Doc Sara titled 'The Turning Point'. And on the Photo Stories page, two new stories. One is for the March 2008 photo and is titled 'Moving Experience'. It's by Marty P. The other is for the May 2008 photo. It's by Ross and the title is 'That’s What THEY Say'. And a story  previously posted on another site is now on the Halloween Stories Page. It's by Northlander and is titled 'Devil's Night'.

New! 07/29/09     On the Christmas Stories Page, a Christmas story previously posted on another site.  It's by Marty P. and is titled 'Christmas Calls'. :o)

New! 07/25/09     On the Owies and Other Goodies Page (located on the front of this site), three new pages of Eye CandE! :o)

New! 07/23/09     On the Photo Stories page, a great story for the September 2008 picture. It's by Marty P  and is titled 'Use Your Head'. Also there is a new link on the Favorite Links page. It's to a new site called 'Fire History', which features articles on the Fire Service and Emergency Medical Services and more. 

New! 07/20/09     On the Photo Stories page, a fun story by Doc Sara titled 'Sauce for the Goose'. It's for the February 2005 photo.

New! 07/19/09     On Guest Dispatchers, more has been added to Ross's story series 'There's Just No Getting Away From it All'. Page 5 of part 3 is posted. :o)

New! 07/14/09     On the Photo Stories Page, a wonderful story by Doc Sara is posted for the August 2008 photo. It's titled 'Only Shades of Gray'. There is an archive page now on Guest Dispatchers for Firechick51, thus you can find all her stories in one place now, as well as where they were originally placed. And finally, a story by me is posted on the Stories Page in the light humor section. It's titled 'Anything is Possible'. 

New! 07/10/09     On the Photo Stories page, two wonderful stories have been posted. One is for the October 2005 photo. It's titled 'Oversight' and is by Marty P.  The other is for the July 2009 picture. It's titled 'An Eye for an Eye' and is by Ross. :o)

New! 07/08/09      On the Stories Page, another tale in the Johnny/Lorraine/Darlene series. It's titled 'Baby Days and Celebrity Ways' and is by me. :o)

New! 07/06/09     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for July 2009. No stories for it yet. :o) 

New! 06/29/09     On Guest Dispatchers, part 5 has been added to Ross's story titled 'A Work in Progress'. Also, another response to Five Minute Challenge 4 on the Just Fun Page has been posted, this one by Sharon and it's titled 'Like Glue'. And a story/vignette has been posted for the March 2009 photo on the Photo Stories page. It's titled 'New Assignment' and is by Firechick51.

New! 06/25/09     On Guest Dispatchers, another story by Morningwolf in her ongoing 'Dark Before Dawn' series is posted. It's titled 'Don't Ever Cry, Just Remember' and is posted in 6 parts for your convenience. Also a fun story by Ross has been posted on the Just Fun Page for a new Five Minute Challenge. Only she did a little *overtime*, so it's more like the *45 Minute Challenge*. :o)  Her story is titled 'Outside the Box'.

New! 06/23/09     On the Just Fun Page, another response has been added to the 'Five Minute Challenge Page'. It's by me and is for challenge #2.  :o)  

New! 06/19/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Rona titled 'Just a Little Fall. . .'

New! 06/18/09     On the Photo Stories page, another story for the June 2009 photo, this one titled 'A Failure to Communicate' and it's by Ross. Also, a short story by Firechick51 titled 'Good News!' is posted for the same picture. :o) 

New! 06/16/09     On the Photo Stories page, a story for the June 2009 photo. It's titled 'Coulda, Shoulda. . .' and is by me. :o)   Also a page for pictures from Colorado is posted on the Photo Page. Some wildlife in my parents' yard and a few shots of the area I grew up in...and a few extras. Take a peek if you want. :o)

New! 06/14/09     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for June, no stories for it yet. :o) 

New! 06/02/09     On the Just Fun Page, a response has been added to the 'Five Minute Challenge Page'. It's by Firechick51.  :o)  

New! 05/31/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Yum@ titled 'The Line of Duty'. It's an added scene to the episode 'Above and Beyond, Nearly'. :o)  She was working on it before I posted the monthly picture for May and it doesn't really go with that, so we decided it wouldn't post on the Photo Stories Page for that reason.  

New! 05/26/09     On the Music Videos page, a video titled 'Time of Your Life' by me. I had the song stuck in my head and decided I may as well do a video and get it stuck even more. lol  And it is. :o)

New! 05/23/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story titled 'Haunted By The Past' by Doc Sara, a new author to the site! :o)  This is going to be a series of stories  and it features all the characters, with Mike in the center. :o)

New! 05/17/09     On the Easter Stories Page, a fun story by E!lf titled 'Bad Hare Day'. I wouldn't wait for next Easter to read this one. It's a good read any time of the year. :o)  Also, On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Morningwolf titled 'Above and Beyond. . .and Then Some'. It's an alt ending to the episode 'Above and Beyond, Nearly'. It's also located on the May 2009 Photo Stories page, since that picture came from the episode. :o)

New! 05/09/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Yum@ titled 'Blind Faith'. Also a wonderful vignette by E!lf titled 'A Sunday in June'. :o)

New! 05/08/09     On the Photo Stories page, a wonderful story for the May 2009 picture titled 'Just Hangin' Out'. It's by Ross. :o)

New! 05/06/09     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for May, no stories for it yet. :o) 

New! 05/01/09     On Guest Dispatchers, another wonderful story by Yum@, this one titled 'Search and Rescue'.  :o)  I'll be doing an archive page for her soon, I just am running behind in everything. My dad passed away in late March and life hasn't been the same since. I don't suspect it ever will be, really.

New! 04/22/09     On the Photo Stories page, a wonderful vignette (or story) for the July 2007 photo. It's by Firechick51 and is titled 'My Turn to Drive!'.

New! 04/20/09     On the Music Videos page, a video titled 'Can't Get Him Out of Our Heads' by me. This one is all John Gage, so if you are looking for equal time for other characters, you won't find it in this video and probably won't like it.

New! 04/18/09     On Guest Dispatchers, another great story by Yum@, this one titled 'The Choice'.  :o)

New! 04/15/09      Just a note, I changed the title of my vignette posted for the April 2009 picture to 'Sorrow Shared is Halved'. That's what I intended, but I haven't been with it the past few weeks, so I kind of screwed up with the first title.

New! 04/14/09     On Guest Dispatchers, another wonderful story by Yum@ titled 'First Order of Business'. Also on Guest Dispatchers, a great story by E!lf titled 'A Mile in My Wings'. And on the Photo Stories page, a vignette by me for the April 2009 picture. It's titled 'Pain Shared is Halved'.

New! 04/11/09     On Guest Dispatchers, two great stories by an author new to the site. The titles are 'Bedside Manner' and 'Open Door Policy' and the author is Yum@. Also a wonderful story by E!lf titled 'elohar' is posted on Guest Dispatchers.

New! 04/09/09     On the Photo Stories page, a wonderful story for the March 2009 photo is posted. It's by Ross and is titled 'The Imperfect Storm'.  Also more has been added to her story series 'There's Just No Getting Away From it All'. Page 4 of part 3 is posted. :o)

New! 04/04/09     On Guest Dispatchers, the conclusion to Firechick51's story titled 'Flashbacks' is posted.

New! 04/03/09     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for April 2009 however no new stories for it yet. Due to some stuff going on, I haven't been able to update the site until now. Look for a couple of more updates within the next few days. And just for a reassurance since so many E! sites slowed and then went away recently, don't worry about this one. I'm still very much into keeping it up, it's my online *baby* and won't be going away.

New! 03/19/09     On Guest Dispatchers, more added to Firechick51's story titled 'Flashbacks'.

New! 03/18/09     On the Saint Patrick's Day Stories Page (which is also the Valentines Day Stories Page<G>), a story by me is posted. It's titled 'Misery' and really takes place a day after the holiday, so I guess it's appropriate to post it now. :o) The picture on it inspired this while I was making it. :o)

New! 03/16/09     On Guest Dispatchers, another wonderful story by Ross, this one titled 'Just A Coincidence'. Also on the Just Fun page, 'Happy Saint Pat's Day!' featuring some of the E! characters. There was no reason in particular for leaving any out, except I just wanted to do a certain number of pics. My thanks to Julie H. for sending some screen captures to play around with! :o)

New! 03/13/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by E!lf titled 'Indirect Method Coda'. It's an added on ending to the TV episode. :o)

New! 03/11/09     On Guest Dispatchers, another part has been added to Ross's great story titled 'A Work in Progress', also part 2 of 'Flashbacks' by Firechick51 has been posted. There is more to come on this wonderful drama. And a great story by Rona titled 'Tee-Vee' is also posted on Guest Dispatchers. It's an alternate ending to the episode of the same name. I posted it on the Tee-Vee Challenge Page located on Inspiration Alley as well so any of you looking for a Tee-Vee story can find it easily. :o)

New! 03/07/09     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for March 2009 however no new stories for it yet. Also on the 'What's Wrong With Johnny Page', a new picture has been added and a story for another picture already there. This one is by me and is titled 'Girls, Girls, Girls'.

New! 03/04/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Ross titled 'Subterfuge'. :o)

New! 03/02/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a fun short story by Purry titled 'Plot Bunny'. :o) 

New! 02/26/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a story-in-progress by Firechick51 titled 'Flashbacks'. This is part 1, she's working on part 2. :o)

New! 02/21/09     On Guest Dispatchers, one more great story by K Hanna Korossy, this one titled 'Testing Time'. :o)

New! 02/19/09     On Guest Dispatchers, two more wonderful stories by K Hanna Korossy. These are titled 'A Big Deal' and 'What's Not in the Manual'. One more story by her will post either Friday or Saturday.

New! 02/16/09     On Guest Dispatchers, five great stories by K Hanna Korossy. Most of these were previously posted on another site that has recently gone off the net. The titles are 'Finest Hour', 'True Feelings', 'Ice Fishing', 'More Than a Nuisance' and 'Cat and Mouse'. Three more stories by her will post this week sometime. :o)

New! 02/14/09     On the Owies and Other Goodies Page, more photos added to Eye CandE!. There's a link to hop to page 19 if you want to skip over the previously posted pages. Happy Valentine's Day! :o)

New! 02/10/09     On the Photo Stories page, two new stories for the February 2009 picture. One is by Ross and is titled 'He Should've Known'. The other is by Vanessa Sgroi and is titled 'Paramedics with Psychic Tendencies'. Also a new caption by Nanstef is posted for the same picture. :o)

New! 02/07/09     On the 'What's Wrong?' page, located on Inspiration Alley, a fun short story by Firechick51 titled 'Sudoku'. Also a picture for February 2009 is posted on the Photo Stories page, along with a vignette to it by me. It's titled 'The Humorous Side'.

New! 02/04/09     On the Photo Stories page, a short story (vignette) by Purry titled 'A Hairy Situation'. It's on the February 2005 Picture page.

New! 01/31/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a great story by Mary Ann V. titled 'Sky Ride'. It's an alternate ending to the episode 'Transition'. Also a wonderful story titled 'Christmas in Lost River' is posted on the Christmas Stories Page. It's by Morningwolf, and I'd say you don't want to wait till Christmas to read it.  :o)  You can find it on her archive page as well.

New! 01/26/09     On the Owies and Other Goodies Page, more photos added to Eye CandE!. There's a link to hop to page 17 if you want to skip over the previously posted pages, and then you can get to page 18 from there. :o)  My thanks to Julie H for some of the pictures. :o)

New! 01/24/09     On Guest Dispatchers, two great stories by Robin Weinrich. One was previously posted on another site and is titled 'The First Step'. The other is the sequel to that story and is titled' The Next Step'.  :o) Also a new caption by Nanstef has been added to the January 2009 picture on the Photo Stories page.  :o)

New! 01/08/09     On Guest Dispatchers, a wonderful story by Morningwolf titled 'Chopsticks'.

New! 01/06/09     On the Photo Stories page, a picture is posted for January 2009, along with a fun short story by Ross titled 'That's What Friends Are For'. :o) 

New! 01/05/09      On the Christmas Stories Page, 'Claus for Concern' by me. It's under the 2009 stories since I didn't get it done in time for 2008. Now it's a year early. lol