When The Time Has Come


By Wanda Hargrove





             “Hey, Roy," Chet asked, "How long will you and John be gone for this seminar in Reno?"

            Roy took his shirt off while grabbing his uniform shirt from his locker. "At least a week," he paused while buttoning his shirt. "John and Shiloh are planning to use it as a honeymoon, since they never had a chance to take one."

            "Shiloh's going along with you two? How'd Gage manage to swing that?"

            "It's no big secret, headquarters wanted four paramedics to go and they decided to put together a team with the two oldest and two youngest paramedic teams together. They figured this way it would make the debriefing faster and headquarters could get the information out to all the station's faster than usual. Besides Miguel owns his own plane, and he'll be flying us there...."

            Johnny burst into the locker room, "Good Mornin'," he called to everyone.

            "Well it was until you walked in," snipped Chet.

            "What's a matter, Chet, no date last night?"

            Mike chuckled, Marco muttered something unintelligible under his breath, and Roy rolled his eyes.

            Captain Stanley chose that moment to walk into the room, "Well it's nice to find everyone here and on time for a change."
            After roll call the men began their assigned chores, then the tones sounded. "Station 51, Station 45, Station 8 Multiple Vehicle Accident, 405 and Carson. Time Out 8:42.

            "Station 51, KMG-365," answered Captain Stanley as he handed the slip of paper over to Roy and then ran across to his spot on the engine.

            "I hate calls like this, Roy," responded John writing a notation to the slip of paper as the squad pulled out followed, by "Big Red," as Mike affectionately called the engine.

            "I do, too, Junior," agreed Roy not knowing what they'd find when they reached the scene.




            Both vehicles pulled up as close to the scene as they could get. John looked on in wonder as he saw the mess of mangled vehicles. "Man," was all Johnny could get out before going to help Roy with the equipment they would need.
            They began working at one end when they heard the sounds of approaching sirens of the other rescue vehicles arriving on the scene. John looked up and noticed the familiar figure of his wife, now for eight months, working at the other end of the accident scene with her partner Miguel. Then he noticed the person who he'd rather not ever see again, or have to partner with Craig Brice working with Tim Williams on another car. John went back to work on the door of a car that was pretty smashed up.

            He'd already checked, and found that the man had a carotid pulse. Then the man started moaning as he began coming too, and muttered, "What..." before passing out again. Nothing he did seemed to be working on getting the stubborn door open. Not even the pry bar would work. Mike Stoker came up to Johnny, "Do you need any help over here?"

            "Yeah, can you get the Jaws and let's try to get this door open."

            "No problem, John," Mike ran off to get the Jaws while John slumped against the car. He was already hot and tired from his effort at trying to get the door open. Finally Stoker returned with the Jaws, and started it, and began ripping the door open with the piece of rescue equipment.

            "Okay, Mike," Johnny shouted over the sound and Stoker cut the power. The two men were able to get the injured man out of the car. Johnny started writing the man's vitals down on a slip of paper and gave it to Mike who ran over to Roy. He was working on his own victim, and handed the paper to Captain Stanley, who was relaying information to Rampart for Roy.

            Captain Stanley wrote down the instructions given to him from Rampart and Mike ran them back over to Johnny. He started the requested IV's and as soon as an ambulance shown up he rode in with the patient.




              Johnny was standing at the desk with Dixie, talking animatedly about the trip to Reno, when Shiloh exited a treatment room with tears in her eyes. Dixie noticed especially when Shiloh slumped down in the hall with her head on her crossed arms.

            "I think someone needs you, John," Dixie motioned down the hallway.

            Johnny turned and saw Shiloh. He went to her, and crouched down next to her, "Hi, babe, what do you say we go someone more private." She looked up at him gratefully with tears streaming down through the dirt and grime on her face.

            She reached up to him as he stood and pulled her to her feet, both paramedics walked down the hallway. He led her into the lounge and pulled her into his lap after he had sat down. He held her close and whispered, "Want to talk about it?" while he rubbed her back.

            Shiloh began softly, "I pulled a baby out of one of the cars... I did everything I could, even Doctor Brackett did all he could... but the poor thing was injured too badly. What hurts the most is the fact, that if our baby had lived, he would have been about the same age." The tears began again, as Johnny held her close, rocking her. He could feel his own eyes misting over.

            Roy walked in seeing the two of them. He hated to break up the moment between them, but they had to make themselves available. He walked up quietly behind John, and put a hand onto John's shoulder, "John, we've got to head back to the station."

            Shiloh looked up at Roy, and smiled sadly as she rose from John's lap.  Her partner made his appearance, “Hey, Chiquta, we've got another run.”

            "I'll be there in a moment, Miguel," she called wiping the tears off her face. Then she gave John a quick kiss good-bye, and rushed after her fleeing partner.

            "What was that all about?" Roy asked Johnny as they headed for the squad.

            "Shiloh had a bad run, and she needed to get it out of her system."

            Roy nodded to himself. There had been a few times when he needed to get it all out of his system, and Joanne had helped him with his feelings. 'Shiloh's lucky she's got John,' he thought as both men exited the hospital.


            After their shift was over, John drove down to 45's to pick up Shiloh.  They headed off to the airport to meet Roy and Miguel. "How was the rest of your shift?" John asked Shiloh, he was still concerned about her breaking down at Rampart yesterday, but he understood how the job could get to a person. 

            "Pretty slow," she responded. "We didn't get a run at all last night."

            "Same here," John replied.

            Shiloh snuggled up next to him as they drove towards the airport.




            They pulled up at the airport, and grabbed their luggage and headed over to Miguel's plane. Miguel was already making the last of his pre-flight checks, and noticed John and Shiloh climbing in the plane. "Hey you two, we almost gave up on the both of you," Miguel called over his shoulder.

            "Oh your just jealous, Miguel," called Shiloh to him. This was a favorite pastime of theirs.

            "Damn right I'm jealous! You’re looking pretty hot today," then he burst out laughing at his own joke. John laughed as Shiloh made a circular motion next to her head and pointed at Miguel.

            "Don't worry about Miguel," commented Shiloh as her voice rose a bit.  "He just has a sick sense of humor sometimes, and he's also a flake sometimes, like now."

            "Oh, Chiquta," Miguel called back, "I'm crushed, you cut me to the quick," as he started laughing. Shiloh walked forward and slapped Miguel on the arm.

            "You stick to flying this plane, and keep your lecherous jokes to yourself."

            "You win, for now, Chiquta," Miguel grinned at her. When she turned around to go back to her seat, Miguel and reached out and slapped her on the behind. She rubbed her backside, "Miguel, that hurt!"

            "Hey give a guy a break, I've got to figure out some way to feel you up." Then he burst out laughing as Shiloh reached over and playfully pretended to strangle him.

            Roy was sitting in the co-pilot's seat silently taking in the entire exchange. He knew that hose jockeys liked to have fun at other’s expense, but he thought that this was a bit extreme. 

            “Miguel, there's a time and a place for having a little fun, but please don't pull any of this nonsense in Reno."

            "Don't worry, Roy, my momma raised me right. I just have to tease Shiloh every once in awhile since Johnny took her out of circulation."

            Shiloh smiled and gave Miguel a light kiss on the cheek. "With a friend like you around, who needs enemies."?

            Miguel went back to the task at hand, as Shiloh went back to sit next to John. Miguel soon got his authorization from the control tower and taxied onto the runway. He pushed the throttle forward as the little plane raced down the runway taking flight.

            Shiloh felt her stomach give a lurch, she didn't like flying, and it scared her to death. She held onto John's arm with a death grip not certain what to expect. She would have preferred to drive all the way to Reno, but Miguel had talked her into flying.

            Miguel knew about Shiloh's fear, and he nudged Roy with his elbow. "Hey, Roy, Shiloh is afraid of flying. Do you think you can go back there and check on her?"


            Roy chuckled to himself as he left his seat; he took in Shiloh's face.  'She looks almost green around the gills,' he thought to himself.




            The little plane began to buck, and Shiloh felt the terror inside her building. Miguel called back, "It's just a little turbulence it should clear up," he called as he began climbing to gain some altitude over the unexpected turbulence. That's when Roy was tossed into the side of the plane and cracked his head against the fuselage, knocking him unconscious. Shiloh's paramedic instincts took over as she unbuckled her seatbelt and went over to Roy to see if she could do anything to help him. Miguel climbed into some heavy cloud cover.


            Johnny heard Miguel scream, "Madre de Dios," as the plane impacted with some trees, and Shiloh and Roy was both thrown about the cabin. The looming mountain was the last thing any of them saw, as everything went black.




            It was business as usual at 51's the two replacement paramedics were there from 116's, Mike Robards and Miranda Kinnamonth.  Stanley knew Robards by reputation only.

            "Thanks," both paramedics from 116's responded. The phone rang cutting off all comment and Marco answered. "Station 51 Fireman Lopez speaking."

            "Cap," Marco stuck his head out of the doorway to the dayroom. "It's Chief McConikee. He says it's urgent."

            "Thanks, Marco, I'll take it in my office." He excused himself and made his way to his office closing the door behind him. "Captain Stanley," he spoke into the phone.

            "Hank," answered McConikee's voice. "If you’re not sitting down, you need to," McConikee paused for a moment. Hank could hear the sigh from the other end of the phone.  Hank sat down in his chair, "Okay, Chief," Hank let his superior know he was sitting.

            "Hank," McConikee began again. "The paramedics from 45's and 51's never made it to Reno yesterday. I received the call a few moments ago." He paused again, as Hank's brain tried to process what he had heard a moment ago. "Search and Rescue is being called out, they think the plane went down somewhere in the Sierra Nevada Mountain range around Mt. Whitney. I'm standing the station down until replacements arrive."

            Hank found it very hard to speak, "Thanks, Chief.”  Hank slowly put the phone back down on the cradle, as he thought about his missing paramedics. Not only were they missing, but also so was John's wife, and she was as much of their close-knit family as anyone else.

            'I gave her away at their wedding. God she's like one of my own daughters.' Hank slowly rose from his seat, and headed for the dayroom. There he found his crew talking with the two paramedics of 116's. Hank cleared his throat, and everyone turned to look at him.  Stanley looked suddenly old and tired as he tried to find the words. 

            "Cap?" Mike Stoker asked questioningly.

            Hank began to speak quietly, and slowly. "Guys... Chief McConikee informed me that Miguel Martinez's plane never made it to Reno. It went down somewhere in the Sierra Nevada's.

            "Who was on the plane, besides Miguel?" Mike Robards wanted to know.

            Hank's eyes began misting over as he replied. "His partner Shiloh Gage, John Gage, and Roy DeSoto."

            "Oh God!" Mike replied as he sat stunned in his chair. He had heard the wild rumors flying about the department about Shiloh and John Gage, but he had discounted them. Now he knew the truth.

            Mike Stoker, Marco, and Chet let the news sink in, each man deep in his own thoughts, hoping that they would at least is found alive. "As soon as the replacements arrive, we can leave."

            Hank headed back to his office and closed the door behind him as he sat down in his chair.





            Shiloh's first waking moment was pain, excruciating pain in her back, and rib cage. She looked up seeing clouds above her. She rolled onto her side groaning, as she slowly rose to her hands and knees. She could hear someone moaning, and crawled towards the sound, ignoring the pain in her hands and knees as she slowly made her way over bits and pieces of wreckage and jagged rocks.

            She moved a big piece and found Miguel still strapped into the pilots seat.  He had a gash in his thigh, his arm was hanging at an odd angle, and he had a hard time focusing.  Pulling her T-Shirt off she found a twig and used it as a tourniquet on his leg.  Probing around in the wreckage she found her suitcase, and rummaged through it until she found a piece of clothing big enough to use as a sling for Miguel’s arm.  “This is going to hurt,“ she told him as she moved the arm into the sling. 


            Miguel bit his lower lip to keep from crying out.  Once his arm was in the sling and the pain became a dull ache, he smiled up at his partner.  “It didn’t hurt that much.”


            “Liar,” she smiled, taking the sting out of her comment.  “Did you hit your head?”


            “I’m not sure, but I think I did since there’s three of you,” he tried to smile and that little bit of movement caused more pains to be felt. 


            “Shh.." she tried to quiet him, and he closed his eyes.  “I‘ve got to move you out of this seat.”  She tried to unbuckle the lap belt, but it had become stuck.  The pain from her injuries she couldn‘t ignore as her vision started to fade.  She slumped down next to him, with her head resting on his injured leg.


            “Chiquita?” Miguel asked not getting a response from her.  “Help,” he shouted hoping that someone would hear him.




             John woke to the sound of Miguel yelling for help.  Not really knowing where the other paramedic was, he glanced up to see a section of the fuselage and open sky.  He felt disoriented, and then he remembered why he was in the plane to begin with.  “Shiloh,” he muttered to himself, as he remembered her being thrown about before the crash.  ‘I’ve got to find her,’ he thought as his hands fumbled with the seatbelt latch.  Hearing it click and feeling it release it’s hold on him, he checked himself and found that he was basically uninjured, just a few bumps and bruises. 

            John pulled himself up out of the seat, calling for Shiloh and Roy. He looked around at what was left of the plane, which wasn't a whole lot. It looked as if the plane had practically disintegrated on impact. Strewn wreckage littered the area, along with their clothing hanging off of branches and bushes. The whole area smelled of fuel. 'This is bad, this is really bad,' he thought. 

            As he slowly wandered around the site of the wreckage he found Roy, whose arm had been sticking out from underneath a piece of wreckage.  John quickly moved the piece, finding Roy's left arm and right leg at odd angles indicating broken bones for sure. John searched around for something suitable to make a couple of splints with, after he checked for other injuries. Thankfully it looked like besides the broken arm and leg, the only other injury sustained was a concussion. Which John wished Roy would wake up, and talk to him.

            He tore some shirts into bandages, and found some branches that would work as splints. Johnny began splinting the arm and leg when Roy, in a semiconscious state, yelled in pain. "I know it hurts, pally, but it's got to be done," John winced at the pain he was causing.  John grabbed Roy, while being mindful of the broken arm and leg drug him over to a clearing, as far away from the wreckage as possible.

            John went off in search of Shiloh and Miguel; he found Shiloh unconscious and leaning her head onto Miguel’s leg.  “Is that you, Johnny?” Miguel asked as he tried to focus on the paramedic. 


            “It’s me, compadre,” John spoke as he gently moved Shiloh away from her partner.  Seeing the work that she’d done on the paramedic, Johnny knew he had to try to get them all under some shelter before any inclement weather blew in.   Johnny grabbed one of his shirts and wrapped Shiloh in it. He managed to get Miguel’s buckle open and moved the injured man over by Roy, who was still unconscious.  Going back to his wife, he bent down to pick her up.


            The pain that shot through her body brought her back to consciousness.  She sucked in her breath and gasped, “My back.”


            Laying her back down on the ground, he searched around and found a piece of the plane big enough to act as a backboard. Ripping more clothing, he used the cloth pieces to tie her down to the improvised backboard.  Finishing, he drug her over to the same spot he left Roy and Miguel. 


            Johnny looked at his watch; it was about noon. He knew he was in a race against time as he spotted the snowstorm brewing off in the distance.   Something caught his eye, the pine trees.  He knew that if he could get enough of the pine tree branches cut, he could build them a snug little shelter. 


            Finding a piece of the propeller just large enough for him to maneuver, he launched himself into cutting the lower limbs off the near by pine trees.  Dragging them over he began building the shelter, wiping absently at the pine tar on his hands caused him to think about it.  A smile formed on his face, for now he knew how to help Miguel to stop the bleeder in his leg. 


            John finished completing the shelter, his next task was to find water, and anything else that might help them survive until help found them.  He noticed the air was getting colder, and could sense that the storm would hit soon. He began searching through the wreckage, looking for anything that would hold water. He literally tripped over something. Looking down he found a thermos.

            He took the lid off and examined the contents; it was coffee. He poured a cup and took an experimental sip, and grimaced. This was Miguel's brew, which when hot would cause a person's hair to stand on end. He wanted to pour it out, but reasoning told him not to. It might be the one thing that actually keeps them alive.

            John set the thermos down, and began searching for anything else that might keep them alive, when he stumbled across a box that was miraculously still in one piece.  Opening it, he found a few days rations of some food that would help. It looked to him that Miguel was well prepared for the unexpected.

            John went back and got the thermos, putting it into the box. He hefted the box, which was large sized, and headed back to the shelter made of pine boughs and pieces of plane wreckage. Opening the door he slid the box inside, and began checking through it. Not only did he find food rations, he also found a few blankets, a first aid kit, and a lighter.

            He checked on the fire he had started earlier, which was still burning.  He placed a few branches on it to keep it burning. Then he took one of the blankets putting it around Roy, another he placed one over Shiloh, and one other he placed over Miguel, who was in a light doze.  He heard moaning and went over to Roy.

           "It's about time you came around, sleepy head," John joked lightly.

            Roy's eyes opened and he tried to rise, but John pushed him back down on the ground. "You need to stay still, you've got a broken arm, leg and possible concussion."

            "My head really hurts," Roy murmured. "What happened?" he asked confused.

            "The plane crashed, remember?"

            Roy nodded that he remembered.  "How is everyone?" Roy groaned as a dizzy spell hit him.

            "Shiloh's got a back injury, her breathing at times becomes labored and she also suffers from muscle spasms from time to time.  Miguel may have a concussion, a broken arm, and a deep gash in his leg.  All we can do now is wait until we're found."

            Roy started gagging as a wave of nausea hit him; John rolled him carefully so Roy could vomit without aspirating. Once Roy was finished John eased him back down. "That confirms it, pally, you definitely have a concussion. Try to rest. I'll be back in a few minutes."

            Going over to Shiloh’s side, she had begun coughing. "Johnny, oh God. I don't want to die.”


            He took her hand in his, "Shiloh, you’re not going to die... I found some supplies that Miguel had stored away in the plane for just such an occasion." She suddenly groaned as a new pain joined with the back pain. She gasped, and then her body convulsed in a spasm of pain.

            Johnny retrieved a stethoscope he had found in the first aid kid, and began listening to her lungs. He didn't like what he heard.




           They pulled up in front of the Ranger Station at the base of Mt. Whitney. Hank took in the pandemonium going on around him, but he soon found Chet, Mike, and Marco standing in a knot by themselves.

            "People, people let's all settle down," came a voice from rear of the room. All heads turned to see a man somewhere in his forties standing at the back of the room. Everyone began calming down.

            "Alright here's what we know. A small aircraft went down in this area, onboard were four paramedics from the LACoFD. One female, three male.  We don't know the exact location, but as soon as dawn gets here, and if weather will permit, we'll climb on board three helicopters. Now I know right now the snow is coming down pretty heavy, and all traces of the craft may be hidden; but if anyone spots anything suspicious sing out. Now let's get our gear together, and I'll be assigning search teams."

            Everyone began getting his or her gear together. Hank, Chet, Marco and Mike went to the man.

            "I'm Captain Stanley from LACo, we'd like to be included on the team, and two of those paramedics work with us." Hank reached out his hand, and the other man shook it.

            "Jeremy Pendley," he replied, by way of an introduction. "I'll see what I can do, glad to have you aboard."

            Pendley went about looking for extra gear for the new arrivals, and returned with a pack for each of them.

            Pendley looked over at one young man who kept on hitting on Jenna Cabisco, who was the dog handler. His eyes smoldered, "Mumford," he hollered as he approached the man in question. "Daniel how many times have I told you, stop hitting on the women. They're here for one thing and one thing only. That's to help search for the plane, if you can't do your job then go home. I can always find someone else to replace you."

            "Uh... Sorry, Jeremy," Mumford responded.

            Hank couldn't help but chuckle, the young man reminded him of Gage before he settled down.

            The man in question heard Stanley's chuckle, "Do you think it's funny?" he asked with a fire beginning to glow at the back of his eyes. 

            "Well in a way, yes," responded Stanley. "You reminded me of someone I know."

            The man muttered something unintelligible under his breath as he moved over into a corner.


            Jenna approached Jeremy, "Thanks he was really beginning to be a total pain."

            "Well I didn't want to see the kid get hurt anymore than he has been in the past," Jeremy grinned.

            "Don't I know it," Jenna replied. "After Hannah put him in his place last week, he was unbearable to work with."

            Pendley finished his notations on his list. He cleared his throat to get everyone's attention again. "Angela Bolin," he called to one of the chopper pilots. "How's the weather report look for the morning?" he asked with a renewed urgency in his voice.

            "Looks like we'll be flying in the morning," she replied.

            "Good," he went through his list again. "Alright here's the assignment. Nick," he nodded his head, "You'll be flying Chopper one, Mumford you'll be co-pilot." Daniel looked disgusted, 'Why do I always get stuck with babysitting the chopper. Nick can handle it all by himself.' he thought. Then he heard more of what Jeremy was saying, "Team one will consist of Mike Stoker, Jenna Cabisco, Chet Kelly, and myself."

            "Chopper 2 will be flown by Angela Bolin, co-pilot Alex Pierson." Both pilots nodded in response. Team Two will consist of Hannah Michaels, Hank Stanley, and Marco Lopez."

            "Chopper 3, will be flown by Eddie Spears and Asia Appleton. You will be on Stand-by, which is until we've located the victims. Then we'll need you to fly them out, and to the hospital ASAP." Both pilots nodded in understanding.

            Pendley checked his watch. "Okay, everybody get some rest, we'll be taking off from here in 4 hours."




            The Next Morning

            Johnny had kept the fire going all night long, and found himself dosing off now and then. He'd moved Roy and Miguel on both sides of Shiloh in case he didn't hear her call out in the middle of the night. He was leaning up against one wall of the shelter when he heard Roy call out to him.

            "Johnny... Johnny," Roy called.

            Johnny responded tiredly, "Yeah?"

            "Shiloh's breathing has become labored, I can't say for sure but it sounds like she might be developing pneumonia."

            Johnny grabbed the stethoscope and listened to her lungs. He wasn't a doctor, but this didn't sound good at all. That's when he heard the sound of helicopter rotor blades in the distance. He ran out of the shelter into the clearing hoping someone would spot him, standing there waving his arms in the snow. "Over here," he shouted hoping that someone would see him.




             “Chopper One to Chopper Two, how do you read," asked Angela over the radio.

            "Chopper Two to Chopper One, your coming in loud and clear," responded Nick.

            "Chopper two, we've spotted what looks to be a clearing in your search area."

            "Chopper One, 10-4, we'll check it out," responded Nick.

            They flew along with each and person's eyes peeled to find the missing plane, or some sign of life. Alex pointed out the front glass, "Isn't that a person there?"

            Captain Stanley, who was patched into the choppers radio, stepped up to stand in the area between the pilot and co-pilot. "That's Gage, I can recognize that grin even from here."

            "Chopper Two to Chopper Three we've found them."

            "Chopper Three to Chopper Two affirmative, estimate our ETA to your location, 30 minutes."

            "Affirmative Chopper Three," responded Alex as Nick began to set the chopper down in the clearing.

            Hannah, Hank, and Marco climbed out of the Chopper and headed over to Johnny as the blades from Chopper two slowed.  Hank and Marco had never been so happy to see their friend in all their life. They almost bowled him over in their hurry to get to him.

            "You’re a sight for sore eyes," Hank yelled as he slapped Johnny on the back.

            Marco was thumping him on the back also, "Okay, guys, could you please stop before ya cave in my ribs?"

            Both men looked sheepish, and then he noticed Hannah Michaels standing off behind the other two. Hannah had flaming red hair, and green eyes, but her body language said that she wouldn't take any shit from anyone.

            "Sir, can you take me to the other victims?” asked Hannah.  “I'm the medic."

            "Right this way," he led her back to the shelter," Hannah took in the makeshift splints, make-shift back, and the bandages for Miguel’s injuries.  "Good thinking," she commented as he appraisal of the man went up a notch.

            Johnny helped her resplint Roy's arm and leg, and Hannah almost gave him a shot or Morphine when Johnny stopped her. "He's got a head injury."

            "And what makes you such an expert?" she asked hotly.

            "I'm a paramedic from Los Angeles County and I see concussion's all the time," answered Johnny. "Look he's headachy, he’s been complaining of dizziness and nausea.  Doesn't that sound like a concussion to you?"

            "Yes it does, but it could also be signs of dehydration."

            "Ma'am," Roy caught her attention, "I haven't been able to hold down that stuff that Miguel passed off for coffee, that Johnny tried to force down my throat all night long."

            “You just don’t appreciate good coffee,” quipped Miguel.

            "Well, I couldn't let you get dehydrated, pally," Johnny grinned at the looks both paramedics gave each other.    At the sound of her husband's voice Shiloh called out, "Johnny..."

            "I'm right her darlin'," he reached out and took her hand. He noticed she felt hot to the touch. "Damn," he muttered to himself. Hannah caught his comment and went over to check out the other victim. She could see how much they cared for each other. 


            “Breathing’s labored,” she commented as she listened to Shiloh’s lungs with her stethoscope.  She frowned again as she noticed that her lungs also sounded wet, like the other woman might be in beginning stages pneumonia.

            Doing as much as the medic could do for the three injured people it was decided that they would do a wrap and run with the patients.  Hopefully, they could reach Reno’s medical center faster than they could get back to Rampart in L.A.




            Before Chopper Three could get off the ground they were stopped, and two LACo Paramedics and Dr. Brackett climbed on board. They finally took off heading for the site that Chopper Two had landed at.

            They patched themselves into the radio, as the co-pilot began informing the new arrivals about what they knew. "Dr. Brackett, they've been found.”

            "Then they're alive," relief flooded over him.

            "Yes, they're alive."

            Miranda Kinnamonth and Mike Robards sighed a sigh of relief, as the chopper began landing next to Chopper Two. Brackett, Miranda and Mike all jumped out as Chopper One began landing. Stokes were pulled from Chopper Three as the rescuers ran to the shelter.

            Doctor Brackett stepped inside and conferenced with the medic on the scene.  He agreed whole-heartedly with her diagnosis.  “We’d best head to Reno.  Their medical center is just as good as Rampart.”


            They transferred Shiloh onto a proper backboard, as Roy and Miguel were both placed into the awaiting Stokes. They quickly bundled up all the victims.

            Hank insisted on riding Chopper Three with Brackett, Miranda, Johnny, and Shiloh.  Both Roy and Miguel were both deemed stable and Rode in Chopper Two with Mike Robards and the rest of the crew from 51’s. 


            Miranda, who had been keeping a check on Shiloh’s vitals shouted, “Full arrest,” as Brackett and Valerie began working on the paramedic. Hank grabbed Johnny, holding him as they watched Miranda work valiantly trying to save not only John’s wife, but a good paramedic also.


            'This has got to be a bad dream, it has to be a bad dream,' thought Hank as he watched all the activity, holding a nearly exhausted Gage.  The chopper landed at Reno’s medical center.  The doctor and paramedic were met by a gruff sounding, but young doctor named Jeff Fontana.  He led them to a treatment room. 

            Hank and a dejected looking John Gage walked into the ER. They noticed Miranda standing in the hallway. Hank and John walked up to them. The woman looked, eyes downcast, "We did all we could," she muttered as Hank pulled her to him.

            "I know you did," he responded back to her.


            There was a flurry of activity behind them as the other two victims were brought into the hospital.  Hank, John and Miranda were all directed to a lounge where they could sit and wait for word on their friends.


            Dr. Brackett walked off the elevator and entered the lounge.  Taking in the scene he motioned for everyone standing to take a seat.


            "First off, Roy, Miguel and Shiloh are all in recovery," there was a collective sigh of relief. "Shiloh sustained a back injury, she's also developed pneumonia, and some internal injuries. We've got her on an aggressive therapy of antibiotics, but we'll have to keep her sedated for a while so her body has time to heal. Now what I'm worried about mostly are secondary infections.  The fact that they can cost someone their life if not treated properly is sometimes scary.”

            John's head came up sharply when he was told that Shiloh was in recovery. He'd thought when he heard Miranda talking to Captain Stanley that his wife was dead, but the fact was she was still alive. His heart gave a leap. "Doc, what about her back injury?"

            "Johnny, thankfully it's not debilitating and with physical therapy, she should be good as new again." Johnny smiled for the first time.

            "Roy and Miguel will both be laid up for atleast 6 weeks, but they should be as good as new in no time," commented Doctor Brackett.

            That's great news, Doc, really it is," John smiled for the first time.  Everything was looking up and it seemed to him that everything would be fine. 


The End…. Or Is It?