
By Wanda Hargrove

Johnny panted as he tried to catch his breath.  Marlowe!  I'm gonna get you!  What does he think he is, a cop?  No he's a paramedic who's got to get his act together or he's history.  At that moment Johnny heard a low growl behind him.  Turning slowly he eyed a dog who looked like it might be a Saint Bernard puppy.  He was large enough to be a puppy but the tip off was how he eyed the paramedic warily.
This ain't a puppy.  He's a full grown dog and he's gonna make mincemeat out of me if I don't find a way to get outta here.  Slowly, the paramedic edged toward the gate that was his ticket to freedom.  But the dog seemed to figure that out.  He put himself between the gate and the interloper in his yard.
Johnny gripped the purse tighter as he glanced around for another way out.  He couldn't see a way out other than the gate.  He inched over a step towards the gate as his sweat dripped into his eyes.  They stung like the dickens and he blinked furiously trying to stop the stinging.
The dog growled and took another step forward.  Johnny thought this would be it when high over head he heard the sounds of chittering and squawking.  Glancing up he noticed a couple of Bluejays were in the middle of a fight with a squirrel.  He must have gotten a little too close to their nest.
The dog's attention changed from the man to the birds and the squirrel as the birds were squawking and pecking at the animal.  The dog began to bark furiously at the scene from above.  Johnny eased toward the gate as quietly as he could and managed to squeeze out before the dog realized he was gone.
Nobody's gonna believe this one in a million years.  This is one where I'm just gonna have to keep my mouth shut.

The End

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