Puttin' On the Dog

by Purry


Johnny pursued the purse snatcher into a backyard. As the thief made his way over the fence, Johnny grabbed hold of the stolen purse and retain possession. The criminal got away.

Exhausted, out of breathe and sweating profusely, Johnny turned, his back was up against the cinderblock fence, when he heard it. It being, the growl and barking of a very angry dog.

Petrified, Johnny didn’t dare make any sudden moves. Angering the dog further was the last thing he wanted to do. So he resigned himself to make like a tree.

"Man, what am I gonna do? He’s not on a chain, yet, he hasn’t attacked. What’s he waiting for?!?" Johnny asked himself.

****** ~~~~~******~~~~~****** 

Across the yard, a beige dog was relaxing on the patio sunning, seemingly enjoying a beautiful smog free California day. His peacefulness was interrupted by the sound of the backyard gate as it crashed open.

Two humans ran in to the yard. The first one jumped and started over the fence, just as the second tall skinny one caught up with him. They struggled for some unknown object until the skinny one won the game of tug of war.

Banished to the backyard as punishment for a few past indecencies, the welcome site of the intruder was just the thing to bring Squeakers out of his depression.

While the human had his back turned, Squeakers decided that this was his opportunity to satisfy his need. He quietly approached the trespasser and waited until he had his full attention before acting out his forbidden fantasy.

He snarled and showed plenty of sharp white teeth, then began to bark a mighty bark, that would let the human know he meant business. Even though he’d never hurt the man, the human didn’t know that.

"I’ve got him right where I want him. I haven’t felt this good in almost a week. Since the day I was sentenced to this prison that’s called a backyard." Squeakers thought to himself.

"I can play this game all day. It feels so good to strike terror in the ‘alpha.’. I’ll show them, they can’t keep me from having fun. I’m a dog for goodness sake, I’m suppose to…"

Squeakers thoughts were cut off by the sound of footsteps walking up the sidewalk out in front of the house. He noticed the back gate had been left open.

Opting to do what he enjoyed most, Squeakers ran out the open gate, barking loudly as he went. The skinny human no longer the tormentee that he wanted. No, the one that he needed to torment was out front. He would *not* miss out on this opportunity. Days like these were too few and far between.

****** ~~~~~******~~~~~****** 

Johnny didn’t know what happened. One minute he was sure the viscous dog was going to eat him alive, the next, he was free to make his escape, which he decided was a good idea.

After he made his way out of the yard, Johnny saw where the dog had gone. Out in front of the house, pinned up against his truck, was the mailman. The dog was doing a fine job at keeping the U.S. Postal worker at detained.

"Man, I’ve been dumped, again. This time by a dog, and for the likes of a mailman." Johnny mumbled.

On his way back to the squad, Johnny decided to keep this little episode to himself. No need to let anyone know, that a shih-tzu had held him hostage.


The End

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