10 Words. . .

Use the 10 words below to write a story

The Stories:

Word Power by Marty P.

Wise Guys by Audrey W.

Faking Out The Phantom by Vanessa Sgroi

30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary by Whisper

The Words:

1. Defenestrate: "throw somebody or something out of window: to throw something or somebody out of a window (formal or humorous)"

2. Garbology: "study of waste materials: the study of a cultural group by an examination of what it discards"

3. Digerati: "computer experts: people who have or claim to have a sophisticated expertise in the area of computers, the Internet, and the World Wide Web"

4. Antipodes:
1. "places at opposite sides of world: places at opposite sides of the world from each other, or the areas at the side of the world opposite from a given place"
2. "opposites: two points, places, or things that are diametrically opposite each other"

5. Hallux: "first digit on the foot: the big toe on the human foot, or the first digit on the hind foot of some mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians (technical)"

6. Otiose:
1. "not effective: with no useful result or practical purpose"
2. "worthless: with little or no value"
3. "lazy: unwilling or uninterested in working or being active (archaic)"

7. Cullet: "glass to be recycled: broken or waste glass returned for recycling"

8. Pellucid:
1. "clear in meaning: easy to understand or clear in meaning (formal)"
2. "transparent: allowing all or most light to pass through (literary)"

9. Borborygmus: "stomach rumble: the rumbling sounds made by the movement of gases in the stomach and intestine (technical)"

10. Embrangle: "perplex somebody: to confuse, perplex, or entangle somebody or something (archaic)"



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