Just For Fun!
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road? What’s In A Name
It’s Time To
Decorate The Tree
Letters To Santa
New Year’s ResolutionsCharacter DescriptionsA Horse Is A HorseEaster For The Emergency! GangChildhood Books
Challenge Stories: scenes with dialogue only Things That Remind Us Of Emergency! Just Another B & E: The Illustrated Version Favorite Mike, Marco and Chet Scenes
Happiness Is . . . Nuisance/ Virus Alley Cat/ Women What Are They Saying/Thinking? Peace Pipe/ Mascot Musical Mania/ I'll Fix It Fuzz Lady/ Rules of Order What Are They Saying/Thinking 2? Dinner Date/ Boot Weird Wednesday/ Heavy Weight Surprise/ Kids The Parade/ Gossip Dilemma Show Biz Inventions/ Fair Fight Transition